Tortura (to torture) conjugation

55 examples

Conjugation of tortura

Present tense
I torture
you torture
he/she/it tortures
we torture
you all torture
they torture
Present perfect tense
am torturat
I have tortured
ai torturat
you have tortured
a torturat
he/she/it has tortured
am torturat
we have tortured
ați torturat
you all have tortured
au torturat
they have tortured
Past preterite tense
I tortured
you tortured
he/she/it tortured
we tortured
you all tortured
they tortured
Future tense
voi tortura
I will torture
vei tortura
you will torture
va tortura
he/she/it will torture
vom tortura
we will torture
veți tortura
you all will torture
vor tortura
they will torture
Conditional mood
aș tortura
I would torture
ai tortura
you would torture
ar tortura
he/she/it would torture
am tortura
we would torture
ați tortura
you all would torture
ar tortura
they would torture
Subjunctive present tense
să torturez
(so that/if) I torture
să torturezi
(so that/if) you torture
să tortureze
(so that/if) he/she/it torture
să torturăm
(so that/if) we torture
să torturați
(so that/if) you all torture
să tortureze
(so that/if) they torture
Subjunctive past tense
să fi torturat
(so that/if) I have tortured
să fi torturat
(so that/if) you have tortured
să fi torturat
(so that/if) he/she/it have tortured
să fi torturat
(so that/if) we have tortured
să fi torturat
(so that/if) you all have tortured
să fi torturat
(so that/if) they have tortured
Past impf. tense
I was torturing
you were torturing
he/she/it was torturing
we were torturing
you all were torturing
they were torturing
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu tortura
do not torture!
nu torturați
do not torture!
Past pluperfect tense
I had tortured
you had tortured
he/she/it had tortured
we had tortured
you all had tortured
they had tortured
Future alternative 1 tense
am să torturez
I am going to torture
ai să torturezi
you are going to torture
are să tortureze
he/she/it is going to torture
avem să torturăm
we are going to torture
aveți să torturați
you all are going to torture
au să tortureze
they are going to torture
Future alternative 2 tense
o să torturez
I am going to torture
o să torturezi
you are going to torture
o să tortureze
he/she/it is going to torture
o să torturăm
we are going to torture
o să torturați
you all are going to torture
o să tortureze
they are going to torture
Future perfect tense
voi fi torturat
I will have tortured
vei fi torturat
you will have tortured
va fi torturat
he/she/it will have tortured
vom fi torturat
we will have tortured
veți fi torturat
you all will have tortured
vor fi torturat
they will have tortured
Future in the past tense
aveam să torturez
I was going to torture
aveai să torturezi
you were going to torture
avea să tortureze
he/she/it was going to torture
aveam să torturăm
we were going to torture
aveați să torturați
you all were going to torture
aveau să tortureze
they were going to torture
Conditional past tense
aș fi torturat
I would have tortured
ai fi torturat
you would have tortured
ar fi torturat
he/she/it would have tortured
am fi torturat
we would have tortured
ați fi torturat
you all would have tortured
ar fi torturat
they would have tortured
Presumptive tense
oi tortura
I might torture
oi tortura
you might torture
o tortura
he/she/it might torture
om tortura
we might torture
oți tortura
you all might torture
or tortura
they might torture
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi torturând
I might be torturing
oi fi torturând
you might be torturing
o fi torturând
he/she/it might be torturing
om fi torturând
we might be torturing
oți fi torturând
you all might be torturing
or fi torturând
they might be torturing
Presumptive past tense
oi fi torturat
I might have tortured
oi fi torturat
you might have tortured
o fi torturat
he/she/it might have tortured
om fi torturat
we might have tortured
oți fi torturat
you all might have tortured
or fi torturat
they might have tortured

Examples of tortura

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
" Vom viola, tortura şi ucide pisica, apoi o vom viola din nou."We'll rape, torture and kill the cat, and then rape her again. "
"Ce conteaza daca un om nevinovat este aproape de tortura pe Devil's Island?"What does it matter if an innocent man is undergoing torture on Devil's Island?
"Conditionat" este un eufemism pentru "tortura.""Condition" is a really polite word for "torture."
"Dar nu mai pot suporta tortura.'But l can't take any more of the torture.
"De ce tortura auto-provocate?""Why the self-inflicted torture?"
"E rândul meu să te torturez.""It's my turn to torture you."
- Am să-l torturez şi după aia îl omor !- I'll torture him then I'll kill him!
- Da, ca să-l torturez.- Yeah, to torture him.
- Mai întâi o s-o torturez pe ea.- I'm gonna torture her first.
- Mi-ai ordonat sa te torturez.- You ordered me to torture you.
(ironie) Să poţi s-o torturezi pe Carrie?(scoffs) Why? So you can torture Carrie?
- Ai prefera să o torturezi?- Would you rather torture her?
- Bravo ţie, dar dacă mă torturezi, te voi tortura şi eu.- Well played, but if you torture me, I'm gonna torture you.
- Ce e, o să ne torturezi, Wilson?- What, you gonna torture us, Wilson?
- Cum nu mă crezi, o să mă torturezi.But you don't, so let's get on with the torture, is that it?
"Mă torturează gândul că ţi-am provocat momente de suferinţă."It tortures me to think that I've ever caused you a moment's pain.
- Asta mă torturează.- It tortures me.
- Le torturează 48 de ore, ulterior, îi pare rău şi le aşază să se odihnească.He tortures them for 48 hours, feels bad afterward, and then lays them to rest.
- Îi torturează.- He tortures.
A prins-o culcându-se cu alţi bărbaţi, pe care îi torturează şi omoară din gelozie?So is he catching her sleeping with other men and tortures and kills them out of jealousy?
" Hai s-o violăm, s-o torturăm, s-o ucidem, " " apoi s-o violăm din nou şi după să îi dăm foc."Let's rape, torture and kill, rape again and then burn the cat. "
*Pleacă cu trenul de noapte* ... şi nu ar trebui să torturăm balenele.and you shouldn't torture whales.
- Noi nu torturăm oameni.We don't torture people.
- Noi nu-i torturăm pe-ai noştri.We don't torture or kill one of our own agent Sandoval.
- Nu să-l torturăm. - Mi-ai cerut ajutorul.- we're here to arrest Mathis, not torture him.
" Ei au torturat până la moarte mii de sclavi"They tortured to death thousands of slaves
"A" ne-a torturat pe toate, şi ce s-a întâmplat cu Shana..."A" tortured all of us, and what happened to Shana...
"Am fost răpit, torturat."Wanted to see my dad and look what happen? I got kidnapped, and tortured...
"Apoi l-au prins şi l-au torturat.""Then they caught him and tortured him."
"Cauza Maddux este genul de tip ca au torturat animale mici când era un copil.'Cause Maddux is the kind of guy that tortured small animals when he was a child.
"I-am văzut pe strămoși arzând, fiind torturați într-un fel de foc.""I saw our ancestors burning, and being tortured in some kind of fire."
Au auzit că deținuții sunt torturați aici.They've heard the prisoners are being tortured here.
Cred că ar trebui să fie torturați în primul rând și apoi ghilotinat.I think they should be tortured first and then guillotined.
Discuție despre ce... faptul că oamenii noștri ne torturați pentru că nu au încredere în noi sau că nu ne încredere unul în celălalt?Talk about what... the fact that our own people tortured us because they don't trust us or that we don't trust each other?
O închisoare, unde au fost torturați.A prison where they were tortured.
- Ai rămas cu Marissa în ciuda anilor de tortură alături de ea.Stayed with Marissa for several years of tortured torture.
Ai văzut vreodată E.T.? Oh, vrei să spui filmul ăla în care guvernul vostru răpeşte un extraterestru nevinovat şi aproape că-l omoară prin tortură?Oh, you mean that movie where your government kidnapped an innocent alien and almost tortured him to death ?
Am fost informată că cei care au torturat-o, ilegal, au întins-o pe masa de tortură până i-au nenorocit tendoanele mâinilor şi picioarelor.I had been informed that those who tortured her, illegally, had stretched her on the rack until the strings of her arms and legs were perished.
Am fost răpit, închis pe nedrept, torturat şi ameninţat cu şi mai multă tortură, fără să fiu acuzat, fără proces.I was kidnapped, imprisoned me unfairly, I was tortured ... and threatened me with more torture, without charge, without trial.
Cred că a fost o tortură pentru el.It must have tortured him.
Le-ai spus avocaţilor tăi că torturam animale ?You told your lawyers I was torturing animals?
Ca atunci când o torturai pe Kathy?Is that what you said when you were torturing Kathy?
De aceea îl torturai când ne-am întâlnit ?That why you were torturing him when I met you?
Mă torturai.You were torturing me.
Te torturai singur în încercarea de a găsi o metodă să-i zici, aşa că am spart eu gheaţa pentru tine.You were torturing yourself figuring out how to tell her, I just broke the ice for you.
După aceea, te-au torturat tot anul, dar ai îndurat pentru că dacă te torturau, nu se mai luau de niciuna din noi.After that, they tortured you all year, but you took it, 'cause if they were torturing you they wouldn't pick on any of us.
Erai acolo când torturau un tip pentru informaţii.You were there when they were torturing some guy for information.
Erau- torturau lume.They were- they were torturing people.
Ne torturau pe amândoi.They were torturing both of us.
Îl torturau!They were torturing him.
A servit în închisori secrete peste tot, în Orientul Mijlociu, ucigând şi torturând oameni cunoscuţi nouă, oameni apropiaţi.He has served in secret prisons all over the Middle East, killing and torturing people we know, you know, people close to us.
Ai remarcat vreodată câti oameni se amuză torturând copii ?And have you ever noticed how many people enjoy torturing children?
Am petrecut prea multă vreme torturând o fată care e incapabilă emoţional să se apereWe've wasted time torturing a girl who's emotionally unable to speak for herself.
Dar i-am văzut în propria mea ţară... torturând şi omorând oameni inocenţi.But I have seen them in my own country... torturing and killing innocent people.
Eliberând un criminal, torturând o familie?Setting murderers free, torturing innocent families?

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