I quan ell hagué finit, encara vivent i sencer, el fluctuant impuls que havien sentit de rompre llur jurament i salvar la vida del pobrissó detingut i trait s'esvaí i cessa, perque evidentment aquell inic s'havia venut a Llucifer, i seria fatal de ficar-se en cosa pertanyent a un poder com aquell. | And when he had finished and still stood alive and whole, their wavering impulse to break their oath and save the poor betrayed prisoner's life faded and vanished away, for plainly this miscreant had sold himself to Satan and it would be fatal to meddle with the property of such a power as that. |
No diré una paraula, ni que fos per salvar-li la vida! | I wouldn't say a word, not to save his life!" |
Les universitats també hi van participar creant aparells que poguessin ajudar a salvar vides durant les inundacions. | Universities also helped in manufacturing devices that could help save lives during the flooding. |
Les seves bones accions són recordades diàriamnet pels qui va salvar de lesions, periodistes, amics i familiars. | His good deeds repeated daily by those he saved from injuries, journalists, friends and family. |
Tots cantaven amb energia, aguantant les seves pancartes i cridaven lemes per salvar l'internet. | People sang in vigor, held placards and shouted slogans to save the internet. |
Segrestes la teva pròpia filla i casualment l'hi salves la vida? | You kidnapped your daughter and coincidentally saved her own life ? |
Et capbusses i les salves? | You swoop down and save them? |
Una puntada a temps de vegades en salva nou. | A stitch in time saves nine. Hmm? |
Sí, això ho salva. | Oh, yeah, that saves it. |
us salva de pecats futurs. | It saves you from further sin. |
Per descomptat que no ho salvem. | We didn't save him, of course. He died. |
No sempre salvem els nens Dels monstres.... ...però fem que el treball valgui la pena. | And I can't get to her before-- Every night I look at Deborah helps me to go to sleep thinking of the victims we've saved. |
Després de tot, com s'ha dit abans, OpenSpace ja havia tancat una vegada: durant l'estiu de 2012, un any després d'haver estat comprada per l'inversor Vadim Beliàiev, un acord que semblava haver salvat la pàgina web dels seus problemes econòmics. | After all, as previously mentioned, OpenSpace closed once before, during the summer of 2012 — a year after it was purchased by investor Vadim Belyaev, a deal that seemed to have saved the website from financial troubles. |
Em dispararàs, després que t'he salvat la vida? | You're going to shoot me, after I saved your life? |
Vostè ha salvat en Neelix. | You saved his life. |
Has salvat un home innocent d’un destí fatal. | You saved an innocent man from a terrible fate. |
He salvat el teu cul. | I saved your ass. |
Oh, Déu, salveu aquest partit, si us plau. | Oh God, please save this party. |
Germà, el Senyor us ha enviat per que em salveu d'aquest tipus! | Oh, brother. The God has sent you to me! You saved me from that man! |
Sou la Mà del Rei, i el rei és un inconscient. Amic vostre, prou que ho sé, però un inconscient... I està condemnat, tret que vós el salveu. | You are the King's Hand and the King is a fool-- your friend, I know, but a fool-- and doomed unless you save him. |
*Gentil Mare,* *font de tota compassió* *salveu els nostres fills de la guerra, us ho preguem.* | ♪ Gentle mother ♪ ♪ font of mercy ♪ ♪ save our sons from war, we pray ♪ |
Mare, salveu-me. | Mother, save me. |
La salvaré, una altra vegada. | I will save the cheerleader again. |
Tu salvaràs els Dàleks. | You will save the Daleks. |
En Rick salvarà la teva família, i també els altres. | Rick will save his family, the others too. |
Si perdem aquesta guerra, no ens salvarà ni Déu i menys el Führer. | If we lose this war, not even God will save us. and most definitely not the Fuhrer. |
El Doctor em salvarà, el Doctor em salvarà, el Doctor em salvarà, el Doctor em salvarà, el Doctor em salvarà, el Doctor em salvarà... | The Doctor will save me, the Doctor will save me, the Doctor will save me, the Doctor will save me, the Doctor will save me, the Doctor will save me... |
Bebè Matt Parkman, et salvarem. | Baby Matt Parkman, we will save you. |
TURQUIA crec que serem les dones, mitjançant la lluita antimilitar i feminista, les que salvarem el món i canviarem els homes. | L believe that we, as women, through the anti-military and feminist struggle... will save the world and make men change. |
Aquest tipus salvaria la seva pell primer de tot. - Com ho sap? | - A man like that would save his own skin first. |
"que penso en l'amor que creia que em salvaria" | ♪ I think about the love that I thought would save me ♪ |
"que em salvaria" | ♪ would save me ♪ |
El millor amic del meu pare, meu guru de la natació. entrenar amb ell tres vegades per setmana al Ashton. seves lliçons salvarien la vida al final. | My father's best friend, my swimming guru. I trained with him three times a week at the ashram. His lessons would save my life in the end. |
seveslliçons salvarien la vida al final. | His lessons would save my life in the end. |
Ewing em salvà la vida. | Mr. Ewing saved my life. |
El Sr. Ewing em salvà la vida. | – I must. Mr. Ewing saved my life. |
Només així seràs prou fort perquè el costat fosc... salvi la Padmé. | Only then will you be strong enough with the dark side... to save Padmé. |
Déu salvi a la Reina té un, senyor. | God save the queen, sir. Get off out of it. |
Déu salvi al Rei! | God save the king! |
Déu salvi al Rei! - Déu salvi el vostre rei! | God save the king! |
Només esperen que els salvin. | They're just waiting to be saved. |
Ponent necessita que la salvin d'ella mateixa. | Westeros needs to be saved from itself. |
* De què estem salvant el nen? | * What are we saving the baby from? |
L'estem salvant. | We're saving you. |
Si se suposa que he de seguir salvant a gent com aquest idiota, vull alguna cosa a canvi. | If I'm supposed to keep saving people like this idiot, I want something in return. |
Els està salvant. | He's saving them. |
Em va dir que t'estava ajudant, t'estava salvant. | He told me he was helping you, he was saving you. |