- Ei, lähen vahetan riided ära. | All right. I... you know what... I'm going to run upstairs and change really quick. |
- Ei, ma tahtsin teatada, et ma vahetan nädala pärast teie sidemehe välja. | - No, I wanted to tell you... that I'm going to change your contact in about a week. |
- Homme vahetan vormi. | - Tomorrow I change uniforms. |
- Jah, ja unustad ta arve. - Ma vahetan ta meistriteose oma "piéces-de-résistance!" | -I exchange his masterpieces for my "pièces-de-résistance!" |
- Käin kodus ja vahetan riided. | I've got to go home and change. |
- Igakord, kui sa rulli vahetad, sa näed seda. | - Every time you change a roll, you see it. |
- Kas sa vahetad riided? | Will you change clothes? |
- Kuule nüüd! - Millal sa ta välja vahetad? | - When will you change it? |
- Millal sa ta välja vahetad? | - When will you change it? |
- See vahetab iga kord oma kohta. | It changes location each time. |
- Ta vahetab iga päev wi-fi parooli. | She changes her Wi-Fi password every day. |
Aasta kasiinode, hotellide, butiikidega. Palju raha vahetab Rivieras omanikke. | Every year, with casinos, hotels, shops ... lots of money changes hands on the Riviera. |
- Kui vahetame kaablit, muudame ka John Henryt. | We change a wire, we change John Henry. |
- Me vahetame nüüd verd. | - We're going to exchange blood. |
- Me vahetame võttenurka. | We just got to change the angle. |
- Kas te vahetate raha? | You exchange money here? |
Ja mitte keegi ei arvanud, et mind huvitaks teadmine, et vahetate nime? Issand jumal. | And nobody thought I'd be interested in hearing about this name change? |
Kas te siin lambipirne ka kunagi vahetate? | Do you ever change a light bulb around here? |
Kas te vahetate raha? | - You exchange money here? |
Kas teie vahetate raha? | Do you run a bureau de change? |
"Mehed, kes vahetavad naisi sama tihti kui oma särke." | "Men who change women as often as they change their shirts." |
- Ja kui nad sagedust vahetavad? | What if they change the frequency? |
- Nad vahetavad selle välja. | - Oh, they'll be in to change it. |
Ameeriklased vahetavad oma raha prantsuse raha vastu ja saadavad siia tagasi. | Americans change their money over into French money and send it back here. |
Sebrad oma triipe ei vaheta. | Zebras do not change their stripes. |
- Imelik. Mainisin vist sulle, et vahetasin oma nime LoJackist Sopranoks. | I thought I told you I changed my name from LoJack to Soprano. |
- Ma vahetasin endale kuuluva kiibi tühja vastu välja, kuid mul pole aimugi, mida see teeb. | - I exchanged the chip meant for me for an empty one, but I have no idea what it will do. |
- Ma vahetasin neljapäeval! | - I changed it on Thursday! |
- Ma vahetasin oma särki neli korda. kassa kujutad kedagi sellist? | - Oh. - I changed my shirt four times. - Can you imagine anyone being that jerky? |
- Kas sa mähkmed vahetasid ära? | - Have you changed her diaper? |
- Kuulsin, et vahetasid ühikat. | - I heard you changed dorms. |
- Nad vahetasid kaksikud! | They exchanged twins! |
- Talle poleks meeldinud, et sa nime vahetasid. | He wouldn't be proud you changed your name. |
- Ei, ta vahetas vaid oma profiilipilti ja see on väikseks lõigatud, aga on selgelt näha, et tema ümber on mehe käsi. | No, it's just -- she changed her profile pic, and it's cropped, but you can clearly see a guy's arm around her. |
- Kes su mähkmeid vahetas? | - Who changed your diapers? |
- Käis, vahetas akud ja kadus. | Came by, changed our batteries, and headed out. |
- Ta vahetas riideid. | - The dude, he changed. It's not me. |
Aga kes köögis pirni vahetas? | Good lord. But who changed the light bulb in the kitchen, then? |
- Ei, me just vahetasime numbrit. | -No, we just had the number changed. |
- Valerjeval vahetasime kateeteri. | - Valerieva's catheter was changed. |
Aga me vahetasime sõna "armastus" "jõulude" vastu välja. | Except we've changed the word "love" to "Christmas". |
Hirmu polnud, lihtsalt vahetasime seaded. | There was no fear, only the devices had changed. |
- Usun, et teie vahetasite ta siibrit eile õhtul. | - I guess you changed his bedpan last night. |
Kas sellepärast te vahetasite lukud? | - Is that why you changed the locks? |
Ma arvasin, et te vahetasite advokaati. | I thought you'd maybe changed lawyers. |
Ma tean, et vahetasite mitu korda lende. | I know you changed your flights quite a few times. |
Sinu asemel vahetaksin ma oma nime. | I mean, if I were you, I would change my name. |
Teiseks vahetaksin ehk publikut. | I would change the audience, perhaps. |
"Kanye, vaheta lapsel mässud ära!" | Kanye, come and change the baby. |
"Will" ja "aluspüksid"-- kaks asja mida ma enam ise ei vaheta. | "Will" and "shorts"-- two things I'm no longer allowed to change by myself. |
- Donnie, vaheta lugu ära. | - Donnie, change the song. |
"Väsimuse korral vahetage kätt." | 'In case of tiredness change arms. ' |
Esmalt pitseerige ta kontor ja vahetage lukud ära. | First seal off his office, change his locks, do whatever you have to do. |
Hea küll, poisid, vahetage riided ära. | - All right, get yourselves changed, boys. |
"Ma oleks pidanud selle luku ära vahetama. Ma oleks pidanud sult sinu võtme võtma. | I should have changed that stupid lock I should have made you leave your key |
"Naised". Pean riideid vahetama. Nägemist. | ''Ladies.'' I have to change, thank you. |
- Arvatavasti peab nende mähkud vahetama. | - Their diapers probably need to be changed. |
- Ei-ei-ei. Kriminaalseaduse järgi peab kindel dollar vahetama omanikku. | According to the US Criminal Code, there needs to be exact dollar figure for the exchange of services. |
"Aeg vahetada välja Buckinghami palee vahtkond." - Express. | "Time to change the old guard at Buckingham Palace", Express. |
"Sa võid välja vahetada oma naise, poliitilised vaated, oma usu. | "Leave your... You can change your wife, "change your politics, change your religion. |
- Kaduge minema daamike, me pole nädal aega tal mähkmeid vahetanud. | We haven't changed his diaper in a week. |
- Kas sa oled seda vahetanud? | Have you changed it? |
- Kas te olete vahetanud oma parfüümi või? | - Have you changed your perfume, or? |
- Mu nimi on vahetatud. | - My name's been changed. |
Esmalt, me isegi ei teadnud, et oleme vahetatud. | At first we did not even know we had been changed. |
Kas lukk on ära vahetatud? | Has the lock been changed? |
Kuigi linad on vahetatud. | The sheets have been changed, though. |
Selle aja jooksul oleme vahetanud 20 asutust. Iga päevaga jõuame Moskvale üha lähemale. | We have changed 20 institutions getting closer to Moscow every day. |
Kõik paroolid ja koodid on vahetatud ning üle krüptitud. | Every password and code has been changed and re-encrypted. |
- Riideid vahetades ma siin meenutasin. | - You bet. I have been reflecting while changing into our gear. |
Seega sa võiksid, Ma ei tea, muretseda vähem sellele, kuidas koer näitleb, ja rohkem kulutada aega sellele kuidas peatada 20 aastast Topekast vahetamast kanalit. | So maybe you should, I don't know, spend a little less time worrying about the dog's Method acting and more time figuring out how to stop 20-year-olds in Topeka from changing the channel. |
Seega sa võiksid, Ma ei tea,... ...muretseda vähem sellele, kuidas koer näitleb,... ...ja rohkem kulutada aega sellele kuidas peatada 20 aastast Topekast... ...vahetamast kanalit. | So maybe you should, I don't know,... ...spend a little less time worrying about the dog's method acting,... ...and more time figuring out how to stop 20 year olds in Topeka... ...from changing the channel. |
Kas te oleks vahetanud kanalit, kui ma ei teeks midagi? | You don't think they would have changed the channel by now if all I did was getting "A" in geometry? |
Keegi teist ei vahetaks minuga kohta ja ma olen rikas. | None of you would change places with me. And l'm rich! |
Seda olukorda ei vahetaks raha vastu. | I would change the money to be in your situation. |