Järgmine kord kui sa minuga ristud, ei ole ma enam nii andestav. | This is the last time I've helped you. Next time you cross me,I won't be as forgiving. |
"Aarde minevikus nägemise võime Saabub siis, kui ajaline vari ristub... "Pass and Stowe" hoone ees." | "The vision to see the treasured past comes as the timely shadow crosses in front of the house of Pass and Stow." |
"Aarde minevikus nägemise võime saabub siis, kui ajaline vari ristub hoonega..." | OK. "The vision to see the treasured past comes as the timely shadow crosses in front of the house of pass and..." |
2309 Upper Springfield Road, kus see Wheeleriga ristub. | 2309 Upper Springfield Road, where it crosses Wheeler. |
Ja kaardi lugemiseks vaja minevat moodust, võib leida sealt, kus ajaline vari ristub Vabaduse Kella ees. Ristub Vabaduse Kella hoone ees. | And the way to read the map can be found where the "timely shadow" crosses in front of the Liberty Bell. |
Ma lõikan Craigil tee ära ja ristume keskel. | DAVlD: I'll make a hand-off to Craig and cross at the middle. |
"Võime näha aarde minevikku saabub, kui õigeaegsed varjud ristuvad Pass ja Stow hoone ees. " | "The vision to see the treasured past comes as the timely shadow crosses in front of the house of Pass and Stow." |
"Võime nähe aarde minevikku saabub, kui õigeaegsed varjud ristuvad hoone ees, mis möödub ja... " | "The vision to see the treasured past comes as the timely shadow crosses in front of the house of pass and..." |
- Signaalid ristuvad, eks? | - signals get crossed, don't they? |
Aeg-ajalt meie teed ristuvad, kuid me ei suhtle. | Our path cross from time to time. We do not speak, we do not communicate. |
"Kust tulid need kaks säravat, ebamaist venda, kelle teed me tähistaevas stratosfääri ületades viivuks ristusid? | "Whence came these two radiant, celestial brothers, united, for an instant, as they crossed the stratosphere of our starry window?" |
- Luurasin vanglat ja meie teed ristusid, seega võtsin nad kaasa. | I was scouting the prison and our paths crossed, so I took 'em. |
- Ütleme, et meie teekonnad ristusid. | -Let's just say we've crossed paths. |
Aga teie teed ristusid taas, jah? | But you crossed paths again? |
Kõrgelt nakkusohtlik influenza viirus ristus surmavate Ebola geenidega. | Highly infectious influenza virus was crossed with the deadly Ebola genes. |
Sa veel kahetsed, et su tee kindral Edwardiga ristus. | You will be sorry you ever crossed General Edward. |
Isiklikult pole mul teie vastu midagi Hr Bond. Lootkem, et meie teed ei ristu enam. | Personally, I have nothing against you, so let's hope our paths never cross again. |
Isiklikult pole mul teie vastu midagi, hr. Bond. Lootkem, et meie teed ei ristu enam. | PersonaIly, I've got nothing against you , Mr. Bond , so Iet us hope our paths never cross again . |
Ja meie teed ei ristu enam iial. | And we will never cross paths again. |
Kellegi teed ei ristu ja keegi ei aja asju. | No one crosses, no one trades. |
Aga küllap oli ette nähtud, et meie teed pidid ristuma, sest mu jalad viisid mind justkui omasoodu edasi | But something else must have decided our paths were bound to cross that day, 'cause, well, my feet just kept right on going. |
Ja kui kogemata peaksid teie teed ristuma, siis oleks hoopis teine jutt. | And if by chance your paths should ever happen to cross... -...well, that's another thing. -They better not cross. |
Jah, aga selleks peavad vood ristuma. | - Yeah, but to do that, you'd have to make them cross streams. |
Kui meie teed peaksid veel ristuma, näed sellist Dignanit, keda sa näinud ei ole, haiglast, sadistlikku, sest ma olen Bobi peale maruvihane. | - Dignan, please. If our paths cross again, you're gonna see a side of me you haven't seen yet-- a sick, sadistic side-- because I'm furious at Bob. |
Kui teie teed peaksid ristuma või siis, Zeus hoidku, mõõgad... poleks halvim asi maailmas omada asja või paari, mis sind välja aitaksid. | If you're gonna cross paths or, Zeus forbid, swords with him... it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world to have a thing or two to help you out. |
Aga meie teed võivad mõnikord juhuslikult ristuda. | But we may fall across each other sometimes. |
Ajajooned võivad ristuda. | The timelines, you know, they can, like, crisscross. |
Ma ei uskunud, et meie teed veel ristuda võivad. | I didn't think our paths would cross again. |
Me hoidsime seda ühenduses ainult kasutamise ajal, et mitte ristuda teiega. | We only kept it connected when we were using it to prevent any crossover. |
- Liialdus. Me oleme paralleelsetel radadel, aga nüüd on teed ristunud. | We're on parallel tracks, but now the tracks have crossed. |
-Meie teed on varem ristunud. | - Our paths have crossed before. |
Ehk on teie teed ristunud. | Maybe you two have crossed paths. |
Isand piiskop, meie teed pole ammu ristunud. | My Lord Bishop. It's been a long time since our paths crossed. |