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Cubrirse (to cover) conjugation

38 examples

Conjugation of cubrirse

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
me cubro
I cover
te cubres
you cover
se cubre
he/she/it covers
nos cubrimos
we cover
os cubrís
you all cover
se cubren
they cover
Present perfect tense
he cubierto
I have covered
has cubierto
you have covered
ha cubierto
he/she/it has covered
hemos cubierto
we have covered
habéis cubierto
you all have covered
han cubierto
they have covered
Past preterite tense
me cubrí
I covered
te cubriste
you covered
se cubrió
he/she/it covered
nos cubrimos
we covered
os cubristeis
you all covered
se cubrieron
they covered
Future tense
me cubriré
I will cover
te cubrirás
you will cover
se cubrirá
he/she/it will cover
nos cubriremos
we will cover
os cubriréis
you all will cover
se cubrirán
they will cover
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
me cubriría
I would cover
te cubrirías
you would cover
se cubriría
he/she/it would cover
nos cubriríamos
we would cover
os cubriríais
you all would cover
se cubrirían
they would cover
Past imperfect tense
me cubría
I used to cover
te cubrías
you used to cover
se cubría
he/she/it used to cover
nos cubríamos
we used to cover
os cubríais
you all used to cover
se cubrían
they used to cover
Past perfect tense
había cubierto
I had covered
habías cubierto
you had covered
había cubierto
he/she/it had covered
habíamos cubierto
we had covered
habíais cubierto
you all had covered
habían cubierto
they had covered
Future perfect tense
habré cubierto
I will have covered
habrás cubierto
you will have covered
habrá cubierto
he/she/it will have covered
habremos cubierto
we will have covered
habréis cubierto
you all will have covered
habrán cubierto
they will have covered
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
me cubra
(if/so that) I cover
te cubras
(if/so that) you cover
se cubra
(if/so that) he/she/it cover
nos cubramos
(if/so that) we cover
os cubráis
(if/so that) you all cover
se cubran
(if/so that) they cover
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya cubierto
I have covered
hayas cubierto
you have covered
haya cubierto
he/she/it has covered
hayamos cubierto
we have covered
hayáis cubierto
you all have covered
hayan cubierto
they have covered
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
me cubriera
(if/so that) I have covered
te cubrieras
(if/so that) you have covered
se cubriera
(if/so that) he/she/it have covered
nos cubriéramos
(if/so that) we have covered
os cubrierais
(if/so that) you all have covered
se cubrieran
(if/so that) they have covered
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
me cubriese
(if/so that) I have covered
te cubrieses
(if/so that) you have covered
se cubriese
(if/so that) he/she/it have covered
nos cubriésemos
(if/so that) we have covered
os cubrieseis
(if/so that) you all have covered
se cubriesen
(if/so that) they have covered
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera cubierto
I had covered
hubieras cubierto
you had covered
hubiera cubierto
he/she/it had covered
hubiéramos cubierto
we had covered
hubierais cubierto
you all had covered
hubieran cubierto
they had covered
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese cubierto
I had covered
hubieses cubierto
you had covered
hubiese cubierto
he/she/it had covered
hubiésemos cubierto
we had covered
hubieseis cubierto
you all had covered
hubiesen cubierto
they had covered
Future subjunctive tense
me cubriere
(if/so that) I will have covered
te cubrieres
(if/so that) you will have covered
se cubriere
(if/so that) he/she/it will have covered
nos cubriéremos
(if/so that) we will have covered
os cubriereis
(if/so that) you all will have covered
se cubrieren
(if/so that) they will have covered
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere cubierto
I will have covered
hubieres cubierto
you will have covered
hubiere cubierto
he/she/it will have covered
hubiéremos cubierto
we will have covered
hubiereis cubierto
you all will have covered
hubieren cubierto
they will have covered
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's cover!
Imperative negative mood
no te cubras
do not cover!
no se cubra
let him/her/it cover!
no nos cubramos
let us not cover!
no os cubráis
do not cover!
no se cubran
do not cover!

Examples of cubrirse

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Habitantes de Santa Genoveva, ha llegado el momento de cubrirse de gloria ante los ojos de nuestro Virrey"."People of St. Genoveffa, the time has come to cover yourselves with glory" "before the eyes of our Viceroy."
- Ella se niega a cubrirse y no va a pagar la multa.She refuses to cover up and she won't pay the fine.
- Habrá cosas para cubrirse.- You'll have things to cover up.
A la mente humana también le gusta cubrirse para guardar su intimidad.Now, you see, the human mind likes to cover its nakedness, too and keep its private thoughts to itself.
A mí me parece que ustedes intentan cubrirse sus traseros.It sounds to me like you guys are trying to cover your own ass.
"Jon, cúbrete!"Jon, cover!
- Adam, cúbrete la cara.- Adam, cover your face.
- Aquí tienes, cúbrete.- Here, cover up.
- Cielo, cúbrete con el barco.- Honey, cover it up with the boat.
- Por favor cúbrete.- Please cover yourself.
Agente Bishop, ! cúbrase!Agent Bishop, take cover!
Ahora coveryourfeet, cúbrase enfrentar y salir de mi puebloNow coveryourfeet, cover your face and get out of my village
Así qué siempre cúbrase la nariz?So do you always cover your nose?
Brendan, Chick, manténganlo arriba, el resto cúbrase.Brendan, Chick, keep him up there, the rest of you take cover.
Callahan, cúbrase la espalda.Callahan, cover your rear.
Ahora, cubrámonos con miel y corramos por la granja de osos del viejo McGuilicutty.Now, let's cover ourselves in honey and run through Old Man McGuilicutty's bear farm.
Aquí Cenicienta, ojos abiertos y cubríos unos a otros.This is Cinderella, keep your eyes open and cover one another.
El vehículo, cubríos!Vehicle! Take cover!
Seguid adelante y cubríos. ¡Venga!Face outboard and take cover! Do it!
Si oís mi silbato, cubríos.When I blow my whistle, head for cover.
Usad el calor y el vapor para cubríos.Use the heat and the steam for cover.
- Rápido, cúbranse.- Quick, take cover!
- ¡Bueno, muchachos, cúbranse!- Okay, boys. Take cover!
A las cinco, cúbranse.Five o'clock, cover.
A menos que usen protector solar 10,000 cúbranse.Unless you're wearing spf 10,000, I suggest you take cover.
Abajo y cúbranse.JERRY: Duck and cover, people!
" El Feto, cubierto con una membrana..."The Fetus covered with membrane..."
" cubierto de barro, empapados por la lluvia,"covered with mud, soaked through with rain,
" se me ocurrió que cruzando el puente cubierto"it occurred to me that across the covered bridge
" ¿Cuál es la distancia que ha cubierto ? ""What is the distance you've covered?"
"Ahora estoy cubierto por una especie de niebla..."Now l'm being covered by some sort of mist...
Si te caés, cubrite la cabeza así no te quebrás el cuello.Now, if you fall, be careful to cover your head
¡Y no olvides cubrite!And don't forget to cover!
Alguien está cubriéndose las espaldas, a menos, por supuesto que piense que se trata solo de una coincidencia.Someone is covering their tracks, unless of course you think that's just a coincidence?
Deckard, escucha... ah, el FBI, siempre cubriéndose unos a otros.Deckard, listen... ah. The FBI, always covering for each other.
Doctora, ¿usted acostumbra dormir una siesta siempre a la misma hora? ¿cubriéndose la cara y ojos con una almohada?Doctor, do you normally take a nap around the same time every day covering your face and eyes with the pillow?
El médico está demasiado ocupado cubriéndose el trasero para decir algo específico.Doctor's too busy covering his ass to say anything more specific.
Ella está tratando ser amiga de todos ahora mismo, y creo que Jessica está simplemente cubriéndose las espaldas.she'stryingto be everybody's friend right now, and i think jessica is just covering her ass.

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