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Menutupi (to cover) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of menutupi

Present tense
I cover
Past tense
sudah menutupi
I covered
Present perfect tense
sudah menutupi
I have covered
Future perfect tense
akan sudah menutupi
I will have covered
Future recent tense
menutupi nanti
I will cover
Future distant tense
menutupi kelak
I am going to cover
Present continuous tense
sedang menutupi
I cover
Past distant tense
dulu menutupi
I (a long time ago) covered
Past recent tense
menutupi tadi
I (recently) covered
Past very recent tense
baru saja menutupi
I (just now) covered

Examples of menutupi

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Bisakah Anda menutupi untuk saya sesaat?Could you cover for me for just a second?
Leland akan menutupi pembongkaran keuangan kita. Dan McClintock menanggung kejatuhan Union Allied.Leland's to cover our exposure on the financials and McClintock takes the fall for Union Allied.
Kalian membunuh Cutler dan kemudian Anda menutupi itu .You guys killed Cutler and then you covered it up.
Bisakah kau menutupi untukku?Will you cover for me?
Seperti bongkahan batu yang menutupi makammu.It was sandstone slab that covered your tomb.

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