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Trece (to pass) conjugation

68 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: proceed, to occur, occur, to proceed

Conjugation of trece

Present tense
I pass
you pass
he/she/it passes
we pass
you all pass
they pass
Present perfect tense
am trecut
I have passed
ai trecut
you have passed
a trecut
he/she/it has passed
am trecut
we have passed
ați trecut
you all have passed
au trecut
they have passed
Past preterite tense
I passed
you passed
he/she/it passed
we passed
you all passed
they passed
Future tense
voi trece
I will pass
vei trece
you will pass
va trece
he/she/it will pass
vom trece
we will pass
veți trece
you all will pass
vor trece
they will pass
Conditional mood
aș trece
I would pass
ai trece
you would pass
ar trece
he/she/it would pass
am trece
we would pass
ați trece
you all would pass
ar trece
they would pass
Subjunctive present tense
să trec
(so that/if) I pass
să treci
(so that/if) you pass
să treacă
(so that/if) he/she/it pass
să trecem
(so that/if) we pass
să treceți
(so that/if) you all pass
să treacă
(so that/if) they pass
Subjunctive past tense
să fi trecut
(so that/if) I have passed
să fi trecut
(so that/if) you have passed
să fi trecut
(so that/if) he/she/it have passed
să fi trecut
(so that/if) we have passed
să fi trecut
(so that/if) you all have passed
să fi trecut
(so that/if) they have passed
Past impf. tense
I was passing
you were passing
he/she/it was passing
we were passing
you all were passing
they were passing
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu trece
do not pass!
nu treceți
do not pass!
Past pluperfect tense
I had passed
you had passed
he/she/it had passed
we had passed
you all had passed
they had passed
Future alternative 1 tense
am să trec
I am going to pass
ai să treci
you are going to pass
are să treacă
he/she/it is going to pass
avem să trecem
we are going to pass
aveți să treceți
you all are going to pass
au să treacă
they are going to pass
Future alternative 2 tense
o să trec
I am going to pass
o să treci
you are going to pass
o să treacă
he/she/it is going to pass
o să trecem
we are going to pass
o să treceți
you all are going to pass
o să treacă
they are going to pass
Future perfect tense
voi fi trecut
I will have passed
vei fi trecut
you will have passed
va fi trecut
he/she/it will have passed
vom fi trecut
we will have passed
veți fi trecut
you all will have passed
vor fi trecut
they will have passed
Future in the past tense
aveam să trec
I was going to pass
aveai să treci
you were going to pass
avea să treacă
he/she/it was going to pass
aveam să trecem
we were going to pass
aveați să treceți
you all were going to pass
aveau să treacă
they were going to pass
Conditional past tense
aș fi trecut
I would have passed
ai fi trecut
you would have passed
ar fi trecut
he/she/it would have passed
am fi trecut
we would have passed
ați fi trecut
you all would have passed
ar fi trecut
they would have passed
Presumptive tense
oi trece
I might pass
oi trece
you might pass
o trece
he/she/it might pass
om trece
we might pass
oți trece
you all might pass
or trece
they might pass
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi trecând
I might be passing
oi fi trecând
you might be passing
o fi trecând
he/she/it might be passing
om fi trecând
we might be passing
oți fi trecând
you all might be passing
or fi trecând
they might be passing
Presumptive past tense
oi fi trecut
I might have passed
oi fi trecut
you might have passed
o fi trecut
he/she/it might have passed
om fi trecut
we might have passed
oți fi trecut
you all might have passed
or fi trecut
they might have passed

Examples of trece

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
" Nimeni nu trece pe aici fără să se lupte ! "'Let no one pass this way without a fight! '
" Viața este doar trece prin tine . "'Life is just passing you by.'
" În momentul în care trece se va opri. ""The passing moment will stop."
" Într-o zi se va trece""One day it will pass away."
""Ce vom face... suntem un cuplu singuratic ...timpul trece pe langa noi dragostea noastra incotro se duce?# What are we gonna do # We are a lonely couple # Time passes us by
"Amână-ţi toate planurile pentru că s-ar putea să fiu prea dolofan ca să trec proba ?""Put everything on the back burner "because I might be too much of a roly poly to pass the exam"?
"Asta îmi întăreşte convingerea că mă vor lăsa şi pe mine să trec," "dacă vor simţi că nu sunt un pericol pentru ele.""This strengthens my feeling that they will let me pass if they sense l am not a threat."
"Cele benzi care trec .."The passing lanes..
"Cele mai groaznice vremuri ca şi cele bune, trec întotdeauna.""The worst of times, like the best, are always passing' away."
"Cu cât îmbătrâneşti, timpul zboară mai repede" "până când lunile trec ca zilele.""The older you get, the faster time flies until months pass like days.
! N-ai putut nici să treci la istorie fără ajutor!You can't even pass in History without help!
" Nu treci pe la Start"."Do not pass Go. "
" trebuie să treci peste cunoştinţe "."the knowledge must pass on".
"Ayuthaya, după ce treci de borna 120. Fă dreapta.""Ayuthaya, pass the 120th milestone.
"Combustibil în garajul tău".... ...sau "Benzina, acolo pe unde treci""Fuel up in your garage"... .. or "The Gas where you pass".
"Dar când toanele ne-au trecut Şi e vremea să trecem dincolo," "Sperăm să ne îngroape invers, Ca directorul să ne pupe-n cur." - Amin !When our time has come to pass, we hope they bury us upside down so the warden can kiss our ass!
"ca ne scuipa cand trecem pe langa ei."They spit at us when we pass.
- ... ca să trecem de scanările ADN.Good enough to, uh... to pass DNA scan.
- Acum trecem de 3-2-0. - Intoarce-te, draga, intoarce-te.Now passing 320.
- Anul ăsta hai să trecem peste.- This year, let's just let it pass.
! Am trecut de o gară, Nu am prevăzut asta !- We passed a station.
" Caravana cu aur... a trecut pe aici după ce au ucis gărzile. ""Gold train passed through here after killing guard.
" Dar anii au trecut şi Sligon nu a găsit ascunzătoarea..."' " unde Regele Arthur le dăduse azil..." " într-o mănăstire pe un teritoriu îndepărtat al coastei Britaniei."'But years passed, and Sligon had not found the hiding place 'where King Arthur had given them sanctuary 'in an abbey in a remote section of the coast of Britain. '
" El va şterge orice lacrimă din ochii lor Şi moartea nu va mai fi. Nu va mai fi nici tânguire, nici strigăt, nici durere, fiindcă lumea veche a trecut."And God shall wipe all tears from their eyes and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain, for the former things are passed away.
Dacă doriți să treceți de mine, trebuie să treceți și de cele șapte probe, una mai grea decât cealal...If ye wish to pass, first ye must complete seven unworldly quests,
Este locul la care să te înscri, nu treceți pesteIt's the place to register, not walking pass
Toți pasagerii, vă rugăm să treceți la poarta 34-A.All passengers, please proceed to Gate 34-A.
Toțipasagerii vă rugăm să treceți la poarta / ​​iAll passengers please proceed to the gate.
După ce a trecu şocul, am ales să mă concentrez pe institut, consolată, ştiind că vindecarea, moştenirea soţului meu, va continua, mai întâi cu mine, şi apoi cu fiul nostru.After the shock passed, I chose to focus my attentions on the institute, comforted knowing that my husband's healing legacy would continue, first through me, and then our son.
Potemkin trecu printre navele escadrilei cu steagul libertăţii fluturând pe catarg.The "Potemkin" passed through the squadron, the flag of freedom fluttering over her.
Tocmai am trecu pe lîngă Zoe Hart mergea în direcţia cealaltă.I just passed Zoe Hart going the other way.
Xerxes trecu de ochii tulburi şi de sufletele goale ale creaturilor deşarte ce sălăşluiesc în umbra inimilor tuturor oamenilor.Xerxes passed the vacant eyes... and empty souls... of the hollow creatures that dwell in the dark corners of all men's hearts.
Înfruntând dificultăţi, provocări, frica de moarte, lunga călătorie trecu totuşi ca-ntr-o clipită.By facing trouble, challenges, and fear of death, The long journey passed by in a second.
Anii trecură şi noul remediu al lui Stroud se răspândi în lumea păsărarilor.The years passed, and news of Stroud's medicine spread to the gentle world of bird owners.
Anii trecură. Anotimpurile se perindară.Years passed, the seasons came and went.
Primele luni de căsătorie, plimbările prin pădure, vicontele valsând, toate îi trecură prin faţa ochilor, şi Leon îi păru deodată străin.Her early married life, walks in the woods... the Vicomte waltzing all passed before her eyes. Leon suddenly seemed as remote as the rest.
Şase ani trecură.Six years had passed.
Acum doua saptamâni, treceam pe acolo când s-a întâmplat sa vad un barbat, tot pe bicicleta.Two weeks ago today, I was passing this place when I chanced to look back and saw a man, also on a bicycle.
Am auzit ceva când treceam.I heard something as I was passing.
Aţi avut mare noroc că treceam pe acolo.Goddam lucky I was passing this way.
Când am împlinit 14 ani treceam drept de 21 de ani în toate barurile de noapte .Then l hit 1 4 and l was passing for 2 1 in all the local bars.
Dar treceam pe aici şi m-am gândit...But I was passing by so I thought...
Oh, treceai prin Mission Hills?Oh, you were passing by mission hills?
"Maldoror trecea cu buldogul său.Maldoror was passing with his bulldog.
A fost mai mult ca şi cum trecea de la un animal la altul.It was more like it was passing from one animal to the next.
A uitat să introducă un cod în computer când zborul 815 trecea deasupra Insulei.He neglected to enter the code in the computer Just as flight 815 was passing over the island.
Avionul Atlantic 591 trecea peste când o mică defectiune a apărut la altitudine medie.Atlantic 591 was passing overhead when a disturbance occurred mid-flight.
Buck Falin trecea pe acolo.Buck Falin was passing.
A fost foarte reflecta multe dintre fetele care il stiam in centrul orasului New York care treceau ca si barbatii.It was very reflective of many of the girls that I knew in downtown NY who were passing as men.
Am văzut un loc astăzi, cu unele putred puțin baracă ele treceau de pe un ranch.I saw a place today with some rotten little shack they were passing off as a ranch house.
Dar avea mai ales trenurile care treceau în continuu, încărcate cu piatră şi minereu de fier care de aici plecau în lumea întreagă.But above all, endless trains were passing by bursting with minerals, iron ore going from there to the rest of the world.
Deci dacă treceau aceste picturi drept originale, trebuiau să fie autentificate de cineva.So if they were passing these pictures off as genuine, someone else has to be authenticating them, right?
Doar câțiva prieteni care treceau prin oraș.Just a few friends who were passing through town.
Adevărul era că-i era teamă de lumea de afară, îi era teamă să-şi aducă aminte că trecuse timpul.The plain fact was she was afraid of that world outside. Afraid it would remind her that time had passed.
Cred că trecuse cam o oră de la explozie.I find that already it had passed one hour after the explosion.
Când am ajuns, trecuse timpul.When I came to, hours had passed.
Când m-am întors la muzică, îmi trecuse vremea.And by the time I got back to music, the season had passed.
Când mama ta va găsit, trecuse deja o noapte.When your mother found you, a night had passed
Aproape 6 secole trecuseră de la acea noapte.Nearly six centuries had passed since that night.
Dar un an mai târziu au ieşit din junglă, crezând că trecuseră doar câteva secunde, fără să ştie că războiul se sfârşise.But one year later, they walked out of the jungle thinking that only seconds had passed, not knowing the war was even over.
Din păcate trecuseră cinci minute, răul se produsese.Unfortunately five minutes had passed, the damage was done.
Doi ani trecuseră - şi parcă nici n-aş fi plecat.Actually,two years had passed - it was like I'd never left
Patru luni trecuseră dar părinţii mei nu fuseseră încă în stare să-şi revină.Four months had passed but my parents still hadn't been able to put the pieces back together again.
"Doar trecând, ea mi-a furat inima.""Just by passing, she has stolen away my heart. "
- Ia zi, te-am văzut trecând între-un taxi pe lângă şcoala fetei mele?Tell me, did I see you passing by my daughter's school in a taxi?
A fost văzută trecând prin punctul de verificare, câteva minute mai târziu.She was seen passing this checkpoint a few minutes later.
A scăpat de bunătatea sa trecând-o ei.- he rid himself ofhis goodness by passing it into her.
A însemnat că trebuie să se organizeze, trecând de la vorbe la fapte.It meant getting organized, passing from words to action.

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