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Pune (to put) conjugation

69 examples

Conjugation of pune

Present tense
I put
you put
he/she/it puts
we put
you all put
they put
Present perfect tense
am pus
I have put
ai pus
you have put
a pus
he/she/it has put
am pus
we have put
ați pus
you all have put
au pus
they have put
Past preterite tense
I put
you put
he/she/it put
we put
you all put
they put
Future tense
voi pune
I will put
vei pune
you will put
va pune
he/she/it will put
vom pune
we will put
veți pune
you all will put
vor pune
they will put
Conditional mood
aș pune
I would put
ai pune
you would put
ar pune
he/she/it would put
am pune
we would put
ați pune
you all would put
ar pune
they would put
Subjunctive present tense
să pun
(so that/if) I put
să pui
(so that/if) you put
să pună
(so that/if) he/she/it put
să punem
(so that/if) we put
să puneți
(so that/if) you all put
să pună
(so that/if) they put
Subjunctive past tense
să fi pus
(so that/if) I have put
să fi pus
(so that/if) you have put
să fi pus
(so that/if) he/she/it have put
să fi pus
(so that/if) we have put
să fi pus
(so that/if) you all have put
să fi pus
(so that/if) they have put
Past impf. tense
I was putting
you were putting
he/she/it was putting
we were putting
you all were putting
they were putting
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu pune
do not put!
nu puneți
do not put!
Past pluperfect tense
I had put
you had put
he/she/it had put
we had put
you all had put
they had put
Future alternative 1 tense
am să pun
I am going to put
ai să pui
you are going to put
are să pună
he/she/it is going to put
avem să punem
we are going to put
aveți să puneți
you all are going to put
au să pună
they are going to put
Future alternative 2 tense
o să pun
I am going to put
o să pui
you are going to put
o să pună
he/she/it is going to put
o să punem
we are going to put
o să puneți
you all are going to put
o să pună
they are going to put
Future perfect tense
voi fi pus
I will have put
vei fi pus
you will have put
va fi pus
he/she/it will have put
vom fi pus
we will have put
veți fi pus
you all will have put
vor fi pus
they will have put
Future in the past tense
aveam să pun
I was going to put
aveai să pui
you were going to put
avea să pună
he/she/it was going to put
aveam să punem
we were going to put
aveați să puneți
you all were going to put
aveau să pună
they were going to put
Conditional past tense
aș fi pus
I would have put
ai fi pus
you would have put
ar fi pus
he/she/it would have put
am fi pus
we would have put
ați fi pus
you all would have put
ar fi pus
they would have put
Presumptive tense
oi pune
I might put
oi pune
you might put
o pune
he/she/it might put
om pune
we might put
oți pune
you all might put
or pune
they might put
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi punând
I might be putting
oi fi punând
you might be putting
o fi punând
he/she/it might be putting
om fi punând
we might be putting
oți fi punând
you all might be putting
or fi punând
they might be putting
Presumptive past tense
oi fi pus
I might have put
oi fi pus
you might have put
o fi pus
he/she/it might have put
om fi pus
we might have put
oți fi pus
you all might have put
or fi pus
they might have put

Examples of pune

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
! ...deci vom pune "Hesitation" interpretat de Fyodor Shalyapin....so we put romance "Hesitation" with the performance Fjodor Shalyapin.
! De ce ar pune cineva asta aici? !Why would someone put this here?
! Larry, unde pot pune acest excrement?Larry, where can I put this poop?
! Nu-ţi pune mîinile pe mine!Do not put your hands on me!
! Se pune John Ross ? i Sue Ellen în control.It puts John Ross and Sue Ellen in control.
! De-aia o să pun pe mine spărgătorul de vânt.That's why I'm puttin' on my windbreaker.
"" Ar trebui să pun acest fir jos? ""'Should I put this speck down? '
"...ca atunci cand vrajitoarele cheama tunetul, isi pun mainile in apa...""...that when witches call for thunder, they put their hands in the water..."
"Am de gând să pun un glonţ într-o bucată de hârtie de la 30 de yarzi.""I'm going to put a bullet in a piece of paper at 30 yards."
"Am să pun nişte oameni pe Pământ pentru ca ei să se ajute unul pe altul."I'm going to put some humans on Earth so they can help each other.
! Ce plănuiai să faci, să pui antrax în sushi-ul cu somon afumat? !What were you planning to do, put Anthrax in the smoked salmon Sushi?
! Ce încercai sa pui înăuntru?What were you trying to put it in?
! Ne pui pe toţi în pericol.You're putting us all at risk!
! Îmi pui familia în pericol!You're putting my family in danger!
"Al nostru". Îţi pui toată încrederea în Wolfram and Hart."Us." You put your faith in Wolfram and Hart.
"...este sa luam cearsafurile de pa paturi si sa le punem pe capete, exact asa."--is take the sheets off your beds put them over our heads, like this here.
"A reveni" Acum, dacă încercâm să-l punem într-o..."To come back." Now, if we're going to put it in the past...
"Are 30 de ani, sa o distrugem si sa punem o parcare. ""It's 30 years old, let's smash it and put a car park here."
"Ba uită-te la al tău." "Hai să le punem alături.""Look at your giant head." "Let's put them together."
"Ce vrea idiotul ăsta să punem în rezervorul de benzină?""What does this idiot tree hugger want us to put in our gas tanks?
! - Ai pus-o undeva ? !Did you put it somewhere?
! Curly, cine anume a pus acesta noţiune în capul tău mic şi amuzant?Curly, whatever put that notion into your funny little head?
! Când băieţii tăi m-au pus în misiunea aia sub acoperire, îl şti pe Reese ăla, nu vorbea de altceva decât de iaht.When your two boys put me on that undercover golf course mission that cat, Reese?
! Din cauză că ţi-au pus curul în perne de stofa?Because you put your ass on purple cushions?
! Din cauză că ţi-au pus curul în perne de stofă?Because you put your ass on purple cushions?
"Doctore, m-am sucit glezna." Trebuie să puneți pe un sacou bombardier ""Doctor, I've twisted my ankle. "You must put on a bomber jacket "
- De înțeles sunt zguduit pe urmele lor la această oră, să-l puneți blând.--understandably are rocked on their heels at this hour, to put it mildly.
- Larry, trebuie să puneți Juan inapoi cum era.- Larry, you have to put Juan back the way he was.
- N-am unde să-l puneți.- I ain't got nowhere to put it.
- Nu am unde să-l puneți .- I have nowhere else to put it.
"...si-si puse mâna stânga pe Carol..."...and put his left hand on Carol's...
"Mâinile despărţite nu pot fi puse înapoi la unison.""Parted hands can't be put back in unison."
"Vera puse ultimul glonţ în încărcătorul pistolului"He put the last of the bullets" "into the chamber of the gun"
(Grimes) Afacerilor Interne și DA nu vreau să știu, prea mulți băieți răi au fost puse deoparte.(Grimes) Internal Affairs and the D.A. didn't want to know, too many bad guys were being put away.
- Ar trebui puse în frigider.They should be put in the icebox.
- Imi puneam uniforma isi punea uniforma.- l was putting on my uniform
- Pentru ca puneam ceva la loc.Because I was putting something back in.
A trezit-o pe Sammi aseară, îi puneam bani sub pernă pentru că-i căzuse dintele.He woke Sammi up the other night, I was putting money under her pillow because her tooth fell out.
Am luat asta când puneam...I got this from when I was putting...
Ca şi cum îi puneam în coşul meu, curăţând dealurile de copii.Like l was putting them into my big basket, clearing the hillside of its children.
Mi-ai spus asta chiar când o puneai jos.You told me while you were putting it down.
Nu te-ai gandit la asta cand puneai arsenic in pliculetele de ceai, nu'i asa ?You didn't even think about that when you were putting your arsenic in the tea bags, did you ?
Poate i-ai scăpat când îi puneai de o parte şi i-a luat menajera şi i-a pus aici la vedere, unde să-i putem vedea uşor.But maybe you dropped them, and when you were putting them away, and the housekeeper must've picked them up. and placed them there, out in the open where we could see them easily.
- Imi puneam uniforma isi punea uniforma.- l was putting on my uniform
-Am gasit dovezi in calculator. Grimm punea poze cu arme pe internet sa atraga clienti.We found evidence on Grimm's computer he was putting photos on the internet, see what interest he could draw.
Am avut nici un drept fantezii despre un dans stupid când Val punea viața ei pe linie pentru a păstra lepădați în ieftin băuturi spirtoase și foițe de țigară .I had no right fantasizing about a stupid dance when Val was putting her life on the line to keep reprobates in cheap spirits and rolling papers.
Astazi are un sticker cu Kirchner, saptamana trecuta punea afise cu Menem.Today he has a Kirchner sticker, last week he was putting up Menem posters.
Brian s-a lovit într-o zi foarte tare, la skateboard iar în timp ce Robert îi punea gheaţă, pe vânătăi, i-a venit ideea.Brian banged himself up pretty bad on his skateboard one day, and s-so while rert was putting ice on the bruises,the whole thing just came to him.
Am avut cel mai mare şoc din viaţa mea deoarece puneau frană aproape în momentul în care intrau în curba din care eu ieşisem.I got the shock of my life because they were putting the brakes on at about the point going into the corner that I was taking them off.
Banii tăi, ştii, chiar acum Am fost la contabilitate, şi cred că puneau cecurile prin marele procesor de cecuri.You know, I was just over at the accounting department, and I think they were putting the checks through the big check processor.
Da. El şi prietenul său puneau pliante.He and his friend were putting up flyers.
Deci a fost sângele lui Lebourg pe care îl puneau în ea de la bun început?So it was Lebourg's blood they were putting into her all along?
Lindsay şi Tobias puneau în aplicare planul lor.Lindsay and Tobias were putting their plan into action.
Acolo îmi pusesem un mic telescop pe care mi-l făcuse cadou tatăl meu.There I had put a small telescope that I had my gift my father.
Eram atat de paranoica in legatura cu caseta, incat pusesem "Te iubesc"-ul lui Matty intr-o cutie ascunsa intr-un ungher al mintii mele.I was in such a panic over the tape, I had put Matty's "I love you" in a box and shoved it into a poorly-lit corner of my mind.
L-ai văzut dând târcoale locului unde pusesem banii?Did you see him hanging about the place where I had put my money?
A cronometrat întregul traseu al călătoriei... şi l-a sincronizat cu muzica pe care ea însăşi o pusese pe CD-uri.She had laid out the entire road trip... and timed it to music she herself had put on CDs.
Am tras după mine un poster al cântăreţului Tom Jones, pe care mătuşa mea îl pusese.I pulled down this poster of the singer Tom Jones that my aunt had put up.
Avocatul lui Bishop îl pusese pe acesta în legătură cu Mafia.Bishop's attorney had put his boss in business with the mob.
Aşa că am deschis spatele acestui ceas mare, şi criminalul pusese lipici în el şi a oprit mecanismul la exact ora şi data la care a fost condamnat pe viaţă la închisoare.So I open the back of this grand old watch, and the killer had put glue in it to stop the movement. At the exact time and date that he was sentenced to prison for life.
Fratele ei pusese paznici în jurul lui Cezar.Her brother had put guards round Caesar.
În Bucureşti, puseserăm microfoane prin cele mai bune hoteluri.Bucharest, had put microphones the best hotels.
El a aflat că alte persoane puseseră pariuri pe acelaşi cal.He found out that a bunch of other people had put bets on the same horse.
Ne-au condus în interiorul "Templului Radio"... unde puseseră proiectorul din lemn.They led us inside the "Radio Temple" where they had put the wooden projector.
"Îmi amintesc când aveam 10 ani... "şi am prins-o pe mama punând cadouri sub pom.'`I remember when I was ten years old... '`and caught momma putting presents under the tree.
"În mod clar, apoi, punând un avion motor intr-o masina este idiot.'Plainly, then, putting an aeroplane engine in a car is idiotic.
- Au ocupat oraşe punând pasageri în oameni din oraş.- They've taken over towns by putting passengers inside of townsfolk.
- Ciudat mod de a face o invazie punând lumea în stare de alertă.Funny way to invade, putting the world on red alert.
- Dacă era o criză, ar fi trebuit să ţopăi, punând nava în pericol, deci răzvrătire.- Had there been a crisis situation Lister I would've had to perform my duties hopping, clearly putting the ship at risk, clearly, therefore, mutiny.

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