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Treballar (to work) conjugation

75 examples

Conjugation of treballar

Present tense
I work
you work
he/she works
we work
you all work
they work
Present perfect tense
he treballat
I have worked
has treballat
you have worked
ha treballat
he/she has worked
hem treballat
we have worked
heu treballat
you all have worked
han treballat
they have worked
Future tense
I will work
you will work
he/she will work
we will work
you all will work
they will work
Conditional mood
I would work
you would work
he/she would work
we would work
you all would work
they would work
Past perfect tense
havia treballat
I had worked
havies treballat
you had worked
havia treballat
he/she had worked
havíem treballat
we had worked
havíeu treballat
you all had worked
havien treballat
they had worked
Past impf. tense
I was working
you were working
he/she was working
we were working
you all were working
they were working
Imperative mood
let him/her work!
let's work!
let them work!
Imperative negative mood
no treballis
don't work!
no treballi
don't let him/her work!
no treballem
let's not work!
no treballeu
don't work!
no treballin
don't let them work!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria treballat
I would have worked
hauries treballat
you would have worked
hauria treballat
he/she would have worked
hauríem treballat
we would have worked
hauríeu treballat
you all would have worked
haurien treballat
they would have worked
Future perfect tense
hauré treballat
I will have worked
hauràs treballat
you will have worked
haurà treballat
he/she will have worked
haurem treballat
we will have worked
haureu treballat
you all will have worked
hauren treballat
they will have worked
Preterite past tense
I worked
you worked
he/she worked
we worked
you all worked
they worked
Past anterior tense
haguí treballat
I had worked
hagueres treballat
you had worked
hagué treballat
he/she had worked
haguérem treballat
we had worked
haguéreu treballat
you all had worked
haguéren treballat
they had worked
Subjunctive of present tense
(so that I) work
(so that you) work
(so that he/she) works
(so that we) work
(so that you all) work
(so that they) work
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
(so that I) was working
(so that you) were working
(so that he/she) was working
(so that we) were working
(so that you all) were working
(so that they) were working
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi treballat
(so that I) have worked
hagis treballat
(so that you) have worked
hagi treballat
(so that he/she) has worked
hàgim treballat
(so that we) have worked
hàgiu treballat
(so that you all) have worked
hagin treballat
(so that they) have worked
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués treballat
(so that I) had worked
haguessis treballat
(so that you) had worked
hagués treballat
(so that he/she) had worked
haguéssim treballat
(so that we) had worked
haguéssiu treballat
(so that you all) had worked
haguessin treballat
(so that they) had worked
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi treballar
(so that I) worked
vagis treballar
(so that you) worked
vagi treballar
(so that he/she) worked
vàgim treballar
(so that we) worked
vàgiu treballar
(so that you all) worked
vagin treballar
(so that they) worked
Periphastic past tense
vaig treballar
I worked
vas treballar
you worked
va treballar
he/she worked
vam treballar
we worked
vau treballar
you all worked
van treballar
they worked
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver treballat
I had worked
vas haver treballat
you had worked
va haver treballat
he/she had worked
vam haver treballat
we had worked
vau haver treballat
you all had worked
van haver treballat
they had worked

Examples of treballar

Example in CatalanTranslation in English
Fara campana aquesta tarda, i no tindré més remei que fer-lo treballar dema, per a castigar-lo.He'll play hookey this evening, * and [* Southwestern for "afternoon"] I'll just be obleeged to make him work, tomorrow, to punish him.
És ben dur de fer-lo treballar els dissabtes, quan tots els minyons fan festa; pero ell té més rancúnia al treball que a cap altra cosa, i, no hi ha més, he de complir amb ell una mica de la meva obligació, o seré la seva ruina.It's mighty hard to make him work Saturdays, when all the boys is having holiday, but he hates work more than he hates anything else, and I've _got_ to do some of my duty by him, or I'll be the ruination of the child."
Aviat els nois en llibertat vindrien corrent, esmerçant-se en tota mena de delitoses expedicions; i en farien qui-sap-la riota, d'ell, perque havia de treballar. Només el pensar-hi l'abrusava com un foc.Soon the free boys would come tripping along on all sorts of delicious expeditions, and they would make a world of fun of him for having to work--the very thought of it burnt him like fire.
Agafa la seva brotxa i es posa tranquil·lament a treballar.He took up his brush and went tranquilly to work.
-Hola, minyó! Us cal treballar: oi?Ben said: "Hello, old chap, you got to work, hey?"
Paral·lelament a les sessions plenàries de la Convenció, es va dura terme una reflexió dins els grups de treballo cercles de reflexió, presiditscadascun d’ells per un membre del Praesidium i constituïts sobre una sèrie detemes específics.In parallel with the Convention’s plenarysessions, work was also organised within working groupsor think tanks, eachchaired by a member of the Praesidium and focusing on a series of specifictopics.
«A l'esplai on treballo tenen cartells a la paret del tipus "L'islandès és la nostra llengua materna"», diu.“The afterschool program where I work has all these posters up on the wall now: ‘Icelandic is our mother tongue,’” she says.
GE: He estat amb RFE/RL més de deu anys i al llarg dels anys he anat i tornat entre el nostre servei en persa i la sala de premsa on treballo actualment.GE: I’ve been with RFE/RL for more than ten years and over the years I’ve been back and forth between our Persian service and the newsroom where I currently work.
De vegades treballo com a pont entre ambdues, intentant incorporar els reportatges dels companys de la nostra Radio Farda en la nostra cobertura per a la pàgina anglòfona i a altres serveis.I sometimes work as a bridge between the two, trying to incorporate reporting from our Radio Farda colleagues in our coverage for the English website and other services.
Hi ha hagut persones que m'han acusat de treballar per als iranians i d'altres que creuen que treballo per als britànics.I’ve been attacked by some people who accuse me of working for the Iranians and by others who accuse me of working for the Brits.
Els agrada telegrafiar, així sembla que treballes per ells una invitació per el menjar de I'holandès Van Meer.They love to cable from New York, it makes them think that you work for them An invitation for that lunch with that Dutch Van Meer tomorrow.
Si treballes amb mi, has de ser puntual, entesos?When you workwith me, you be punctual. You got it?
Recorda que treballes per a mi, eh?Remember you work for me.
Per qui treballes?Who are you working for?
Amb qui més treballes ?Who else are you working with?
F4E treballa per complir les diverses obligacions internacionals d’Euratom envers l’ITER.F4E works to meet Euratom’s international wide-ranging obligations towards ITER.
La UE treballa amb països d’arreu del món per animar-los a no produir collites que puguin convertir-se en narcòtics.The EU works with countries around the world to encourage them not to grow crops that can be turned into narcotics.
El 2008, el documental Mujer, Violencia, Silencio, de Javier Bauluz, va posar al descobert la història de Manuela, una mare soltera que treballa en un centre d'integració familiar a Verapaz, una de les zones més afectades durant els trenta-sis anys de la guerra civil.The 2008 documentary Women, Violence, Silence by Javier Bauluz brings light to the story of Manuela, a single mother who works in a family integration center in Verapaz, one of the areas most affected by the 36 year civil war that ravaged the country.
Altres portaran l'argument a un altre nivell i al·legaran "Com concedim la nacionalitat a una tribu que treballa amb els israelians com a guies en la Divisió de Vigilància de Fronteres i com a soldats o oficials amb les Tropes Beduïnes, com assegurem la seua leialtat?"Others may take the argument to another level and say "How do we give nationality to a tribe that works with Israelis as guides in the Border Guard Division and as soldiers or officers in the Bedouin Troops, how do we ensure their loyalty?"
L'equip de RosYama treballa en el lloc web i aconsella als usuaris del projecte.The RosYama team works on the site and advises project users.
Em preocupa que treballem molt dur i que, finalment, tot el que guanyem se'n vaja en despeses mèdiques.I worry that we work so hard, and finally all we earn goes toward medical expenses.
Però crec que el programa quedarà molt bé si el treballem a l’altra habitació.But I'll run over the programme I've worked out, if you will come into the other room.
De fet, treballem plegades.We work together, in fact.
Aquí treballem molt, però també ens passem bé.Now, we work hard here, but we play hard also.
Enganyar la mort és un poder que només un ha aconseguit... però si treballem plegats... estic segur que descobrirem el secret.To cheat death is a power only one has achieved... but if we work together... I know we can discover the secret.
Especialment per mitjà de l'Assemblea Paritària, la institució democràtica del Conveni ACP-UE, el qual posa en contacte la Unió amb 71 països d'Àfrica, el Carib i el Pacífic, el Parlament Europeu ha treballat per establir una col·laboració basada en el des envolupament econòmic i comercial, en la lluita contra la pobresa i en el respecte dels drets humans i els principis democràtics.Particularly through the Joint Assembly, the democratic institution of the ACP-EU Convention which unites the EU with 71 countries of the African, Caribbean and Pacific regions, the European Parliament has worked to establish a partnership based on trade and economic development, on the fight against poverty and on the respect for human rights and democratic principles.
Ha treballat amb la Rigoberta Menchu Tum Foundation, la Universitat de Harvard, Public Voice i Dones en Seguretat Internacional.She has worked with the Rigoberta Menchu Tum Foundation, Harvard University, the Public Voice, and Women in International Security.
E.V.: Ha treballat en una gran empresa d'Internet, després va iniciar el projecte cívic RosYama.E.V.: You've worked in a large internet company, then you began the civic project RosYama.
Navalni hauria presentat documents al Col·legi d'Advocats de Kirov declarant que havia treballat a mitja jornada com a Director General Adjunt d'Afers Jurídics en una empresa en què també era Director General.Navalny allegedly submitted documents to the Kirov Bar Association claiming to have worked part-time as the Deputy Director General for Legal Affairs at a firm where he was also the Director General.
Nascuda a Espanya i des de fa pocs anys resident a Costa Rica, Coral ha treballat com a docent i consultora a la UNESCO, a ILANUD i AECID, a la Universitat de la Sorbona (París IV) i a la Universitat Carlos III de Madrid.Born in Spain, she moved to Costa Rica a few years ago, and has worked as a teacher and consultant for UNESCO, the United Nations Latin American Institute for Crime Prevention and Treatment of Delinquents (ILANUD), and the Spanish International Development Agency (AECID), at the Paris-Sorbonne University and in Madrid’s Universidad Carlos III.
Així que, vosaltres treballeu amb Leonard i Sheldon a la universitat?.So, you guys work with Leonard and Sheldon at the university?
No em falleu, cubs, ara treballeu per a mi.Don't let me down, cubes. You're working for me, now.
Baixeu les mans si no heu mencionat on treballeu.Put your hands down if you didn't mention where you work.
És un cercle molt reduït el que sap que tu i la meva filla treballeu junts.It's a pretty tight circle that knows about you and my daughter working together.
No sou els únics cervellets que treballeu per mi.You're not the only eggheads who work for me.
L’èxit de F4E depèn de l’experiència i especialització del seu personal.En concret, són els cientícs, enginyers, administradors, advocats i directius de compres de l’organització, que treballen conjuntament amb les indústries i els laboratoris de fusió, per garantir que Europa pugui complir els seus compromisos internacionals envers l’ITER i l’anomenat “Broader Approach”.The success of F4E depends on the expertise and dedication of its staff. In particular, the organisation’s scientists, engineers, administrators, lawyers and procurement ofcers work in partnership with industry and fusion laboratories to ensure that Europe delivers on its international commitments to ITER and the Broader Approach.
Fins al moment, alvoltant de cinc milions de personeshan fet ús d’aquest dret per anar-se’na viure a un altre país de la UE, perno esmentar els milions d’europeusque treballen diàriament en un paísveí o que viatgen a l’estranger per feruna part dels seus estudis.To date, around fivemillion people have used this right bygoing to live in another EU country, notto mention the millions who work dailyin a neighbouring country or who moveabroad for part of their studies.
Actualment a la Unió treballen unscinc milions de persones que notenen ciutadania de la UE. Totstenen drets que s’haurien de respectar a tota la Unió, però les diferènciesentre les normes i els procedimentsadministratius de cada país de vegades fan que sigui difícil aplicar-los.Some five million nonEU citizens currently work in the European Union.They all have rights which should applythroughout the Union, but differencesbetween national administrative rulesand procedures sometimes make ithard to apply them.
El tràfic de drogues no respecta fronteres i les tendències en el consum de drogues s’estenen ràpidament.Les forces nacionals de policia poden lluitar contra el crim relacionat amb la droga només si treballen plegades.Drug trafficking respects no borders and trends in drug use spread rapidly. National police forces can tackledrug-related crime only by working together.
A Itàlia, seixanta mediadors culturals,que poden ser immigrants o italians, estan agregats a estructures socials públiques de sisregions del sud d’Itàlia, i trenta mediadors treballen en oficines d’ocupació locals.In Italy, sixty cultural mediators who can be immigrantsor Italians are attached to the public social structures of six regions of Southern Italy, andthirty mediators work in local employment offices.
El ministre serà vicepresident de la Comissió Europea, peròd’Afers Exteriors treballarà estretament amb els Estats membrespel que fa a les qüestions dede la Uniópolítica exterior.He/she will be Vice-President of the Commissionbut will work directlyof Minister for Foreign with the Member Stateson foreign policy issues.
En realitat, vostè treballarà amb ells, en una important missió.Actually, you will work with them, on a difficult mission of the highest importance.
100 persones treballaran per mi.A hundred people will work under me.
Va descobrir la poesia veneçolana a través de Juan Sánchez Peláez el 1997, mentre treballava com a bibliotecari a Providence, Rhode Island.He discovered Venezuelan poetry through Juan Sánchez Peláez in 1997, while he was working as a librarian in Providence, Rhode Island.
Mentre jo treballava dur, el meu germà va seguir els estudis i va obtenir 4 premis als exàmens finals d'11è curs.While I was working hard, my brother was studying as best as he could too. He got 4 distinctions in the 11th grade exam.
El líder del grup, Yasnir Abu Bakr, va ser detingut recentment per ser interrogat respecte a l'assassinat de 2014 de l'assessora sènior Dana Seetahal, que treballava com a fiscal en el cas Naipaul-Coolman.The group's leader, Yasin Abu Bakr, was recently held for questioning with regard to the 2014 murder of Senior Counsel Dana Seetahal, who was working as a prosecutor in the Naipaul-Coolman case.
Però el factor decisiu va ser quan vam saber que el seu país treballava en quelcom similar. I vam tenir por de quedar-nos enrere.The deciding factor was when we learned your country was working similarly... and we were afraid of a doomsday gap!
Hi havia un projecte en què en Malcom treballava...There was one project Malcolm was working on--
- Ho xiuxiuejaves mentre treballaves.You were muttering it while you were working.
Mentre treballaves.While you were working.
L'any passat treballaves amb l'Arrow. Què ha canviat tant en només uns mesos?Last year you were working with the Arrow.
La cinta en la qual treballàvem ahir la nit ja és fora de l'ambre.The tape we were working on last night is already out of the amber.
Aquest era el pla en el qual treballàvem abans que ens fiqués en ambre.That was the plan that we were working on before I ambered us.
El teu objecte de desig amb placa ha dit que treballaven amb la Interpol.Your crush object with a badge said they were working with Interpol.
La Felicity Smoak treballa a Queen Consolidated i va dir que treballaven en alguna cosa semblant, però l'Oliver Queen ho va deixar córrer així que es va adonarFelicity Smoak works at Queen Consolidated. She said they were working on something similar.
Si insisteix en treballar com un animal ... ... deixa que treballi.If the man persists in working Iike an animal, Iet him work.
Com pot ser que un activista antinuclear ara treballi per la Comissió Reguladora Nuclear?How does a guy go from anti-nuke activist... to working for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission?
I mentres treballi aquí--And as long as I work here, you have no legal--
L'únic que volen és que treballi.All they want me to do is work.
Esperem que treballi a la casa, no en el camp.Let's just hope she works in the house, not in the field.
- Que treballis amb mi durant l'hivern.You work with me through the winter till the snow melts...
No treballis tant.Don't work so hard.
Encara faré que t'ho treballis, perquè no sóc d'aquella mena de noies.I'm still gonna make you work for it... as I am not that kind of a girl.
Vull que treballis per mi."I want you to work for me."
Coneixeu més dones que treballin en els camps de la tecnologia i la transparència?Do you know other women working in the fields of technology and transparency?
L'organisme que supervisa la vigència de les normes internacionals sobre drets humans també ha recomanat que la Unió Europea, a la qual els quatre països volen integrar-se, l'OSCE i el Consell d'Europa facin més atenció i prenguin mesures addicionals per instar les autoritats competents de Bòsnia i Hercegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro i Sèrbia a reaccionar adequadament a les amenaces dels mitjans de comunicació i garantir que els periodistes treballin en un ambient segur.The international human rights watch dog has also recommended that the European Union, to which all four of these countries are currently aspiring, the OSCE and the Council of Europe pay closer attention and take additional steps to urge relevant authorities in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, and Serbia to react appropriately to media threats and ensure a safe environment for journalists to work in.
«Sargir un bon fil» selecciona més de 300 dones talentoses de l'Índia i el Nepal per a que treballin recollint i reciclant deixalles tèxtils per transformar-les en fils d'alta qualitat.Darn Good Yarn hand-selects more than 300 skillful women from India and Nepal to work on collecting and recycling textile waste and produce high-quality yarns.
Les ordres són que a l'exterior, treballin en parella.The orders are that outside, we work in pairs.
Jo suggereixo que treballin en alguns canvis en la seva proposta abans de donar-la al President.I suggest you work some changes to your proposal before you give it to the President.
Has mai... ..creuat les fronteres professionals amb... ..una víctima d'algun cas en el que treballessis?Have you ever... crossed the professional boundaries with a... a victim of a case you were working on?
A banda d’això, la Comissió està treballant amb donants de l’OCDE per desenvolupar indicadors de governança.The Commission is also working with OECD donors to develop indicators in the area of governance.
D’altra banda, la UE ha de protegir els seus interessos militars i estratègics, treballant amb els seus aliats —especialment amb l’OTAN— i per mitjà del desenvolupament d’una autèntica política europea de seguretat i defensa.It must also protect its military and strategic interests by working with its allies, especially within NATO, and by developing a genuine common European security and defence policy.
Per això la Comissió i els governs nacionals estan treballant per ampliar la protecció de les patents i dels drets d’autor.This is why the Commission and national governments are working on extending copyright and patent protection.
se suposa que també hi ha d’haver dones policia treballant al torn de nit.there are supposed to be police women working night shifts too.
Les famílies dels detinguts han estat treballant els últims mesos a través de les xarxes socials per estendre el seu missatge i també han decidit que portaran les seves protestes al carrer. @e3teqal, al seu compte de Twitter, va publicar informació sobre la protesta just abans que haguessin d'evitar la forta presència policial.The families of detainees have been working the past months through social media to spread the word and have finally decided to take their cause to the street. @e3teqal, an account on Twitter, published information about the protest right before it started to avoid a heavy security turnout.

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