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Cobrir (to cover) conjugation

46 examples

Conjugation of cobrir

Present tense
I cover
you cover
he/she covers
we cover
you all cover
they cover
Present perfect tense
he cobert
I have covered
has cobert
you have covered
ha cobert
he/she has covered
hem cobert
we have covered
heu cobert
you all have covered
han cobert
they have covered
Future tense
I will cover
you will cover
he/she will cover
we will cover
you all will cover
they will cover
Conditional mood
I would cover
you would cover
he/she would cover
we would cover
you all would cover
they would cover
Past perfect tense
havia cobert
I had covered
havies cobert
you had covered
havia cobert
he/she had covered
havíem cobert
we had covered
havíeu cobert
you all had covered
havien cobert
they had covered
Past impf. tense
I was covering
you were covering
he/she was covering
we were covering
you all were covering
they were covering
Imperative mood
let him/her cover!
let's cover!
let them cover!
Imperative negative mood
no cobreixis
don't cover!
no cobreixi
don't let him/her cover!
no cobrim
let's not cover!
no cobriu
don't cover!
no cobreixin
don't let them cover!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria cobert
I would have covered
hauries cobert
you would have covered
hauria cobert
he/she would have covered
hauríem cobert
we would have covered
hauríeu cobert
you all would have covered
haurien cobert
they would have covered
Future perfect tense
hauré cobert
I will have covered
hauràs cobert
you will have covered
haurà cobert
he/she will have covered
haurem cobert
we will have covered
haureu cobert
you all will have covered
hauren cobert
they will have covered
Preterite past tense
I covered
you covered
he/she covered
we covered
you all covered
they covered
Past anterior tense
haguí cobert
I had covered
hagueres cobert
you had covered
hagué cobert
he/she had covered
haguérem cobert
we had covered
haguéreu cobert
you all had covered
haguéren cobert
they had covered
Subjunctive of present tense
(so that I) cover
(so that you) cover
(so that he/she) covers
(so that we) cover
(so that you all) cover
(so that they) cover
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
(so that I) was covering
(so that you) were covering
(so that he/she) was covering
(so that we) were covering
(so that you all) were covering
(so that they) were covering
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi cobert
(so that I) have covered
hagis cobert
(so that you) have covered
hagi cobert
(so that he/she) has covered
hàgim cobert
(so that we) have covered
hàgiu cobert
(so that you all) have covered
hagin cobert
(so that they) have covered
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués cobert
(so that I) had covered
haguessis cobert
(so that you) had covered
hagués cobert
(so that he/she) had covered
haguéssim cobert
(so that we) had covered
haguéssiu cobert
(so that you all) had covered
haguessin cobert
(so that they) had covered
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi cobrir
(so that I) covered
vagis cobrir
(so that you) covered
vagi cobrir
(so that he/she) covered
vàgim cobrir
(so that we) covered
vàgiu cobrir
(so that you all) covered
vagin cobrir
(so that they) covered
Periphastic past tense
vaig cobrir
I covered
vas cobrir
you covered
va cobrir
he/she covered
vam cobrir
we covered
vau cobrir
you all covered
van cobrir
they covered
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver cobert
I had covered
vas haver cobert
you had covered
va haver cobert
he/she had covered
vam haver cobert
we had covered
vau haver cobert
you all had covered
van haver cobert
they had covered

Examples of cobrir

Example in CatalanTranslation in English
Els participants a les protestes han criticat els mitjans de comunicació dominants per no cobrir com és degut aquest moviment tan ampli.Protest participants have criticized mainstream media for failing to cover the widespread protests.
Ara mateix, altres equips de Global Voices estan fent això que us hem explicat: saltant fronteres, zones horàries i barreres lingüístiques per donar difusió a històries importants que estan vivint ciutadans d'arreu del món i que sovint els principals mitjans de comunicació no tenen temps o interès a cobrir-les.Right now, other Global Voices teams are doing exactly the same, across borders and time zones and languages, to amplify important citizen-driven stories the mainstream media doesn't have the time or interest to cover.
A Myanmar, vam cobrir la repressió violenta de les protestes de monjos contra un projecte miner impulsat per la Xina:In Myanmar we covered a violent crackdown on Monks protesting a China-backed mine:
Vam cobrir les reaccions globals a la reelecció d'Obama , incloses les del món àrab a l'article Drons americans ataquen el Iemen un dia després de la victòria d'Obama.We covered global views on Obama's Re-election including reactions from the Arab world as US drones hit Yemen a day after Obama won the 2012 US election.
Mentre l'èxit Gangnam Style de Psy aconseguia la fita dels mil milions de visites a Youtube, trencant tots els rècords virals, vam cobrir les reaccions desde Corea del Sud a l'inesperal èxit del pop coreà.While Psy's Gangnam Style hit the 1 billion view mark on YouTube, breaking all viral records, we covered reactions from South Korea about the unexpected global success of Korean-Pop.
Vés per l'altra banda i jo et cobreixo.Go around and I'll cover you.
Aneu, us cobreixo.[ Magnum ] Get goin'. I'll cover.
Aneu al bot, jo us cobreixo!Get back to the boat! I'll cover! Go!
Jo et cobreixo.I got you covered. Oh...
Jo et cobreixo, però no puc fer-ho tot sol.I'll cover you, but I can't do it alone.
El contingut de la Carta és més ampli que el de la Convenció Europea dels Drets Humans i de les llibertats fonamentals(CEDH), signada a Roma el 4 denovembre de 1950 i ratificada per tots els Estats membres de la Unió, així comper altres països. En efecte, mentre que la CEDH es limita als drets civils ipolítics, la Carta dels Drets Fonamentals cobreix altres àmbits, com el dret a teniruna bona administració, els drets socials dels treballadors, la protecció de lesdades personals o la bioètica.The content of the Charter is broader than that of the European Convention forthe Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECHR)signedin Rome on 4 November 1950 and ratified by all the Member States of the Union.Indeed, whereas the ECHR is limited to civil and political rights, the Charter of Fundamental Rights covers other areas such as the right to goodadministration, the social rights of workers, the protection of personal data andbioethics.
Escriu tant en anglès com en blanga, la seva llengua materna, i cobreix els blocs en bangla a Global Voices.She writes both in English and Bangla, (the latter being her mother-tongue), and covers the Bangla blog world on Global Voices.
Tot i que oficials del PKK han negat els vincles amb el règim d'Assad, el seu principal portaveu es va mostrar reservat quan li van preguntar d'on venien les seves armes, segons un investigador amb seu a Washington que cobreix el grup de prop i que es va trobar amb el seu líder fa poc.Although PKK officials deny ties to the Assad regime, its top spokesman was cagey when asked where their weapons come from, according to a Washington-based researcher who covers the group closely and met with its leadership recently.
El poder cultiva I'oblit, però sota la capa d'amnèsia que cobreix el país, el record emergeix, la memòria vibra a flor de pell.Power cultivates oblivion, but underneath the blanket of amnesia that covers the country, memory emerges, memory vibrates anew.
En realitat, el nostre acord de relació cobreix una varietat d'escenaris, incloent canvis de carrera, inestabilitat financera, l'alçament dels gossos intel·ligents...Actually, our relationship agreement covers a wide array of scenarios, including career changes, financial instability, intelligent dog uprising.
El meu dia és espectadors preguntant per què no ho cobrim.My timeline consists of viewers asking why we're not covering it.
Tenim l'agenda farcida, però cal que cobrim el funeral de l'Ole Dahl, que és avui.We've got a hectic schedule, but we need to cover the Ole Dahl funeral - which is today.
El baiard fou endegat, i el cos mort posat al seu damunt, cobert amb una flassada, i fermat amb la corda.The barrow was got ready and the corpse placed on it, covered with a blanket, and bound to its place with the rope.
En el període cobert per aquest programa i pels cinc programes precedents, i amb més de trenta anys de fixació de normativa en la matèria, la UE ha posat en marxa un ampli sistema de protecció del medi ambient.Throughout the period covered by this programme and the five programmes preceding it, and in more than 30 years of setting standards, the EU has put in place a comprehensive system of environmental protection.
Va estar cobert per una capa de gel durant milers d'anys.It was covered by an ice cap for thousands of years.
Aparentment Baronova li va preguntar a Prosvirnin, que dirigeix la popular publicació nacionalista en línia Sputnik & Pogrom , per què no havia cobert el judici.Baronova apparently asked Prosvirnin, who runs the popular nationalist internet publication Sputnik & Pogrom , why he hasn't covered her trial.
El dia que finalment li van treure el guix.... va resultar que tenia el braç cobert de pèl.On the day the cast finally came off, Tanya's arm was covered in hair.
Vosaltres dos, cobriu l'ascensor.You two cover the elevator.
Equip cinc, necessito que cobriu l'entrada nord, canvi.Team five, I need you covering the north entrance, over.
Companyia Easy, cobriu-vos!Easy Company, take cover!
Busca una trinxera! Vinga, cobriu-vos!Come on, find some cover!
Vinga, cobriu-vos!Come on, find some cover!
Per contra, les qüestions relatives als refugiats i desplaçats interns, generalment les cobreixen les mateixes organitzacions de desenvolupament i humanitàries internacionals, amb la intenció principal de captar l'atenció de donants.Instead, refugees and IDP issues are generally covered by international development and humanitarian organizations themselves, usually in the interest of raising awareness among donors.
A Josep Maria no cal preguntar-li que en pensa: els cartells que li cobreixen el cos són molt eloqüents.There's no need to ask Josep Maria what he's thinking: the banners that cover his body are very eloquent.
Com cobreixen la crisi els mitjans alemanysHow Germany's media is covering the crisis
Aquests accidents els cobreixen, oi que sí?Now, you do cover that sort of thing, don't you?
Només es cobreixen les espatlles.They're just covering their asses.
Netejarem tot aquest lloc, i llavors el cobriràs durant la legislatura.We will wipe this place down, and then you will cover for him in legislature.
Després d'aquesta reacció, la CNN, que cobria els esdeveniments en directe, va començar el que molts internautes han anomenat "una campanya insípida de suport al president destituït dels Germans Musulmans i a la seva legitimitat que descriu les concentracions de suport a Mursi de "pacífiques" i anomena les demandes populars "un cop d'estat" i denuncia l'acció militar contra els manifestants "pacífics" que donen suport als Germans Musulmans:Following this reaction, CNN, which was covering the developments live, started what many netizens call "a vapid campaign to support the ousted Muslim Brotherhood President and his legitimacy by describing the pro-Morsi rallies as "peaceful", calling the popular demand a "coup" and denouncing the military action against the "peaceful" MB protestors:
En un instant els dos nois caigueren i giravoltaren pel fang, aferrussats com a gats; i per espai d'un minut s'estiraren i esquinçaren el pel i els vestits, es donaren cops de puny i esgarrapades al nas, i es cobriren de pols i de gloria.In an instant both boys were rolling and tumbling in the dirt, gripped together like cats; and for the space of a minute they tugged and tore at each other's hair and clothes, punched and scratched each other's nose, and covered themselves with dust and glory.
Espera, m'estàs demanant que et cobreixi en això?Whoa, you're asking me to cover this?
Sergent, cobreixi's. Cobreixin-se!- Sir, I think we should take cover.
Que algú porti quelcom a la noia perquè es cobreixi.Someone get the girl something to cover herself with.
Escolteu, reunim la resta del contenidors abans que la neu cobreixi.Listen.we collect the rest of containers before the snow covers,
Necessitem que ens cobreixis.I need some covering fire.
Unitat B, cobreixin la sortida del Carrer 61.B-unit, cover the 61st Street exit.
Periodistes ugandesos cobrint una missió de pau a Somàlia.Ugandan journalists covering peace keeping mission in Somalia.
Aquestes agències recullen notícies sobre l'Iran en persa per a audiències tant a dins com fora del país, mentre que si un escriu en anglès, està cobrint l'Iran principalment per audiències occidentals.These agencies report news about Iran in Persian for both audiences inside and outside of Iran, whereas when you write in English, you are covering Iran for mainly Western audiences.
S'ha estat cobrint de glòria.He's been covering himself in glory.
Un espia cremant les seves coses, cobrint les seves petjades.A spy burning his things, covering his tracks.
Escolta, per a què consti, ja que ens estem cobrint el cul, jo no la volia aquí per començar.Hey, for the record, as long as we're covering our asses, I didn't want her here in the first place.

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