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Memandang (to look) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of memandang

Present tense
I look
Past tense
sudah memandang
I looked
Present perfect tense
sudah memandang
I have looked
Future perfect tense
akan sudah memandang
I will have looked
Future recent tense
memandang nanti
I will look
Future distant tense
memandang kelak
I am going to look
Present continuous tense
sedang memandang
I look
Past distant tense
dulu memandang
I (a long time ago) looked
Past recent tense
memandang tadi
I (recently) looked
Past very recent tense
baru saja memandang
I (just now) looked

Examples of memandang

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Aku memandang besar, laut hitam, jadi aku menyalakan lampu peta.l'm looking down at a big, black ocean, so l flip on my map light.
Kau memandang rendahku karena aku lulusan universitas lokal?Do you look down on me because I graduated from a local college?
Di lantai bawah, ada Penyidik Medis yang memandang berbagai hal dengan cara sedikit berbeda.Well, downstairs, we have an M.E. Who looks at things a little differently.
Selama Aku memandang dengan cara lainnya.As long as I looked the other way.
Aku kuatir, bahwa jika aku tidak ikut bersama kalian... Kau memandang rendah aku.I was worried that if I didn't come with you guys you'd look down on me.

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