Jei dviratė transporto priemonė turi tam tikrą konstrukciją ar plokštes, kurios skirtos pridengti arba iš dalies pridengti vairuotoją ar keleivius arba pridengti transporto priemonės dalis, tipo patvirtinimą suteikianti institucija arba techninė tarnyba gali savo nuožiūra ir pasitarusi su transporto priemonės gamintoju visai transporto priemonei ar jos daliai taikyti šio priedo arba II priedo reikalavimus, remdamasi blogiausio atvejo sąlyga.“; | In the case of two-wheel vehicles that are fitted with a form of structure or panels intended to enclose, or partially enclose, the driver or passengers or to cover components of the vehicle, the type-approval authority or technical service may, at its discretion and in discussion with the vehicle manufacturer, apply the requirements of this Annex, or of Annex II, to all or part of the vehicle based on an assessment of the worst case condition.’; |
Turi mane pridengti. | ELLIOTT: You got to cover me. |
Ne tiek be artilerijos, kiek visiškai nesistengiant jo pridengti. | Not without artillery, without trying to cover him. |
Jeigu ir taip, tau nederėjo manęs pridengti. | You didn't have to cover for me, dude. |
- Bandau tave pridengti. | I've been trying to cover for you. |
Aš tai jau pridengiau. | I got it covered. |
Kalbant apie tingumą, Brajanai, kiek tavo nelankytų paskaitų pridengiau per paskutinius 6 mėnesius? | - I've got... on the theme of sloth, Brian, how many of your lectures have I covered in the last six months? |
Pasakysi, kodėl mane pridengei? | Will you gonna tell me why you covered for me? |
"Jis pridengs tave savo plunksnomis," | "With his pinion He will cover you," |
- Kurtai, pridenk pietinę dalį. | - Kurt, make sure the south end is covered. |
- Gražuoliuke, pridenk mus. | PrettyBoy, lay down some cover. |
Miller, pridenk Norton! | Miller, cover Norton! |
Darelai, pridenk užnugarį. | Daryl, you cover the back. |
Lik čia ir pridenk Benžį. | You stay here and cover Benji. |