Pero és impossible de penjar una pista per assassinat: així és que, després que aquest detectiu hagué fet el seu fet i tornat a casa, Tom va sentir-se tan mal segur com estava abans. | But you can't hang a "clew" for murder, and so after that detective had got through and gone home, Tom felt just as insecure as he was before. |
Vaig a Shahbag tres cops al dia, crido eslògans i quan estic cansat i reflexiono sobre el que passa, miro al meu voltant i observo amb admiració com els fanals s'han convertit en pals on penjar reivindicacions. | I go to Shahbag three times aday, shout slogans, when I am tired, I scratch my head, look around, see with wonder that the lamp posts have become hanging posts. |
El mateix passa amb el suïcidi: les frases “Jesenin es va penjar,” “Maiakovski es va pegar un tir,” i “Romeo i Julieta es van enverinar” poden funcionar també com a excusa per a bloquejar el web, perquè totes al·ludeixen a maneres de cometre suïcidi. | It’s the same for suicide: the phrases “Yesenin hanged himself,” “Mayakovsky shot himself,” and “Romeo and Juliet poisoned themselves” are also excuses to block the site, since they all concern means of committing suicide. |
Penjat, vaig penjar, penjar Mira al lladre el swing ballar | Hung, hang, hing See the robber swing |
I vostè va estar a punt de penjar aquest pobre tipus. | Moreover a little more and you would have hanged this poor person. |
Ell és generalment apoplèctic sobre el tema. ell no hauria d'haver fet això, lisiar seu cavall, això va ser cruel. però no penges a un nen de 16 anys per això ... | He’s generally apoplectic on the subject. LlNCOLN: He oughtn’t to have done that, crippled his horse, that was cruel, but you don’t just hang a sixteen year old boy for that... |
Si em penges, em poses en espera, o es talla la trucada per qualsevol raó, tan aviat com ho facis, ho cremaré tot. | You hang up on me, put me on hold, I lose my call for any reason, as soon as you do, I'm burning all of it. |
Li agrada tant que la penja al seu dormitori. | He likes it so much he hangs it in your bedroom. |
Li agrada tant que la penja al dormitori. | He likes it so much he hangs it in your bedroom. |
I penja d'un fil, Per minuts. | And it hangs by threads, by minutes. |
Som deixalles. No pengem d'un fil. | We're has-beens, hanging on by a thread. |
Som ex, pengem d'un fil. | We're has-beens, hanging on by a thread. |
No pengem d'un fil. | We're not hanging on by a thread. |
Els sento dir que és el facinerós que té més posat de sanguinari en tota la contrada, i que s'estranyen que no l'haguessin penjat abans. | Lord, I hear 'em say he's the bloodiest looking villain in this country, and they wonder he wasn't ever hung before." |
Ha penjat. | She's hung up. |
Pengim, penjant, penjat Mira què ha fet el penjat | Hing, hang, hung See what the hangman done |
Pengim, penjant, penjat Pengim, penjant, penjat | Hing, hang, hing, hang Hing, hang, hung |
Pengim, penjant, penjat Ara la meva cançó he acabat | Hing, hang, hung Now my song is done |
Esbrineu la veritat i després pengeu-los. | Find out the truth and then hang them. |
Trucades repetitives que pengen... ..regals deixats anònimament? | Repetitive phone calls with hang ups, gifts left anonymously? |
Assegura't que pengen el meu retrat al lloc que vaig triar. | Make sure they hang my portrait in the place I chose. |
Sobretot els de senyores de grans pits que pengen als bars. | Mostly the ones of the buxom ladies that hang above saloon bars. |
Si no m'he la passes penjaré i mai mes tindran noticies meves o de Patricia. | If you don't put her on the phone, I will hang up and you will never hear from me or Patricia again. |
M'estimo més que em pengi que no pas que es rigui de mi. | I'll hang before I let you give me the horselaugh. |
Pegui I'orella al teléfon i no pengi. | Keep your eras glued to this pone and don't hang up |
Per Empreu pengi i intenteu trucar ... | Please hang up and try your call... |
No em pengis. | Don't hang up on me. |
Samantha, Escoltem, No em pengis. | Hello? -Samantha, listen to me. Don't hang up. |
Jesse, no em pengis, Jesse! | Jesse, I didn't hang up! Jesse! |
No pengis. | Do not hang up. |
Aleshores vull que em pengin com a ells. | I've done what they've done, haven't I? I want to hang with them. |
No vull que em pengin. | I don't want to hang. |
Tom estigué a punt de cercar aixopluc sota una mentida; pero aleshores veié dues llargues trenes de cabell groguís penjant damunt una esquena, i les reconegué, en virtut d'aquella electrica simpatia de l'amor; i al costat d'aquella personeta hi havia l'únic lloc vacant de la banda de les noies. | Tom was about to take refuge in a lie, when he saw two long tails of yellow hair hanging down a back that he recognized by the electric sympathy of love; and by that form was _the only vacant place_ on the girls' side of the school-house. |
Hauria d'estar-se penjant pel coll. | He should be hanging his head. |
Recordo veure els seus cossos penjant al capdamunt de les portes de Roca Casterly. | I remember seeing their bodies hanging high above the gates of Casterly Rock. |
Dos dies després, allà els tens, amb les entranyes penjant, cridant al metge i suplicant per les seves mares. | Two days later, their guts are hanging out... and they're screaming for a medic, begging for their mother. |
I si no, l'únic que quedarà d'ell seran els seus trossets graciosos penjant del meu coll. | And if not, the only thing left of him is gonna be his fun bits hanging around my neck. |