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Modifica (to change) conjugation

40 examples

Conjugation of modifica

Present tense
I change
you change
he/she/it changes
we change
you all change
they change
Present perfect tense
am modificat
I have changed
ai modificat
you have changed
a modificat
he/she/it has changed
am modificat
we have changed
ați modificat
you all have changed
au modificat
they have changed
Past preterite tense
I changed
you changed
he/she/it changed
we changed
you all changed
they changed
Future tense
voi modifica
I will change
vei modifica
you will change
va modifica
he/she/it will change
vom modifica
we will change
veți modifica
you all will change
vor modifica
they will change
Conditional mood
aș modifica
I would change
ai modifica
you would change
ar modifica
he/she/it would change
am modifica
we would change
ați modifica
you all would change
ar modifica
they would change
Subjunctive present tense
să modific
(so that/if) I change
să modifici
(so that/if) you change
să modifice
(so that/if) he/she/it change
să modificăm
(so that/if) we change
să modificați
(so that/if) you all change
să modifice
(so that/if) they change
Subjunctive past tense
să fi modificat
(so that/if) I have changed
să fi modificat
(so that/if) you have changed
să fi modificat
(so that/if) he/she/it have changed
să fi modificat
(so that/if) we have changed
să fi modificat
(so that/if) you all have changed
să fi modificat
(so that/if) they have changed
Past impf. tense
I was changing
you were changing
he/she/it was changing
we were changing
you all were changing
they were changing
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu modifica
do not change!
nu modificați
do not change!
Past pluperfect tense
I had changed
you had changed
he/she/it had changed
we had changed
you all had changed
they had changed
Future alternative 1 tense
am să modific
I am going to change
ai să modifici
you are going to change
are să modifice
he/she/it is going to change
avem să modificăm
we are going to change
aveți să modificați
you all are going to change
au să modifice
they are going to change
Future alternative 2 tense
o să modific
I am going to change
o să modifici
you are going to change
o să modifice
he/she/it is going to change
o să modificăm
we are going to change
o să modificați
you all are going to change
o să modifice
they are going to change
Future perfect tense
voi fi modificat
I will have changed
vei fi modificat
you will have changed
va fi modificat
he/she/it will have changed
vom fi modificat
we will have changed
veți fi modificat
you all will have changed
vor fi modificat
they will have changed
Future in the past tense
aveam să modific
I was going to change
aveai să modifici
you were going to change
avea să modifice
he/she/it was going to change
aveam să modificăm
we were going to change
aveați să modificați
you all were going to change
aveau să modifice
they were going to change
Conditional past tense
aș fi modificat
I would have changed
ai fi modificat
you would have changed
ar fi modificat
he/she/it would have changed
am fi modificat
we would have changed
ați fi modificat
you all would have changed
ar fi modificat
they would have changed
Presumptive tense
oi modifica
I might change
oi modifica
you might change
o modifica
he/she/it might change
om modifica
we might change
oți modifica
you all might change
or modifica
they might change
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi modificând
I might be changing
oi fi modificând
you might be changing
o fi modificând
he/she/it might be changing
om fi modificând
we might be changing
oți fi modificând
you all might be changing
or fi modificând
they might be changing
Presumptive past tense
oi fi modificat
I might have changed
oi fi modificat
you might have changed
o fi modificat
he/she/it might have changed
om fi modificat
we might have changed
oți fi modificat
you all might have changed
or fi modificat
they might have changed

Examples of modifica

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
"Cu excepţia cazului în care ceva nu se va modifica brusc, Această armată ar trebuie în mod inevitabil să moară de foame, să se dizolvă sau să se disperseze.""Unless some great and capital change suddenly takes place, this army must inevitably starve, dissolve or disperse."
"despre aspectele nepopulare ale regimului, le-ar modifica", era o supapă de siguranţă a sistemului său, care i-a protejat imaginea de lider carismatic."about unpopular aspects of the Nazi regime, he would change them," was a safety valve in the system, one that protected Hitler's image as a charismatic leader.
- Acestea sunt din fibră de sticlă şi vor modifica iluminatul.- These are fibreglass, here, and they are going to change lighting.
- Dacă putem modifica legea teritorială, putem împărţi terenul în loturi, împrumutăm bani de la bancă şi construim case.- I see. - If we can get that zoning law changed... we can chop the whole place up into lots, borrow money from the banks and build houses on them.
- Dar tu le puteți modifica cum ai făcut-o pentru Jody la ora cabina.- But you can change them like you did for Jody out at the cabin.
- De ce ar trebui să-mi modific planurile mele de acum?- Why should I change my plans now?
- Spune-mi doar ce vrei sa modific.-Just tell me what they want to have changed.
- Vreau să modific cele spuse.I want to change what I said.
Am fost de acord cu setările termostatului şi n-ar fi trebuit să le modific.I did agree to the thermostat setting, and I shouldn't have tried to change it.
Am sa modific miscarile.I'll have the steps changed. - Like hell you will!
"Cat dureaza sa modifici un aranjament ca asta?""How long does it take to change an arrangement like that?"
"Daca iti modifici stilul de viata, vei reveni la normal.""So if you just make some lifestyle changes, It'll go away."
- Da. Când faci poze cu bliţ, trebuie să modifici nişte setări.When you're shooting with backlight, you need to change some settings.
- Vrei să-ţi modifici declaraţia?You wanna change your statement?
- sau îmi modifici instrucţiunile, oricum.- Or change my instructions in any way.
- Anunţă-mă când se modifică diagrama.Let me know how the diagram changes.
- Care modifică modul întregul dvs. de gândire.- that changes your entire way of thinking.
Acel tip care îşi doreşte atât de mult să fie acolo încât modifică povestea pentru ca acest lucru să se întâmple.The one who wants to be there so badly he changes the story to make it happen.
Ai 14 ani, Miles. Organismul tău se modifică zilnic, iar unele modificări sunt stranii.You're 1 4, miles, your body changes daily, and some of those changes are pretty strange.
Apa îşi modifică structura moleculară de aproape 1 trilion de ori pe secundă.Water changes its molecular structure around 1 trillion times per second.
- Nu e posibil să modificăm testamentul lui Rohit?Isn´t it possible to change Rohit´s will?
A trebuit să modificăm programul, si ai depăsit data limită cu o săptămână.Yeah, well, we had to change the boundary schedules and you're a week over the new line.
Acum, nu avem energie să-i modificăm cursul.Now, we have no power to change its course.
Am dori să modificăm unele condiţii.We'd like to change some of the terms.
Avem încă timp să modificăm finalul.We still have time to change the ending back.
- Asta pentru ca nu sa modificat înca.- That's because it hasn't changed yet.
- Aţi modificat profilele de asalt?- Have you changed the assault profiles?
- Foarte sigur. Dar noi ştim că cineva a modificat calendarul Matildei din acel studio.But we know someone changed Matilda's calendar
- I-am modificat traiectoria.something has happened. i changed its course.
- N-ar fi modificat verdictul.It wouldn't have changed the verdict.
Acum, dacă doriți, modificați perdelele , vom face o măsuță... facem multe lucruri împreună.If you want to change the curtains, be up to us a new table and we all do different things.
Am nevoie pentru a merge înapoi și sa îl modificați.I need to go back and change it.
Aveți posibilitatea să modificați această stație dacă nu vă place Wiz Khalif A, Tessa.You can change this station if you don't like Wiz Khalif A, Tessa.
Aveți posibilitatea să modificați că, Red.You can change that, Red.
Aveți posibilitatea să modificați în continuare mintea ta , știi .You can still change your mind, you know.
Se modificase până şi structura genetică.Even his genetic makeup had changed
Acea piesă a încălcat toate regulile, modificând notele și semnăturile timpului ca și cum persoana care a compus-o a avut inima plină de fericire n-a putut alege doar un mod de exprimare.That track broke all the rules, changing keys and time signatures as if the person who wrote it had so much joy inside his heart he couldn't pick just one way to let it out.
Dr. Beckett va opri misiunea, astfel modificând cursul istoriei la nivel mondial... dovedind astfel că s-a întors în timp.Dr. Beckett is going to abort the mission, thereby changing history on a global basis... and also proving that he's back there.
Magnetismul joacă un rol la fiecare nivel al universului, modificând dinamica obiectelor şi făcând din univers un loc violent şi interesant.Magnetism plays a role on every scale of the Universe, changing the dynamics of objects and making the universe a violent and interesting place.
În 1984, Mississippi a aprobat o lege modificând execuţiile de la gazare la injecţia letală.In 1984, the legislature passed a law changing the method of execution... from the gas chamber to lethal injection.

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