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Meter (to put) conjugation

129 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: interfere, to meddle, to insert, meddle

Conjugation of meter

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I put
you put
he/she/it puts
we put
you all put
they put
Present perfect tense
he metido
I have put
has metido
you have put
ha metido
he/she/it has put
hemos metido
we have put
habéis metido
you all have put
han metido
they have put
Past preterite tense
I put
you put
he/she/it put
we put
you all put
they put
Future tense
I will put
you will put
he/she/it will put
we will put
you all will put
they will put
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would put
you would put
he/she/it would put
we would put
you all would put
they would put
Past imperfect tense
I used to put
you used to put
he/she/it used to put
we used to put
you all used to put
they used to put
Past perfect tense
había metido
I had put
habías metido
you had put
había metido
he/she/it had put
habíamos metido
we had put
habíais metido
you all had put
habían metido
they had put
Future perfect tense
habré metido
I will have put
habrás metido
you will have put
habrá metido
he/she/it will have put
habremos metido
we will have put
habréis metido
you all will have put
habrán metido
they will have put
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I put
(if/so that) you put
(if/so that) he/she/it put
(if/so that) we put
(if/so that) you all put
(if/so that) they put
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya metido
I have put
hayas metido
you have put
haya metido
he/she/it has put
hayamos metido
we have put
hayáis metido
you all have put
hayan metido
they have put
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have put
(if/so that) you have put
(if/so that) he/she/it have put
(if/so that) we have put
(if/so that) you all have put
(if/so that) they have put
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have put
(if/so that) you have put
(if/so that) he/she/it have put
(if/so that) we have put
(if/so that) you all have put
(if/so that) they have put
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera metido
I had put
hubieras metido
you had put
hubiera metido
he/she/it had put
hubiéramos metido
we had put
hubierais metido
you all had put
hubieran metido
they had put
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese metido
I had put
hubieses metido
you had put
hubiese metido
he/she/it had put
hubiésemos metido
we had put
hubieseis metido
you all had put
hubiesen metido
they had put
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have put
(if/so that) you will have put
(if/so that) he/she/it will have put
(if/so that) we will have put
(if/so that) you all will have put
(if/so that) they will have put
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere metido
I will have put
hubieres metido
you will have put
hubiere metido
he/she/it will have put
hubiéremos metido
we will have put
hubiereis metido
you all will have put
hubieren metido
they will have put
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's put!
Imperative negative mood
no metas
do not put!
no meta
let him/her/it put!
no metamos
let us not put!
no metáis
do not put!
no metan
do not put!

Examples of meter

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Carl pensó que sería divertidísimo meter una mierda en un sobre acolchado y enviársela por correo al Sr. Harris"."Carl thought it would be hilarious to put a poo in a jiffy bag and post it to Mr Harris."
"Freda, sólo tienes que meter un sobre bajo mi puerta con cosas escritas, y luego habrá un sobre en tu puerta..."Freda, you just have to put an envelope through my door with things written on it, and then there will be an envelope through your door."
"Quería meter su cabeza, pero no lo dejé"."He tried to put the tip in, but l didn't let him."
"té con limón", pero estoy demasiado asustado para meter ese veneno en mi cuerpo."tea with lemon," but I'm too scared to put that poison in my body.
"¿Dónde irás a meter una "P" en una "V"?"♪ Where do you go to put a "P" in a "V"?
"Te la meto en el plenilunio""let me put it in your moon.
"¿Por qué me meto en esto?"Why am I putting myself through this?
- Bueno, la meto en la guantera.- I'll put it in the glove compartment.
- La meto aquí.~ I'll put her here.
- La próxima vez lo meto a la cárcel.- Next time I'll put you in jail.
"Y lo metes dentro.and put them inside.
- Aceptas, revolucionas el coche, metes primera y quien llegue primero al otro semáforo gana.You go, OK, you rev it up, put it in first gear and whoever gets to that light next is the winner.
- Cuando lo metes en el reproductor--- When you put it in the, uh- in the, uh, CD player-
- El zumbador que avisa cuando metes las llaves, que la batería está encendida.The buzzer that buzzes when you put the keys in to let you know the battery's on.
- Nos metes en una sala a Dom y a mí ¿para que nos liquidemos mutuamente?You put Dom and I in a room together and then we just wipe each other out?
# Se lo doy a la abuelita, que lo mete en su casita. #The +Jmo- +Jmo- give to grandma +Jmo- who puts down in the cellar. +Jmo-
- Cuando el diablo mete la cola...When the devil puts his hoof in!
- Y el aprieto en el que me mete.then this Mexican comes along, and look at the spot he puts me in!
A un hombre que mete su pala en la tierra tantas veces,The man puts a shovel in the ground that many times,
Abrimos los grifos del agua caliente y cada uno mete un dedo bajo el agua.We open the hot water taps and each puts his finger under hot water.
# La metemos en la olla para hacerla chicharrón. ## we put her into the pot to make cracklings. #
- La próxima vez lo metemos al spiedo.- Next time, we'll put it on a spit!
- Lo metemos en la cama.- Give me, we'll put him to bed.
- Oye... cada delator de mierda que metemos en protección nos cuesta muchísimo dinero.Look... every scumbag rat we put into WITSEC costs us serious money.
- ¿Y metemos a un novio en la mezcla?So we put a boyfriend in the mix?
- ¿Por qué la metéis en esto?- Why do you put your nose in this.
Así que, ¿qué os parece, chicos, si os metéis vosotros mismos en la cama y dejáis a los mayores ser mayores?So, what do you say you guys put yourselves to bed and let the grown-ups be grown-ups?
Buscáis en nuestras oficinas, cogéis nuestros ordenadores y me metéis aquí.You search our offices, take our computers and haul me in here.
Me metéis en Protección de Testigos.Then I get put in Witness Protection.
Mejor la metéis otra vez en la celda, chicos, hasta que vuelva la jefa. ¿Es cierto?Better put her back in her box, boys, until the boss gets back. (MAN SCREAMING, PLEADING) Is it true?
"No me importa si me meten a la cárcel."I don't care if they put me in jail.
# Te meten en una caja de madera#They put you in a wooden box
- A nosotros nos meten en un motel.They put us in a motel.
- Bien, de acuerdo, toman esto, lo meten en la bolsa y la llenan. Esto les da suficiente oxígeno para sobrevivir 24 horas mientras viajan. Luego la ponen aquí, la sellan y está listo para salir.Okay. #Okay, so you take this, you put it in the bag, and you fill it up. #This gives it oxygen so that they can live in there for about 24 hours while they're traveling.
- Igual te meten en la cárcel.- Perhaps even put you in jail.
"Conspirando" es una palabra que metí en mi olla a presión galvanizada."Plotting" is a word I put into my galvanized pressure cooker.
"Delante de las compañeras, pícaramente..." "en el corazón le metí mi cuchillo"In front of his companions, in his heart I put my knife
"Y por eso me suicidé, me corté en pedacitos y me metí en el contenedor.""And that is why I killed myself, chopped myself up and put myself in the garbage. "
- Así que me la metí en la boca...- So, l put it in my mouth...
- Después de que desmayaras me metí en tu habitación con una botella grande de bronceador,I snuck into your room with a big bottle of suntan oil, put
*Vendes tener una sonrisa de ángel* *Me prometiste el cielo* *y luego me metiste en el infierno* *Las cadenas del amor* *me tienen atrapado*♪ An angel's smile is what you sell ♪ ♪ You promise me heaven ♪ then put me through hell ♪ Chains of love ♪ got a hold on me
- Así que sí lo metiste en esto.So you did put him up to it?
- Donde lo metiste?- Where'd you put it?
- Dónde lo metiste?- Where did you put it?
- Jack, no lo he visto. - Eso no, Louise. No me digas que Gene te dio un poema de amor hace seis o siete meses, que lo metiste en un libro y que no lo has visto.Don't tell me that Gene gave you a love poem six or seven months ago, but you put it in a book and you haven't seen him since.
"David metió rápidamente su mano en la bolsa sacó la piedra y se la tiró con la honda."and david put his hand in his bag and took thence a stone and slung it and smote the philistine in his forehead.
"Me metió a prisión para salvarse él de la excomunión y de una desgracia familiar"."He put me in prison to save himself from excommunication and family disgrace."
"Y mi amado metió su mano por el agujero de la puerta, ..y mi corazón se conmovió a causa de él""And my beloved put in his hand by the hole ofthe door and my bowels were moved for him."
- Alguien metió una serpiente de cascabel en el buzón, Héctor.What did I do now? Somebody put a rattlesnake in the mailbox, Hector!
- Edna te lo metió en la cabeza.- I'll bet that Edna jane put that idea in your nut.
"Frank se durmió, así que, le metimos una zanahoria por el culo y le pusimos espuma de afeitar en las pelotas""Frank fell asleep so we, like, stuck a carrot in his ass... "and put shaving cream on his balls."
- El que metimos en la cárcel. Absalom.This man that we put in prison-- Absalom.
Al final lo calmamos, y lo metimos en la cama.We finally calmed him down, put him to bed.
Al otro día, agarramos nuestras cosas, las metimos al auto y volvimos a Rio de Janeiro.But the next day we packed ourthings, put it in the car and went to Rio.
Almorzamos con su madre, y luego la metimos en un tren a Yalta.We had lunch with his mother, then we put her on the train to yalta.
Así que, si alguna vez se os olvida donde metisteis las llaves, me llamáis.So if you ever forget where you put your keys, call me.
Era el productor del musical de Russell Simmons de la audición en la que me metisteis.That was the producer for the Russell Simmons musical of the audition that you put me up for.
Estamos bajo mucha presión, y vosotros nos metisteis en esto.We're under a lot of pressure, you know, and you put us there.
Fuisteis vosotros los que me metisteis el macho en casa, ¿verdad?It was you three who put the donkey in my house, right?
Hay gente fuera muy nerviosa por mí desde que me metisteis aquí.There are people out there very nervous about me since you put me in here.
"Le metieron cinco mil dolares de balas en la cabeza!"See, they put $50,000's worth of bullets in his ass!"
"Pequeño Barrett Tanner, lo metieron bajo tierra."Little Barrett Tanner, they put him in the ground.
"Y entonces me metieron las pajitas por la nariz"."And then, you see, they put the straws in my nose."
"y lo metieron en una bolsa con hielo."and put him in a body bag on ice.
* Donde les metieron en cajas *♪ where they were put in boxes ♪
- Suéltala. O te meteré una bala en la sien.Put it down, or I will put a bullet in your temple.
- ¡Te meteré en prisión, basta!- I will put you in the brig! Now!
...meteré dentro todo... lo haré con el corazón. - Gracias.I will put all of my heart in it!
Bueno, meteré a la gente que no desarrolla su propio potencial.Well, um, I will put in people who don't fulfill their full potential.
Debería estar en la cárcel, y cuando sea Primera Ministra, lo meteré ahí.The man should be in jail, and when I am Prime Minister, I will put him there.
"él te meterá en la cárcel."he will put you in the jail.
- La verdad me meterá entre rejas.Well, the truth will put me in jail.
A lo mejor algún lunático meterá a su suegra en la trituradora, para darte algo que hacer hoy.Maybe some lunatic will put his mother-in-law in the wood chipper, give you something to do today.
Ahora, comete un error, y uno de ellos te meterá una bala entre ceja y ceja.Now, you make a mistake, and one of them will put a bullet through your nose.
Becky, no podrás buscar a Tommy desde la cárcel, y ahí es donde te meterá Christopher si te encuentra.Becky, you can't find Tommy from jail, and that's where Christopher will put you if he finds you.
Si nos cuentas todo lo que queremos saber te prometo que te meteremos en una prisión federal lejos de California.If you tell us everything we need to know, I promise we will put you in a federal prison far away from California.
Pero en cualquier momento les meteréis en su nave y dejaréis marchar.But any moment you will put them in their ship and let them go.
ESCRITOR Iraq está lleno de vagos... los meterán en barcos... les darán armas químicas biológicas... y los mandarán volando desde los barcos... para atacar la costa este de EE.UU.WRITER Iraq is full of vagrants... they will put them in ships... they will give them chemical biological weapon... and they will order them flying from the ships... to attack the east coast of the USA.
Le meterán un bala en el cuello por lo que les ha hecho hacer.They will put a bullet through your neck for what you've made them do.
Les meterán en la cárcel, y ya no les puedo ayudar.They will put you in jail. And I can't help you now.
Lo meterán otra vez en la cárcel, Joel.They will put him back in jail, Joel.
Los estadounidenses se van de casa a los 20 años y cuando los padres son viejos, ¿los meterán en un asilo?See, American - the boys will leave when they are 20, 21... and when the parents get old, what they will do? They will put them in the old people homes or something like that.
"Yo lo pisaría y cuando nadie mirara, me lo metería en el bolsillo"."I would step ... look ... and when no ... I would put it ... in your pocket. "
- Podrías sostener un caso contra Colton... que lo metería preso por 20 cadenas perpetuas... y yo podría ayudarte a conseguirlas--You could make a case against Colton that would put him away for 20 lifetimes. And I could help you get them.
Angelique esperaba que su muerte metería al asesino de su hija a la cárcel y aquí está mi predicción, lo conseguirá.Angelique hoped that her death would put her daughter's killer behind bars and here's my prediction, it will.
Cogería este borrador y lo metería en un cajón... no tiene que ser un cajón de verdad, podría ser uno virtual... y luego saldría esta noche a celebrar su concepción.I would take this draft, and I would put it in a drawer-- it doesn't have to be a real drawer, it could be a virtual drawer-- and then go out tonight and celebrate its birth.
Dijo que lo metería en una de las listas de espera.She said she would put him on one of the waiting lists.
Una vez le dije a Luke... que si no metía sus platos sucios en el lavavajillas, los meteríamos en su cama.One time I told luke That if he didn't put his dirty dishes in the dishwasher, We would put them in his bed.
Esos tipos de hablar suave que te miran fijo a los ojos y te meterían una bala sin importarles un pimiento.Yeah, those soft-spoken fellas who look you right in the eye and would put a bullet in her neck and never turn a hair!
- Entonces no me meta en el mismo saco.- Don't put me in their class, then.
- Has dicho que le meta la manga.- You said to put his arm in the sleeve.
- No hagas que te meta en esa celda con él.- Don't make me... put you in that cell with him.
- No me meta en el río.-Don't put me in the river.
- No quiero que meta a nadie en una maleta, y no quiero que termine en una maleta.- I don't want her putting people into a suitcase, and I don't want her ending up in a suitcase.
"No metas metal en el horno científico.""Don't put metal in the science..."
"No metas nada de metal en el horno científico, Rosalyn.""Don't put metal in that science oven, Rosalyn.
"¡No te metas las manos en los bolsillos!"Don't put your hands in your pockets.
- Depende de la energía que le metas.Well, it depends on the amount of power that you put into it.
- Entonces, no metas galletas en ella.- Don't put cookies into it then.
"Oh Richard Hammond vendrá el domingo, será mejor que metamos ahora las coles"."Oh, Richard Hammond will be here on Sunday, we better put the sprouts on now."
Abre el bolso y metamos al freudiano.Open your bag, we'll put the Freudian back inside.
Además, aunque metamos el CD, ¿quién dice que este tío no hará todo esto de todas formas?Besides, even if we put the CD in, who says this guy won't just do all this anyway?
Aquí, metamos la camioneta, despacio.Here, let's put the load inside here, go carefully.
Coger lo que hay en esta caja... o que te metamos en una más grande.Or we put you in a slightly bigger one.
- Ahora la langosta corre por mis venas, así que no os metáis con mis Tigers.I got the crawfish in my blood now, so don't be putting down my Tigers.
- Por favor, no me metáis allí.-Please, don't put me in there.
No es cosa mía aprobar o desaprobar, y no me gusta que me metáis en medio.That's not my place to approve or disapprove, and I don't appreciate being put in the middle of it.
No os metáis en el horno a la vez que las pizzas.When you put pizzas in the oven, don't get in with them.
No, Louise, no quiero que me metáis en el retrete.No, Louise, I don't want to be put in a toilet.
"Ah, que me metan entre mantas y no me hagan más nada... que la puerta de mi cuarto quede para siempre cerrada."You can put me to bed and forget about me. Close the door to my room forever.
#Hasta que me metan en chirona o en un ataúd#Till they put me in a cell or they put me in the ground ##
- No me metan en el hoyo!Don't put me in that hole!
- No me metan y todo estará bien. - Yo sólo escuchaba.Don't put me in it and everything will be fine.
- Que metan los cuerpos en un camión, que lo dejen estacionado por ahí durante un tiempo así los cuerpos se congelarán y podremos pensar qué hacer con ellos.- Get the guys to put the bodies on a truck, appoint someone to drive it to a long-term lot somewhere, lock it up, let the bodies freeze, and that will buy us some time - to figure out what to do with them.
Quiero decir que debía tener alguna idea rodándome por la cabeza para que metiera la Mauser en la cesta, precisamente.I mean, there must have been some idea whirring about in my head in order for me to have put the Mauser into the egg basket in the first place.
- De acuerdo, meted al enano en el cubo.OK, let's put the midget in the bin.
"Pero como no puedo estar, he metido algunos recuerdos en esta caja".But since I can't be, I've put some of my favorite memories in this box.
, ha metido mis cosas en bolsas de basura.She actually put all my stuff in garbage bags.
- - Con lo que se ha metido en los cuernos, no irá muy lejos ...- With what he puts in his nose, he won't go far...
- En caso de duda, se asume que la han metido en algún sitio inimaginable y se continúa.- When in doubt, assume they put it someplace unimaginable and move on.
- Era una pregunta retórica. Estás aquí porque yo te he metido aquí.You're in there because I put you in there.
"Sobreviviré más tiempo mientras más sepa lo que le estoy metiendo a mi cuerpo"."I will survive the longest, the most I know about what I'm putting into my body."
- No me estoy metiendo en nada.- I'm not putting myself through anything.
- También me estaría metiendo en hielo.You'd be putting me on ice, too.
- ¿Qué están metiendo ahora?- What're they putting in now?
- ¿Y ya las estás metiendo al auto?- You're putting your bags in the car now?
-Por qué no te metés el orgullo en el culo, mejor?-Why don't you rather put your pride into your ass?
Agarrá 200 mil dólares lo metés en un bolso azul y lo llevás en el colectivo 60Take 200,000 bucks put them in a blue bag and take bus No. 60.
Hacé como cuando te duchás; ponete una bolsa y te metés.Just put a bag on, like you do when you take a shower.

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