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Atravesar (to cross) conjugation

88 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to traverse, to pierce, pierce

Conjugation of atravesar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I cross
you cross
he/she/it crosses
we cross
you all cross
they cross
Present perfect tense
he atravesado
I have crossed
has atravesado
you have crossed
ha atravesado
he/she/it has crossed
hemos atravesado
we have crossed
habéis atravesado
you all have crossed
han atravesado
they have crossed
Past preterite tense
I crossed
you crossed
he/she/it crossed
we crossed
you all crossed
they crossed
Future tense
I will cross
you will cross
he/she/it will cross
we will cross
you all will cross
they will cross
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would cross
you would cross
he/she/it would cross
we would cross
you all would cross
they would cross
Past imperfect tense
I used to cross
you used to cross
he/she/it used to cross
we used to cross
you all used to cross
they used to cross
Past perfect tense
había atravesado
I had crossed
habías atravesado
you had crossed
había atravesado
he/she/it had crossed
habíamos atravesado
we had crossed
habíais atravesado
you all had crossed
habían atravesado
they had crossed
Future perfect tense
habré atravesado
I will have crossed
habrás atravesado
you will have crossed
habrá atravesado
he/she/it will have crossed
habremos atravesado
we will have crossed
habréis atravesado
you all will have crossed
habrán atravesado
they will have crossed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I cross
(if/so that) you cross
(if/so that) he/she/it cross
(if/so that) we cross
(if/so that) you all cross
(if/so that) they cross
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya atravesado
I have crossed
hayas atravesado
you have crossed
haya atravesado
he/she/it has crossed
hayamos atravesado
we have crossed
hayáis atravesado
you all have crossed
hayan atravesado
they have crossed
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have crossed
(if/so that) you have crossed
(if/so that) he/she/it have crossed
(if/so that) we have crossed
(if/so that) you all have crossed
(if/so that) they have crossed
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have crossed
(if/so that) you have crossed
(if/so that) he/she/it have crossed
(if/so that) we have crossed
(if/so that) you all have crossed
(if/so that) they have crossed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera atravesado
I had crossed
hubieras atravesado
you had crossed
hubiera atravesado
he/she/it had crossed
hubiéramos atravesado
we had crossed
hubierais atravesado
you all had crossed
hubieran atravesado
they had crossed
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese atravesado
I had crossed
hubieses atravesado
you had crossed
hubiese atravesado
he/she/it had crossed
hubiésemos atravesado
we had crossed
hubieseis atravesado
you all had crossed
hubiesen atravesado
they had crossed
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have crossed
(if/so that) you will have crossed
(if/so that) he/she/it will have crossed
(if/so that) we will have crossed
(if/so that) you all will have crossed
(if/so that) they will have crossed
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere atravesado
I will have crossed
hubieres atravesado
you will have crossed
hubiere atravesado
he/she/it will have crossed
hubiéremos atravesado
we will have crossed
hubiereis atravesado
you all will have crossed
hubieren atravesado
they will have crossed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's cross!
Imperative negative mood
no atravieses
do not cross!
no atraviese
let him/her/it cross!
no atravesemos
let us not cross!
no atraveséis
do not cross!
no atraviesen
do not cross!

Examples of atravesar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Los guerrilleros liberaron a tres ingleses que desaparecieron este año al intentar atravesar la selva"."The guerrilla captors released three Englishmen who disappeared earlier this year while trying to cross the jungle."
- Hay que atravesar el pantano.- We have to cross this swamp.
- Qué me calme, acabo de ver una flecha... atravesar el cuerpo de Yvonne, como quieres que esté.- What I calm down, I have just seen an arrow... to cross Yvonne's body, like you want him to be.
- ¿Crees poder atravesar el bosque?- do you believe to be able to cross the forest?
- ¿Cuántas casas hay que atravesar? - Cinco.-How many houses do we have to cross?
Al final del día, atravieso Charleston, y al cruzar el puente que me lleva a casa noto que brotan unas palabras.At the end of every day, I drive through the city of Charleston... ... and as I cross the bridge that'll take me home... ... I feel the words building inside me.
Donde corro, atravieso obstáculos acelero para cruzar la línea antes que mis rivales.I slalom between the obstacles and accelerate to cross the line ahead of the competition.
Este es el camino y este eres tú, cristiano, y por todas partes, atravieso tu camino.This is your road and there you are, and l am always crossing your path.
Junto a ti atravieso la era de la oscuridad.I'm crossing the great era of darkness with you.
Juro, que si me atravieso con ese hijo de puta, tendrá un estrecho y profundo encuentro con mi cuchillo.And l swear, if l come across the son of a bitch, he's gonna have a close and deep encounter with my knife.
"Cuando atraviesas la casa para buscar un sandwich?"when you walk across the house to get a sandwich?
Abres la puerta Y atraviesas el vestíbulo.You open the door and you walk across the foyer.
Ahora, si atraviesas por aquí... .. te ahorrarás 100 millas o más.Now, if you cut across here... you save yourself a hundred mile or so.
Compra un par de máscaras de gas, atraviesas la mitad del río y te las pones.You pick up a couple of gas masks, get halfway across the river, put them on.
En el instante en que atraviesas la calle 14, la gente se olvida que hay un sistema de clases.It's awful. The minute you cross Fourteenth Street, people forget there's a class system.
"A través del verde césped, él la divisa atraviesa la línea divisoria y se ubica a merced...- Across the green... he spots her, stealthfully the lion crosses the green and settles beside his prey, the helpless llama.
"Bajo la bóveda estrellada, un solitario atraviesa el silencio de medianoche.Under the starry sky, a lone man crosses the silence of midnight.
- Hay un camino que atraviesa el valle.- There's a road that crosses the valley.
- que atraviesa por mi camino.- that crosses my path.
-Pero si la atraviesa, ¡nunca más podrán acusarla de brujería!But if she crosses it, then she can never again be accused for witchcraft!
"Si atravesamos juntos el mar"♫ If we cross the sea together ♫
- ¿Lo atravesamos en el carro?- Want to drive across it?
Además, no atravesamos la frontera en contra de las leyes.Furthermore, we didn't go sneaking' across the border in violation of the law.
Cogemos el resto de los carros y atravesamos Quicksand Bottoms.We take the rest of the wagons and we ride across Quicksand Bottoms.
Como sea, atravesamos un adorable cementerio, que es... que me gusta, no se alarmen por eso, no tiene nada que ver con el rebajado aspecto de la vida.Anyway, we're across a lovely cemetery, which is- - I like, don't be alarmed by that, there's nothing about the deflating aspect of life.
* Los rayos atraviesan los cielos *♪ Driving rain cracks across the sky ♪
A medida que se atraviesan al otro lado de la calle?How they cross to the other side of the street?
Algunos atraviesan montañas otros el mar.Some go across the mountains, others go across the sea.
Así que atraviesan el universo y aniquilan a la humanidad y duermen como murciélagos.So, they fly across the universe and wipe out mankind and they sleep like bats.
"Cuando crucé el puente de madera y atravesé la puerta""As I crossed the wooden bridge, and entered the gateway..."
- Me atravesé con algunos números de su celular un par de direcciones aparecen en nuestra área.I crisscrossed some numbers on his cell. Couple addresses come up in our basic area.
Desde el día en que, tras perderla, me exilié desesperado, desde el día en que atravesé el mar, comenzó mi muerte.From the day that, having lost her, I went despairing into exile, from the day I crossed the sea my death began.
El miércoles a la tarde atravesé la ciudad, parando en los escaparates,... tomando atajos, dando rodeos... llegando finalmente a la callejuela..Wednesday night, I crossed town, stopping outside shop windows, taking shortcuts and detours... until, at the appointed time,
Fue mi culpa, atravesé un claro.I did the unforgivable, I crossed a small clearing.
Grimlock el Grande, Tu has robado mi Meteoro Magico Saquearon mis campos de sauco y atravesaste mi tierra por última vez.Grimlock the Great, you have stolen my Magic Meteor, plundered my elderberry fields and crossed into my land for the last time.
No, Osmund, dejaste atrás el infierno cuando atravesaste nuestro pantano.No Osmund, you left hell behind when you crossed our marsh.
Si no, te atravesaste en el camino del Fiscal de Distrito de Los Ángeles... en un año electoral.If not, you crossed the District Attorney of Los Angeles in an election year.
Te me atravesaste.You you crossed to me.
"El intrépido Prof. Lindenbrook atravesó mares y selvas... enfrentó a indios y fieras hasta que Ilegó a Diamantina... para conocer a Helena Morley."The courageous Professor Lidenbrok crossed oceans and jungles... confronted Indians and wild beasts to get to Diamantina... and meet Helena Morley.
11 de noviembre de 1901. La actriz itinerante Uta atravesó el puerto de Aomoe en dirección a la carretera de Tokaido.November 11, 1901, Uta, an itinerant actress, crossed Aomoe Pass toward the Tokaido Highway.
Al volante de ese coche atravesó el pueblo sin que nadie se lo pudiera impedir.At the wheel of the car he crossed through the village. None were able to prevent his escape.
Aníbal atravesó los Alpes disolviendo los peñascos con vinagre.Hannibal crossed the Alps by dissolving boulders with vinegar.
Cruzó el Río Han y atravesó el Campo de Sungbang,He crossed Han River and passed through Sungbang Field,
"tropas germanas atravesaron hoy diversos puntos de nuestra frontera.""German troops crossed our border at several points this evening."
"y las balas atravesaron la cajuela"and the bullets crossed the cajuela
- ¿Ellos ya atravesaron?Are they crossed by yet?
Grupos de nómadas atravesaron el puente de tierra hacia Norteamérica y regiones del sur.Bands of wanderers crossed the land bridge to North America and parts south.
Lo que era agradable de los becerros recién nacidos fue que por ocho meses, mientras se encontraban en desarrollo, fueron transportados por sus madres por toda la llanura, corrieron en estampida de hienas y leones, atravesaron ríos infectados de cocodrilos,What's really nice about the calves being born is that for about eight months while they've been developing, they've been carried around by the mums across the plains, they've been stampeded by hyenas and lions, they've criss-crossed crocodile-infested rivers, and here they are being born to join in.
Irás directamente al pantano y lo atravesarás en esta dirección.You will proceed directly to the creek. You will cross the creek at this point.
Durante tres días con sus tres noches ni un bocado atravesará mis labios.Three days and three nights. Not a morsel will cross my lips.
En este momento, los productores de soja de Mato Grosso exigen que el gobierno federal haga construir una carretera de asfalto, la BR163, que atravesaráRight now, producers soy in Mato Grosso require that the federal government would build an asphalt road, the BR163, which will cross
¿Quién creería que a un tipo tan poca cosa... atravesaría la isla, y mucho menos que fuera el único sobreviviente... de tan descabellado asunto?Who would believe that a type so little ... would cross the island, much less that was the only survivor ... such a ridiculous question?
Si te dijesen que Sergej te espera en un punto cualquiera de la tierra, tú atravesarías mares y montañas para volver a verlo.If I said to you that Sergei is waiting somewhere on earth you would cross seas and climb mountains just to see him again.
- ¿Quieres que atraviese el escenario?- You want me to cross the stage?
A que después de que atraviese Findlay hay como 19 kilómetros de cultivos despoblados, pero después, no hay nada más que poblado tras poblado hasta llegar a Stanton.My point is after it crosses through Findlay, there's about 12 miles of vacant farmland. But after that, it's nothing but town after town all the way to Stanton.
Así que si dices que es necesario que dibujemos una línea, entonces... que nadie atraviese el palito de pan.So if you say that a line needs to be drawn, then... nobody crosses the breadstick.
Bien, pero, ¿sabías que si arrojas agujas al azar sobre una hoja de papel rayada la probabilidad de que una aguja atraviese una línea se relaciona directamente con Pi? Se lo llama la "Aguja de Buffon".Okay,but did you know that if you randomly drop needles onto a sheet of lined paper, the probabilty that a needle will cross a line relates directly to pi?
Capitán Dillon, que la Compañía Bravo... atraviese la zona de aterrizaje con un pelotón para apoyar a Charlie.Captain Dillon, get Bravo Company to send a platoon across the LZ. Support Charlie Company.
Cuando lo atravieses... recuérdale al mundo sobre nosotros.When you make it across... remind the world about us.
La primera regla de un sindicato es: nunca atravieses un piquete.First rule of a union, Gary, you never cross a picket line.
No lo atravieses.Do not cross it.
No será la primera vez que atravieses la mesa hasta mi.It ain't the first time you came across the table on me.
No te atravieses.Don't get so cross.
Ah, bien, atravesemos por allí.Ah good, let's go across there
Cuando nos movamos, no paren hasta que lo atravesemosWhen we move, do not stop till we get across.
Después que lo atravesemos todo va a estar bien.And once we cross it, everything will be okay.
No importa lo lejos que sigamos la luz, no importa cuantos miles de millones de años atravesemos, la propia naturaleza de la luz nos permite hacer un viaje mucho más enriquecedor, porque mirar hacia arriba, y mirar a lo lejos, es mirar atrás en el tiempo.No matter how far we follow the light, no matter how many billions of miles we cross, the nature of light itself allows us to go on a much richer journey, because to look up, and to look out, is to look back in time.
Una vez que atravesemos estas aguas lideraré a mis fuerzas por tierra.Once these waters have been traversed, I will lead my force across the land.
Quiero que atraveséis la habitación en diagonal haciendo chaînes.I want chaines across the room on the diagonal.
"Suban al bote y atraviesen el lago para ir a las estatuas gigantes de Guan Ying, la diosa cina de la compasión y de la misericordia"Get into your boat and paddle across the lake to the giant statues of guan ying, the chinese goddess of compassion and mercy.
Canten y atraviesen, daré el ejemplo, el puente es firme. ¡Miren!Sing and cross, I'll give you and example, the bridge is firm. Look!
Kepler solo puede ver planetas que atraviesen la cara de una estrella como si se viera desde la Tierra, y los sistemas solares tienen muchas orientaciones diferentes.Kepler can only see planets that pass across the face of the star as seen from Earth, and solar systems have many different orientations.
Lo siento, tienen que irse a cualquier parte. Suban al ferrocarril, atraviesen el estado salgan de Nueva York.I'm sorry, Solomon, you've got to scatter, go anywhere, get on to the railroads, travel across state, just get out of New York.
Nuestras órdenes son prevenir que lo atraviesen a toda costa.We have been ordered to prevent them crossing at all costs.
Cuando empiecen los tiros, atravesad la carretera con los carros.As the firing starts, you will take the wagons across the road.
Luego atravesad la plaza de armas, hacia el norte del parque.Then drive straight across the parade ground to the park.
Aún no has atravesado ese nivel tras el cual se encuentra la princesa.You haven't crossed that level yet.. ..after which you get the princess.
Bueno, he atravesado el Atlántico cuatro veces, he ido una vez a las Indias orientales, y a distintos sitios cerca de casa,I have crossed the Atlantic four times and I have been once to the East Indies, and to different places around home.
Capitán Lindbergh, he atravesado el Atlántico varias veces... en barco, claro.Captain Lindbergh, I've crossed the Atlantic quite a few times, by boat, of course.
El Gran Espíritu está atravesado con las dos piernas.The Great Spirit is crossed with the Two-Leggeds.
El Okavango queda atravesado por huellas mientras los animales se adentran.The Okavango becomes criss-crossed with trails as animals move into its heart.
12.000 pies hacia las pasturas veraniegas de la gente de los renos, cruzando ríos, atravesando ciénagas, pasando 8, 9 horas cada día sobre la montura, preguntándonos todo el tiempo, ¿Realmente esto funcionará?12,000 foot up to the summer pastures of the reindeer people, crossing rivers, negotiating bogs, spending eight, nine hours each day in the saddle, wondering the whole time, would we actually make it?
Bueno, vaya atravesando mi cuerpo muertoOkay, go crossing my dead body
Cuando estamos atravesando un océano, el barco nunca para.When we're crossing an ocean, the boat never stops.
Cuando vi... aquella belleza atravesando el cielo... me olvidé de todo y ful andando atrás de la claridad.When I looked... I saw such beauty crossing the sky... I forgot everything and ran after the light.
De seguro, es sólo una etapa que está atravesando.Of insurance, is only one stage that it is crossing.
"Una vez que entrás, si atravesás esa puerta, conocés el verdadero MIEDO""Once you log in, if you cross that door, you know the real FEAR "
Una vez que entrás, si atravesás esa puerta, conocés el verdadero MIEDO, porque en tu interior sabés, que cerca del KYBO, hay alguien acechando, esperando la oportunidad para derribar el KYBO, dejando al ocupante indefenso,Once you log in, if you cross that door, you know the real FEAR because inside you know, that about the Kybo, there's someone lurking, waiting for the opportunity to knock the Kybo, leaving the occupant helpless

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