"El Regalo de Regalar" Tengo que regalar dinero. | Uh, I do have to give away some money. |
"Habrá que regalar a la mayoría porque el racionamiento de leche es muy estricto y no podremos comprar suficiente para ellos". | "We'll have to give most of them away because the milk rationing is very strict now and we won't be able to buy enough for them." |
"Mi marido quería regalar todos sus bienes a los pobres, y eso trajo muchos conflictos con su hermano hasta que, una noche, se produjo la ruptura total." | "My husband wanted to give away all his possessions, and distribute his assets to the poor, and that brought many conflicts with his brother ... until, one night, a complete breakup occurred." |
- Bueno, ya sabes, la superstición dice que da mala suerte regalar un cuchillo. | - Well, you know, superstitions says it's bad luck to give a knife as a present. |
- Digo, si realmente quieres regalar dinero. | I mean, if you really want to give some money away. It's not like that, man. |
! Te lo regalo¡ | I give it to you |
" Calder, hazte un buen regalo y dale un puñetazo a Damon Fuller". | "Calder, give yourself a present and take a sock at Damon Fuller." |
"Con mi regalo, no les podría haber sido mas fácil llegar a casa. | "It could not have been easier for you to get home, given what I gave you. |
"Cuando tu pareja llegue con un regalo, deja todo lo que estés haciendo y dedícale toda tu atención". | "When your girlfriend arrives with a gift, stop whatever it is you're doing and give her your undivided attention." |
"El verdadero amor es el regalo que Dios dio al hombre solitario, debajo de los cielos. | "True love's the gift which God has given to man alone "beneath the heavens. |
- Mami, ¿me regalas 300 marcos? | - Say, Mama, can you give me 300 marks? |
- Nunca devuelvo lo que me regalas. | - I never return anything you give me. |
- Si me regalas un iPod. | If you give me an iPod. |
- ¡Entonces, esta noche me regalas la foto! ¡No es mi chica! | Can you give me the photos tonight? |
- ¿Me regalas una cometa? | Can you give me a kite? |
"Mamá tiene un amigo en el trabajo que le regala chocolate". | "Mum's got a friend at work that gives her chocolate. "That's nice. |
"Si alguien te regala una guitarra, es un gran honor". | "If somebody gives you a guitar, that's a big honor, you know?" |
# La Madre regala el don de la vida, # # vela por toda esposa y mujer. # | ♪ The mother gives the gift of life ♪ ♪ And watches over every wife ♪ |
- el cuál regala, ¿bien? | - which she gives away, right? |
- ¿Sabes quién te regala estas cosas? | - Do you know who gives you these things? |
"Básicamente, os lo regalamos." | "Basically, we'll give this to you." |
"¿Es lo que regalamos" | "Is what we give away" |
-También lo regalamos a los hospitales. | - We also give it free to hospitals. |
A las hijas las regalamos. | Daughters are things to give away. |
Asi que ahora cuando quiero salir debo cubrirme totalmente o disfrazarme para caminar por los alrededores y repartir los boletos que regalamos en cada show. porque aun regalamos esos boletos. | I have to literally disguise myself or hide to navigate the giveback that we do every show, 'cause we still give away those tickets. |
Creí que esta era la fiesta en que regaláis caramelos. | I thought this was the holiday where you give out candy. |
Habéis subrayado su influjo sobre la población y ahora regaláis el símbolo de nuestro prestigio a una comediante. | You pointed out its effect on the population... and now you have given away this symbol of our glory to a common actress. |
Me regaláis estas cruces... sólo para olvidar el sufrimiento que habéis ocasionado con vuestra usura. | You give me these crosses in order to try to forget... the suffering you have inflicted on those you've lent money to... at an exorbitant rate of interest. |
¿Por qué regaláis tragos gratis? | Why give free drinks, you fool! |
# Éste es el día que regalan bebés # | # This is the day they give babies away # |
- Mamá, ¿qué se regalan las hormigas por Navidad? | Mama, what do ants give each other for Christmas? |
-¿Nos regalan los vasos? | - Do they give away glasses? |
5 dolares... es una locura las regalan cinco dolares. | Five bucks... Man, that's nuts, you give them away for free. Five bucks. |
Además, a la gente le regalan libros y bombones, no canoas gigantes. | Besides, people give you books and chocolates, not giant canoes. |
"Aquel pañuelo por mí tan estimado, que yo te regalé, ¡tú se lo diste a Casio!" | That handkerchief which I so loved and gave thee thou gav'st to Cassio! |
- Así le regalé yo uno. | I gave her such a one. |
- Bien, regalé el dinero. | Well, I gave the money away. |
- Bueno, he ido al Café de Luke esta mañana y llevaba la gorra que le regalé. | I went into Luke's diner this morning, and he was wearing the hat I gave him. You gave Luke a hat. |
- Buscabas un libro y te regalé... | I gave you a copy of,... |
"Te acordás cuando me regalaste aquella ambulancia con un maletín lleno de frasquitos y jeringas?" | You rememberwhen you gave me that ambulance and the injection equipment? |
# La última Navidad te di mi corazón, # # pero al día siguiente, lo regalaste. # | ♪ Last Christmas I gave you my heart, ♪ ♪ but the very next day, you gave it away. ♪ |
# La última Navidad, te di mi corazón, # # y al día siguiente, lo regalaste. # | ♪ Last Christmas, I gave you my heart, ♪ ♪ And the very next day, you gave it away. ♪ |
- Al día siguiente lo regalaste. - Me regalaste... # # Este año, para ahorrarme las lágrimas, # | ♪ You gave me away... ♪ ♪ Oh... ♪ |
- Aún me quedan las cincuenta liras que me regalaste por Navidad. | I still have the 50 lira you gave me for Christmas. |
"A quien nos regaló esta fuente... | Dear whoever gave us this platter, I love it! |
"Conocí a un tipo, se enamoró de mí y me lo regaló". | "I met a guy," I told him. "He said he was in love with me. He gave me the coat." |
"Dña. Martina le regaló a Luisa la ratona que llevaba su nombre. | Lady Martina gave Luisa the stuffed mouse with her name on it as a present. |
"Mi novio me regaló un anillo. Que lo tasen." ¿Ves por dónde voy? | "My boyfriend gave me a ring, I want it appraised." Could I use that? |
"Quien me regaló esta flor fue mi mejor alumno". | "My best student gave me this flower". |
- Ellos nos regalaron ese jamón. | -What are we going to feed them? -They gave us that ham. |
- Gracias. Me la regalaron por mi cumpleaños pasado. | Anna gave it to me for my birthday last year. |
- Lo que me regalaron esta noche. | - What you gave me tonight. |
- Me Io regalaron los chicos. | Kids gave it to me for Father's Day. |
- Me lo regalaron. | - No, look, somebody gave it to me. |
- Te regalaré una estancia. | - I will give you a villa. |
Me iré a América y les regalaré el Coliseo. | I will go to America and I will give them the Coliseum. |
Por eso, si a los 21 años no te has perdido un solo ciclo menstrual te regalaré $1000. | Mm-hmm. That is why, if, by the age of 21... you have not missed one menstrual cycle... - I will give you $1,000. |
Si quieres casarte conmigo, te regalaré un anillo tan bonito como este | If you marry me, I will give you a ring as nice as this. |
Yo te regalaré fortuna y amor. | I will give you luck and love. |
¿Me lo regalarás para mí cumpleaños? | It will give me for my birthday. |
"Mi estúpido y débil padre te regalará sus tierras. | "My stupid, weak father will give away his lots. |
El profesor Woland... regalará un billete de 100 ¡a todos! | Professor Woland will give everyone a 100 ruble note! |
En ese caso, un caballero te regalará otro. | In that case, a gentleman will give you another one. |
Y cuando te cases, ya te regalará tu marido un abrigo de pieles. | And when you're married, your husband will give you a fur. |
Bien dicho. Ahora os regalaremos pulseras de goma. | Now we will give out free rubber bracelets. |
Dijo que le regalaría un caballo a su nieto por Navidades. | He said, he would give his grandson a horse for Christmas. |
Es lo que le regalaría su tío. | That's like something her uncle would give her. |
Intenta imaginar que te regalaría para el Día del Padre. | Try to think what I would give you for Father's Day |
Le regalaría joyas hermosas. | I would give beautiful jewelry. |
Le regalaría la máquina si el Star fuese un buen periódico. | I would give you this machine for nothing if 'The Star' were a great newspaper... |
Me prometiste una cosa que no es posible: que me regalarías guantes de piel de pescado, que me regalarías zapatos de piel de pájaro, y un traje de la mejor seda de Irlanda. | You promised me athingthatisnotpossible, that you would give me gloves of the skin of a fish; that you would give me shoes of the skin of a bird, and a suit of the dearest silk in Ireland. |
¿Me regalarías una historia? | You would give away a story? |
"En el 25º aniversario de la empresa... la junta ha autorizado que se regale... una botella de vino a los empleados." | "On the 25th anniversary of the company... " "the board has permitted a bottle of wine... " "to be given as a gift to the employees. " |
- Necesitan una nueva escuela y rezan para que él les regale su edificio. | FATHER: They need a new school. They're praying for him to give them his building. |
-Espero que me perdone... pero en la tormentosa tensión de las circunstancias... he decidido cambiarle la cerradura... pero permítame que le regale lo que podríamos llamar... | Mrs. Petrov, l hope you will forgive me... but in the storm and stress of other circumstances... l rather willfully changed the lock. But may l present you with this? |
-¿ Que regale a mi bebé? | -For me to give my baby away? |
-¿Quién quieres que me lo regale? | - Who would want to give me anything? |
*Nunca lo regales* | * Don't ever give it all away * |
- No lo regales aún. | Don't give it away just yet. |
- No regales nada hasta que te vea. | - Don't give anything away till I see you. |
A decir verdad creo que le gustará cualquier cosa que le regales. | Well, to tell you the truth... I think she'll love anything you give her. |
Ahora no regales el almacén para conseguir esta fiesta, ¿de acuerdo? | Now don't give away the store to get this party, all right? |
Deja que se lo regalemos. | Let us give her a dress. |
Lo único que pido es que de las 450 casas... le regalemos una a una familia pobre del barrio bajo. | The only thing I ask is out of the 450 homes we build... one be given to a disadvantaged family from the inner city. |
Mira, regalemos algo a tu muchacho. | Let's give your boy a present. |
No les gusta aquí que los regalemos, pero quizá los necesite. | They don't really like us to give these away, but you might need 'em. |
Pero nunca la regaléis, y jamás la vendáis. | But never give it away, and never sell it. |
Antes de que regalen sus joyas, ¿Puedo hablar con Duke? | Before you give away your jewelry, can I talk to Duke? |
Debe ser bonito que te lleven a sitios nuevos. que te regalen trajes bonitos y regalos caros. | It would be exciting to be taken to places, to be given fine clothes and expensive presents. |
Debe ser divertido permanecer de pie en el frío esperando que los famosos lo miren que le regalen un minuto, si se compadecen de Ud. | That must be fun. Standing around on cold, drizzly nights... waiting for famous people to give you a cursory glance... a moment of their time, perhaps, if they take pity on you. |
Eso fue irresistible. ¿Que te regalen una calabaza en tu primera cita? | That was an irresistible thing, to be given a pumpkin on your first date. |
Les dicen a los niños que los regalen. | They're telling children to give them away. |
"Si he regalado todo lo que tengo..." | "If I have given away all that I have... " |
- Kif me ha regalado muchos. | Kif's given me dozens. |
- Lo son, por supuesto, pero no me atrevo a ir a comprar lazos cuando nuestro cobre se va casi regalado. | ~ They are, of course, but I hesitate to buy ribbons when our copper can scarce be given away. |
- Me ha regalado muchas cosas. | - You've given me so much already. |
- Nadie nunca me había regalado nada. | -No one's ever given me a gift before. |
$2.500, y la estoy regalando. | $2,500, and that's giving it away. |
(Julia) Como si la comida la estuvieran regalando. | As if they were giving the food away. |
- Bueno, eso es una parte de ti que está regalando. | Well, that's a part of yourself you're giving away. |
- Deberíamos estar regalando las nuestras. | - We should be giving ours away. - God. |
- El que está regalando Gameboys. | - The one giving out the Gameboys. |
- ¿Me regalás? - ¡Ey! | - Will you give me one? |
Y vos después le regalás el DVD de "Buscando a Nemo". | And then you give her "Finding Nemo". |