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Spune (to say) conjugation

76 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to tell, tell

Conjugation of spune

Present tense
I say
you say
he/she/it says
we say
you all say
they say
Present perfect tense
am spus
I have said
ai spus
you have said
a spus
he/she/it has said
am spus
we have said
ați spus
you all have said
au spus
they have said
Past preterite tense
I said
you said
he/she/it said
we said
you all said
they said
Future tense
voi spune
I will say
vei spune
you will say
va spune
he/she/it will say
vom spune
we will say
veți spune
you all will say
vor spune
they will say
Conditional mood
aș spune
I would say
ai spune
you would say
ar spune
he/she/it would say
am spune
we would say
ați spune
you all would say
ar spune
they would say
Subjunctive present tense
să spun
(so that/if) I say
să spui
(so that/if) you say
să spună
(so that/if) he/she/it say
să spunem
(so that/if) we say
să spuneți
(so that/if) you all say
să spună
(so that/if) they say
Subjunctive past tense
să fi spus
(so that/if) I have said
să fi spus
(so that/if) you have said
să fi spus
(so that/if) he/she/it have said
să fi spus
(so that/if) we have said
să fi spus
(so that/if) you all have said
să fi spus
(so that/if) they have said
Past impf. tense
I was saying
you were saying
he/she/it was saying
we were saying
you all were saying
they were saying
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu spune
do not say!
nu spuneți
do not say!
Past pluperfect tense
I had said
you had said
he/she/it had said
we had said
you all had said
they had said
Future alternative 1 tense
am să spun
I am going to say
ai să spui
you are going to say
are să spună
he/she/it is going to say
avem să spunem
we are going to say
aveți să spuneți
you all are going to say
au să spună
they are going to say
Future alternative 2 tense
o să spun
I am going to say
o să spui
you are going to say
o să spună
he/she/it is going to say
o să spunem
we are going to say
o să spuneți
you all are going to say
o să spună
they are going to say
Future perfect tense
voi fi spus
I will have said
vei fi spus
you will have said
va fi spus
he/she/it will have said
vom fi spus
we will have said
veți fi spus
you all will have said
vor fi spus
they will have said
Future in the past tense
aveam să spun
I was going to say
aveai să spui
you were going to say
avea să spună
he/she/it was going to say
aveam să spunem
we were going to say
aveați să spuneți
you all were going to say
aveau să spună
they were going to say
Conditional past tense
aș fi spus
I would have said
ai fi spus
you would have said
ar fi spus
he/she/it would have said
am fi spus
we would have said
ați fi spus
you all would have said
ar fi spus
they would have said
Presumptive tense
oi spune
I might say
oi spune
you might say
o spune
he/she/it might say
om spune
we might say
oți spune
you all might say
or spune
they might say
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi spunând
I might be saying
oi fi spunând
you might be saying
o fi spunând
he/she/it might be saying
om fi spunând
we might be saying
oți fi spunând
you all might be saying
or fi spunând
they might be saying
Presumptive past tense
oi fi spus
I might have said
oi fi spus
you might have said
o fi spus
he/she/it might have said
om fi spus
we might have said
oți fi spus
you all might have said
or fi spus
they might have said

Examples of spune

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
! - Ce spune?- What's he saying?
! Bine! Dar nu până când nu stim ceea ce ne va spune.You keep saying this, but I think something else going on here
! De ce ar spune asta?Oh, why would he say that?
! Inga spune ca lingand carne cruda te face sa te destinzi!Inga says licking raw meat helps you open up!
! Kaiju îl vrea pe micuţul ăsta! Ce spune?What was she saying?
! . Acum îţi spun că te va suna din nou.Now I say she'll call again.
! Eu spun negru şi tu spui alb?I say black and you say white?
! Fetele îmi spun asta mie tot timpul!Girls say it to me all the time.
! Instrucţiunile spun să facem partea aceea mai tîrziu.The instructions say to do that part later.
! Vroiam să spun "să mori de gonoree", dar esti pe aproape.I was gonna say "die of gonorrhea," but that's close enough.
! - Ce tot spui ?- What did you say?
! Ai promis că nu spui nimic.You promised you wouldn't say anything.
! Ce vrei sa spui?What do you want to say?
! De ce spui asta?Why would you say that?
! Eu spun negru şi tu spui alb?I say black and you say white?
! Pe care ii ai de cind te-ai intins cu ciinii, cum spunem in Milano.The ones you caught from lying down with a dog, as we say in Milano.
! Să spunem că logodnica ta primeşte o educaţie în industrie.- Let's just say your fiancée is getting an education in the industry.
" Să spunem, ora 6?Shall we say 6: 00?
" şi să spunem împreună...""and let's say together..."
"? Nu ne referim dragoste atunci când spunem dragoste""Do we mean love when we say love?"
! - A spus "limitat."- She said "limited."
! - Ai spus că n-o şochezi.- You said no shock treatment.
! - Aşa a spus.- That's what he said.
! - Ce crezi că am spus ?- What do you think I said?
! - Chestia pe care ai spus-o.That thing you just said.
- Ce spuneți ?- What do you say to that?
- Ce spuneți, dle profesor ? - Eu ?- What do you say, Professor?
- Ce spuneți, prieteni?What do you say, folks?
- Dacă spuneți dumneavoastră.- If you say so.
-Ce-a spus să-i spuneți apelanților?-What'd she say to tell callers?
"'Si nu tineti minte, 'spusei..."'And do you not remember, 'I said...
Ce-ţi spusei eu!- I said so!
Fu o tăcere lungă şi îi spusei "vino acasă până te simţi mai bine."I said, "stay with us till you feel better."
O anumită frăţie şi un anumit membru al aşa spusei frăţie care a avertizat bunul nostru prieten, ofiţerul Huck despre petrecerea interzisă.A certain fraternity and and a certain member of said fraternity who tipped off our good friend officer huck about the prohibition party.
" 'Iti închipui,' spuse Morsa,""'Do you suppose,' the Walrus said,
" Aşa deci ? ", spuse cavalerul pe un ton arogant.'That's so,' said the knight in a bold and haughty manner.
""Sebastian, vegheaza asupra ei,"" spuse el."Sebastian. you watch over her." he said.
"'Era bine,' spuse Stuart.""'Lt was all right,' said Stuart."
"'Ma voi ascunde in camera ta atunci cand dormi,' spuse Candaules - spuse Candaules.""'l will hide you in your room where we sleep,' said Candaules- said Candaules."
"La revedere!" spuseră pasagerii. "Ne pare rău că linia dumneavoastră se închide.""Goodbye!" said the passengers. "We're sorry your line's closing."
"Vino.", spuseră Joe Sărbătoritul şi bunica Annie."'Come on,' said Ruthie Joe and Granny Annie.
"Vom veni pentru cina de Anul Nou", spuseră fetele."We'll come for dinner New Year's Eve", said the ladies.
Au plecat spre America, după cum spuseră.They took off for America, they said.
- Asa cum spuneam, Mr. Guerin... un artist ca tine are abilitatea sa deseneze si altceva in afara de asta.- As I was saying, Mr. Guerin... an artist of your ability can draw something else, something besides this.
- Asta este exact ceea ce spuneam.- That's exactly what I was saying.
- Asta spuneam şi eu.- That's what I was saying.
- Aşa cum spuneam, şi vorbesc în particular, e numai o chestiune de timp până când altcineva va ajunge exact aceleaşi rezultate şi va vedea ceea ce vedem şi noi, dacă n-a făcut-o cumva deja.As I was saying, and I speak completely off the record, it's only a matter of time before someone else starts putting these in and they come up with exactly the same results and look at exactly what we're looking at right now, if they haven't already.
- Aşa cum spuneam...- But like I was saying... - Well, there must be a reason.
- Bernhardt, ce spuneai?Bernhardt, you were saying?
- Ce spuneai de reduceri?And you were saying about savings?
- Ce spuneai despre ramă?-So you were saying about the frame?
- Ce spuneai, Merlin?You were saying, Merlin? Do you know why I'm here?
- Ce spuneai, căpitane Rang?You were saying, Captain rang?
"Kumud spunea, Dev si Paro privesc antichitati.""Kumud was saying, Dev and Paro are upto new antics"
- Ai vorbit cu el? - Chloe spunea că vrea să ne despărţim.Chloe was saying she wanted to break up.
- Am sunat fiindcă altcineva... spunea că nu se simte apreciată.-I called because some other caller... was saying how she didn't feel appreciated.
- Cine spunea "calm-calm" ?-Who was saying "slow down"?
- Cineva spunea că magazinul e al tău.Someone was saying that you, uh, own this store.
Nu este ceea ce spuneați ieri.It's not what you were saying yesterday.
"Și ai citit Autobiografia lui Malcolm X, Nation of Islam oameni spuneau... dacă Dumnezeu ne cheamă la război, atunci vom merge la război"and you read The Autobiography of Malcolm X, the Nation of Islam people were saying... if Allah summons us to war, then we will go to war.
- Ai înregistrat ce spuneau?Did you catch any of what they were saying?
- Aţi auzit ce spuneau?- Did you hear what they were saying?
- Ce ? Spuneau ca au un om infiltrat in politie si spuneau ca esti implicata cumva si ca il vei turna pe Joe...They were saying that they had an inside man at the N.O.P.D., and they were adamant that you were somehow involved and were gonna turn in Joe...
- Pai, ei spuneau...- Well, they were saying...
Îi spusesem: "Pacea să fie cu tine"I had said to her, "Peace be with you,"
"O mână de ajutor", spusese femeia.A helping hand, the woman had said.
A spus asta ca să se adeverească ce spusese:He said this so that what he had said might come true.:
Alan a găsit o contradicţie în ceva ce ea spusese iar Junn a început să se apere criticându-l şi descoperind, la rându-i, unele nepotriviri.Alan pointed out a contradiction in something Junn had said and then she got all defensive and started to criticise him, finding inconsistencies in him.
Cu numai câteva minute în urmă spusese că nu e încărcat.Just minutes ago she had said it wasn't loaded.
Când a depus jurământul, cu două săptămâni înainte Truman spusese că va urma politica dusă de Roosevelt.(narrator) When he was sworn in, Truman had said he would continue Roosevelt's policies.
Ea şi părinţii ei cred, acum, că sunt pe cale să găsească un leac, pentru ceea ce doctorii spuseseră că era o tumoare cerebrală incurabilă.She and her parents now believe they are on their way to a cure, for what doctors had said was an incurable brain tumor.
"Ce un nebun este că el continuă spunând.""What a mad he is that he keeps on saying."
"D-le"! Când te adresezi unui ofiţer la comandă, întotdeauna arăţi respect pentru actul de comandă, spunând "D-le"! Trebuie să fim atât de dramatici?When addressing a commanding officer, you always show respect for his command by saying, sir!
"Deci Moise s-a adresat mulţimii, spunând...""So Moses spoke to the people, saying,
"Iar oamenii l-au întrebat, spunând, Atunci ce trebuie să facem?"'"And the people asked Him, saying, 'What shall we do then?"'
"Si Sfântul Attila a ridicat grenada în înaltimi spunând..."And St. Attila raised the hand grenade up on high, saying:

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