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Cantumkan (to put) conjugation

4 examples

Conjugation of cantumkan

Present tense
I put
Past tense
sudah cantumkan
I put
Present perfect tense
sudah cantumkan
I have put
Future perfect tense
akan sudah cantumkan
I will have put
Future recent tense
cantumkan nanti
I will put
Future distant tense
cantumkan kelak
I am going to put
Present continuous tense
sedang cantumkan
I put
Past distant tense
dulu cantumkan
I (a long time ago) put
Past recent tense
cantumkan tadi
I (recently) put
Past very recent tense
baru saja cantumkan
I (just now) put

Examples of cantumkan

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Saya cantumkan alamat Kyle, di klinik, dan ketika mereka bertanya tentang hubungan saya, saya bilang saya...I put down Kyle's address at the clinic, and when they ask, you know, what my relationship is,
Kau cantumkan namamu di situ bukannya tanpa alasan.You put your name in there for a reason.
Kurasa aku sudah cantumkan 12.30 di iklannya.I thought I put 12.30 on the ad. For the open house.
Ini penting Anda Sebagai warga negara terus laporan semua aktivitas yang mencurigakan dan individu untuk, cukup cantumkan, jika ada tidak ada permintaan di masyarakat kita tidak akan ada pasar Lintah tersebut untuk mengeksploitasi.It's important you as citizens continue to report all suspicious activity and individuals for, simply put, if there were no demand in our society there would be no market for these leeches to exploit.

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