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Creure (to believe) conjugation

68 examples

Conjugation of creure

Present tense
I believe
you believe
he/she believes
we believe
you all believe
they believe
Present perfect tense
he cregut
I have believed
has cregut
you have believed
ha cregut
he/she has believed
hem cregut
we have believed
heu cregut
you all have believed
han cregut
they have believed
Future tense
I will believe
you will believe
he/she will believe
we will believe
you all will believe
they will believe
Conditional mood
I would believe
you would believe
he/she would believe
we would believe
you all would believe
they would believe
Past perfect tense
havia cregut
I had believed
havies cregut
you had believed
havia cregut
he/she had believed
havíem cregut
we had believed
havíeu cregut
you all had believed
havien cregut
they had believed
Past impf. tense
I was believing
you were believing
he/she was believing
we were believing
you all were believing
they were believing
Imperative mood
let him/her believe!
let's believe!
let them believe!
Imperative negative mood
no creguis
don't believe!
no cregui
don't let him/her believe!
no creguem
let's not believe!
no cregueu
don't believe!
no creguin
don't let them believe!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria cregut
I would have believed
hauries cregut
you would have believed
hauria cregut
he/she would have believed
hauríem cregut
we would have believed
hauríeu cregut
you all would have believed
haurien cregut
they would have believed
Future perfect tense
hauré cregut
I will have believed
hauràs cregut
you will have believed
haurà cregut
he/she will have believed
haurem cregut
we will have believed
haureu cregut
you all will have believed
hauren cregut
they will have believed
Preterite past tense
I believed
you believed
he/she believed
we believed
you all believed
they believed
Past anterior tense
haguí cregut
I had believed
hagueres cregut
you had believed
hagué cregut
he/she had believed
haguérem cregut
we had believed
haguéreu cregut
you all had believed
haguéren cregut
they had believed
Subjunctive of present tense
(so that I) believe
(so that you) believe
(so that he/she) believes
(so that we) believe
(so that you all) believe
(so that they) believe
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
(so that I) was believing
(so that you) were believing
(so that he/she) was believing
(so that we) were believing
(so that you all) were believing
(so that they) were believing
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi cregut
(so that I) have believed
hagis cregut
(so that you) have believed
hagi cregut
(so that he/she) has believed
hàgim cregut
(so that we) have believed
hàgiu cregut
(so that you all) have believed
hagin cregut
(so that they) have believed
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués cregut
(so that I) had believed
haguessis cregut
(so that you) had believed
hagués cregut
(so that he/she) had believed
haguéssim cregut
(so that we) had believed
haguéssiu cregut
(so that you all) had believed
haguessin cregut
(so that they) had believed
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi creure
(so that I) believed
vagis creure
(so that you) believed
vagi creure
(so that he/she) believed
vàgim creure
(so that we) believed
vàgiu creure
(so that you all) believed
vagin creure
(so that they) believed
Periphastic past tense
vaig creure
I believed
vas creure
you believed
va creure
he/she believed
vam creure
we believed
vau creure
you all believed
van creure
they believed
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver cregut
I had believed
vas haver cregut
you had believed
va haver cregut
he/she had believed
vam haver cregut
we had believed
vau haver cregut
you all had believed
van haver cregut
they had believed

Examples of creure

Example in CatalanTranslation in English
Déu meu, no m'ho puc creure. Et deixo tot això en un missatge de veu.Oh, my God, I can't believe I'm leaving you all this in a voice mail.
No em puc creure que no hi sigui.Can't believe she's gone. Aah!
Com podem creure res del que ens diguis?How can we believe anything you say?
# I no em vas creure ## You didn't believe me #
Però he de creure que havia més en aquests ulls Que el meu propi reflex tornant--la mirada.But I have to believe there was more in his eyes... than my own reflection staring back at me.
Jo crec en tot aquest tipus de coses i...espero, sap, Jack...I believe in all that sort of thing and I'm hoping, you know, Jack--
Sí, crec que serà suficient.I- - I believe it will.
Sí, crec que els vampirs van ser fets a imatge de Déu.Yes, I believe vampires were made in God's image.
És jove, no crec que ella estigui més enllà de la redempció.She's young, I don't believe she is beyond redemption.
Encara no m'ho crec.I still don't believe it.
Això ho creus perquè has renunciat a que et torni a passar.You only believe that because you've given up on that ever happening to you.
Encara creus que els mossegadors tenen res d'humà?Do you still believe the biters have some spark in them, huh?
Jo tampoc hi estic d'acord amb tot el que creus.I don't agree with everything that you believe, either.
De debò que ho creus? Ho creus?Do you believe that yourself?
Ja no creus en Déu?Don't you believe in God anymore?
La Corona creu que els tribunals de Massachusetts són parcials.The Crown believes that the courts of Massachusetts are hopelessly biased.
Si la gent de Coursera creu en el seu propi objectiu com una forma de canviar el món a través de l'educació, hauria d'encarregar-se de restablir l'accés a la pàgina web des de Síria.If @coursera believes in its own mission as a life-changer through education, it should ensure access to their site is reinstated in #Syria. — Leila Nachawati Rego (@leila_na) January 28, 2014
Es tant egocèntric que creu que les víctimes sabran la raó i qui ho ha fet.He's so self-centered he believes his victims will know the reason for the attack and who did it.
Morfeus creu que és Ell.Morpheus believes he is the One.
Escriu un bloc a Sacando la Lengua sobre llengües, literatura i interaccions a la societat, i creu fermament que cada cultura és única i important, i considera que l'estudi de les cultures és com un mirall de la nostra pròpia cultura.She blogs at Sacando la Lengua about languages, literature and interactions in society, and deeply believes in the uniqueness and importance of every culture, and in the study of them as a mirror to our own.
Per totes les evidencies que em obtingut... ..creiem que estàs buscant un assassí del tipus 4.From all the evidence that we've gathered, we believe that you're looking for a type-4 assassin. - Type 4?
Des del PP creiem que davant la situació en què ens trobem les coses no se solucionen fent una vaga.We at the PP believe that, faced with this situation which we find ourselves in, things will not be solved with a strike.
Però creiem que està indefens pel que fa a les regulacions.But we believe that he's vulnerable on regulation.
Les imatges que s'estan emetent en alguns informatius al voltant del món que mostren els cossos de 83 nens morts suposadament assassinats a l'atac, creiem que són falses, creades pels terroristes amb objectius propagandístics.The images being broadcast on some news outlets around the world of the bodies of 83 dead children allegedly killed in the strike, we believe to be false, created by the terrorists for propaganda purposes.
Per el llenguatge utilitzat en el comunicat de rescat. ...creiem que el mes factible, es que treballi sol.And from the language in the ransom, we most likely believe that he's working alone.
Perquè vas anar a l'escola pública sempre s'ha cregut amb el dret fer el que vulgui.Because you went to public school and believed you were entitled to everything.
Però Rose i Catkin mai han cregut als rumors i han quedat al meu costat.But Rose and Catkin never believed those rumors, and stood by me.
Us va dir que estava preocupat per mi, i us ho heu cregut, quan és el que em va internar aquí dins.He told you that he was worried about me, and you believed it, when he's the one who put me in here.
Mai no he cregut realment que fossis un fanàtic.I never really believed you're a fanatic.
Mai m'has cregut, saps?You know, you never believed in me.
Vós creieu en ella?Do you believe in her?
Si no em creieu, podeu escorcollar el meu tros.If you don't believe me, you can come check my place.
Sé com n'és de dur viure amb gent que menysprees, creieu-me.I know how hard it is to live with people you despise, believe me.
Oh, sí!… Vau dir que creieu que la porta era oberta.Oh, yes--you said you believed the door was open."
Heu vingut a escoltar-me dir això perquè és el que vós també creieu.You came to hear me say it because you believe it yourself.
La gent d'en Milton son gent tranquil•la, Obrers de la construcció, venedors de material de construcció, gent de classe treballadora que creuen que els indis estan entorpint... El camí del progres,...Minton's people are mostly quiet, construction workers, building supply vendors, working class people that believe indians are standing in the way of progress, and commerce...
Els operatius de la GKNB creuen que presumptament aquest “país estranger” seria el Regne Unit, ja que la investigació de Sodiqov estava finançada pel British Economic and Social Research Council.GKNB operatives presumably believed the “foreign country” to have been the UK, given Sodiqov’s research was funded by the British Economic and Social Research council.
Els optimistes creuen que sí.The optimists believe so.
Els marits violents creuen que les Seves dones i fills son de la seva propietat.Violent husbands believe their wives and children are property.
Hi ha tribus natives, que creuen que dones una mica de la teva ànima quan et fotografien.There are native tribes who believe you give away something of your soul when you're photographed.
I llavors ho creuré.And then I will believe it.
Ens donaran un senyal i després tu també ho creuràs.They'll give us a sign and then you will believe, too.
Ningú creurà una paraula del que digui.No-one will believe a word he says.
L'Estrangulament amb les mans No es tan fàcil com un creuria.Strangulation with your bare hands is not as easy as one would believe.
El creuria, Sr. Queen, si no estigués tan ple de merda.I would believe you, Mr. Queen, if you weren't so full of crap.
ningú no es creuria que és teu.Nobody would believe it's yours.
Déu, sense això, em creuria tot el que ell diu.God, without this, I would believe anything that he says.
Això no t'ho puc donar. ningú no es creuria que és teu.This I can't give you. Nobody would believe it's yours.
Hom cregué que la recerca dels cossos només havia estat infructuosa perque l'ofegada devia haver-se esdevingut al mig del corrent, ja que els minyons, essent bons nadadors, haurien fugit, altrament, cap a la platja.It was believed that the search for the bodies had been a fruitless effort merely because the drowning must have occurred in mid-channel, since the boys, being good swimmers, would otherwise have escaped to shore.
Tom cregué que ja devia ésser dimecres o dijous, o potser divendres o dissabte, i que havia estat abandonada la recerca.Tom believed that it must be Wednesday or Thursday or even Friday or Saturday, now, and that the search had been given over.
Nosaltres mai creguérem, que les forces armades eren constitucionals.We never believed that, the armed forces stood by the constitution.
No importa el que jo cregui.It doesn't matter what I believe.
No importa el que cregui jo.Doesn't matter what I believe.
Res del què diguis farà que et cregui.There is nothing you can say to me that I would believe.
Però cregui'm, ell i jo, de fet, no ens veiem.But believe me, he and I, in truth, we no longer see.
No espero pas que em creguis, però em preocupo per tu, Christine.I don't expect you to believe me but I care about you, Christine.
*no em creguis, mira-ho* *no em creguis, mira-ho* *no em creguis, mira-ho* *no em creguis, mira-ho* *funk de classe alta per a tu* *funk de classe alta per a tu*♪ Don't believe me, just watch ♪ ♪ Don't believe me, just watch ♪ ♪ Don't believe me, just watch ♪
Què he de fer perquè em creguis?What do I have to do to make you believe me?
No creguis tot el que sents a la televisió.Don't believe everything they say on TV.
Necessito que et creguis això.I need you to believe this.
Ho cregueu o no...Whether you believe it...
En tens prou com per què et creguin.You've got enough to get them to believe your story at least.
Els diré, i creguin-me, que passada una certa edat, un home sense família pot ser una cosa dolenta.Yeah, I'll tell you guys-- and believe me, past a certain age, a man without a family can be a bad thing.
Doncs fes que sàpiguen i et creguin.Then do they know, and believe thee.
Si, bé, tinc un moment difícil creient això.Yeah, well, I have a hard time believing that.
I ha de seguir creient-ho.And he must go on believing.
I'odi de la dreta, el pànic de les classes mitjanes, creixia el support a Allende, i érem milers i milers que sortíem als carrers, conscients i decidits, creient que era possible crear un món més just i més lliure.Allende's support grew, there were thousands and thousands of us who went out on the streets, conscious and willing, believing it was possible to create a freer and fairer world.
Excepte creient en que aquesta gent a la que volen que renunciïs, estan tenint fe en tu, i els deus creure en ells igualment.Except by believing that those people they want you to renounce, that they're keeping the faith in you, and you owe it to them to do the same.

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