L'amor és la màgic més poderosa, per tant la cura ha de ser... | Love is the most powerful magic, so the cure must be... |
- Per què ho han de ser? | Why would they be illegal? |
Si jo pogués ser tan temerari... En resum, què és l'amor? | If I may be so bold just what is love? |
Sí, crec que els vampirs van ser fets a imatge de Déu. | Yes, I believe vampires were made in God's image. |
Sabia que era massa bo per ser cert. | I knew it was too good to be true. |
Ho sóc, Altesa. | I am, Your Grace. |
La veritat és que tu ets el dèbil, i jo sóc la tirania del malvat. | The truth is... you're the weak... and I am the tyranny of evil men. |
Senyor, sóc el campió de tot València. | In Valencia, I am champion! |
"Ara sóc zen!" | "Now I am zen!" |
I ara sóc capaç de construir-les jo mateix. | And now I am able to construct them myself. |
Sí, ets aquí. | Yes, you are. |
I tu... ets un enrenou. | And you-- you are a complication. |
Una paraula més i ets dona morta! | I dare you! |
No sé qui ets veritablement. | I don't know who you really are. |
Tu ets la Princesa Shireen de la Casa Baratheon. | You are the Princess Shireen of House Baratheon. |
Jean Valjean no és res ara. | Jean Valjean is nothing now! |
Qualsevol cosa que ho infringeixi és enganyar i és nociu. | Anything that impinges on that is cheating and harmful. |
L'amor és la màgic més poderosa, per tant la cura ha de ser... | Love is the most powerful magic, so the cure must be... |
Per a què és això? | What is that for? |
Sap que aixo fóra una taca per a un pirata, i Tom és massa altívol per a una cosa així. | He knows that would be a disgrace to a pirate, and Tom's too proud for that sort of thing. |
Per què intentem contínuament oblidar d'on som i dins de quines fronteres vivim? | Why do we continuously try to forget where we are from, and inside whose borders we live? |
- On som? | Where are we? |
- Ho som. | - We are. |
- No. - És veritat, no ho som, perquè som una sola gent, un poble sota Déu. | - That's right, we're not... because we are one people, one town under God. |
És això el que som, Lannister? | ls that what we are, Lannister? |
Perquè encara que nosaltres els vampirs vam sortir del taüt, mai hem estat fora del tot. | Because even though we vampires came out of the coffin... we've never really been all the way out. |
Sé que us les he fet passar putes, i que he estat dur, però a partir d'ara sou al meu llibre d'honor. | Now, l know that l've put you all through hell... and l know that l have been one rough pecker. But from here on out, you guys are all in my cool book. |
Hauria d'haver escoltat Mun-Mun perquè he estat jugant amb una cobra de nom Penny! | I should've listened to Mun-Mun because I've been playing with a cobra and her name is Penny! |
Si aquelles paraules haguessin estat un llampec no haurien saltat amb una sobtesa més atarantada dels llavis esblaimats de Huck. | If the words had been lightning they could not have leaped with a more stunning suddenness from Huck's blanched lips. |
No, no, preocupar-me no... però he estat tenint aquest somni desagradable. | No, not concerned, really... ...but I've been having this nasty dream. |
Sé que us les he fet passar putes, i que he estat dur, però a partir d'ara sou al meu llibre d'honor. | Now, l know that l've put you all through hell... and l know that l have been one rough pecker. But from here on out, you guys are all in my cool book. |
- Qui sou? | Who are you? |
He tornat perquè tu i en Ragnar, tots vosaltres sou la meva família. | I came back because you and Ragnar, all of you are my family. |
Com puc saber que sou qui dieu ser? | How do I know you are who you say you are? |
I d'on sou? | And where are you from? |
Aquí no hi ha cap forat... però els somnis són pràctics. | Of course we can't climb up here... but dreams are convenient. One can go anywhere. |
Primer, el món veurà com el que són. | First, the world will see you for what you are. |
Les meves ordres són... | My orders are to... |
Tot i que algunes de les representacions són partidistes i molt generalistes, mirar-les junt amb els debats de la secció de comentaris del grup li dóna al lector una idea clara de les diferències entre les dues societats. | Though some of the representations are biased and over-generalising, viewing them alongside the debates in the comment sections on the group certainly gives readers a clearer idea on the differences between the two societies. |
- Ja sé què són. | - I know what they are. |
Però un dia seré un home important i lamentaràs haver-me deixat només perquè dormo amb altres dones. | So leave if you want to. But one day I will be a great man and you'll regret leaving me just because I sleep with other women. |
Si em promets anar-te'n i no tornar mai, llavors, sí, seré sincera amb tu sobre el que vull. | If you promise to walk away and never come back, then, yes, I will be honest with you about what I want. |
Sóc lleial a Sa Altesa i sempre ho seré, però segurament hi ha altres maneres, maneres més netes. | I am true to Your Grace and always will be, but surely there are other ways, cleaner ways. |
- Allà hi seré. | - I will be there. |
*Seré l'únic que t'estimi* *fins la fi dels temps* *seré ton pare* *seré...* *seré el teu guia* *pare* *seré ton pare* *seré el teu paret* | ♪ I have had enough of crimes ♪ ♪ I will be the one who loves you ♪ ♪ Till the end of time ♪ |
Ho entenc, i seràs a casa en només 72 hores. | I understand, and you will be home in a short 72 hours. |
No ets com jo i mai no ho seràs. | You're not as good as I am and never will be. |
l'Stannis s'asseurà en el Tron de Ferro i tu seràs la seva Mà. | Stannis will sit on the Iron Throne and you will be his Hand. |
Si, en seràs i podràs fer el que vulguis, t'ho prometo. | You will be free and you can do whatever you like, I promise. |
I si serveixes fidelment, seràs recompensat amb una esposa convenient. | And if you serve faithfully, you will be rewarded with a suitable wife. |
Protegeix-lo de totes totes... o aquesta serà la teva gola. | Protect it at all costs... or this will be your throat. |
El senyal per a l'atac serà una foguera. | The signal for the attack will be a bonfire. |
L'accés serà molt controlat, tots amb mono, guants, màscares i sabates cobertes. | Access will be tightly controlled so everybody in oversuits, gloves, masks, overshoes. |
Amb una mica de sort, la gota remetrà amb el temps i serà capaç de caminar de nou. | With any luck, the gout will abate with time and he will be able to walk again. |
En Freddy serà a prop. | Freddy will be close by. Behind locked doors... |
Sempre ho serem. | Always will be. |
Segur que ho serem. | I'm, uh, I'm sure we will be. |
Per el bé del nostre país i de la nostra forma de viure... els suggereixo que informin a la resta del centre estratègic de comandament aeri... si no, serem totalment destruïts per un contraatac dels rojos. | For the sake of our country and our way of life... I suggest you get the rest of SAC in after them. Otherwise, we will be totally destroyed by Red retaliation. |
En 3 dies serem a Bàssora. | In 3 days one will be in Bassora. |
No només sereu la meva mà dreta, sereu el meu Consell. | You will not only be my right hands, you will be my Council. |
Digueu-ho i ho sereu. | Say the word and you will be. |
Recordeu nois, doneu-me tres dies i tres nits de bon combat i sereu rellevats després. | "Remember, boys give me three days and three nights of hard fighting and you will be relieved." |
Quan comenci la batalla, tu i els teus salvatges sereu a l'avantguarda. | When the battle commences, you and your wildlings will be in the vanguard. |
*Dolços, dolços cinc dòlars, aviat sereu meus* | ♪ Sweet, sweet five bucks, you soon will be mine ♪ |
Si deixen estar la campanya, tots els esforços seran en va i tota la campanya semblarà un altre típic error polític dels seus. | If they give up on digging up the graves, all their efforts will be rendered useless and the whole campaign another typical policy mistake. |
Potser seran amables. | Perhaps they will be kind. |
Una de cada tres dones experimentarà violència en el transcurs de la seva vida, el que indica que del total de dones que actualment estan vives, un bilió en seran víctimes d'algun tipus de violència. | One in three women will experience violence in her lifetime, which means one billion women alive at this moment will be facing some form of violence which is a more prevalent problem than any other disease, according to U.N statistics. |
Vostès no serà gent conquerida, Sr Hunter, seran ciutadans. | SEWARD: You’il not be a conquered people, Mr. Hunter, you will be citizens. |
La teva mare i el teu germà hi seran i em pagaran per tu. | Your mother and brother will be there and they'll pay me for you. |
La veritat seria interessant. | The truth would be interesting. |
De fet, Lady Bracknell, he dit que he perdut els pares, però seria més ajustat dir que ells em van perdre a mi. | The fact is, Lady Bracknell, I said I had lost both my parents. It would be nearer the truth to say my parents seem to have lost me. |
Mai vaig imaginar que seria una cruel noieta. | I never imagined it would be a cruel little girl. |
No, això no seria ètic. | No, that would be unethical. |
Una altra forma seria que el Marsellus el va tirar per la finestra. | Another way would be he was thrown out by Marsellus. |
Com... pensava que probablement series. | Just like... I thought you probably would be. |
Sabia que hi series. | I knew you would be here. |
Amb la teva experiència i connexions, series de gran ajuda. | With your experience and connections you would be a great help. |
Potser si haguessis estat una mica més amable, series qui condueix aquest meravellós... | Maybe if you had just been a little bit nicer, then you would be the one driving this lovely... |
Si ell ho sabés, tu series transferida. | Well,I think he does. If he knew,you would be transferred. |
Sap que també seríem dins d'aquest cotxe. | He even knew you and me would be in this car. |
Per als tipus de creacionistes radicals, nosaltres seríem abominacions. | To extreme creationist types, we would be abominations. |
Ho seríem tot l'un per l'altre perquè només necessitaríem la sang de l'altre per sobreviure. | We would be everything to each other because we would need only one another's blood to survive. |
Sense el suport dels Estats Units ara parlaríem alemany o seríem una província de la Unió Soviètica. | Without support from the USA, we would be speaking German or be a province of the Soviet Union. |
No pot arribar al Tron sense la vostra ajuda seríeu savi negant-li-ho... assegurant l'èxit d'en Joffrey. | And he cannot take the throne without your help. You would be wise to deny it to him and to make sure Joffrey succeeds. |
Elles depenien de la energia solar. I es creia que no serien capaces de sobreviure sense una font d'energia tan abundant com el Sol... | They were dependent on solar power and it was believed that they would be unable to survive without an energy source as abundant as the sun. |
Em van dir que hi serien. | They said they would be. |
Si ho haguessis fet com et vaig ensenyar els cavalls serien aquí. | If you did it like I taught you, then the horses would be here. |
Que serien assassinats mentre dormen si el seu avi s'assabentés de la seva existència? | Who would be killed in their sleep if their grandfather found out about them? |
Amb aquest en serien 17. | But counting this there would be 17. |
Suposo que l'últim que recordo - és que era allà. | Yeah, I-I guess that's the last thing I remember was, was being there. |
- No, sabia que era un càstig. | - No, I knew that I was being punished. |
Si penseu que el que m'ha passat és una bogeria, passeu un parell de dies a una presó d'Abu Dhabi. No em puc pas queixar si em comparo amb la vasta majoria de dones que he conegut allà, que l'únic delicte que havien comès era ser pobres, casar-se amb l'home equivocat, quedar-se embarassades fora del matrimoni o ser víctimes de la corrupció generalitzada i sistemàtica del sistema policial que no coneix conceptes com "proves", "ètica" o "procés pertinent". | If you think what happened to me was insane, spend a couple of days in an Abu Dhabi jail; I have nothing to complain about compared to the vast majority of women I met whose only crime was being poor, marrying the wrong guy, getting pregnant outside of marriage or/and being victims of rampant and systemic police corruption where 'evidence', 'ethics' and 'due process' are unheard of concepts. |
Una família que va posar una cinta groga a l'arbre vuit anys, els anys que és va donar per mort el sergent Brody a Iraq, quan de fet era detingut com a presoner de guerra, en condicions brutals. | A family that put a yellow ribbon on the tree for eight years while Sergeant Brody was presumed dead in Iraq, when, in fact, he was being held as a prisoner of war under brutal conditions. |
Veu's aquí un triomf esplendorós: llur absencia era reparada; eren planguts; els cors es fendien per llur causa; les llagrimes anaven endoina; memories acusadores de dolenties comeses envers els pobres minyons perduts, anaven brollant, i hom s'abandonava a infructuoses recances i remordiment; i, sobretot, els desapareguts feien parlar tot el poblet i eren l'enveja de tots els minyons pel que es referia a aquesta notorietat enlluernadora. | Here was a gorgeous triumph; they were missed; they were mourned; hearts were breaking on their account; tears were being shed; accusing memories of unkindness to these poor lost lads were rising up, and unavailing regrets and remorse were being indulged; and best of all, the departed were the talk of the whole town, and the envy of all the boys, as far as this dazzling notoriety was concerned. |
No sigues pallus, Noah, | Don't be foolish, Noah. |
No sigues difícil. | You stole them! Now, don't be difficult, Coraline. |
Kinu, sigues forta. | Kinu, be brave. |
En aquest cas, sigues feliç. | In that case, be happy. |
O potser simplement sigues millor que jo en açò. | Or maybe you're just better at this than me. |
Si fores Hiro, no ho ets, però si ho fores Sabries que | If you were Hiro... You're not, but if you were, you would know that saving the world comes before everything else. |
Per un moment, he desitjat que ho fores. | For a brief moment, I wish you were. |
Si fores el meu segon fill, No m'importaria. | If you were my second son, I wouldn't care. |
Si no fores el meu germà, Pensaria que ets un espia. | If you weren't my brother I'd think you're a spy. |
Fa tres dies fou la meva germana. | My sister was three days ago. |
Després del desdejuni, la seva tia el prengué de banda, i Tom gairebé resplendí amb l'esperança que li darien una pallissa; pero no fou així. | After breakfast his aunt took him aside, and Tom almost brightened in the hope that he was going to be flogged; but it was not so. |
No fou violent, no. | After all, it wasn't violence. |
Aquest és el cas de Khodorkovski, segons el documental, que mostra la seva primera entrevista des que fou detingut. | Such was the case of Khodorkovsky, according to the film, which features the first interview with the man since his detention. |
El discurs fou anunciat després que una enquesta d'opinió pública... anunciés que la popularitat de Nixon havia caigut... fins al punt més baix d'un president americà en els últims 20 anys. | The speech was announced after the Gallup Poll disclosed... ...that Mr. Nixon's popularity had fallen to the lowest point... ...for an American President in 20 years. |
Tres dels homes foren posats a bord dormits... o per a ser més precís, en estat d'hivernació: | Three of the men were put aboard asleep... ...or to be more precise, in a state of hibernation: |
Milers de xilens foren assassinats i torturats i cents de milers se'n van anar a I'exili. | Thousands of Chileans were murdered and tortured and hundreds of thousands went into exile. |
L'espurna que va encendre el moviment Idle No More foren els esdeveniments del passat 4 de desembre, quan als representants de les Primeres Nacions se'ls va impedir entrar al Parlament d'Otawa per a presentar els seus dubtes al voltant d'un nou projecte de llei. | The Idle No More movement was sparked by events on 4 December, when First Nations representatives were blocked from entering the House of Commons in Ottawa to discuss their concerns about a proposed Bill. |
No només foren arrestades, moltes també van ser castigades amb la prohibició de viatjar i amb la suspensió del seu contracte de treball. | They were not only arrested, but many were further punished by being banned from travel and suspended from their work. |
Encara que mon llibre s'adreça sobretot al divertiment de nois i noies, espero que aixo no sera causa que el defugin homes i dones, perque part del meu proposit ha estat mirar de fer plaent memoria als adults d'allo que un dia foren, i de com sentiren i pensaren i parlaren, i en quínes singulars empreses s'esmerçaren de vegades. | Although my book is intended mainly for the entertainment of boys and girls, I hope it will not be shunned by men and women on that account, for part of my plan has been to try to pleasantly remind adults of what they once were themselves, and of how they felt and thought and talked, and what queer enterprises they sometimes engaged in. THE AUTHOR. |
Qui sigui que hagi fet això òbviament te coneixements de la cultura americana nativa però en la practica no la comprèn en absolut. | Whoever did this obviously had knowledge of native american culture, but they had absolutely no practical underdanding of it. |
- Maleïda sigui... el tinent no tenia... | Goddammit... That with the Leutnant... |
I segur que tenen més valor que el que sigui que hi hagi aquí dins. | And I am sure it's still more valuable than whatever's in here. |
Però... d'allà on creguis que va venir aquest do o qui sigui que creguis que te'l va atorgar, és simplement una anomalia. | But... wherever you think this gift came from or whoever you think bestowed it upon you, it's simply an anomaly. |
El Parlament fixa de manera definitiva el pressupost i la signatura del president del Parlament fa que sigui efectiu. | It is Parliament which adopts the final budget and the President of Parliament's signature makes it enforceable. |
Això depèn de qui siguis. | That depends on who you are. |
Ben Harper, és la sentència d'aquest tribunal... que per l'assassinat de Ed Smiley i Corey South... siguis penjat pel coll fins a morir. | Ben Harper, it is the sentence of this court... that for the murder of Ed Smiley and Corey South... you be hanged by the neck until you are dead. |
No crec que siguis conscient de com ets d'impopular. | I don't think you understand how unpopular you are. |
Potser siguis tu. Potser només ets incapaç de confiar. | Maybe you are just incapable of trust. |
Així que, el que vulgui que siguis, si de veritat no ens vols fer mal, demostra-ho. | So whatever the hell you are, if you really mean us no harm, then prove it. |
No hauria de sorprendre'ns que siguem un grup de persones molt divers i global. | It shouldn't come as a surprise that we are a very diverse and global group of people. |
L'artista ucraïnès espera que el projecte del còmic ajudi a què siguem més conscients de les dificultats d'altres presoners i captius que han patit (i continuen patint) a mans de les autoproclamades autoritats separatistes a l'est d'Ucraïna. | The Ukrainian artist hopes his comic book project will help raise awareness of the plight of other prisoners and captives who suffered (and continue to suffer) at the hands of the self-proclaimed separatist authorities in eastern Ukraine. |
I jo que nosaltres ho siguem, Penny. | And I'm glad you and I are friends again, too. |
El fet que avui aquí siguem molts, i més que n'han de venir, i que ell sigui un home sol, us podria fer pensar que tenim avantatge. | There are many of us gathered here today with still more to come. There is only one of him. You'd think that gives us the advantage. |
A ell, a en Ned Stark, al rei... a tota aquesta maleïda colla de brètols, fins que només tu i jo siguem els únics que queden en aquest món. | Him, Ned Stark, the king- the whole bloody lot of them, until you and I are the only people left in this world. |
És molt excitant que sigueu tant torracollons, però no creieu que hauríem d'intentar planejar com aturar en Fyers? | It's pretty exciting that both of you are such bad asses, but do you think that maybe we should be making a plan to stop Fyers? |
A no ser que vosaltres sigueu nord-coreans, llavors mai he parlat amb els sud-coreans! | Unless you are the North Koreans, in which case I never talked to the South Koreans! |
I honestament, la resta de nosaltres... continuarem les nostres vides normals i esperarem que sigueu lluny. | And honestly, the rest of us are just... going about our business, being normal and waiting for you not to be around... |
Brenda, m'alegro de que Nate aquest amb algú i espero que els tres sigueu molt feliços. | Brenda, I'm glad Nate is with someone and I hope the three of you are very happy. |
No penso que ho sigueu. | Oh, I don't think you are. |
Bé, això és un edifici que romandrà com un monument als homes quals la visió i organització siguin els seus majors llegats. | Now, this is a building that will stand as a monument to the man whose company and vision are his greatest legacies. Whoa! Whoa! |
només perquè la majoria dels homes que he conegut hagin estat uns idiotes... no vol dir que pugui pensar que en Leonard i Sheldon ho siguin. | Just because most of the men I've known in my life happen to be jerks, doesn't mean I should just assume Leonard and Sheldon are. |
Que siguin 800,000 accions. | - Make it 800,000 shares. |
Per pocs que siguin. | However few of them there are. |
Què és el que li vens als alemanys, que és tan important... per a que les instal·lacions siguin bombardejades i sabotejades? | What is it you sell the Germans who are so important -- - - That the facility bombed and sabotaged? |
Si no vaig entendre que em demanés que fos el seu padrí, és perquè no esperava arribar a ser el millor amic d'algú. | So if I didn't understand I was being asked to be best man, it is because I never expected to be anybody's best friend. |
El blocaire trobava 'estrany' que l'avió fos inaugurat en un estadi esportiu cobert, quan acostumen a ser presentats mentre volen. | The blogger found it ‘weird’ that the aircraft was being unveiled at an indoor sports stadium as airplanes are usually shown in flight. |
Vull informació sobre com està sent afectada la gent. | Stewart: I want information on how people are being affected. |
El 7 de febrer de 2013, Angola es despertava amb els crits de dolor de dues clientes d'una botiga que estaven sent assotades. | On February 7, 2013, Angola awoke to screams of pain and the sound of two women customers of a store being whipped. |
Mandrake... suposo que mai se li ha acudit... que mentre estem aquí xerrant... una decisió està sent presa pel President... i la Junta de Caps a la sala de guerra del Pentàgon. | Mandrake, I suppose it never occurred to you... that while we're chatting here so enjoyably... a decision is being made by the president... and the joint chiefs in the War Room at the Pentagon. |
l'altre nit... sent tant negatiu. | the other night... being all negative. |
Però t'aviso, Àlex... sent com sempre he estat, un amic teu... la única persona en aquesta comunitat malalta i dolorida... que vol salvar-te de tu mateix! | I'm warning you, little Alex... ...being a good friend to you as always... ...the one man in this sore and sick community... ...who wants to save you from yourself! |