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Passager (to pass) conjugation

10 examples

Conjugation of passager

Present tense
je passage
I pass
tu passages
you pass
il/elle/on passage
he/she/it passes
nous passageons
we pass
vous passagez
you all pass
ils/elles passagent
they pass
Present perfect tense
j’ai passagé
I passed
tu as passagé
you passed
il/elle/on a passagé
he/she/it passed
nous avons passagé
we passed
vous avez passagé
you all passed
ils/elles ont passagé
they passed
Past impf. tense
je passageais
I was passing
tu passageais
you were passing
il/elle/on passageait
he/she/it was passing
nous passagions
we were passing
vous passagiez
you all were passing
ils/elles passageaient
they were passing
Future tense
je passagerai
I will pass
tu passageras
you will pass
il/elle/on passagera
he/she/it will pass
nous passagerons
we will pass
vous passagerez
you all will pass
ils/elles passageront
they will pass
Past perfect tense
j’avais passagé
I had passed
tu avais passagé
you had passed
il/elle/on avait passagé
he/she/it had passed
nous avions passagé
we had passed
vous aviez passagé
you all had passed
ils/elles avaient passagé
they had passed
Past preterite tense
je passageai
I passed
tu passageas
you passed
il/elle/on passagea
he/she/it passed
nous passageâmes
we passed
vous passageâtes
you all passed
ils/elles passagèrent
they passed
Past anterior tense
j’eus passagé
I had passed
tu eus passagé
you had passed
il/elle/on eut passagé
he/she/it had passed
nous eûmes passagé
we had passed
vous eûtes passagé
you all had passed
ils/elles eurent passagé
they had passed
Future perfect tense
j’aurai passagé
I will have passed
tu auras passagé
you will have passed
il/elle/on aura passagé
he/she/it will have passed
nous aurons passagé
we will have passed
vous aurez passagé
you all will have passed
ils/elles auront passagé
they will have passed
Present subjunctive tense
que je passage
that I pass
que tu passages
that you pass
qu’il/elle/on passage
that he/she/it pass
que nous passagions
that we pass
que vous passagiez
that you all pass
qu’ils/elles passagent
that they pass
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie passagé
that I have passed
que tu aies passagé
that you have passed
qu’il/elle/on ait passagé
that he/she/it have passed
que nous ayons passagé
that we have passed
que vous ayez passagé
that you all have passed
qu’ils/elles aient passagé
that they have passed
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je passageasse
that I would pass
que tu passageasses
that you would pass
qu’il/elle/on passageât
that he/she/it would pass
que nous passageassions
that we would pass
que vous passageassiez
that you all would pass
qu’ils/elles passageassent
that they would pass
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse passagé
that I had passed
que tu eusses passagé
that you had passed
qu’il/elle/on eût passagé
that he/she/it had passed
que nous eussions passagé
that we had passed
que vous eussiez passagé
that you all had passed
qu’ils/elles eussent passagé
that they had passed
Conditional mood
je passagerais
I would pass
tu passagerais
you would pass
il/elle/on passagerait
he/she/it would pass
nous passagerions
we would pass
vous passageriez
you all would pass
ils/elles passageraient
they would pass
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais passagé
I would have passed
tu aurais passagé
you would have passed
il/elle/on aurait passagé
he/she/it would have passed
nous aurions passagé
we would have passed
vous auriez passagé
you all would have passed
ils/elles auraient passagé
they would have passed
Imperative mood
let's pass!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie passagé
have passed
ayons passagé
let's have passed
ayez passagé
have passed

Examples of passager

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"- oh, idiot, imagine un peu ! "Que la désagréable démangeaison Est un soleil qui tourne à l'aigre, "Un petit nuage passager,The unpleasant itch is a passing fancy, a light passing cloud, the work of parasites, without rhyme or reason.
"Ce jour, j'ai uni dans le mariage... sir Godfrey Blake, passager, et Bessie Kidder, passagère.""This day, I joined in holy wedlock... Sir Godfrey Blake, passenger, and Mistress Bessie Kidder, a passenger. "
"J'aurais dû aider ce passager.""I wish I'd been more cooperative with that passenger."
"Pardon", dis-je en plaquant mon pubis contre un passager, dans un avion bondé."Excuse me," I'd say, while I'd grind my crotch into an unsuspecting passenger on a crowded airplane.
"Terrell Owens a plus de bagages qu'un passager du Titanic."Teram Owens, the man who wore baggage than a first class passenger on the Titanic
" Au passage des rives du Jourdain... "" When I pass the verge of Jordan..."
"Cela deviendra antique avec le passage du temps.""lt would become ancient with the passage of time.
"Cette bague te libéra de toutes revendications, "t'offrant un passage permanent "entre le monde fae et le monde humain"."This ring shall grant you freedom from claiming, allowing you constant passage between the Fae and human worlds."
"Et bien que Meredith et moi n'étions que des bateaux de passage, je n'oublierai jamais le proverbe qui guidait sa vie.""And even though Meredith and I were ships passing, I will never forget a saying she lived by."
"Ils glissent au passage" "Ils disparaissent dans l'univers"They slither while they pass They slip away Across the universe

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