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Panna (to put) conjugation

130 examples
This verb can also mean the following: deposit, brew, set, place, fuck, shag kotus type 67/tulla, no gradation

Conjugation of panna

Present tense
I put
you put
he/she puts
we put
you all put
they put
is put
Past tense
I put
you put
he/she put
we put
you all put
they put
was put
Conditional mood
I would put
you would put
he/she would put
we would put
you all would put
they would put
would be put
Imperative mood
let's put!
be put!
Potential tense
I probably put
you probably put
he/she probably puts
we probably put
you all probably put
they probably put
probably is put
1st long
2nd inessive
2nd instructive
3nd inessive
3rd elative
3rd illative
3rd adessive
3rd abessive
3rd instructive
4th nominative
4th partitive
to put
to put
while putting
while putting
just about to put
Passive infinitives
while not putting
not putting
Passive participles
not put
not put
Present negative tense
en pane
I do not put
et pane
you do not put
ei pane
he/she do not put
emme pane
we do not put
ette pane
you all do not put
eivät pane
they do not put
ei panna
is not put
Past negative tense
en pannut
I did not put
et pannut
you did not put
ei pannut
he/she did not put
emme panneet
we did not put
ette panneet
you all did not put
eivät panneet
they did not put
oli pantu
had been put
Conditional negative tense
en panisi
I would not put
et panisi
you would not put
ei panisi
he/she would not put
emme panisi
we would not put
ette panisi
you all would not put
eivät panisi
they would not put
Imperative negative mood
älä pane
do not put!
älköön panko
let him/her/it not put!
älkäämme panko
let's not put!
älkää panko
do not put!
älkööt panko
do not put!
Potential negative tense
en panne
I probably do not put
et panne
you probably do not put
ei panne
he/she probably does not put
emme panne
we probably do not put
ette panne
you all probably do not put
eivät panne
they probably do not put
Present perfect tense
olen pannut
I have put
olet pannut
you have put
on pannut
he/she has put
olemme panneet
we have put
olette panneet
you all have put
ovat panneet
they have put
on pantu
has been put
Past perfect tense
olin pannut
I had put
olit pannut
you had put
oli pannut
he/she had put
olimme panneet
we had put
olitte panneet
you all had put
olivat panneet
they had put
Conditional perfect tense
olisin pannut
I would have put
olisit pannut
you would have put
olisi pannut
he/she would have put
olisimme panneet
we would have put
olisitte panneet
you all would have put
olisivat panneet
they would have put
olisi pantu
would has been put
Imperative perfect tense
ole pannut
you have put!
olkoon pannut
he/she have put!
olkaamme panneet
we have put!
olkaa panneet
you all have put!
olkoot panneet
they have put!
olkoon pantu
has been put!
Potential perfect tense
lienen pannut
I probably have put
lienet pannut
you probably have put
lienee pannut
he/she probably has put
lienemme panneet
we probably have put
lienette panneet
you all probably have put
lienevät panneet
they probably have put
lienee pantu
probably has been put
Present perfect negative tense
en ole pannut
I have not put
et ole pannut
you have not put
ei ole pannut
he/she has not put
emme ole panneet
we have not put
ette ole panneet
you all have not put
eivät ole panneet
they have not put
Past perfect negative tense
en ollut pannut
I had not put
et ollut pannut
you had not put
ei ollut pannut
he/she had not put
emme olleet panneet
we had not put
ette olleet panneet
you all had not put
eivät olleet panneet
they had not put
Conditional perfect negative tense
en olisi pannut
I would not have put
et olisi pannut
you would not have put
ei olisi pannut
he/she would not have put
emme olisi panneet
we would not have put
ette olisi panneet
you all would not have put
eivät olisi panneet
they would not have put
Imperative perfect negative tense
ole pannut
you have put!
olkoon pannut
he/she have put!
olkaamme panneet
we have put!
olkaa panneet
you all have put!
olkoot panneet
they have put!
Potential perfect negative tense
en liene pannut
I probably have not put
et liene pannut
you probably have not put
ei liene pannut
he/she probably has not put
emme liene panneet
we probably have not put
ette liene panneet
you all probably have not put
eivät liene panneet
they probably have not put

Examples of panna

Example in FinnishTranslation in English
"Ensimmäistä palloa ei panna takaisin, ennen kuin toinen pallo on nostettu."That is to say,we do not put the first ball drawn back in the ballot box before drawing the second ball.
"Et voi panna riffiä joka väliin.""you can put a guitar riff after every line, you know."
"Haluaisitko panna kätesi pöksyihini?""Would you like to put your hand down my knickers?"
"Kaada vähän vettä päälle." Voiko tämän panna johonkin?And put some water on me too, schmuck." I'm gonna get him some-- Can we put this in something?
"Kuuluuko minun panna se suuhuni?""Am I supposed to put that in my mouth?"
"Muru, haluatko, että panen käteni päällesi?I said, "Girl, do you need a prayer? Because I would definitely put hands on you."
- Annan rahat sinulle ja panen koneeseen.Cause I'm gonna give you the money and I'ma put you on a plane.
- Ei! Minä panen sen latvaan!- No, l'm putting it up.
- En mitään. Mies löi minua ja panen hänet pihalle.Nothing... the guy took a swing at me,so I'm putting him out.
- Entä jos panen sinisen kravatin?What if I put on the blue tie? Nope.
# se on merkki, se on vihje # # panet ne yhteen, ja se iskee # # planeetat ovat linjassa # # onko se totta?# It's a sign, it's a clue # # You put it together, and it hits you # # The planets align #
- Kai panet hänet sänkyyn sitten? - En.Yeah, but then you put him in his bed after he's asleep, right?
- Katie, pidä huoli, että panet tuon tarinaasi.Katie, make sure you put that in your story.
- Katsohan, kun panet menemään!Look at you putting yourself out there!
- Kun panet sen asiayhteyteen noin, minä... Liikettä. Huolehdimme laskusta.You know,when you put it in context like that,I-I... let's go.We'll take care of the check.
"Mies panee kätensä naisen alushousuihin.He puts his hands in her underpants.
- Hän panee aina kympin kortin väliin.- Yeah, she puts $10 in every birthday card. That's why I save them.
- Hän panee tamponit lasten korviin.Tampons. She gets tampons. She puts them in her kids' ears.
- Hänen auttaminen panee minut häkkiin.Her "help" puts me in a cage.
- Joka tapauksessa siitä tulee hauskaa. - Kinkkuväkivalta on ohi, - mutta Jamie panee voidetta iholle.Next, violence of the hands may be over, but Jamie puts the lotion on the skin.
"Minne panemme hänet?""Where should we put him?" "Oh, I don't know.
- Aamu viideltä panemme hänet koneeseen, joka lentää Kongoon.Tomorrow at 5 a.m. we'll put him on a plane to Congo.
- En tiedä, minne panemme kaiken.I don't know where we're gonna put it all.
- He eivät tiedä siitä jos panemme tätä hänen ruokaansa.- They won't know. Not if we put this in his food.
- Hän haluaa, että panemme kätemme autoa vasten.He wants us to put our hands on the car.
"Yhdeksältä tänä iltana panette pussin roskakoriin"- "joka on Trattoria Commedia - krouvin miesten vessassa.Tonight, put the bag in the rubbish bin" "in the men's room of the roadside tavern Trattoria Commedia. "
- Ensin te molemmat panette dollarin taskuuni.First things first, you're gonna put a dollar in my pocket, both of you.
-Jos panette vahaa korviinne.If Your Highness puts wax his ears.
-Minne panette hänet?Where are you gonna put him? A shrine.
Aina kun menette Bradenin huoneeseen, panette uuden kaavun, käsineet ja naamarin.So every time you go into Braden's room, you will put on a fresh gown, gloves, and mask. - Right.
- He panevat itsensä likoon - ja pyydän vain käymään läpi heidän sosiaalisen median ja poistamaan pari ilkeää kommenttia.Hey, they're gonna be putting themselves out there, And all I'm asking you to do is go through their social media And delete the two or three comments that are mean.
- He panevat minut aina oikeaan laitaan.They're always putting mein right field.
- Kun he panevat oman elämänsä sinun - ja kaikkien muiden edelle ja tuhoavat kaiken, mitä teillä on täällä, kaiken niin kovalla työllä rakentamanne....when they'll put their own lives before yours and everyone else's and they will destroy everything you have here, everything you're working so hard to build. I suggest you all call it an early night.
- Lapset kai panevat hänet nukkumaan.You know, sometimes I think they put her to bed.
-He panevat jo jääpaloja lasiin.They're putting some ice cubes in that glass under it.
Edgar, varmista, että kännykkämastot pannaan automaattijäljitykseen.Edgar, make sure all cellular stations are put on autotrace. Got it.
Ne pienet harmaat napit, joita ennen olit tekemässä - pannaan pitkiin polttoainesauvoihin - ja ne sauvat kootaan nipuiksi ystäväsi Drewn osastolla.Now... them little gray pellets you've been making... are put into those long fuel rods... and the long fuel rods are packed into bundles... over at your friend Drew's section.
Poistetaan luuranko ja leukaluu ja pannaan ne kuumaan hiekkaan.Skeleton and jaws are removed, then they are put into hot sand.
Umpikujassa oleva valamiehistö pannaan hotelliin ettei se puhu muille.- If the jury is deadlocked, they are put in a hotel together... so they can't communicate with the outside world.
"Ja sitten panin kalsarit päähäni enkä jalkaani.""and then I put my underwear on my head Instead of my butt." [laughter]
"Olenko mielestänne lihaksikas" ja jotkut kommentoivat, - etten näyttänyt lihaksikkaalta vaan läskiltä - ja nimittelivät minua Steven SeBoomBoomiksi - joten panin toisen kuvan Internetiin ja ajattelin ihmisten olevan innoissaan minusta, - mutta he sanoivat minun näyttävän läskiltä tortulta ja etten ollut lihaksikas."Do you think I'm ripped?" and some people commented saying I didn't look ripped, that I was fat, and they called me Steven SeBoomBoom, and so then I put another picture on the Internet, and I thought people would be stoked on me, but they said I looked like a fat turd, and they said I wasn't buff.
- "Älä astu katolle." Ei saa mainostaa, joten panin BBC:n mieliksi varoitustarroja.I know, but the BBC doesn't allow brand names, so I put health and safety notices on it, as that's what the BBC likes.
- Anteeksi, panin ne pesuun.Sorry. I put them in the wash.
- Arvaa, mihin panin sitä.- Guess where I put it?
"Pakotit minut nestelaihikselle ja panit salaa laksatiivia suklaakarkkeihini."You put me on liquid diets "and snuck laxatives into my chocolate stash.
- Anna tulta, vanha äijä, tai sanon isälleni, että panit kätesi polvelleni.Just give me a light, old man, or I'll tell my dad you put your hand on my knee.
- Hänen mukaansa, hän eksyi kävellessään unissaan. - Löysit hänet, panit tutimaan ja nyt hän voi hyvin.According to her, she got lost when she was sleepwalking, you found her, put her down for a nap, and now she feels fine.
- Ja panit sen takaisin. Vaaransit muiden sipulirenkaiden puhtauden.And then you put it back, compromising the integrity of all the other onion rings.
- Joten panit paljon meikkiä.- So you put on a lot of makeup.
""Ja Herra Jumala otti ihmisen ja pani hänet Eedenin paratiisiin" ""...mutta hyvän-ja pahantiedon puusta älä syö" -"The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden to till it and care for it... but of the fruit of the tree, which is in the midst of the garden...
"Diana pani nämä tavarat tähän kirstuun kyynelsilmin.""Diana put those there with tears in her eyes."
"Ikkunaonkija"pani koukun keppiin ja onki sillä näyteikkunoista.An "angler" put a hook on the end of a stick to drop behind store windows and doors.
"Ja hän otti heitä syliinsä, pani kätensä heidän päälleen" -And he took them up in his arms, put his hands upon them and blessed them.
"Kumbamba pilkkoi hänet ja pani hänet pieneen laatikkoon, - kuin lahjapakettiin."and Cumbamba Io cut, "Io put in a box and Io wrapped for gift "with a monkey, and Io we leave
- Kyllä, panimme hänet asehuoneeseen.Yes, we put him in the gunroom.
- Minä ja lehteni panimme ne sinne.I know what's in your purse because we... me and my magazine... put them there.
- Siksi panimme hänet esikouluun.Yeah, which is why we put her in preschool.
- Tiedätkö minne panimme sen?Yeah. Baby, do you know where we put that."
200 lipun jälkeen, me panimme ne kaikki hattuun...After 200 tickets, we put them all in a hat...
- Miksi panitte hänet tuohon?- Oh, no. Would you believe it? Why did you put him there?
- Minne panitte rahat?Where did you put the money?
- Minne panitte sen viimeksi, teidän pahuutenne?Well where did you put it last, your evilness?
- Mutta lisähakemuksissa panitte kaikki ensimmäisen numeron alle ja kirjoititte "et al."Right. - But in the supplemental requests, you put all the incidents under the initial c.c. And then you wrote, "et Al," remember?
- Oletteko varma, mihin panitte ne?- Are you sure that's where you put them?
"He panivat hänen päällensä tulipunaisen vaipan" "tekivät orjantappuroista kruunun, panivat sen hänen päähänsä" " polvistuivat hänen eteensä ja pilkkasivat sanoen:"And they stripped him and put on him a scarlet robe. And when they had platted a crown of thorns, they put it upon his head. They bowed before him and mocked him saying, 'Hail, king of the Jews!
"Kansat panivat hänet ansaitsemalleen paikalle."The nations put him where his kind belong.
"Sitten ne panivat Hemulin keltaiset kintaat kuistin kaiteelle" -"Then they put Hemulen's yellow mittens on the veranda rail" -
- En pitänyt kenestäkään minne he panivat minut.I don't like anybody they put me with.
- Entä jos ne panivat uuden varjon?Yeah, what if they took one off and they put another one on?
Delfiinit pantiin helikopteriin, kuljetettiin merelle - ja vapautettiin.The dolphins were put on a helicopter, and then out to sea we go, and the dolphins are released.
Elokuussa 1942 - noin 4100 lasta pantiin juniin - ja lähetettiin itään rahtivaunuissa - yhdessä ventovieraiden Drancyn aikuisten kanssa.ln August 1941 , around 4,100 children were put onto trains and sent East packed into freight trucks, mixed in with adults from Drancy - total strangers.
Heidät pantiin kasvattikotijärjestelmään.They were put into the system.
Hänet pantiin sisääni.They were putting him inside me.
Jarrut uusittiin, mutta vanhat pantiin takaisin sisään?Brakes were replaced and then the old ones were put back on?
"Jos ei, panisin sen kassakoneeseen."" I would look if someone has lost and if not, would put it in the box. "
"Kun kukaan ei katso, panisin sen taskuuni."I would put it ... in your pocket. "
Ennen kuin sinä koskettaisit aarretta - panisin sen sormeeni ja heittäisin sinut kalliolta, tai tuleen - ja olen ihan tosissani.Before you touched the precious again, Sméagol I would put it on and have you leap off a cliff, or into a fire and you would do it, Sméagol.
- Tarkoitan, että kuka häirikkö panisi sarjamurhaajan tekstiä - toisen kaappiin?- I mean, what kind of sick twist would put creepy serial killer letters on a person's locker?
Toivoisin, että siskoni panisi kaikkensa peliin.i just wish my sister would put herself out there more.
Uskoisiko kapteeni vielä teoriaansa jos kenraali Arroyo panisi kapteenin tätä muuria vasten nyt heti eikä vasta huomenna?I wonder if the captain would remain true to his theory if General Arroyo would put him up against this wall right now? Instead of tomorrow.
- Saisit syytteet Coltonia vastaan, - jotka panisivat hänet linnaan 20 elinkautiseksi.You could make a case against Colton that would put him away for 20 lifetimes.
Isä Gabriel tuli tapaamaan minua toissapäivänä - ja hän sanoi, ettei tulokkaisiimme voi luottaa, - että he olivat vaarallisia, että he panisivat itsensä tämän yhteisön edelle.Father Gabriel came to see me the day before yesterday and he said our new arrivals can't be trusted, that they were dangerous, that they would put themselves before this community.
"En pane viatonta miestä vankilaan vain koska hän on poliittinen uhka.""I will not put an innocent man in prison just because he is a political threat."
"Istu suorana ja pane käsi ikkunalle.Everything-- Don't worry.Just be cool. Now straighten up.Just put your arm-- put your arm on the window. That's right.
"Pidä asetta, pane se suuhusi."You hold the gun and you put it in your mouth.
"Älä pane minua vanhainkotiin." "Piru tietää, missä olet.""don't put me in a home." "tell the truth and shame the devil." "the devil knows where you're hiding."
'Älä pane kaikkia munia samaan korin.'You never put your eggs in one basket.
"Jos tulee huono olo, pankaa pää polvien väliin - sillä Leslie Knope ei jarruttele."And if you get motion sickness, you know, put your head between your knees 'cause Leslie Knope's stopping for no one.
- Harmittavaa. Teille muille: pankaa itsenne hänen asemaansa.As for the rest of you, I want you to put yourself in his shoes.
- Ja pankaa mies katolle.- Oh, and put a man on the roof too.
- Älkäähän nyt, rouva Mac, pankaa se päälle.Come on Mrs. Mac, put it on.
Antakaa hänelle sata hevosta ja pankaa hänen majansa viereeni.Give him one hundred horses and put his yurt next to mine.
...Ei minkäänlaista demokraattista prosessia Turvallisuus ja hyvinvointikumppanuus on ollut pannakseen pisteen parlamentaariselle väittelylle....no democratic process whatsoever. the Security and Prosperity Partnership has been to put an end to the parliamentary debate.
Jotta ei mikä tahansa voisi vaistota sitä uudelleen - jonkun täytyy tehdä eräs lopullinen matka takaisin ajassa pannakseen koodin Fryyn perseeseen.In order for any of this to make any sense at all, someone must make one final trip back in time to put the code on Fry's ass in the first place.
Ray sai Jacksonin seuraamaan häntä Nairobiin - pannakseen lopun erityisen pätevälle suurriistan metsästäjien ryhmälle.You see, Ray had convinced Jackson to accompany him to Nairobi to put an end to a particularly proficient group of big-game hunters.
Soitin Valkoiseen Taloon järjestääkseni sisään menon, - joku odotti siellä pannakseen luodin perseeseeni.Check this out - I call the White House to make arrangements to go in - someone's there waiting to put a bullet in my ass.
- En ole panemassa häntä vatsalleen.I'm not putting her on her tummy.
-Olin panemassa taakse.- I was putting him in the trunk.
Et voi vaellella ympäriinsä panemassa ihmisiä unitilaan.You can't just roam around accidentally putting people in stasis.
Hassua, Olin juuri panemassa vaippoja kaappiin.It's funny, I was... I was just putting diapers away.
Heräsin, kun hän oli panemassa säkkiä päähäni.I woke up and... he was putting a bag over my head.
- Tiedätkö hänen panevan julisteita ympäri kaupunkia, vaikka kielsit häntä panemasta? - Ehkä se on parhaaksi.You know he's out putting matinee posters all over town, after you asked him not to?
Estän taas tyttöä panemasta kättänsä housuihini.Twice today I stopped a girl from putting her hands in my pants.
Gooper, kiellä tuota lastasi panemasta käsiään jäätelöön.I'm warning you, Trixie. Gooper! Can't you stop your child from putting her hands in the ice cream?
Jos hän saa listan takaisin, hänen työnantaja pidättyy panemasta luotia hänen korvaansa. Ehkä.- If he gets the list back his employer refrains from putting a bullet in his ear.
Lakkaa panemasta sanoja minun suuhuni.Stop putting words in my mouth!
Mutta hän ei tarvitse juuri nyt hurmaavaa entistä vankia panemaan ajatuksia päähänsä.But that's exactly what he doesn't need right now - some charming, old ex-con putting ideas in his head.
Pitää oppia panemaan puhelin lentokonetilaan ryypätessäni.Ugh, I really got to start putting my phone on airplane mode when I drink.
Se näytti aika surkealta, mutta se toimi. Siihen pystyi panemaan tavaroita.And it looked pretty lame, but it worked you know, for putting stuff in or whatnot.
Siinä joutuu panemaan henkilökohtaiset tunteet syrjään - suuremman hyvän takia, sen minä valitsen.It's about putting aside your own personal feelings for the greater good, and that's what I chose.
- Teit hieno työtä - panemalla kaiken takaisin paikoilleen, paitsi että rasia oli hieman liikaa vasemmalla, - mihin yleensä olen pannut sen.You did a great job putting everything back where it belonged, except the box was a little to the left of where I usually put it.
He ovat itse luoneet kriisinsä panemalla tiedustelukoneita ilmaan.With the crises they've created by putting drones in the skies.
Itse Jumala petkutti Bushin sotaan, jonka hän häviää varmasti. Jumala teki sen panemalla valheita Bushin neuvonantajien suuhun - rangaistakseen Amerikkaa.God himself duped Bush into a no-win war and He did that by the technique of putting a lying spirit in the mouth of all his trusted advisers.
Ja panemalla sormen huulilleen siitä merkkinä - prinsessa lupasi olla puhumatta kenellekään - 3 vuoteen, 3 kuukauteen, 3 viikkoon ja 3 päivään.And putting her finger to her lips as a sign... the princess promised not to speak to a single soul... for three years, three months, three weeks and three days.
Ja sinua panemalla sinut tähän asemaan.And you by putting you in this position.
Devlin Warren, jos olisit kuin minä - et antaisi kaupunkilaisen viedä lännen kauneinta tyttöä panematta hanttiin.Devlin Warren, if you was my kind of man, you wouldn't let some dude walk off with the prettiest girl west of Denver - without putting up some kind of a fight.
Sellaista peliä ei voi pelata panematta pelimerkkejä pöydälle.That's a gamble you don't get to take without putting chips on the table.
Vasta silloin tajusin, mitä olin tehnyt: heittänyt avaimet pois panematta rahoja laatikkoon.It was only then I realized what I'd done throwing away the keys before putting the money back in the box.
Eikö hänen kuvansa paneminen työpöydälle ole hieman läpinäkyvää?Isn't putting his picture on your desk a little transparent?
Miksi rahan paneminen purkkiin laukaisi sen?And putting money in the jar triggered it. - But why?
Tamponien paneminen lasten korviin on outoa.Weird is putting tampons in your kids' ears. That's weird.
Tappaisiko sen paneminen matolle sinut?Would putting it on the mat kill you?
Yksi asia, jota odotan innolla, on sen huijari-Duvallin paneminen ojennukseen.One thing I'm looking forward to is putting that fraud Duvall in his place.
Haluan saada hänet vahvemmaksi ennen panemista raskaaseen mielentilatutkimukseen.I'd like to get her stronger before putting her through heavy psychiatric examination.
Paperien panemista kirjekuoreen, kaukosäätimen paristojen vaihtoa... Ne ovat tyypillisiä tehtäviä, joita harjoittelemme täällä.Whether it's stuffing envelopes or putting batteries in a remote control, packaging goodie bags, we are trying to work on those independent work skills while they're here.
- Drama on pannut sen tietokoneelleni.- Drama must have put that on my computer.
- Ei hän pannut vastaan.It's not like he put up much of a fight.
- En koskaan pannut sitä pois.I never put it down.
- En olisi pannut suuhuni mitään sen sadistin käskystä.Because I would never put something in my mouth just because Dougie told me to. The kid was a sadist.
- En pannut häntä portaiden yläpäähän, Alex!I did not put him at the top of the stairs, Alex!

More Finnish verbs


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flee from
divide into pieces

Similar but longer

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divide into pieces
panna rautoihin
panna töpinäksi
step on it
collar an animal

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