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Cobrir (to cover) conjugation

108 examples

Conjugation of cobrir

Present tense
I cover
you cover
he/she covers
we cover
you all cover
they cover
Present perfect tense
tenho coberto
I have covered
tens coberto
you have covered
tem coberto
he/she has covered
temos coberto
we have covered
tendes coberto
you all have covered
têm coberto
they have covered
Past preterite tense
I covered
you covered
he/she covered
we covered
you all covered
they covered
Future tense
I will cover
you will cover
he/she will cover
we will cover
you all will cover
they will cover
Conditional mood
I would cover
you would cover
he/she would cover
we would cover
you all would cover
they would cover
Past imperfect tense
I used to cover
you used to cover
he/she used to cover
we used to cover
you all used to cover
they used to cover
Past perfect tense
tinha coberto
I had covered
tinhas coberto
you had covered
tinha coberto
he/she had covered
tínhamos coberto
we had covered
tínheis coberto
you all had covered
tinham coberto
they had covered
Future perfect tense
terei coberto
I will have covered
terás coberto
you will have covered
terá coberto
he/she will have covered
teremos coberto
we will have covered
tereis coberto
you all will have covered
terão coberto
they will have covered
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha coberto
I have covered
tenhas coberto
you have covered
tenha coberto
he/she has covered
tenhamos coberto
we have covered
tenhais coberto
you all have covered
tenham coberto
they have covered
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have covered
(if/so that) you will have covered
(if/so that) he/she will have covered
(if/so that) we will have covered
(if/so that) you all will have covered
(if/so that) they will have covered
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver coberto
I will have covered
tiveres coberto
you will have covered
tiver coberto
he/she will have covered
tivermos coberto
we will have covered
tiverdes coberto
you all will have covered
tiverem coberto
they will have covered
Imperative mood
let's cover!
Imperative negative mood
não cubras
do not cover!
não cubra
let him/her/it not cover!
não cubramos
let us not cover!
não cubrais
do not cover!
não cubram
do not cover!

Examples of cobrir

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
"6-2 assuma posição para cobrir atiradores".Going to cover pattern. Super 62, take up an overhead pattern to provide sniper cover. Over.
"Desejava cobrir-te com os meus seios húmidos de um suor perfumado. "I'd like to cover you with sticky breasts and perfumed spit.
"Deve facilmente ser suficiente para eles cobrir os cerca de 100 quilômetros"should easily be enough for them to cover the 100 or so miles
"O varão, pois, não deve cobrir a cabeça, "porque é a imagem e glória de Deus;For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God;
"Qualquer propriedade municipal que não consiga gerar o suficiente para cobrir o seu orçamento operacional pode ser reavaliada para outros fins.""Any municipal property that can't generate enough money to cover its operating budget can be rezoned for other uses."
- Andersen, cubro-te! - Andersen! Corre!"Andersen, I'm covering you!" "Andersen!
- Deves regressar, eu cubro-te.- You should return, I cover you.
- Então, cubro-o o mais depressa possível.So as quick as I can, I, I cover it.
- Está bem, eu cubro-te.-Okay, I cover you.
- Eu cubro a saída.I'll cover the exit.
"Ou aumentas o MSRP ou cobres o excesso de ferramentas."Either pump the MSRP or cover our tooling overages."
- Avinash, tu cobres-me a mim.- Avinash, you cover me.
- De certeza que cobres as apostas?- Sure you can cover these bets?
- Kerry, cobres-me? - Vai.- Kerry, cover for me.
Agora cobres-me?Oh, now you're covering for me?
"A noite escura me cobre com seu manto,Night covers me in her cloak
"Da noite que me cobre,"Out of the night that covers me,"
"Ele cobre-me como um cobertor, "protegendo-me da noite fria."He covers me like a blanket... from the cold, dark night.
"O suor do teu corpo cobre-me"The sweat ofyour body covers me
- A neve cobre as coisas.Snow covers things...
"Nós viajamos para nós mesmos, quando vamos a qualquer lugar... "nós cobrimos um trecho da nossa vida,'We travel to ourselves when we go to a place' 'though we have covered a stretch of our life,'
- Acho que cobrimos tudo.I think we covered everything.
- Fica no meio, nós cobrimos-te. Não, deixem.Stay in the middle and we'll cover you.
- Nós cobrimos-te.- We'll cover you.
- Pela cidade inteira? - Mal cobrimos este quarteirão.- We can barely cover the neighborhood.
"A Igreja Baptista da Boa Vontade vai ter uma angariação de fundos, um evento coberto, que vai ter lugar na quinta-feira à noite, ... vão ter uma banda ao vivo.The Freewill Baptist Church is having a fundraiser, a covered-dish event, that's coming up here on Thursday evening, so they're having a band concert.
"Ele estava coberto de sangue."" He was covered in blood. "
"Lembras-te como estava picante?" e o resto estava coberto pelos selos."Do you remember how hot it was?" And the rest was covered up by a stamp.
"O Wesen que encontramos não estava coberto de pelos.The Wesen we dealt wasn't covered in fur.
"O corpo está coberto de suor.""Her body is covered in sweat."
"Contudo, não fui silenciado pelas trevas, "pelas densas trevas que cobrem o meu rosto.""Yet I am not silenced by the darkness, by the thick darkness that covers my face."
"Elas cobrem sua cabeça com lenços de seda""They cover their shorn heads with silk hoods
"Pelo brilho das estrelas que lhe cobrem o peito."By the glint of stars that cover his breast.
- As minhas ordens não cobrem as fatalidades da Belerephon.- You see, my orders... don't quite seem to cover the Belerephon fatalities.
- Os atiradores cobrem o sector Alfa.- Snipers are covering Alpha sector.
- Desossei, temperei e cobri-a de molho "Thorpe-andaise", meu amigo.Poached it, seasoned it, and covered it in Thorpe-andaise sauce, my friend.
- Devil Leader, estamos a cobri-lo.- Devil Leader, we got you covered.
- Eu cobri-o. - Por quê?I covered for him.
- Já te cobri, o ângulo está bom.- Got you covered. Angle's looking good.
- Não te preocupes, eu cobri-te.- Don't worry, I covered for you.
- Bem, tu cobriste as perdas.- You covered the spread.
- Depois, levaste o corpo para o bosque e cobriste-o com presunto, para atrair os animais selvagens.Then you dumped the body in the woods and you covered it with ham, so it would attract the wild animals.
A Gwen cometeu um erro fatal ao virar-se e, quando ela o fez, cobriste-lhe a boca com um lenço embebido em éter.Gwen made a fatal mistake trying to get back on you and when she did, you covered her mouth with any of your soaked cloth.
Diz-lho. Hoje, cobriste-te de glória aos olhos dela!Tonight you're with glory covered.
E depois cobriste-as com um lençol?And then you covered them with a sheet?
"E como uma peste de furúnculos a raça do Homem cobriu a Terra.""And like a plague of boils, the race of Man covered the Earth."
- A ISEA cobriu todos os seus rastos, fez parecer que nem sequer estive grávida, como se tivesse alucinado a coisa toda.The ISEA covered their tracks, made it seem like I wasn't even pregnant, like I... hallucinated the whole thing.
- Cowley cobriu isso.Cowley covered it up.
- Não, o hospital cobriu-me.- No, the hospital covered me.
- O Hagen cobriu os rastros.Hagen covered his tracks.
"E aconteceu que pela manhã o vento oriental trouxe os gafanhotos, e os gafanhotos cobriram a face de toda a terra, de modo que a terra se escureceu, e comeram toda a erva da terra e todo o fruto das árvores...""And when it was morning, the east wind brought the locusts." "And the locusts covered the face of the whole earth, so that the land was darkened, and they did eat every herb of the land... - Why, Mulder?
"Eles abriram o chão e cobriram os teus sinaisThey opened the ground, and covered your signs
'Depois, eles os cobriram com roupas, jogaram gasolina, e atearam fogo neles.'Later, they covered them with clothes and poured petrol, and set them on fire.
- Nunca os vi. Eles cobriram os rostos.They-they covered their faces.
- Sim. Bem, o Drama tratou de tudo, mas foram os meus 15000 dólares que cobriram as despesas.Well, Drama put us up, but it was my 15 Gs that covered all the expenses.
"A sua bolsa universitária cobrirá as suas necessidades financeiras.""Your university grant package will cover your full financial need. "
"Ele te cobrirá com as suas penas e debaixo das suas asas estarás seguro.He will cover you with his feathers and sheltering you under his wings.
A Massive Dynamic cobrirá qualquer resgate.Massive dynamic will cover any ransom.
A Medicaid cobrirá isso, mas não enquanto estiveres no assunto.Medicaid will cover it, but not as long As you're in the picture.
A areia cobrirá você.Sand will cover you.
Nós cobriremos.We will cover.
"Então cinzas de um Céu em chamas... cobrirão a terra"."Then ash from a burning Heaven... will cover the Earth".
$2,000 me cobrirão.$2,000 will cover me.
Acha que se voltar o bastante, os eventos de extinção cobrirão as consequências imprevistas.So you think that if you go back far enough, the extinction events will cover all your unintended consequences.
As Trevas cobrirão a Terra durante 10 mil anos.Darkness will cover the earth for 10,000 years.
Este é para as lesões roxas que te cobrirão a cara e o pescoço, mas o teu cabelo, unhas e dentes cairão e os teus olhos ficarão da cor da mostarda.This one is for the purple lesions that will cover your face and neck, but your hair, fingernails and teeth will fall out and it will turn your eyes the color of mustard.
Daí em diante, os Japoneses já não teriam de depender da benevolência do senhor feudal ou do capricho dos deuses. O estado social cobriria toda a gente contra a instabilidade e vicissitudes do mundo moderno.The Japanese would no longer have to rely on the benevolence of a feudal lord or the luck of the gods - the welfare state would cover them against all the vagaries and vicissitudes of the modern world.
Extrapolando a partir dos dados de Chernobyl se a tecnologia do portal do Thomas destruir a cúpula de contenção, tal como a Sophia sugere, a zona atingida pela radiação cobriria grande parte dos municípios de San Diego, Los Angeles e Orange, provocando mortes, malformações congénitas e cancros de todos os tipos.Extrapolating from the Chernobyl data if Thomas' portaling technology destroys the containment dome, as Sophia suggests, the fallout zone would cover large parts of San Diego, Los Angeles, and Orange counties, resulting in deaths, birth defects,
Vamos ver . 25.000 cobriria os custos para o resto do ano ... se for para os fundos do Estado - matchin ' imediatamente.Let's see. 25,000 would cover the costs for the rest of the year... if you reapplied for state-matchin' funds right away.
"Quando entrar pela primeira vez na escola, "deixe que a doçura de cristo cubra teu rosto.... When you first step into school let the gentleness of Jesus cover your face.
"Que a neve cubra tudo no Inverno"Let snow cover all in the winter season
- Algo que cubra isso tudo.Something that covers all this up.
- Eu espero que o nosso seguro não cubra!- Well, let's hope we don't cover him.
- Fique atrás e cubra-nos, sim?- Yeah. Stay back and cover us, huh?
- Meu, preciso que me cubras.- Man, I need you to cover me,
DiNozzo, cubras os fundos, vamos entrar.DiNozzo, cover the back door. We're going in.
E tu, que eu nunca vi antes, não cubras os tomates, cobre a tua...!And you never saw before, not cover eggs Cover ....
Eu preciso que me cubras durante uma hora.I need you to cover me for an hour.
Não cubras as tuas feridas.Don't cover your wounds.
- Quer que cubramos as traseiras?You want us to cover the back?
Acho que realmente não importa, desde que cubramos os nossos rastros.I guess it doesn't really matter, just as long as we cover our tracks.
Tudo bem, sugiro que a cubramos.Very well. May I suggest we begin by covering her up'?
"Embora as trevas cubram a terra e as noites escuras, as nações... "... o Senhor brilhará sobre vós..."For though darkness covers the earth, and dark night the nations, the Lord shall shine upon you.
- Brady, Howard, cubram-me...- Brady, Howard, cover...
- Certo, D, 40 cubram dois e vão.- All right, D, 40 cover two and go.
- Escritório do Sr Crown. - Quero que tu e o Alan cubram isto.- I want you and Alan to cover this.
- Randy, Frank, cubram-me por cima.- Randy, Frank, cover high. Come on.
"Como último recurso encaracole-se todo, cobrindo o pescoço e a cabeça com as mãos e os braços.""As a last resort, assume a cannonball position "covering your neck and your head with your hands and your arms".
- Você está cobrindo para mim.- You're covering for me.
8.000 espécies de gramíneas cobrindo um quarto de toda a terra.8,000 different species of grasses covering a quarter of all land. ELEPHANTS TRUMPET
A agente Dunham encontrou-os, cobrindo o muro dentro do túnel.Agent Dunham found them covering the wall inside the tunnel.
A equipa viaja sobre o gelo durante 6 meses, cobrindo até 64 km por dia.The team travel over the ice for six months, covering up to 40 miles in a day.
É para cobrirdes o rosto, quando vós e o Bash estiverem perante Deus a jurar o vosso amor.It's for you to cover your face as you and Bash stand before God and profess your love.
Chama todos os homens, diz-lhe para cobrirem a cidade.Call on every man. Tell them to cover the city.
Demorou cerca de 30 segundos para a palavra de Mary Clear e a minha união iminente cobrirem o terreno da escola como um nevoeiro sufocante.It took maybe 30 seconds for word of Mary Clear and my impending union to cover the school grounds like a suffocating fog.
Disse para me cobrirem!I said cover me!
Diz-lhes para cobrirem os fundos.Oh, man, tell these guys to go cover the back.
Eu posso ter meia dúzia de atiradores a cobrirem este edifício em todas as saídas.I can have half a dozen sharpshooters cover this building at every exit.
"Obrigada por cobrires os últimos dois dias,"Thanks for covering the last two days.
- ...obrigado por me cobrires.- ...thanks for covering for me.
- Ele não fala. Mas se cobrires oficialmente a história para a Breakwire, vais poder ver o advogado dele durante alguns minutos.Green's not talking, but if you're officially covering the story for Breakwire, I could get you in to see his attorney for a few minutes.
- Não me consigo concentrar em nada do que dizes enquanto nao cobrires o teu "material".I can't concentrate on anything you're saying until you cover your junk.
- Obrigada por ontem me cobrires.- Thanks for coverest me yesterday.
- E se não cobrirmos a dívida?What if we don't cover what we owe?
Além disso, é ponte para sexta quando cobrirmos o Texas e seguirmos para L.A. E Atlanta.Plus, it's a bridge to Friday when we cover Texas then on to L.A. And Atlanta.
Biggerman, se o cobrirmos, acredita que poderá jogar uma granada pela torre desse tanque?Biggerman, if we give you a cover, do you think you can drop a grenade down the turret of that tank?
E colocamos os frascos abertos, em seis regiões diferentes no Monte Charleston, para cobrirmos a floresta inteira.And we place the open jars into six different regions on Mount Charleston, so we cover the whole forest.
Mas as mentiras, o estarmos escondidos o trabalho sufocante diurno para cobrirmos os nossos rastos é exaustante e aborrecido.But the lying, the hiding, the stifling day job to cover our tracks is exhausting and tedious.

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