Quan miro aquesta il·lustració no puc pensar en altra cosa que no sigui Shingeki no Kyojin . | All I can think of when I look at this textbook illustration is Shingeki no Kyojin . |
Et miro i et puc llegir...i em fas pudor. | I look at you know and I can read you...and you repel me. |
Quant mes miro aquestes coses, Més m'assembla que s'assemblen. | And the closer I look at these things, the more they're the same. |
Hi ha vegades que et miro i encara no em crec que siguis de veritat. | There are times when I look at you and still can't believe you're real. |
Molts cops a la vida, mires el teu reflex al mirall i et preguntes: | Many, many times during your life, you'll look at your reflection... in the mirror and ask yourself... |
-Sempre la mires codificada? | - Do you always look at it encoded? |
El rellotge és l’enemic. Aquesta és la norma número u: Com més mires el rellotge.... més a poc a poc passa el temps. | The basic rule is this: the more you look at the clock, the slower the time goes. |
Si li mires altra vegada, et pego un tir en el cap. | You look at him again, I'll shoot you in the head. |
No veus amb quins ulls et mira? | Don't you see the way that he looks at you? |
És quan algú veu, no ho sé, una forquilla, se la mira i diu: | It’s as if a man sees, I don’t know, a fork, he looks at it he says, "What is this thing? I’ve never seen anything like this before. " |
És que et mira com si fossis menjar. | I mean, I don't know, he just looks at you like you're something to eat. |
Com em mira! | - See what? How she looks at me, |
És important que mirem tot desde diferents Angles que podem. | It's important that we look at everything from as many angles as we can. |
Et trobem molt a faltar, però sempre ens recordarem de tu; quan riguem, quan ens despertem i quan mirem el mar. | We’il miss her very much, but we promise to always think of you when we laugh, wake up, fall asleep, and look at the ocean. |
Si mirem aquesta indústria, aquesta indústria neta i americana... | And as we look at this industry- Ssh... |
Ens passem tot el temps cridant, "mirem, mirem" | We spend all our time screaming, "look at me. Look at me." |
Em poden acusar de violar la llei de seguretat nacional per haver mirat el mapa? | Is there any chance I may be accused of violating the national security law just because I looked at this map? |
- No, ho has mirat a l'hotel? | No, have you looked at the hotel? |
-No, ho has mirat a l'hotel? | No, have you looked at the hotel? |
Ens ha mirat d'una manera estranYa. | She looked at us strangely. |
Quan he creuat per rescatar-te, m'has mirat com si m'esperessis. | When I crossed over to rescue you, you looked at me like you expected me. |
Mireu-vos les mans i mireu-vos la boca. | Look at your hands. And look at your mouth. |
Està estudiant anglès com un boig per buscar feina fora, a Anglaterra o a Canadà”, explica, encara que s’interromp amb freqüència per corejar el que els seus companys criden als cotxes que s’impacienten amb la marxa de la manifestació: “No ens mireu, uneix-te!”. | He's studying English like crazy so he can look for a job outside in England or Canada," she explained, although she interrupts herself often to join the chants her companions make to the cars that get impatient with the protest: "Don't look at us, join us!" |
No mireu tots alhora, home. | Could we not all look at once, please? |
Però mireu la neu en... | But look at the snow on your... |
Però, mireu això...! | But look at that! |
Els japonesos miren el pròxim quart de segle. | TheJapanese look at the next quarter ofa century. |
Quan et miren, el cost de viure en el medi d'això, es meravellaran. | When they look at you, at what it cost to live at the heart of this, they’il wonder at it. They’il wonder at you, they should. |
Quan et miren, el cost de viure en el medi d'això, | When they look at you, at what it cost to live at the heart of this, |
I a vegades els homes em miren quan passejo pel carrer. | And sometimes men look at me when I'm walking the street. |
La gent el mirarà com si fos boig i el faran fora. | 'People will look at him like he's insane and take his position away. |
I... I no estic dient està bé, però t'he dit que és un fet, el departament et mirarà de forma diferent. | I-- I'm not saying it's right, but I'll tell you it's a fact, the DA will look at you differently. |
El minyó, doncs, s'atura, demanant-se quína en devia haver fet (perque ella havia dit que miraria les imatges tota la migdiada); i ella seguí son camí, plorant. | So the boy halted, wondering what he could have done--for she had said she would look at pictures all through the nooning--and she walked on, crying. |
La mirava? Sí. | Did you notice the way that he was looking at her? |
¿Has vist com La mirava? | Did you notice the way he was looking at her? |
He vist com et mirava en Hudson. | I saw the way Hudson was looking at you. |
Aquell nen ric, hauries d'haver vist com mirava a les bessones. | That rich kid, you should have seen the way he was looking at the twins. |
Et miraves al mirall i volies tenir una manxa? | You were looking at yourself in the mirror, and you wish you had some pot ? |
Açò és aixina ençà que una mona mirà enlaire i li digué a una altra mona: | Been that way since one monkey looked at the sun and told the other monkey, |
Deixa'm que et miri bé. | Let me look at you. |
Capità, miri la pantalla número 2. | Captain, look at screen number 2. |
Bé... ...deixa que et miri una mica. | Well... ...I'd better have a look at you. |
Per a que l'Aileen la miri. | So Aileen can look at it. |
- Vull recordar a la seva mare cada vegada que la miri. | I want to remember her mother whenever I look at her. |
No em miris així... | Don't look at me so. |
Espero que sempre em miris just com ara. Especialment quan hi hagi més gent present. | I hope you will always look at me just like that, especially when there are other people present. |
No miris. | C'mon. Don't look at me. |
No els miris. | Don't look at them. |
Ara mirin això! | Now just look at this. |
No mirin cap al tren. | Don't look at the train. |
No vol que les víctimes el mirin... ..mentre els mata. | Doesn't want his victims to look at him... as he kills them. |
- Faré que se les mirin. | -I'll have someone look at it. |
Era Becky asseguda comodament en un branquet, darrera el casal de l'escola, tot mirant un llibre d'imatges amb Alfred Temple; i tan ataleiats hi estaven, i llurs caps eren tan proxims damunt el llibre, que no semblaven adonar-se de cap cosa del món exterior. | She was sitting cosily on a little bench behind the schoolhouse looking at a picture-book with Alfred Temple--and so absorbed were they, and their heads so close together over the book, that they did not seem to be conscious of anything in the world besides. |
Art 3D en cafès, per l'usuari de Twitter @george_10g: "Un gat mirant peixos." | But baristas have pushed this creative coffee phenomena to a new level with foamy 3D sculptures. 3D latte art by Twitter user @george_10g: "A cat is looking at golden fish." |
Que aquells que ens hem quedat darrere en aquesta costa, mirant el bot del fugitiu, resem per tal d'estar sempre orgullosos dels nostres presidents en el futur, presents i passats. per tal que no hi haja tantes tones d'amargura en els llibres dels expresidents. | Let those of us that have remained behind on this coast, looking at the fugitive's boat, pray that we are always proud of our presidents in the future, both present and past. that there will not be so many tons of bitterness in the books of e-presidents. |
Oh, senyora, veig que està mirant les meves mans. | Oh, madam, I see you're looking at my hands. |
M'estava mirant al mirall. | I was looking at myself in the mirror. Uh-huh. |