"Pânza pluti şi se aşternu larg," | "Out flew the net and floated wide", |
"Pânza se aşternu şi pluti tot mai mare," | "Out flew the web and floated wide," |
"V-am stricat toaleta si va pluti rahatul în toată frumoasa voastră statie spatială?" | "I screwed up your toilet and there's gonna be crap floating "all over your nice shiny space station"? |
"Vom pluti ca un fluture | "We're gonna float like a butterfly |
# Vom pluti din nou | # We'll be floating again |
" Îmi este greu să respir, mă simt de parcă plutesc | "Hard to breathe, feels like floating |
"Fotoliile plutesc uşor. | "Your seat cushions float gently. |
"Simteam ca plutesc pe tavan, uitandu-ma la trupu-mi livid iar sufletul, credeam cu adevarat ca mi-a parasit corpul" | I felt like l was floating up on the ceiling. Just-- Just looking down on my lifeless body. |
"Îmi este greu să respir, mă simt de parcă plutesc | "Hard to breathe, feels like floating |
'Pe masura ce atipesti, luminile roz...' '...care plutesc in tot zgomotul ti se potrivesc cu un T.' | 'The pink lights as you doze off... '...floating up in all the noise suit you to a T. |
Bazează pe ponderea sa relativă, și faptul că încă plutește, aproximativ 1/22 ar trebui să fie de aur. | Based on its relative weight, and the fact that it still floats, about 1/22 should be gold. |
Este ca un tirbușon, uite, plutește... flotoare. | It's like a corkscrew, look, it hovers... floats. |
Mâine seară, vreau să văd baloane Joker, Costume de Joker, Joker plutește. | Tomorrow night, I want to see Joker balloons, Joker costumes, Joker floats. |
Penny plutește în și afară din cadru în câteva videoclipuri, așa că am fost în speranța am putea-o folosi de a fuma pe care se face acest lucru vreodată. | Penny floats in and out of frame in a few of the videos, so I was hoping we could use her to smoke out who's ever doing this. |
Tensiunea plutește, de asemenea, dar plutește departe de tine. | Tension floats, too, but it floats away from you. |
! - De ce plutim ? | - Why are we floating? |
- Cred că plutim spre New Jersey. | -I think we're floating towards New Jersey. |
- Mergem să plutim. | - We are going to float. |
- Ne va permite să plutim. | It'll Allow Us To Stay Afloat. |
- O să plutim? | - Can we stay afloat? |
A plutit departe de tot şi nu s-a mai întors. | He just floated away, far away, never to return. |
A plutit frumos. | That one floated well. |
A plutit pe spate. | Then she floated on her back. |
A plutit în depărtare, şi nu s-a mai întors. | He floated away, far away, never to return. |
A plutit în mijloc şi e singura din Kalabaw de aici, deci Denise e mult mai periculoasă în finală. | She floated in the middle and she's the only Kalabaw here so Denise is far and away more dangerous in the final three. |
Am crezut că pluteam. | I thought I was floating on air. |
Chiar am crezut că pluteam. | I really do think I was floating. |
Când am plecat, după prima şedinţă, parcă pluteam. | When I left, after my first session, I was floating on clouds. |
După care pluteam peste oraş... | And then I was floating over town... |
Eu pluteam in timp si spatiu. | I was floating in time and space. |
Ai spus ca pluteai într-un mare vid atunci când ti-a venit ideea cum sa te salvezi. | You said you were floating in a big empty space. When the idea of how to save yourself came to you. |
Am auzit ca tu pluteai in jur cu asta. | I heard you were floating around with this. |
Poate că ai pierdut ştirile în timp ce pluteai în spaţiu. | Maybe you missed that news while you were floating around like a goof in outer space. |
ai avut... vise în care pluteai prin casă, ca şi când erai tras de o forţă nevăzută? | Where you were floating through the house As though pulled by an unseen force? |
Ştiu că nu demult pluteai în spaţiu în hainele de stradă şi ştiu că ai ceva probleme din cauza acestui lucru, dar suntem într-un mare guano, frăţicule, aşa ca avem nevoie de-ajutorul tău. | Look, I know a little while ago you were floating in deep space in your street clothes, and I know you're going through some stuff because of it, but we're in deep guano here, bro, we need your help. |
- Da, în timp ce plutea ... | Yeah, yeah, right. When he was floating. |
Ai aflat de ce plutea corpul? | You figure out why the body was floating? |
Ai spus că pălăria plutea când ai ajuns la faţa locului, azi dimineaţă? | You said the hat was floating when you got on the scene this morning? |
Apoi, brusc capul mi se învârtea iar corpul îmi plutea ca un balon. | Then all of a sudden, my head was spinning and my body was floating like a balloon. |
Charlie plutea câţiva centimetri de la podea în acea noapte. | Charlie was floating inches off the canvas that night. |
Acum câţiva ani, monezi identice cu asta pluteau la o casă de licitaţie din Mediterană. | Okay, so, a few years ago, coins identical were floating around the Mediterranean auction houses. |
Am visat ca... eram la Wax dar era de parca... era foarte ciudat cu niste imagini care pluteau in jurul nostru. | I had this dream that... we were inside of Wax but it was like... it was really trippy and there were all this... like...paintings that were floating around. |
Ceilalţi doi pluteau în piscina hotelului, şi nu făceau pluta pe spate. | The other two were floating in the hotel pool, and they weren't doing the backstroke. |
Cântau Stone Love în seara aia, boxele duduiau, întreg clubul se zguduia, nori de ierburi medicinale pluteau... | Those big speakers pounding, all that Jamaican dub was pumping, clouds of those medicinal herbs were floating. |
Oameni înecaţi pluteau în curte. | Drowned men were floating in the yard. |
"Cadavrul parţial nud al unui cunoscut a fost găsit plutind în Waimea Bay. | "The partially nude body of yours truly was found floating in Waimea Bay. |
"Tot mai sus în aerul umed de iulie, plutind peste capacitatea umană, | "Higher and higher in the humid July air, floating beyond human capacity, |
"cu un diametru de aproape 7 metri, "a fost văzut plutind departe de turn, purtându-l pe misteriosul Doctor în ceruri." | "some 20 feet across, was seen floating away from the Tower, |
"eşti o floare de crin plutind pe un rîu de chihlimbar." | "you are a loose lily floating down an amber river." |
"plutind pe un vânt cald." | "floating on a warm wind. |