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Menengok (to look) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of menengok

Present tense
I look
Past tense
sudah menengok
I looked
Present perfect tense
sudah menengok
I have looked
Future perfect tense
akan sudah menengok
I will have looked
Future recent tense
menengok nanti
I will look
Future distant tense
menengok kelak
I am going to look
Present continuous tense
sedang menengok
I look
Past distant tense
dulu menengok
I (a long time ago) looked
Past recent tense
menengok tadi
I (recently) looked
Past very recent tense
baru saja menengok
I (just now) looked

Examples of menengok

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Dia tak menengok sama sekali.He didn't look back, once.
Setelah segala yang kami lalui, Dia bahkan tak menengok ke belakang.After all we had been through, he didn't even look back.
Dan ketika aku menengok ke belakang dan melihat mereka terlalu jauh aku berpikir untuk memenangkan balapan ini, untuk menjauh, dan begitulah akhirnya.And when I look behind and I see that they were too far, I thought to win this race, to go away, and that's it.
Kau masuklah ke dalam mobil lalu kemudikanlah dan jangan sampai menengok kebelakang.You get in your car and you drive and you don't look back.
Jangan menengok, dan jangan lari.Don't look back, and don't run.

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