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Fer (to make) conjugation

101 examples
This verb can also mean the following: produce, do, go, cause to be done, give, lay, play, be, measure, cause

Conjugation of fer

Present tense
I make
you make
he/she makes
we make
you all make
they make
Present perfect tense
he fet
I have made
has fet
you have made
ha fet
he/she has made
hem fet
we have made
heu fet
you all have made
han fet
they have made
Future tense
I will make
you will make
he/she will make
we will make
you all will make
they will make
Conditional mood
I would make
you would make
he/she would make
we would make
you all would make
they would make
Past perfect tense
havia fet
I had made
havies fet
you had made
havia fet
he/she had made
havíem fet
we had made
havíeu fet
you all had made
havien fet
they had made
Past impf. tense
I was making
you were making
he/she was making
we were making
you all were making
they were making
Imperative mood
let him/her make!
let's make!
let them make!
Imperative negative mood
no facis
don't make!
no faci
don't let him/her make!
no fem
let's not make!
no feu
don't make!
no facin
don't let them make!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria fet
I would have made
hauries fet
you would have made
hauria fet
he/she would have made
hauríem fet
we would have made
hauríeu fet
you all would have made
haurien fet
they would have made
Future perfect tense
hauré fet
I will have made
hauràs fet
you will have made
haurà fet
he/she will have made
haurem fet
we will have made
haureu fet
you all will have made
hauren fet
they will have made
Preterite past tense
I made
you made
he/she made
we made
you all made
they made
Past anterior tense
haguí fet
I had made
hagueres fet
you had made
hagué fet
he/she had made
haguérem fet
we had made
haguéreu fet
you all had made
haguéren fet
they had made
Subjunctive of present tense
(so that I) make
(so that you) make
(so that he/she) makes
(so that we) make
(so that you all) make
(so that they) make
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
(so that I) was making
(so that you) were making
(so that he/she) was making
(so that we) were making
(so that you all) were making
(so that they) were making
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi fet
(so that I) have made
hagis fet
(so that you) have made
hagi fet
(so that he/she) has made
hàgim fet
(so that we) have made
hàgiu fet
(so that you all) have made
hagin fet
(so that they) have made
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués fet
(so that I) had made
haguessis fet
(so that you) had made
hagués fet
(so that he/she) had made
haguéssim fet
(so that we) had made
haguéssiu fet
(so that you all) had made
haguessin fet
(so that they) had made
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi fer
(so that I) made
vagis fer
(so that you) made
vagi fer
(so that he/she) made
vàgim fer
(so that we) made
vàgiu fer
(so that you all) made
vagin fer
(so that they) made
Periphastic past tense
vaig fer
I made
vas fer
you made
va fer
he/she made
vam fer
we made
vau fer
you all made
van fer
they made
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver fet
I had made
vas haver fet
you had made
va haver fet
he/she had made
vam haver fet
we had made
vau haver fet
you all had made
van haver fet
they had made

Examples of fer

Example in CatalanTranslation in English
Què els hi vas fer?What do you make of it?
Sheldon, tant de bo pogués fer alguna cosa per fer-te sentir millor.Sheldon, I wish there was something I could do to make you feel better.
Tan blana era la seva passa, que no arribava a fer cap so; i si no hagués estat pel magic estremiment que produia el seu benigne contacte, hauria passat desapercebuda i mai recercada, com altres belleses plenes de modestia.So soft was her step, it failed to make even a sound, and but for the magical thrill imparted by her genial touch, as other unobtrusive beauties, she would have glided away unperceived--unsought.
No em puc creure que m'hagi convençut per a fer el vestuari.I cannot believe he convinced me to make our costumes.
Potser podries fer el teu nou camp d'investigació el càlcul dels elements de la matriu nuclear.Maybe you could make your new field of study the calculation of nuclear matrix elements.
- Et faig una aposta.l'll make you a bet right now.
Diuen que no ho faig bé...Everyone makes fun of me.
Em fa llevar a la mateixa hora cada matí; em fa rentar; em pentinen d'una manera que esgarrifa; no em volen deixar dormir en el cobert de fusta. He de portar els vestits condemnats que m'ofeguen: sembla que no deixin passar gens d'aire, tanmateix; i faig goig d'una manera tan endiastrada que no puc tirar-me a terra, ni ajeure'm, ni rodolar enlloc. Que no m'he escapolit per una porta de celler, fa… bé, jo diria que fa anys.She makes me get up just at the same time every morning; she makes me wash, they comb me all to thunder; she won't let me sleep in the woodshed; I got to wear them blamed clothes that just smothers me, Tom; they don't seem to any air git through 'em, somehow; and they're so rotten nice that I can't set down, nor lay down, nor roll around anywher's;
Jo mateix les faig.I make them.
Què tal si jo faig el meu punt amb el teu petit caparró? .How about I make a point out of your pointy little head?
I per què em fas acompanyar-te cada vespre?- Why make me go out of my way?
Si fas un escàndol i te'l treus de sobre, no crec que t'ajudi amb el magistrat.If you make a fuss and have him removed, I don't think it'll help you with the magistrate.
Em fas posar vermella.You make me blush.
No, però quan creus en el que fas, trobes la manera de fer-ho funcionar.No, but when you believe in what you do, you find a way to make it work.
Em fas fàstic! Sóc aquí per alguna cosa, no ho veus?Get out of my house now! – You make me sick! – I'm here for a reason!
Si et fa sentir una mica millor, la meva mare està plena de pa de pessic.If it makes you feel any better, my mom's just full of pound cake.
Si, però això em fa massa feliç, Helga.Yeah, but it makes me too happy, Helga.
El Parlament fixa de manera definitiva el pressupost i la signatura del president del Parlament fa que sigui efectiu.It is Parliament which adopts the final budget and the President of Parliament's signature makes it enforceable.
Això ens fa forts també, i ens uneix.That also makes us strong together.
Què et fa pensar que sóc Capaç d'això?What makes you think I'm capable of that?
Si fem declarar en Robert Ewell, tot es farà públic.We make Robert Ewell go on record, this thing goes public.
I dues... fem molts diners, d'acord?And, two... let's make a lot of money, right?
Cal que fem els màxims esforços per respectar el lideratge de l’Àfrica quan intentaaportar solucions africanes als problemes delseu territori.It is essential that we make more eorts to respect Africa’s leadership when it tries to oer African solutions to the problems that arise in its own territory.
La tallem i fem un jardí.We cut it up and make a garden.
Com li fem vomitar?How do we make him vomit?
Només hem fet l'amor una sola vegada... en tota la nostra vida.We only made love to each other one time in our-- in our whole lives.
Aquest nom només s'ha fet públic una vegada.There's only one time that name's been made public.
S'ha fet una moció per dur la llei per la 13 ° esmena a votació. - Hi ha algú que la segueixi?A motion has been made to bring the bill for the 13th Amendment to a vote.
M'ha fet saber que estem fent el que cal.It made me certain we're doing the right thing.
El vàrem perfilar com a conductor d'un Sedan antic fet als USA. L'hi diré a la Garcia que miri als expedients de la policia de Philadelphia.... ..amb accidents de Sedan nacionals amb danys greus.We profiled him driving a late model American made sedan.
Quina suggerència em feu vosaltres Pe i Ema?What suggestions have you, my Pee and Em, to make?
I la resta, no feu un error com aquest de nou.And the rest of you, don't make a mistake like this again.
Vosaltres el del sud feu bon vi, en això teniu raó.You Southerners make good wine, I'll give you that.
-És un bell home. Ara feu-me a mi tot caminant."It's a beautiful man--now make me coming along."
Per favor, no em feu dir res més.Please don't make me say anymore.
Quan volen emetre un programa nou, primer en fan un que es diu "pilot".The way they pick TV shows, they make one show. That show's called a pilot.
Per què els déus em fan comte i després maten el meu fill?Why did the gods make me Earl, yet kill my son?
Et fan jurar i jurar.They make you swear and swear.
@imustho: Demà, si un milió de persones fan una petició a Avaaz, haurem de modificar la nostra constitució també per tal d'admetre altres religions a les Maldives.@imustho: Tomorrow if 1 million people make a petition on Avaaz do we have to change our constitution also to allow other religions in Maldives.
fan el dels grans, els joves i el treball de la guardería grans, joves i infants?They make the big ones, first years and kindergarten work. Big ones, first year and kindergarten?
Et faré l'alcalde de Giugliano. Però t'he de veure convençut.I will make you mayor, but you have to believe it.
Si mai trobes la forma de sortir, faré que la teva vida sigui un malson...If I ever figure a way out of here, I will make your life a living...
Et faré parlar i si cal, ho faré aquí mateix.I will make you talk, and if I have to do it in there, I will.
"Li faré una ajuda que li faci costat".I will make him a helpmate for him."
I no la faré tal com era, la faré millor, com sempre he pensat.And I won't just make it what it was. I will make it better. - Like I always planned.
Em faràs una companya immortal.You will make me an immortal mate.
No faràs guanyar diners a gent a qui coneixes, però li faràs guanyar diners al client 867-5309?You won't make money for people that you actually know, but you will make money for client 867-5309?
Tu faràs que els reis pugin i baixin.You will make kings rise and fall.
La guerra et farà un home.The war will make a man out of him.
també farà els teus fills més forts.It will make your sons stronger, also.
I la pluja farà a les flors créixer.And rain will make the flowers grow
Us abraçarà d'una manera com cap altra dona ho ha fet mai, ni ho farà.His/her/its embrace will stun you as ever no woman didn't make it will make it.
La història farà aquest judici.History will make that judgment.
Ho farem, ja veuràs. Té això.We will make it, you'll see.
No farem distincions...PRESlDENT GEORGE W. BUSH: We will make no distinction...
Et farem gran de nou!We will make you big again!
Creus que un munt de trossos de tela et faran rei?You think a few bolts of cloth will make you King?
La identificació dels implicats establirà una distinció entre els que reben el programa i elsque l’implementen, com també qui se’n beneficia directament i qui indirectament.El reconeixement i la valoració dels diferents punts de vista i interessos -sovint depenentde qüestions de gènere, posició socioeconòmica o història de la migració- faran possibleestablir diferenciacions en l’avaluació de les necessitats.Un inventari de temes sensibles, de les possibles deficiències i dificultats i de lesoportunitats i els canvis per a l’èxit permetrà dissenyar mesures concretes per a cada cas.Un diàleg seriós i continu amb els interessats generarà suport polític i públic i lacol·laboració dels beneficiaris i a més reforçarà el compromís i la dedicació per participaren els programes.The identification of stakeholders will make a distinction between those who call for andthose who implement programmes, as well as between those who benefit directly andindirectly from the programmes The recognition and valuing of their different views and interests - often depending ongender, socioeconomic position and migration history - will make it possible todifferentiate in the assessment of needs An inventory of sensitive issues, possible deficiencies and pitfalls, as well as opportunitiesand changes for success, will enable the design of tailor-made measures to address them A serious and ongoing dialogue with stakeholders will generate political and publicsupport and the cooperation of beneficiaries, as well as reinforcing commitment anddedication to participate in the programmes
Els homes que suporten aquells trossos de tela em faran rei.The men holding those bolts of cloth will make me King.
Estic segur que els Salvatore faran una generosa contribució per ajudar a arreglar-ho.I'm sure the Salvatores will make a generous contribution to help fix it.
En breus els Immaculats en faran un lloc segur, amic meu, t'ho prometo.My Unsullied will make them safe again in short order, my friend, this I promise you.
Perquè et faria semblar una cosa que ella ja pensa que ets.Because it would make you seem like something she already thinks you are.
Potser et faria un bon marit.Maybe you would make a good husband.
I què li faria deixar Kattegat?Torstein: And what would make him leave Kattegat
T juro que faria una gran diferència.I swear it would make a lot of difference.
Saps què em faria sentir millor?You know what would make me feel better?
Aviat els nois en llibertat vindrien corrent, esmerçant-se en tota mena de delitoses expedicions; i en farien qui-sap-la riota, d'ell, perque havia de treballar. Només el pensar-hi l'abrusava com un foc.Soon the free boys would come tripping along on all sorts of delicious expeditions, and they would make a world of fun of him for having to work--the very thought of it burnt him like fire.
No hauria calgut que ho repetís: amb una vegada n'hi havia prou: Huck ja feia trenta o quaranta milles per hora abans que la repetició fos pronunciada.He needn't have repeated it; once was enough; Huck was making thirty or forty miles an hour before the repetition was uttered.
I on era la teva amistat mentre en Hood feia els seus plans?And where was your friendship while Hood was making his plans?
El batlle del poblet, en remetre el premi a l'autora, féu un discurs abrandat, en el qual digué que era de molt la cosa «més eloqüent que mai hagués sentit, i que el mateix Daniel Webster hauria pogut enorgullir-se'n».The mayor of the village, in delivering the prize to the author of it, made a warm speech in which he said that it was by far the most "eloquent" thing he had ever listened to, and that Daniel Webster himself might well be proud of it.
Esborra línies i les torna a fer; pero no féu sinó torcer-les més que mai, i la rialleta es féu més pronunciada.He sponged out lines and remade them; but he only distorted them more than ever, and the tittering was more pronounced.
Hi havia hagut quelcom, en l'estil de la tia Polly quan besa Tom, que dissipa sos atuiments i el féu altra vegada agil de cor i feliç.THERE was something about Aunt Polly's manner, when she kissed Tom, that swept away his low spirits and made him lighthearted and happy again.
Aixo afalaga tota la ufanosa vanitat que ell arrecerava: així és que, per compte de captivar-lo aixo, féu sinó enravenar-lo més i augmentar la seva diligencia en fer per manera de no trair que ell sabia que ella era a prop.It gratified all the vicious vanity that was in him; and so, instead of winning him, it only "set him up" the more and made him the more diligent to avoid betraying that he knew she was about.
La noia pega llambregada a aquelles paraules, pero no féu cap senyal.The girl glanced at the words, but made no sign.
Et diria on l'FBI té en Frank, però després que el teu pare i jo férem un acord amb la fiscalia per declarar, els federals, van deixar d'explicar-me res.I'd tell you where the FBI's keeping Frank, but after your father and I made his plea deal to testify, the Feds, they stopped telling me anything.
Abans que ens arrestessen a Finn i a mi aquella nit, férem una parada.Before finn and i were arrested that night, he made a stop.
Huck troba una font d'aigua gemada i clara ben a la vora, i els nois feren copes d'amples fulles de roure o noguera americana, i comprengueren que aquella aigua, endolcida amb un encís com el de la boscúria salvatge, seria prou bona substitució del cafe.Huck found a spring of clear cold water close by, and the boys made cups of broad oak or hickory leaves, and felt that water, sweetened with such a wildwood charm as that, would be a good enough substitute for coffee.
Descrigué com havia maldat amb ella i l'havia convençuda, i com Becky gairebé morí de joia en haver anat a les palpentes fins a l'indret on veié, talment, la blava taqueta de la llum del dia, i com ell, d'una embranzida, eixí del forat, i després l'ajuda a ella a fer-ho; com segueren allí i cridaren d'alegria; com uns homes passaren en una barca, i Tom els crida i els digué llur situació i llur famolenc estat; com els homes no cregueren, a la primeria, la brofega historia, «perque», digueren, «us trobeu cinc milles més avall d'on és la cova», i després els pujaren a la barca, remaren cap a una casa, els donaren sopar, els feren reposar fins a dues o tres hores després de caure la nit, i en acabat els portaren al poble.He described how he labored with her and convinced her; and how she almost died for joy when she had groped to where she actually saw the blue speck of daylight; how he pushed his way out at the hole and then helped her out; how they sat there and cried for gladness; how some men came along in a skiff and Tom hailed them and told them their situation and their famished condition; how the men didn't believe the wild tale at first, "because," said they, "you are five miles down the river below the valley the cave is in"--then took them aboard, rowed to a house, gave them supper, made them rest till two or three hours after dark and then brought them home.
A l'escola, els infants feren tantes bocades d'ell i de Joe, i els lliuraren amb l'esguard una admiració tan eloqüent, que els dos herois no trigaren a esdevenir insufriblement enravents.At school the children made so much of him and of Joe, and delivered such eloquent admiration from their eyes, that the two heroes were not long in becoming insufferably "stuck-up."
Els malvats gegants feren portals amb les mongetes màgiques?Evil giants who made magic portal beans?
Pero descobriren a temps el perill i feren una maniobra per impedir-ho.But they discovered the danger in time, and made shift to avert it.
Fes que ho faci ell.Just make him outthink you.
Deixa que et faci una suggerència, per què no envies de tornada un dels teus homes perquè pugui exposar al rei Horik les meves idees sobre una solució?Let me make a suggestion. Why don't you send one of your men back so he can put to King Horik my ideas for a remedy?
Esperen que faci alguna cosa de bo a la vida, i havia pensat que podries venir amb mi.Probably gonna expect me to make something of myself. I thought maybe I'd drag you with me.
Com pot ser que mati gent i no senti cap remordiment... però decepcionar la Rita em faci sentir com l'escòria de a terra?how is it i can kill people and feel no regret... but disappointing rita makes me feel like the scum of the earth?
Deixa'm que faci un truc.Let me make a call.
No els facis disparar, vaig ser jo!Don't make them shoot. It's because of me!
No facis de nosaltres idiotes.Don't make us idiots.
No em facis canviar d'idea.- Don't make me change my mind!
I no facis avisar un policia.And don't make me call a cop.
Elizabeth, serà poc probable que un dia facis una relliscada si no hi ha cap altra versió d'aquest home amagada en un racó del teu cap.Elizabeth, you'll be less likely to make a slip one day if there is no other version of this man you're hiding away in the back of your mind.
Mentre em facin feliç.They will still make me happy.
Ara, sé que no és fàcil, ni tampoc l'ideal, però els hem de convèncer per a que facin una declaració - assumint la responsabilitat.Now, I get that it's not easy, or even ideal, but we need to convince them to just make a statement taking responsibility.
Ser feliç no depèn del que facin els altres, Suzy.You can't rely on other people to make you happy, Suzy.
No obstant això, les sancions han afeblit a la població en general, i espero que si una porta s'obre, les altres també ho facin... Això farà que el règim se senti responsable davant del món, més enllà de les preocupacions nuclears.However, sanctions have debilitated the general population at large, and I’m hoping if one door opens, other doors will also open. . . it will make the regime feel they are accountable to the world, beyond just the nuclear concerns.
Tot i que la grolleria que implica l'acció simbòlica dificulta que els grans mitjans de comunicació facin ressò del missatge, a la xarxa la història ha corregut com un virus en menys de dos dies.While the indecency involved in the symbolic action makes it difficult for the mainstream media to deliver the message, the story has gone viral online in less than two days.
Si aquest casos, no son casos D'homicidi/suïcidi.... ......algú està fent un excel•lent Treball fent que ho semblin.If these aren't murder/suicides someone's doing a damn good job of making them look like it.
Per què segueixes fent-los?Then why do you keep making them?
No saben que estan fent el amor amb una que ja està morta?Don't they know they're making love to one already dead?
Estem fent un volcà.We're making a volcano.
La màquina de la censura no només permet, sinó que fomenta les converses online, fent sospitar els internautes.The censorship machine not only allows but boosts online discussions, making netizens suspicious.

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