Kanpora eramateko esan dizut. | - I told you to take her away. - [ Wailing Continues ] |
Hitz bat esan eta dibortzioa lortuko duzu. | You say the word, and I'll get a divorce, bub. |
Soilik esan hitz hori. | Just say the word. |
- Zer esan dio? | - What'd he say to her? |
Etxearen izena galdetzen badidazu, esan egingo dizut. | If you ask me the name of this house, I will tell you. |
- Ez da hori esaten ari naizena. | - That's not what I'm saying. |
Bai, esaten ari nintzenez... sentitzen dut. | Yeah, like I was saying, uh-- Oh, sorry. |
Heldu nintzenetik saiatu naiz esaten. | I've been trying to tell you since I got here. |
Horregatik zaude hemen eserita... zure aitak ume moko pilo bati buruzagia nola izan esaten dien bitartean. | I was good. That's why you're sitting here... while your father tells a bunch of snotty-nosed kids how to be chief. |
Mihia luzatzen duzunean... etsaiei esaten ari zatzaizkie... "Jan egingo zaitut" "Zure begiak biribilduko dira. | When you extend your tongue... you're saying to your enemies... “I'm gonna eat you.” “Your eyes will roll back.” “Your head will be stuck on the end of my stick.” |
Zer esango diezu? | What have you got to say to them? |
Agian esango bazenioke nik Amsterdameko bigarren banketxea zuzentzen nuela. | Perhaps if you told him I ran the second-largest bank in Amsterdam. |
Zu ikusiz, batek esango luke bizitza guztian zehar egin duzula. | Watching you now, one would think you've been doing this all your life. |
Bi gauza esango dizut. | Let me point out just two items. |
Iristen zaretenean esango dizut. | When you get there, ask me. |