"- oh, idiot, imagine un peu ! "Que la désagréable démangeaison Est un soleil qui tourne à l'aigre, "Un petit nuage passager, | The unpleasant itch is a passing fancy, a light passing cloud, the work of parasites, without rhyme or reason. |
"Ce jour, j'ai uni dans le mariage... sir Godfrey Blake, passager, et Bessie Kidder, passagère." | "This day, I joined in holy wedlock... Sir Godfrey Blake, passenger, and Mistress Bessie Kidder, a passenger. " |
"J'aurais dû aider ce passager." | "I wish I'd been more cooperative with that passenger." |
"Pardon", dis-je en plaquant mon pubis contre un passager, dans un avion bondé. | "Excuse me," I'd say, while I'd grind my crotch into an unsuspecting passenger on a crowded airplane. |
"Terrell Owens a plus de bagages qu'un passager du Titanic." | Teram Owens, the man who wore baggage than a first class passenger on the Titanic |
" Au passage des rives du Jourdain... " | " When I pass the verge of Jordan..." |
"Cela deviendra antique avec le passage du temps." | "lt would become ancient with the passage of time. |
"Cette bague te libéra de toutes revendications, "t'offrant un passage permanent "entre le monde fae et le monde humain". | "This ring shall grant you freedom from claiming, allowing you constant passage between the Fae and human worlds." |
"Et bien que Meredith et moi n'étions que des bateaux de passage, je n'oublierai jamais le proverbe qui guidait sa vie." | "And even though Meredith and I were ships passing, I will never forget a saying she lived by." |
"Ils glissent au passage" "Ils disparaissent dans l'univers" | They slither while they pass They slip away Across the universe |