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Katsoa (to look) conjugation

140 examples
This verb can also mean the following: watch kotus type 52/sanoa, no gradation

Conjugation of katsoa

Present tense
I look
you look
he/she looks
we look
you all look
they look
is looked
Past tense
I looked
you looked
he/she looked
we looked
you all looked
they looked
was looked
Conditional mood
I would look
you would look
he/she would look
we would look
you all would look
they would look
would be looked
Imperative mood
let's look!
be looked!
Potential tense
I probably look
you probably look
he/she probably looks
we probably look
you all probably look
they probably look
probably is looked
1st long
2nd inessive
2nd instructive
3nd inessive
3rd elative
3rd illative
3rd adessive
3rd abessive
3rd instructive
4th nominative
4th partitive
to look
to look
while looking
while looking
just about to look
Passive infinitives
while not looking
not looking
Passive participles
not looked
not looked
Present negative tense
en katso
I do not look
et katso
you do not look
ei katso
he/she do not look
emme katso
we do not look
ette katso
you all do not look
eivät katso
they do not look
ei katsota
is not looked
Past negative tense
en katsonut
I did not look
et katsonut
you did not look
ei katsonut
he/she did not look
emme katsoneet
we did not look
ette katsoneet
you all did not look
eivät katsoneet
they did not look
oli katsottu
had been looked
Conditional negative tense
en katsoisi
I would not look
et katsoisi
you would not look
ei katsoisi
he/she would not look
emme katsoisi
we would not look
ette katsoisi
you all would not look
eivät katsoisi
they would not look
Imperative negative mood
älä katso
do not look!
älköön katsoko
let him/her/it not look!
älkäämme katsoko
let's not look!
älkää katsoko
do not look!
älkööt katsoko
do not look!
Potential negative tense
en katsone
I probably do not look
et katsone
you probably do not look
ei katsone
he/she probably does not look
emme katsone
we probably do not look
ette katsone
you all probably do not look
eivät katsone
they probably do not look
Present perfect tense
olen katsonut
I have looked
olet katsonut
you have looked
on katsonut
he/she has looked
olemme katsoneet
we have looked
olette katsoneet
you all have looked
ovat katsoneet
they have looked
on katsottu
has been looked
Past perfect tense
olin katsonut
I had looked
olit katsonut
you had looked
oli katsonut
he/she had looked
olimme katsoneet
we had looked
olitte katsoneet
you all had looked
olivat katsoneet
they had looked
Conditional perfect tense
olisin katsonut
I would have looked
olisit katsonut
you would have looked
olisi katsonut
he/she would have looked
olisimme katsoneet
we would have looked
olisitte katsoneet
you all would have looked
olisivat katsoneet
they would have looked
olisi katsottu
would has been looked
Imperative perfect tense
ole katsonut
you have looked!
olkoon katsonut
he/she have looked!
olkaamme katsoneet
we have looked!
olkaa katsoneet
you all have looked!
olkoot katsoneet
they have looked!
olkoon katsottu
has been looked!
Potential perfect tense
lienen katsonut
I probably have looked
lienet katsonut
you probably have looked
lienee katsonut
he/she probably has looked
lienemme katsoneet
we probably have looked
lienette katsoneet
you all probably have looked
lienevät katsoneet
they probably have looked
lienee katsottu
probably has been looked
Present perfect negative tense
en ole katsonut
I have not looked
et ole katsonut
you have not looked
ei ole katsonut
he/she has not looked
emme ole katsoneet
we have not looked
ette ole katsoneet
you all have not looked
eivät ole katsoneet
they have not looked
Past perfect negative tense
en ollut katsonut
I had not looked
et ollut katsonut
you had not looked
ei ollut katsonut
he/she had not looked
emme olleet katsoneet
we had not looked
ette olleet katsoneet
you all had not looked
eivät olleet katsoneet
they had not looked
Conditional perfect negative tense
en olisi katsonut
I would not have looked
et olisi katsonut
you would not have looked
ei olisi katsonut
he/she would not have looked
emme olisi katsoneet
we would not have looked
ette olisi katsoneet
you all would not have looked
eivät olisi katsoneet
they would not have looked
Imperative perfect negative tense
ole katsonut
you have looked!
olkoon katsonut
he/she have looked!
olkaamme katsoneet
we have looked!
olkaa katsoneet
you all have looked!
olkoot katsoneet
they have looked!
Potential perfect negative tense
en liene katsonut
I probably have not looked
et liene katsonut
you probably have not looked
ei liene katsonut
he/she probably has not looked
emme liene katsoneet
we probably have not looked
ette liene katsoneet
you all probably have not looked
eivät liene katsoneet
they probably have not looked

Examples of katsoa

Example in FinnishTranslation in English
! Voin katsoa laukkuun, jos haluan.I can look in the bag if I want to.
"Ainoa tapa saada suora vastaus Rajavartija Ykköseltä - oli katsoa vastaus peilistä, riippuen samalla pää alaspäin katosta.""The only way to get a straight answer out of Ranger One... was to look at every reply in a mirror while hanging upside down from the ceiling."
"Anethe Christensonin alaston vartalo oli kääritty kankaaseen, kuin tappaja ei voinut katsoa työtään siemaillessaan teetään. ""The nude body of Anethe Christenson was draped with a cloth as if the killer could not bear to look at his handiwork while he sipped his tea."
"Golfrata on niin lähellä tuulimyllyä, - että melkein joka ikinen päivä - työtä tekevät lapset voivat katsoa ulos ja..."/"The golf links lie so near the mill... /That almost every day the laboring children can look out and... / - And...
"Hän ahertaa ja voi katsoa ylpeästi jokaista." "Sillä hän ei ole kellekään velkaa.""He earns whatever he can and looks the whole world in the face, for he owes not any man."
"'Ei, katson ensir, hän sanoi.'No, I'll look first,' she said,
"Anna kun katson sitä vahvistusta.""Let me look at your confirmation card."
"Ja katson itseäni.""And look upon myself
"Kaikki mitä katson on mustaa.Everything I look at seems black.
"Kerään rohkeuteni ja katson ulos.""Recovering my courage with an effort, I take a cautious look out.
"'Miksi katsot minua noin?'Why are you looking at me like that?
"Eräänä päivänä katsot taakse päin, ja kuten minä tulet sanomaan,"One day you'll look back, and like me you'll say,
"Jos katsot häntä paluumatkalla, hän katoaa."If you look at her before you get back to Earth, she'll disappear."
"Jos katsot kauan pohjattomuuteen, se vastaa katseeseesi"When you look long into an abyss, it also looks into you. Nietzsche.
"Jos katsot sinne minne et voi mennä, jäät paitsi rikkauksista alla""If you only look where you can't go, "you will miss the riches below."
"Hän katsoo meitä vielä ja käy uudelleen pitkäkseen."He looks at us again, then he lies down again...
"Ja huomaa paljon." "Lhmisien toimet hän halki katsoo.""He is a great observer and he looks quite through the deeds of men:
"Kuka tahansa, joka katsoo näitä kahta osoitetta - uskoo, että ne ovat saman henkilön kirjoittamia.""Obviously to anybody who's looking, "looks at these two, these two addresses written this way, "they're going to think they're written by the same person,
"Nätti tyttö katsoo peiliin."Pretty girl looks in the mirror.
"Silmä katsoo tämän maailman ohi seuraavaan. "Se näkee heijastuksen itse ihmisestä.""The eye looks beyond this world, into the next, and sees a reflection of man himself."
- Anna kun me katsomme.Let us take a look at it. Here you go.
- Asiat eivät siis tapahdu silloin, kun katsomme niitä?So we don't see things at the very instant we look at them?
- Haittaako, jos katsomme ympärillemme?I was celebrating my birthday. You mind if we come in and take a look around?
- Haittaako, jos katsomme?Mind if we take a look?
- Istu tässä vähän aikaa, kun me katsomme kuvaa ja teemme päätöksemme.Please, just have a seat... while we look at the picture and make up our own minds.
"Ei luonto tuollaisia värejä tiedä, kun katsotte sitä muistakaa käyttää suoja laseja!""Nature never knew colors like that. When you look at it, be sure to wear your shades!"
- Agentti Scully, mitä te katsotte?- Agent Scully, what are you lookin' at?
- Ei se voi, jos katsotte sitä.Not while you're looking at it.
- Hicks, sinä ja Smithy katsotte tuolta.- Hicks, you and Smithy look up that way.
- Jos katsotte hänen silmiinsä, - voitte nähdä hänen kyynelehtivän verta.Now, if you look into his eyes, you can see him tearing blood.
"Annetaan kissa, myydään traktori." Kaikki katsovat sitä.You know, "free kittens, tractors for sale." But everyone in town looks at it.
"Ihmiset katsovat heitä ja miettivät:People look At them with eyes that wonder when...
"Kaikki katsovat tarkasti häntä."'Everyone's looking very closely at him.
"Kateelliset silmät alas katsovat" "Albionin maita ja mantuja.""And jealous eyes are looking down on peaceful fields in Albion.
"Tarvitsen vain yläosan." He katsovat toisiaan, ja se on soma tapaaminen.They look at each other, and that's the "meet-cute."
"Ja katsoin alas maailmaan loppuun ja näin pedon,"And I looked down into the end of the world and saw the beast,
"Ja minä katsoin" - "ja näin enkelin" -"And I looked and beheld an angel.
"Kun minut valittiin suurvisiiriksi, katsoin itseäni peilistä - ja tunsin olevani voimani tunnossa.When I first made Grand Dragon, I looked at myself in the mirror, My peaked hood proudly over my head, And I thought I was on top of the world.
"Minä katsoin eteeni ja taakseni.""I looked ahead and behind."
"Oletko kunnossa?" Ja minä katsoin häneen ja sanoin:"are you okay?" And I looked up at him, and I said,
"Huomasin, miten katsoit häntä."I saw the way you looked at him.
"Public Domain" katsoit suoraan kameraan, suoraan minuun. Minä rakastuin.You had a shot in Public Domain where you looked at the camera, into me and l loved you.
- Avasit kallon, ja katsoit sinne, -You looked at her brain. You took off her skull.
- Ei. Näin miten katsoit minua häissä, ja miten nytkin katsot.I saw the way you looked at me at the wedding, and I see the way that you're looking at me now.
- Entä kun katsoit minua?What about when you looked at me?
"Beatrice katsoi silmin, joista niin jumalaiset lemmenliekit hohti - mult' että voima voipui, pois ma käännyin, loin maahan silmät.""Beatrice looked at me and her eyes were full "of sparks, of love, of such divinity that, vanquished, "my virtue ran away and I was as if lost.
"Hän katsoi kaiholla taakseen."She looked back "longingly."
"Hän katsoi minua ja teki uhkaavan eleen.""He looked at me and made threatening movement. "
"Hän katsoi minua oikein.""She looked at me the right way."
"Hän kääntyi ja katsoi hetken Elizabethia,"And turning 'round, he looked for a moment at Elizabeth
- Albert ja minä katsoimme toisiamme.- So, Albert and I looked at each other.
- Ei, ja katsoimme kaikkialta.- No, and we looked everywhere.
- Koska katsoimme sinne.(Katy) Because we looked in there!
- Kyllä, me katsoimme toisiimme.I looked at them, and they looked at me.
- Muistatko, kun katsoimme isoisäni päiväkirjaa yhdessä?Remember when we first looked at my grandfather's journal together?
- Tavasta, jolla katsoitte häntä.- The way you looked at him.
-Ette, mutta katsoitte häntä silmiin.- No. But you looked him in the eye.
-Sitten katsoitte tätä väärin.Then you must have looked at them in the wrong way.
Aivan kuten elokuvassa Kirottujen orgiat... jossa katsoitte peiliin... koska miestä ei näkynyt peilissä, tiesitte että hän on vampyyri.You know. Like in Orgy of the Damned? Where you looked in the mirror... the guy didn't have a reflection, so then you knew he was a vampire.
Aloittaessamme katsoitte minua sanoen, - että olen vastuussa liian monesta kuolemasta.You know... when this all started, we sat in here, and you looked me in the eye, and you told me that I was responsible for too many deaths. You were right.
"Eläimet katsoivat tarkasti sikoja ja ihmisiä, - mutta niitä oli mahdotonta erottaa toisistaan."The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig and still it was impossible to tell... which was which.
- Eivät, katsoivat vain ja lähtivät.No, they just looked at me and walked out of McHale's.
- He katsoivat kuvasi.- Yeah, they looked at your pictures.
- He katsoivat mieleeni...- They looked inside my mind...
- He katsoivat minua kuin hullua. - Meitä pidettiin 10 tuntia tuolla.No, they looked at me like I was crazy.
Jos joku heistä tulisi tänne, nousisin esiin ja katsoisin häntä suoraan silmiin.But if any of them were to walk in here, I would stand up and I would look them right in the eye.
Jos saisin tehdä sen uudestaan, katsoisin Lozaria silmiin ja lukisin.If I could do it over, I would look Lozar in the eyes and recite "Snowflakes". Every single word.
Joten lupasin karhuille, että jos katsoisin niiden perään, auttaisivatko ne minua olemaan parempi ihminen ja - ne ovat tulleet niin kannustaviksi, - ja elävät myös kettujen kanssa, joten tein sen, lopetin juomisen.So I promised the bears that if I would look over them, would they please help me be a better person and they've become so inspirational, and living with the foxes too, that I did, I gave up the drinking. It was a miracle.
Kuvittelin, kuinka selvittäisin maailmankaikkeuden arvoitukset, - katsoisin pientä planeettaamme ja vilkuttaisin ylpeänä äidilleni.I imaged how I would explore the riddles of the cosmos for the good of humanity, how I would look down to our planet and how I would proudly wave to my mother. how I would look down to our planet and how I would proudly wave to my mother.
Mutta hän on lankoni - ja katsoisin sen henkilökohtaiseksi palvelukseksi, - jos miettisitte lisää hänen takaisin palkkaamista.But he is my brother-in-law... and I would look on it as a personal favor... if you'd think some more on hiring' him back.
Lefty. Nähtyäsi Sheenin katsoisit Millietä - kuin sottaista maalaistyttöä, - joka vääristää käsityksesi siitä, millainen on kaunis tyttö.Lefty after seeing Sheeni you would look at Millie and you would see no more than a slatternly wench trying to muddy your perception of what a pretty girl should be.
Olisimme iloisia, jos katsoisit tätä dokumenttia, jonka valmistin.So we would love it if you would look over this document I prepared.
- Hän tekisi tuota otsajuttua vain hetken, sitten hän katsoisi sivuun ja pyörittelisi hiljaa päätään.She would do the forehead thing for a second. Then she would look to the side and do little head shakes. Serena, I appreciate your pointers, but the purpose of this is to get you ready to tell your mom about Brown.
Ann Curry katsoisi suoraan kameraan ja sanoisi...And the most moving voice of all, Ann Curry... would look directly into the camera and say...
Clancy, kunpa vain Samkin katsoisi minuun kuten sinä.Oh, Clancy. If only Sam would look at me with your eyes.
Että hän katsoisi kasvojasi, todellisia kasvojasi, ja suutelisi sinua?That she would look at your face, your true face, and give you a kiss?
Ja jäljitin sen takaisin jätteenkäsittely- järjestelmään, - missä kukaan ei katsoisi koska sitä ei pidetä oleellisena.And l tracked it back to the waste reclamation system, where nobody would look because it's considered nonessential.
Jos te tutkisitte kunnolla omaa sieluanne - ja katsoisitte demonienne ohi, löytäisitte eksyneen pikkupojan, - joka on lukittautunut betoniseen norsunluutorniin - ja ympäröinyt itsensä nöyristelevillä hölmöillä.The way I see it, if you would look closely at yourself beyond all monsters and demons that you see. You than a lost frightened little boy sees, who has chosen to close in itself at this large ivory tower of concrete. And who has surrounded himself with suckers in uniform who serve him.
He katsoisivat minua halveksuen.The way they would look at me.
Jos kukaan ei katsoisi hänen peräänsä, - niin ainakin he katsoisivat häntä.Maybe if no one would look after him, at least they'd look at him.
"Amber, katso minua!"Amber, look at me!
"Anteeksi, tämä kuuluu työhön" ja minä ajattelin "Älä katso minua kun sormesi ovat... ""Sorry, man, it's the job" and I'm like, "Don't look at me when your finger's..."
"Charlotte, älä katso itseäsi, katso morsianta."It's always: "Don't look at me, look at the bride."
"He eivät enää katso minua."They have stopped looking for me.
"Hei H. G. , katso tänne, odotamme täällä. ""hey, H.G., looky here, we're waiting for you."
- Selviän kyllä, - mutta neurokirurgi katsokoon aivokuvia.It's nothing I can't handle. But I will need Neurosurg to take a look at his brain scans.
Jos he haluavat oikein pahan kundin, katsokoon tarkemmin vanhaa kunnon Bill-enoa.They want a real bad guy-- tell them to look at dear old Uncle Bill.
Jumalat katsokoon apuasi hyvällä.May the gods look kindly on you for what you have done today.
No katsokoon korvani, mutta Breeland katsoo alapääni.Yeah, no problem. All right, she can look in my ears, but that's it. Only Dr. Breeland can deal with my lower half.
Se, joka sielustaan toivoo toisen kuolemaa, - painakoon päänsä, katsokoon maahan ja...He who wishes another person dead, should bow his head, look to the ground, and say...
"Hei, katsokaa tännepäin."Hey, look over here.
"Hei, katsokaa, mitä täällä on.""Hey, everybody, look, look. Look what I got under here."
"Katsokaa minua, katsokaa minua".Where, you know, "Look at me, look at me."
"Mutta tuolla hän on, joten katsokaa uudelleen.""Now he don't look like my brother, but there he is, so maybe you'd better look again."
"Oi, katsokaa!"oh, look!
Se kääntää päänsä taaksepäin katsoakseen olkapäänsä yli - tähdätäkseen paremmin sen vaarallisen hännän heilumista.turn its head back to look over its shoulder... to better aim the swing of its dangerous tail.
Vuonna -03, Annie pysäytti veneen, katsoakseen valasta ja Bostick johti kapinaa.Back in '03, Annie stopped a boat to look at a whale and Bostick led a mutiny.
- He ovat katsomassa valokuvia, LT.Got 'em looking at Polaroids, LT.
- Itse asiassa olin vain katsomassa.- Actually, I was just looking.
- Jos näen sinut kaupungissani vielä uudestaan, jos kuulen, että olet edes katsomassa tähän suuntaan, revin silmät päästäsi, ja kaadan kahvini kalloosi.If I see you in my town again, if I even hear that you're looking in this direction, I'm gonna tear your eyes out and pour my coffee in your skull.
- Joten me olemme katsomassa uutta lajia ehkä.- So we're looking at a new species, maybe.
- Laitatko auton parkkiin vai seisotko siinä katsomassa?Are you gonna park the car or are you gonna stand there, looking at me?
- Lakkaa katsomasta minua kuin välipalaa.- Stop looking at me like I'm a side dish.
- Tiedän. Mutta et voi estää minua katsomasta sinua.But she ain't stop me from looking at you.
- Vastaus, joka pitää sinut katsomasta taaksesi, ja uudelleen elämästä menneisyyttäsi?The answer that keeps you from looking over your shoulder and reliving your past?
-En minä katso. Lakkaa katsomasta sitä.- Stop looking at it, Bubbles.
-Lakkaa katsomasta sitä.- Stop looking at it. - I'm not.
- En pysty katsomaan tätä enää.Can't stand looking at this another day.
- Kuvittele poikasi katsomaan sinun arkkuasi, - tai poikani vierailemaan vankilassa. Seuraavat 40 vuotta...Imagine your son Trevor in this church looking at you in that box, or my son visiting me in prison, and for the next forty years-
- Menen katsomaan asuntoja tänään. - Minne?- I'm looking at apartments today.
- Menen katsomaan hänen poikaansa.- I'm looking at his son.
- Menisitkö katsomaan Sammya?Hey, do you mind going and looking after Sammy for me? Sure.
- Hänkö näkee sen ihan vain katsomalla sinua?But he used to do it back in the day, so - So he can tell just by looking at you?
- Ikää ei näe katsomalla.One thing's for sure... Never can tell how old someone is just by looking at him.
- Olet idiootti. Uskotko pystyväsi sanomaan, että sinulla on sukupuolitauti katsomalla vertasi?Do you really think that you're gonna be able to tell if you have an STD by looking at your blood?
- Tiedän vain katsomalla niitä.What are they? The only way I can tell is by actually looking at them.
...ja tekevät parhaansa, mutta katsomalla näitä kuvia, voi vain arvata...♪ And it's... ♪ and doing their best, but looking at these images, one can only guess...
- Kahdeksan miljoonaa pelissä - ja Tommy menee all-in katsomatta korttejaan.- Do you see this? Eight million on the line and Tommy goes it all in without looking at his cards.
- Kenenkään katsomatta.With no one looking. Yeah.
- Kuinka voin tehdä sen katsomatta?How can I do it without looking?
- Tiesit katsomatta, missä he olivat.That was like, you knew where people were without even looking.
- Voisitko olla katsomatta noin?Will you please stop looking at me like that?
- Lopeta tuolla tavalla katsominen.Will you quit looking at me like that? Like what?
- Pelkkä katsominen saa minut voimaan pahoin.Ugh, just looking at it makes me sick.
Ehkä katsominen kannattaa.Maybe looking is important.
Hei, lopeta kannuuni katsominenHey, stop looking up my can. Sorry.
Hermostuttaa pelkkä katsominen.I'm getting nervous just looking at this.
- En voi lopettaa katsomista.I can't stop looking at it. it'll kill you.
- Inhoat niiden katsomista.You hate looking at pictures of my twins.
- Jatka katsomista.Keep looking at me.
- Rakastan näiden katsomista. - Kaunista!I just love looking at these like this.
Joskus peiliin katsova mies saa tiedon viimeisenä.Sometimes the man looking in the mirror is the last one to know it.
Se on uhkapelurin ilmaisu, se tarkoittaa tiedostamatonta viestiä - jonka korttejaan katsova peluri antaa.A tell is a gambler's expression for the unconscious message a player looking at his cards gives you.
Tulevaisuuteen katsova kaupunki, jota mennyt sitoo.Such a forward-looking city, yet so many links to the past. It's true.
"Hän ei juuri ikinä katsonut niiden läpi"- "jotain niin pientä asiaa kuin poikaa."She seldom or never looked through them for so small a thing as a boy."
"Olen katsonut hänen peräänsä koko elämänsä."I've looked after him all his life.
"Rakas lapsi, olen katsonut sinua kauan" "ja vihaan sitä, mikä sinusta tuli.""Dear child, I have long looked at you - and hate what you've become."
"Tuntui kuin olisin katsonut liian kauan aurinkoon."It was as though I had looked at the sun too long.
- Ellen Margrethe on katsonut minua.-Ellen Margrethe has looked at me.
Ei olla katsottu...- Hey, sorry, but we have not looked... - Let's just get outta here.

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