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Lucra (to work) conjugation

62 examples

Conjugation of lucra

Present tense
I work
you work
he/she/it works
we work
you all work
they work
Present perfect tense
am lucrat
I have worked
ai lucrat
you have worked
a lucrat
he/she/it has worked
am lucrat
we have worked
ați lucrat
you all have worked
au lucrat
they have worked
Past preterite tense
I worked
you worked
he/she/it worked
we worked
you all worked
they worked
Future tense
voi lucra
I will work
vei lucra
you will work
va lucra
he/she/it will work
vom lucra
we will work
veți lucra
you all will work
vor lucra
they will work
Conditional mood
aș lucra
I would work
ai lucra
you would work
ar lucra
he/she/it would work
am lucra
we would work
ați lucra
you all would work
ar lucra
they would work
Subjunctive present tense
să lucrez
(so that/if) I work
să lucrezi
(so that/if) you work
să lucreze
(so that/if) he/she/it work
să lucrăm
(so that/if) we work
să lucrați
(so that/if) you all work
să lucreze
(so that/if) they work
Subjunctive past tense
să fi lucrat
(so that/if) I have worked
să fi lucrat
(so that/if) you have worked
să fi lucrat
(so that/if) he/she/it have worked
să fi lucrat
(so that/if) we have worked
să fi lucrat
(so that/if) you all have worked
să fi lucrat
(so that/if) they have worked
Past impf. tense
I was working
you were working
he/she/it was working
we were working
you all were working
they were working
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu lucra
do not work!
nu lucrați
do not work!
Past pluperfect tense
I had worked
you had worked
he/she/it had worked
we had worked
you all had worked
they had worked
Future alternative 1 tense
am să lucrez
I am going to work
ai să lucrezi
you are going to work
are să lucreze
he/she/it is going to work
avem să lucrăm
we are going to work
aveți să lucrați
you all are going to work
au să lucreze
they are going to work
Future alternative 2 tense
o să lucrez
I am going to work
o să lucrezi
you are going to work
o să lucreze
he/she/it is going to work
o să lucrăm
we are going to work
o să lucrați
you all are going to work
o să lucreze
they are going to work
Future perfect tense
voi fi lucrat
I will have worked
vei fi lucrat
you will have worked
va fi lucrat
he/she/it will have worked
vom fi lucrat
we will have worked
veți fi lucrat
you all will have worked
vor fi lucrat
they will have worked
Future in the past tense
aveam să lucrez
I was going to work
aveai să lucrezi
you were going to work
avea să lucreze
he/she/it was going to work
aveam să lucrăm
we were going to work
aveați să lucrați
you all were going to work
aveau să lucreze
they were going to work
Conditional past tense
aș fi lucrat
I would have worked
ai fi lucrat
you would have worked
ar fi lucrat
he/she/it would have worked
am fi lucrat
we would have worked
ați fi lucrat
you all would have worked
ar fi lucrat
they would have worked
Presumptive tense
oi lucra
I might work
oi lucra
you might work
o lucra
he/she/it might work
om lucra
we might work
oți lucra
you all might work
or lucra
they might work
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi lucrând
I might be working
oi fi lucrând
you might be working
o fi lucrând
he/she/it might be working
om fi lucrând
we might be working
oți fi lucrând
you all might be working
or fi lucrând
they might be working
Presumptive past tense
oi fi lucrat
I might have worked
oi fi lucrat
you might have worked
o fi lucrat
he/she/it might have worked
om fi lucrat
we might have worked
oți fi lucrat
you all might have worked
or fi lucrat
they might have worked

Examples of lucra

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
! Veţi lucra după dictarea lui care nu are culoare politică.You'll work on his spelling which has no political color.
". Fa ceea ce iti place si vei nu lucra o zi în viața ta""Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life."
"? Ai lucra ""Do you work out?"
"Acum, el pune planul sau de a lucra.'"Now he puts his plan to work.
"Amândoi am folosit pentru a lucra într-un magazin sculptura."'We both used to work in a sculpting shop.'
! - Nu v-au spus cum lucrez ?- Oh, did they not tell you how I work?
! Eu lucrez în laborator.I just work in the lab.
! Ţi-am spus, lucrez în apropiere !I told you, I work nearby!
", atunci când te-a angajat să lucrez cu tine"when you hired me to work with you
"A fost fantastic să lucrez cu tine.""It was great working with you.
! - Pentru că mă lucrezi!'Cause you're working me!
! Oh toate Gary drept, acest lucru nu este lucrezi.Oh all right Gary, this isn't workin'.
" Pentru că oamenii cu care lucrezi cu nu te respect .'Cause the people you work with don't respect you.
" Într-o zi o să creşti şi o să lucrezi la 60 Minutes..."One day you'll grow up and work for 60 Minutes"...
"Ai dovedit ca esti dispus să lucrezi singur.""You proved you're willing to work "alone.
! " Yates nu mai lucrează cu noi .Yates no longer works with us.
"Ar trebui să mergi, să vezi unde lucrează nepoata mea.""You should go by and see where my granddaughter works.
"Blomkvist demisoneaza din consiliu şi nu mai lucrează pentru Milennium.""Blomkvist resigns from the Board and works no longer for Millennium. "
"Cârtiţa" voastră lucrează în Divizia de Sud-Est.Your mole works in S.E. division.
"Dragă Warwick, aşa cum ştii, sunt un ambasador pentru Global Child Institute, asociaţia anti-sărăcie care lucrează pentru cei mai săraci copii din lume.""Dear Warwick, as you may know, I'm an ambassador" "for the Global Child Institute, the anti-poverty charity" "that works for the world's poorest children."
! Acum lucrăm împreună.Now we work together!
"... când lucrăm pe teren... ""... when I was working out in the sticks..."
"Atinge un străin" e un joc pe care l-am inventat când lucrăm împreună.Stranger touch is a game that we invented when we worked together.
"Când am văzut deja toată liga,din est şi din vest Şi ştiu că sunt învingător dacă lucrăm împreună?""when I already seen the whole league around, east and west and I know that I am the winner if I work together?"
"Când perechi de minţi lucrează împreună", deci lucrăm în perechi.When pairs of minds work Together so we're working in Twos.
", astfel încât 30 ani a lucrat pentru mine ""so 30 years worked out for me."
", de fapt a lucrat destul de bine, iar acum avem un real..."it actually worked out pretty good, and now we have an actual...
"A încheiat în 9/61. A lucrat la Bell Labs Communication Research.Separated 9/61, worked at communication research college."
"Acest lucru nu ar trebui sa au lucrat, pentrumotiveatâtdemulte.This shouldn't have worked, for so many reasons.
"Am lucrat cu unii dintre cei mai talentaţi actori de pe planetă şi cu Warwick Davis.""We've worked with some of the greatest actors on the planet and Warwick Davis."
" lucrați într-un laborator de crimă. ."you work in a crime lab.
- Ai face bine să lucrați repede.- You better work fast.
- Pot să mă uit lucrați?- Can I watch you work?
- Văd cum lucrați, Emily.- I see how you work, Emily.
... Ceea ce înseamnă că, dacă lucrați fundul off și te joci tare, ne-am întors ta!...which means if you work your ass off and you play hard, we got your back!
Mortul lucră pentru Alex.The dead guy worked for Alex.
"Acum 20 de ani lucram la o firmă de avocatură.""20 years ago I was working in a law firm."
"Corporatia la care lucram imi pusese la dispozitie prin contract,pe linga masina,""The corporation I was working for gave me, by contract,beside the car,"
'Dimineaţa următoare, în timp ce lucram la al doilea automat, mă gândeam că eram un pic în afara simţurilor.''The next morning, as I was working on the second automaton, I'm thinking that I was a little out of my depth.'
- Adevărat, lucram.Liar, - That's right, I was working
- Da, ştiu. Dar lucram târziu şi aveam nevoie de spaţiu în laborator.- Yeah, I know, but I was working late in the lab and I needed space.
- Bombăneai când lucrai.You were muttering it while you were working.
- Când am verificat ultima dată, lucrai la un plan pentru a schimba asta cu Victoria.- Last I checked, you were working on a plan to change that with Victoria.
- Tot aşa era şi când lucrai pentru ea?Well, was she like this when you were working for her?
- lucrai la bancă, da? - Da, dar...- you were working in the bank, yes?
- În timp ce lucrai la trustul Herald.While you were working at Herald Equity.
"Potrivit comandanţilor forţelor de pe teren, forţele coaliţiei s-au aflat sub un foc puternic tras de pe clădirea unde lucrau ziariştii Al Jazeera.'According to commanders on the ground, 'coalition forces came under significant enemy fire 'from the building where Al Jazeera journalists were working.
- Deci lucrau împreună.So they were working together.
- Mă întreb dacă lucrau împreună la asta.I wonder if they were working together on that.
- Tată, cred că lucrau cu Randall.Dad, I think they were working with Randall.
- când lucrau aici...- when they were working...
Dar apoi, într-o zi, eram la piaţă şi o prietenă, cineva cu care lucrasem la BTN, s-a aşezat la coadă în spatele meu.But then, one day, I was at a market and a friend, someone I had worked with at the BTN, got in line behind me.
Avea aproximativ 20 de ani, lucrase cu Thomas Andrews când vaporul era construit.Just barely into his twenties and had worked with Thomas Andrews when the ship was being built.
Frankie lucrase cu asta o viaţă întreagă şi atunci a realizat că poate să le pună cap la cap... seturile pe care le-a făcut până acum.Frankie had worked with this all his life and then he realized he was able to piece together those sets that he used to do.
Vorbea deja fluent engleza deoarece tatăl său, baronul von Müller-Guder, lucrase în Washington ca ataşat militar, şi-şi trimisese băiatul la o şcoală privată acolo.He already spoke fluent English because his father, Baron von Müller-Guder, had worked in Washington as a military attaché, and had sent his son to private school there.
În 1979, Richard Helms, şeful Departamentului Operaţiuni Speciale în 1963, a recunoscut sub jurământ că Clay Shaw lucrase pentru CIA.In 1979, RICHARD HELMS, Director of Covert Operations in 1963, admitted under oath that CLAY SHAW had worked for the CIA.
În 1987, Razor s-a întors la şantierul naval Benson, unde lucrase înainte.Razor went back to Benson Shipbuilders in 1987 where he had worked before he went pro.
"Intenţionez să-mi dedic toată viaţa lucrând la asta"I intend to spend my life working on this."
"Pentru că, câinii ne-au trădat lucrând cu Miliţia"."Because, dogs have betrayed us working with the Militia".
"Soliterraneous" înseamnă soarele şi pământul lucrând împreună."Soliterraneous" means the sun and the earth working together.
"lucrând cu batrânul Rub."working with my old buddy Rub.
"lucrând la acelaşi nivel, să facă jumătate din acele exemplare?""working at the same rate, to make half as many items?"

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