Hori ondo dago, azken aldian begiak kliskatu eta galdu egin bainuen. | That's good, 'cause I blinked and missed him last time. |
Joan egin zen. | He went away. |
Denok joan egin ziren. | Everybody did. |
- Bide luzea egin duzu. | - You've come a long way. |
Ezin du beste inork egin? | Can't somebody else do it? |
Utzi gizon garrantzitsu hauei hitz egiten, ados? | Let these important guys have their talk, eh? |
Berak han egiten du lan, bere familia. | Her work's there, her family. |
Horretatik ihesa egiten duzu oraindik. | You still walk away from it. |
Nire lana nola egiten dudan ez bazaizu gustatzen, eraman ezazu! | You don't like the job I'm doing, take her! Go on! |
Zer uste duzu egiten ari zarela? | What do you think you're doing? |
- Zure ohea ondo egingo zenuen, ezta? | - Bet she's got her best gears all laid out on the bed. |
Etxearen izena galdetzen badidazu, esan egingo dizut. | If you ask me the name of this house, I will tell you. |
Beno, gure jendea iluntasunetik urrun eramango duen norbait... eta egin beharreko guztia ondo egingo duena berriro. | [ Breathes Deeply] Well, somebody who's gonna lead our people outta the darkness... and who'll make everything alright again. |
Nirekin bazatoz zoriontsua egingo nauzu. Badakizu. | You know you'd make me really happy if you'd come and stay with me. |
Ez du egingo, ez delako etorriko. | No, he won't, 'cause he's not coming. |
Atzera egite taktiko oso azkarra, maiorra. | A very clever tactical retreat, major. |
Goaz buruazbeste egite kolektibo baterantz Amerikan. | We're going through a kind of a group suicide in America. |
Honen gora egite batek 2 eta 4 ehuneko artean arruntetik gora aldi batez, heriotza dakar. | An increase in body temperature of 6 to 8 degrees above normal for any extended period means death. |
Zuk hemen borondatezko zin egite bat izenpetzen duzu "ez eskuhartza inola ere" "legezkanpoko edo nahasleak diren politika jardueratan," | Your signing of a voluntary pledge of loyalty that you will not again participate in any form or manner of extra-legal or subversive political activity, and that you will not again hinder State or Federal authorities in matters relating to safeguarding of the national security. |
Topa egite bat zuengaitik. | A toast to all of you. |