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Posar (to put) conjugation

64 examples
This verb can also mean the following: place, set, apply

Conjugation of posar

Present tense
I put
you put
he/she puts
we put
you all put
they put
Present perfect tense
he posat
I have put
has posat
you have put
ha posat
he/she has put
hem posat
we have put
heu posat
you all have put
han posat
they have put
Future tense
I will put
you will put
he/she will put
we will put
you all will put
they will put
Conditional mood
I would put
you would put
he/she would put
we would put
you all would put
they would put
Past perfect tense
havia posat
I had put
havies posat
you had put
havia posat
he/she had put
havíem posat
we had put
havíeu posat
you all had put
havien posat
they had put
Past impf. tense
I was putting
you were putting
he/she was putting
we were putting
you all were putting
they were putting
Imperative mood
let him/her put!
let's put!
let them put!
Imperative negative mood
no posis
don't put!
no posi
don't let him/her put!
no posem
let's not put!
no poseu
don't put!
no posin
don't let them put!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria posat
I would have put
hauries posat
you would have put
hauria posat
he/she would have put
hauríem posat
we would have put
hauríeu posat
you all would have put
haurien posat
they would have put
Future perfect tense
hauré posat
I will have put
hauràs posat
you will have put
haurà posat
he/she will have put
haurem posat
we will have put
haureu posat
you all will have put
hauren posat
they will have put
Preterite past tense
I put
you put
he/she put
we put
you all put
they put
Past anterior tense
haguí posat
I had put
hagueres posat
you had put
hagué posat
he/she had put
haguérem posat
we had put
haguéreu posat
you all had put
haguéren posat
they had put
Subjunctive of present tense
(so that I) put
(so that you) put
(so that he/she) puts
(so that we) put
(so that you all) put
(so that they) put
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
(so that I) was putting
(so that you) were putting
(so that he/she) was putting
(so that we) were putting
(so that you all) were putting
(so that they) were putting
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi posat
(so that I) have put
hagis posat
(so that you) have put
hagi posat
(so that he/she) has put
hàgim posat
(so that we) have put
hàgiu posat
(so that you all) have put
hagin posat
(so that they) have put
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués posat
(so that I) had put
haguessis posat
(so that you) had put
hagués posat
(so that he/she) had put
haguéssim posat
(so that we) had put
haguéssiu posat
(so that you all) had put
haguessin posat
(so that they) had put
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi posar
(so that I) put
vagis posar
(so that you) put
vagi posar
(so that he/she) put
vàgim posar
(so that we) put
vàgiu posar
(so that you all) put
vagin posar
(so that they) put
Periphastic past tense
vaig posar
I put
vas posar
you put
va posar
he/she put
vam posar
we put
vau posar
you all put
van posar
they put
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver posat
I had put
vas haver posat
you had put
va haver posat
he/she had put
vam haver posat
we had put
vau haver posat
you all had put
van haver posat
they had put

Examples of posar

Example in CatalanTranslation in English
Quí sap si ploraria, i desitjaria de tenir el dret de posar-li els braços al voltant del coll i reconfortar-lo?Would she cry, and wish that she had a right to put her arms around his neck and comfort him?
Dormia als llindars de les portes quan feia bon temps, i en bótes buides quan plovia; no havia d'anar a l'escola ni a la capella, ni reconeixer ningú per senyor, ni obeir a ningú: podia anar a pescar o a nedar, quan i on li plagués, i romandre-hi tanta d'estona com li fos escaient. Ningú li prohibia de tenir batusses; podia vetllar fins a l'hora que li semblés bé; era sempre el primer noi que anava amb els peus nus en primavera, i el darrer en tornar a adoptar el cuiro en la tardor; mai no s'havia de rentar o posar-se roba neta; podia renegar prodigiosament.He slept on doorsteps in fine weather and in empty hogsheads in wet; he did not have to go to school or to church, or call any being master or obey anybody; he could go fishing or swimming when and where he chose, and stay as long as it suited him; nobody forbade him to fight; he could sit up as late as he pleased; he was always the first boy that went barefoot in the spring and the last to resume leather in the fall; he never had to wash, nor put on clean clothes; he could swear wonderfully.
Així és que vaig posar-me l'escorça altra vegada a la butxaca, i vaig fer muixoni.So I just put the bark back in my pocket and kept mum."
Al cap d'una breu estona, tanmateix, el minyó recobra una mica de la seva força, i aconseguí de posar-ne abastament en la seva veu perque una part de l'auditori sentís:After a few moments, however, the boy got a little of his strength back, and managed to put enough of it into his voice to make part of the house hear:
Introduiruns mitjans legals justos pels qualsles persones puguin entrar a la Unió Europea ajudarà a posar fi a les pressions de la immigració il·legal i al tràfic de persones.Ensuring fair legal means bywhich people can enter the European Union will help put an end to illegalimmigration pressures and traffickingin human beings.
Jo no em poso això, A qui disparen?I'm not going to put this on Who are they shooting at?
No poso la mà al foc, però sento una cosa estranya sobre ell.I can't put my finger on it, but I sense something strange about him.
Sé que quan me'l poso a la boca... ...Matrix li està dient al meu cervell que és... ...sucós... ...i deliciós.I know that when I put it in my mouth... ...the Matrix is telling my brain that it is... ...juicy... ...and delicious.
No ho diré tot per respecte, que és famosa. "...una tocada de 'hm-hm'... poso un disco dels seus."Pardon my French, pardon her French. "A mother-hm-hm... "I put on one of your records."
Ells volen que poses açò.They'd like you to put this on.
Quan poses tota la carn en el rostidor i vas a per ella.When you just put it all on the line and go for it.
Per què no et poses això, eh?Why don't you put this on now, okay?
Aquí, per que no et poses això i esbrines si el pelut i l'esportiu combinen?.Here, why don't you put these on while I find a shirt and sport coat?
Ho poses tot a sobre de la taula.You put it everything on the table.
El periodista hongarés Szabolcs Panyi posa cara a l'home a qui li va caure el fill dels braços per culpa de Laszlo:The Hungarian journalist Szabolcs Panyi puts a face to the man that dropped his child who was in his arms, thanks to Laszio:
Fins que li posa un altre.And so he puts out another one.
En Cloud pot fer el que sigui si s'hi posa!Cloud can do anything if he puts his mind to it!
La seva falta de respecte pels seus superiors... ...posa als seus homes en un perill innecessari.Your disrespect for senior officers... puts your men at needless risk.
I això posa unes mil llegües de distància entre tu i Thorne.And it puts a thousand leagues between you and Thorne.
Diguem que posem la unitat i no falla?Say we put the unit back and it doesn't fail?
Aleshores, quan posem energia dintre de l'àtom... ...expulsa a aquests electrons fora. Lluny del nucli... ...i produeix una gran-- ¿Si?So when we put energy into the atom... it kicks these electrons out... further away from the nucleus, and produces a higher...
- Xempre hi posem çicoira, al cafè.We alwaysh put it in coffee.
Perquè li posem allà?Why do we put him there?
En el període cobert per aquest programa i pels cinc programes precedents, i amb més de trenta anys de fixació de normativa en la matèria, la UE ha posat en marxa un ampli sistema de protecció del medi ambient.Throughout the period covered by this programme and the five programmes preceding it, and in more than 30 years of setting standards, the EU has put in place a comprehensive system of environmental protection.
Els responsables d'Eternit havien posat en perill la vida dels seus treballadors i també havien comès delictes contra el medi.The bosses of multinational Eternit had put the lives of their workers in danger and committed environmental crimes.
La detenció ha posat en perill la resta d'activistes de l'oficina i es tracta d'un cop dur per al periodisme ciutadà al país.His detention puts all activists from the office at risk and is a huge blow to citizen journalism in the country.
GV: Has posat l'educació acadèmica en espera per desenvolupar habilitats per crear Noema.GV: You put formal education on hold to develop skills to build Noema.
Ha posat les mans aquí. Merda!He put his hand down here.
-Agafeu la fava i la partiu, i talleu la berruga de manera que en surti una mica de sang, i en acabat poseu la sang damunt un tros de la fava. I aneu, i feu un clot, i ho enterreu al volt de la mitja nit en una cruilla, quan és lluna nova, i en acabat cremeu la resta de la fava."You take and split the bean, and cut the wart so as to get some blood, and then you put the blood on one piece of the bean and take and dig a hole and bury it 'bout midnight at the crossroads in the dark of the moon, and then you burn up the rest of the bean.
De cop i volta el ministre crida amb tota la força de sos pulmons: -Lloeu el Senyor, que ens dóna tota benedicció… Canteu, i poseu-hi tot el cor!Suddenly the minister shouted at the top of his voice: "Praise God from whom all blessings flow--_sing_!--and put your hearts in it!"
Rosalie, Esme, poseu-vos això, així el rastrejador detectarà l'olor de la Bella.Rosalie, Esme, could you put these on so the tracker will pick up Bella's scent?
Rosalie, Esme, poseu-vos això, així el rastrejador detectarà l'olor de la Bella.Rosalie, Esme, could you put these on so the tracker will pick up Bella's scent?
- Sutureu i poseu-li una òrtesi.Stitch up, and put braces on.
Sí; i agafen llesques de pa i hi posen argent-viu, i les deixen surar; i, onsevulla que hi hagi algun ofegat, se'n van cap a ell i s'hi aturen.Yes, and they take loaves of bread and put quicksilver in 'em and set 'em afloat, and wherever there's anybody that's drownded, they'll float right there and stop."
A més, posen en dubte la naturalesa d'aquestes eleccions, i són moltes les veus que creuen que, en tals circumstàncies, unes eleccions lliures i justes semblen gairebé impossibles .They also put the nature of these elections in question, with many citing that in such circumstances, free and fair elections seem virtually impossible.
Em compadeixo de França, però per què els africans i asiàtics posen banderes franceses als seus perfils, en lloc de les banderes de les seves nacions, quan els terroristes ataquen els seus països?I sympathize with France, but why are Africans and Asians putting French flags on their profile when they do not put their own nation’s flag on their profile when terrorists attack their own nations?
He llegit que hi posen la llimona... per atordir-les.I read somewhere that they put... ...that lemon juice on them just to stun them. You know?
Saps què hi posen a les patates fregides, a Holanda?You know what they put on French fries in Holland... - instead of ketchup?
Les posaré en un gerro.I will put them in a vase?
Almenys això posarà fi al meu sofriment.At least it will put an end to my suffering.
Si s'ho comentes al capità segur que la posaria.If you suggest it to the captain I think he would put one
Ens posaria en una situació molt precària.It would put us in a very precarious position.
Hi ha un sol lloc on el posaria.There's only one place that she would put it.
L’any 2003, al Zaire (actual República democràtica del Congo), l’operació Artémis a l’Ituri , al nord-est, va assegurar la zona i posà fi als massacres abans del desplegament de 2.000 cascos blaus, dels quals 80% francesos.In 2003, Zaire (now Democratic Republic of Congo), Operation Artemis in Ituri secured the area and put an end to ongoing massacres. This was followed by the deployment of 2,000 peacekeepers, 80% of which were French.
Ministre de I'Interior i posà dos militars més al seu govern.Minister of Interior and put two other military in his government.
La Unió Europea vol que l’Organització Mundial del Comerç (OMC) posi l’accent en la qualitat dels aliments, el principi de prevenció i el benestar animal.The European Union wants the World Trade Organisation (WTO) to put more emphasis on food quality, the precautionary principle and animal welfare.
(…) El comissari també dóna a conèixer la preocupació quant a la informació sobre l'ús desproporcionat de la força (inclosa la utilització de bales de cautxú) per part de les forces de seguretat a les manifestacions contra l'austeritat (...). La falta freqüent d'identificació per part dels agents, principalment a les manifestacions, ha impedit la imputació i la pena dels autors dels abusos (...). El comissari demana al govern espanyol que posi fi a aquesta pràctica establerta, que es fonamenta en una llei de l'any 1870, de concedir indults als membres de les forces de seguretat condemnats per violacions greus dels drets humans, com ara la tortura.(…) The commissioner also states his concern over reports of the disproportionate use of force – including the use of rubber bullets- by the security forces during anti-austerity protests (…) The frequent failure by agents to wear identification, above all at protests, has impeded the accusation and punishment of those who commit abuse. (…) The commissioner urges the Spanish government to put an end to the long-established practice, based on a law from 1870, to pardon members of the security forces who are convicted of serious human rights violations, including torture.
Au, posi el cap aquí.Oh, put your head under that
Que s'hi posi la meva dona.Now put my wife back...
Sí. El tindran demà. Que s'hi posi la meva dona.Yes, You'll have it tomorrow, Now put my wife back,,,
I quan compti tres, vull que deixis la pistola, posis les mans damunt la taula, i t'asseguis bé.And when I count three... I want you to let go of your gun... put your palms flat on the table... and sit your ass down.
No et posis aquesta porqueria a l'uniforme!Don t put this crap on your uniform.
Potser val més que te'l posis tu.You should put your seatbelt on.
Bé, no les posis així.Right, don't put them like that.
No deixaré que els posis en perill.I'm not gonna let you put them in danger.
No s'hauria de recórrer a sistemes de persecució de terroristes que posin en risc la vida d'innocents.Any way of hunting down terrorists in a way that puts innocent people’s lives at risk should not be used.
General Faceman... vull que entrin a la base, localitzin al General Ripper... i que el posin immediatament en contacte telefònic amb mi.I want them to locate Gen. Ripper and put him in contact with me.
Ella diu: "No m'agrada que li posin aquests cartells.""I don't appreciate you putting signs out like that."
I Andy, no deixis que posin una foto de la teva cigala per internet.Oh, and, Andy, don't you ever let them put a picture of your johnson on the Internet.
En convidar 10 països més a unir-se a la UE l’1 de maig de 2004, la Unió Europea no només estava augmentant la seva població i els seus límits geogrà-fi fics: estava posant fi a un trencament en el nostre continent, una separació que des del 1945 havia separat el món lliure del bloc comunista.By inviting 10 more countries to join the EU on 1 May 2004, the European Union was not simply increasing its geographical size and population; it was putting an end to the split in our continent which, from 1945 onwards, had separated the free world from the communist bloc.
El 26 d'agost, Israel i les faccions palestines van pactar l'alto el foc indefinidament, posant fi a aquestes set setmanes de destrucció catastròfica i tantes vides perdudes.On August 26, 2014, Israel and the Palestinian factions agreed to halt fighting indefinitely, putting an end to seven weeks of catastrophic destruction and loss of life.
M'estic posant al més alt us possible... que és tot, crec, el què qualsevol ens conscient pot desitjar sempre.I am putting myself to the fullest possible use... ... which is all, I think, that any conscious entity can ever hope to do.
M'estic posant a l'ús més alt possible... que és tot, em sembla, el que qualsevol ens conscient pot mai desitjar. Dr.I am putting myself to the fullest possible use... ...which is all, I think, that any conscious entity can ever hope to do.
M'estic posant a l'ús més alt possible... que és tot, em sembla, el que qualsevol ens conscient pot mai desitjar.I am putting myself to the fullest possible use... ...which is all, I think, that any conscious entity can ever hope to do.

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