"gorroto guzti horren aurka ekin behar dugu..." | We have to do something about all the hate here. |
Bortizkeria zaleak bihurtzea nahi gaituzue, beraiek bezala ekin dezagula. | They want us to become violent. They want us to be like them. |
Egia esan honen aurka Software Askearen Fundazioa sortuz ekin zuen. | He eventually acted this out by founding the Free Software Foundation. So, I looked for another alternative and I realized: |
C++ekin lan egingo zuen tresna bat behar zuen, | Bison worked with C. |
Ez dira manifestatuko. Ongi da, baina arazo gehiago dago. Ezkutuko zerbitzuak dio berehala ekin behar dela. | - I have the secret service on top, something must be done quickly, Call the National Guard. |
Linux zer den azaltzeko, lehenik sistema eragile bat zer den azaldu behar duzu, eta gaia da sistema eragile bat suposatzen da ez dela ikusia izan behar, zeren, egitan inork ez du sistema eragile bat erabiltzen, baizik programak beren ordenagailuetan, eta sistema eragile baten eginkizun bakarra programa horiei ekiten laguntzea da. | And... the thing about Operating System is you, I mean... you're never ever supposed to see it. Because... nobody really uses an Operating System, people use... programs... on their computer And the only mission in life of an operating system is to help those programs run. |
Talde ezberdinetako gazte askok gure erakustaldian ekiten da erakusteko bere sostengua agiritegi partekatuen erabilpenari Suedian. | A lot of different youth groups to the parties were active in our demonstration to show the support for the file sharing in Sweden. |
Bide guztiak erabili behar ditugu ulertarazteko laister ez badu ekiten, ezingo dugula ezer egin. | We must use every method open to us to make him understand... that unless he acts soon, we cannot deliver. |
Zenbat aste gehiago, zenbat hilabete ekiten duen arte? | How many more weeks, how many more months until he acts? |
AEB-k hitzarmengile pribatuak zigorgabetuak zituen... edozein lege irakiarren aurrean, hortaz legegabeko burbuila batean ekiten zuten. | US had indemnified the private contractors against any of Iraqi laws. So they were operating in a law-free bubble, a little like Guantanamo. |
Nire arbasoen epaimahi bat eragozleez osatu egongo balitz, Ingalaterrako jendea era barne izango lukeen. Horrela izanda azkar ekingo zuten kolonoen aurka. | If the majority of my forefathers were conscientious objectors it would include the people from England too and in that case they would have been acting justly towards the people in the colonies... |
Nire arbasoen epaimahi bat eragozleez osatu egongo balitz, Ingalaterrako jendea era barne izango lukeen. Horrela izanda azkar ekingo zuten kolonoen aurka. | If the majority of my forefathers were conscientious objectors it would include the people from England and they would have been acting justly towards the people in the colonies |
Legearen eta ordenaren bermatzaileak gara, eta ondorioz ekingo dugu. | No one wants to live in chaos. We are the guarantors of law and order, and will act accordingly. |