Vi så hende krydse landtangen. | We saw her coming across the spit. |
Tænk, hvis man skulle krydse den til fods? | How'd you like to walk across her? |
- De tager en taxa blot for at krydse gaden. | - I know the type. - They take a taxi to cross the street. |
Jeg prøver at få ham til at krydse | I'll try to get him to cross the border. |
Du skal krydse Rio Grande, angribe apacherne og udrydde dem. | I want you to cross the Rio Grande, hit the Apache and burn 'em out. |
Vi krydser floden. | We'll cross the river and make a run for it. |
Når de blå krydser broen og slår de hvide, er jeg 40 dollar rigere. | So the Blues cross the bridge, polish off the Whites and I'm 40 bucks ahead. |
Finder vi den ikke, krydser de broen og overlister os. | If we don't find the bridge, the Blue Army will cross and outflank us. |
Så snart vi når stedet, hvor disse to floder mødes... krydser vi over denne lille bjergkæde. | As soon as we reach the junction of these two rivers... we cross this small range of hills here. |
Så krydser vi ikke floden. | Then we do not cross river. |
Vidste De, at Daniel Boone var 84, da han krydsede Rocky Mountains? | Did you know Daniel Boone was 84 years old when he crossed the Rockies? |
Det er her, de krydsede floden. | This is where they crossed the river. |
Så var De sammen med Rogers, da Villa krydsede grænsen og angreb byen Columbus. | Then you were with Rogers when Villa crossed the New Mexico border and attacked the town of Columbus. |
Jeg har ikke haft en kvinde, siden vi krydsede grænsen. | I ain't had a woman since we crossed the border. |
Valance og hans mænd krydsede floden i går og myrdede nogle jordbrugere. Gamle Holliday og hans søn. | Valance and his men crossed the river yesterday, killed a couple of sodbusters, old man Holiday and his son. |
Hvis du bare vil skrive under pé papirerne, hvorjeg har sat et kryds med blyant. | Now if you'll please just sign on the papers where I have left a cross in pencil. |
Lukke sine øjne. Slå kryds foran hjertet. | Now, you close your eyes... and cross your heart. |
Du skal bombe i sektor syv lige i det her kryds. | I want you to lay down a barrage for me, Mulligan. Grid section 7, right here at these crossroads. |
Kan I se det kryds? | Can you see the cross? |
Og kryds fingre. | Keep your fingers crossed. |
Jeg havde krydset mine fingre. | Well, I had my fingers crossed. |
Men hvorfor i alverden skulle jeg, den gang, have krydset grænsen mellem Italien og Frankrig? | But why, of all the somewheres and anywheres in the world should I, that time, have crossed the border from Italy to France? |
Jeg har ikke krydset grænsen i otte år, ikke siden min far døde. | I haven't crossed the border in eight years, not since my father died. |
To gange har vores veje krydset hinanden. | Twice our paths have crossed. |
- Har vi krydset Kanalen? | - Have we crossed the English Channel yet? - We have crossed it. |