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Mudar (to change) conjugation

149 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: move, to move, to relocate

Conjugation of mudar

Present tense
I change
you change
he/she changes
we change
you all change
they change
Present perfect tense
tenho mudado
I have changed
tens mudado
you have changed
tem mudado
he/she has changed
temos mudado
we have changed
tendes mudado
you all have changed
têm mudado
they have changed
Past preterite tense
I changed
you changed
he/she changed
we changed
you all changed
they changed
Future tense
I will change
you will change
he/she will change
we will change
you all will change
they will change
Conditional mood
I would change
you would change
he/she would change
we would change
you all would change
they would change
Past imperfect tense
I used to change
you used to change
he/she used to change
we used to change
you all used to change
they used to change
Past perfect tense
tinha mudado
I had changed
tinhas mudado
you had changed
tinha mudado
he/she had changed
tínhamos mudado
we had changed
tínheis mudado
you all had changed
tinham mudado
they had changed
Future perfect tense
terei mudado
I will have changed
terás mudado
you will have changed
terá mudado
he/she will have changed
teremos mudado
we will have changed
tereis mudado
you all will have changed
terão mudado
they will have changed
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha mudado
I have changed
tenhas mudado
you have changed
tenha mudado
he/she has changed
tenhamos mudado
we have changed
tenhais mudado
you all have changed
tenham mudado
they have changed
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have changed
(if/so that) you will have changed
(if/so that) he/she will have changed
(if/so that) we will have changed
(if/so that) you all will have changed
(if/so that) they will have changed
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver mudado
I will have changed
tiveres mudado
you will have changed
tiver mudado
he/she will have changed
tivermos mudado
we will have changed
tiverdes mudado
you all will have changed
tiverem mudado
they will have changed
Imperative mood
let's change!
Imperative negative mood
não mudes
do not change!
não mude
let him/her/it not change!
não mudemos
let us not change!
não mudeis
do not change!
não mudem
do not change!

Examples of mudar

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
! - A lógica é que tens uma oportunidade de mudar algo, sim?- The point is you have a chance to change something, okay?
"... a coragem para mudar as que posso..."Both: "... The courage to change the things I can
"A Julie Criscoll, de 15 anos, "queria apenas mudar o mundo."Julie Criscoll, aged 15, wanted nothing more than to change the world."
"A maior compreensão é reconhecer o que somos e o que não podemos ser, e aceitar aquilo que não podemos mudar.""At the head of all understanding is realizing "what is and what cannot be and the consoling of what is not in our power to change".
"A runa da substituição e da renovação, sugerindo que chegou a hora... de mudar a vida que está levando. ""The rune of replacement and renewal, suggesting that the time has come to change the life you're living. "
"Eu bebo sempre o mesmo. Eu nunca, nunca mudo."I always drink the same thing I never, never change
# Como pode você dizer que nunca mudo?How can you say I never change?
- Bem então mudo o meu voto prós aliens.- Well then change my vote pros aliens.
- Claro. Pegar nisto, enquanto mudo a lâmpada?Would you hold that while I change the bulb?
- Enquanto mudo de roupa?- while I change into them?
"Então mudas de táctica."Then you change tactics.
"Mudas de ideias. Partes de novo Mas mudas de ideias outra vez"Change your mind scarc and go again Buc changed your mind again
- Cada vez que mudas de rolo, vê-lo.- Every time you change a roll, you see it.
- E se mudas de novo?- What if you change it back?
- Frank, mudas também de roupa?- Frank, change with them.
"...mas ela muda.""...butshealwayschanges."
"Deus nunca muda..."God never changes...
"Mudas um pormenor... "e a vida toda muda.""You change one detail, and all of life changes"?
"Nada muda a não ser os rostos, os nomes e as modas"* Nothing changes but the faces,* *the names, and the trends*
"Nada muda se a gente não muda", cara.Nothing changes but the changes, slick.
- E se mudamos o final?- What if we change the ending?
- Não te preocupes. Nós mudamos.- Don't worry, people change.
- Nós mudamos as nossas vidas, Ray.- Oh, we change our own lives, Ray.
- Porque não mudamos apenas de assunto?- Why don't we just change the subject?
- Porque não mudamos isto?- Why don't we change it?
"A minha sorte tinha finalmente mudado.""My luck had finally changed."
"Acham que foi por a família dela ter mudado o apelido de Albrecht, "ou será porque todas as miúdas da Universidade de Boston são cabras?Do you think that's because her family changed their name from Albrecht, or do you think it's because all BU girls are bitches?
"Ditoso aquele que ignora "o que não pode ser mudado.""Happy he who forgets what cannot be changed."
"Ele tinha mudado."He had changed.
"Eu sinto como se eu tivesse mudado.""I fell like I've changed."
"A Primavera, o Verão, O Outono fecundo, o Inverno tempestuoso, mudam Suas vestes costumeiras.""The spring, the summer, The childing autumn, angry winter, change Their wonted liveries."
"Aqui no Norte do estado, as coisas não mudam muito."Here in the upstate, things don't change much.
"As coisas mudam... mas os esforços feitos dão valor à vida.""Things change, but our life is what our thoughts make it."
"As coisas não mudam."Things do not change.
"As imagens estão claras sem sol, os sentimentos mudam"Pictures are pale without sun, Feelings change
"Após análise, mudei de opinião, sobre a hipótese Cooper-Hofstadter de que o espaço-tempo é um superfluido."Upon review, I've changed my mind about "the Cooper-Hofstadter hypothesis "that space-time is like a superfluid.
"Então, Tommy, sei que concordamos em matá-la, mas, mudei de ideias.""Hey, Tommy, I know we agreed to kill her, but I changed my mind."
"Está bem" como em mudei de ideias."okay" as in I changed my mind.
"Eu já mudei"."I have changed."
"Eu mudei."I've changed.
" -Não, tu mudaste de assunto... -Espera, tu perguntaste...""No, you changed the subject again.." "Wait a second, you asked me.."
" não mudaste."You haven't changed.
"Agora que vieste e mudaste a minha vida."♪ Now that you came and changed my life ♪
"Branca de Neve, tu mudaste."Snow White, "you've changed.
"Mudaste." Você disse "mudaste.""Changed." You said "changed."
! A outra nova chegada considerava-te inalcançável, mas percebeu agora que isso mudou.The other new arrival has considered you unreachable but now is realising this has changed.
" Que a minha atitude para contigo e a perspectiva de uma vida feliz e bonita juntos mudou radicalmente.""to my ideals of womanhood that my attitude toward you... ""and the prospect of a happy and useful life together... ""has been changed materially.
"A causa pela qual arriscaste a vida mudou.""Everything you risked your life for has changed".
"A sala nunca mudou, dia após dia, ano após ano,""The room never changed. "Day after day, year after year,
"A" mudou-o de forma a parecer-se mais com o nome de alguém, para que, em vez de procurarmos um sítio, procurássemos um rapaz."A" changed it so that would sound more like a person's name so that instead of looking for a location, we'd be searching for a guy.
As coisas mudaram muito, mas vós não mudastes nada.Things may have changed a lot, but you haven't changed a bit.
Explicai-lhe que mudastes de ideias.Explain to her that you have changed your mind.
Não mudastes nada, continuas vingativa.Haven't changed a bit. Still as vindictive as ever.
Quantas centenas de milhares de vidas vós mudastes para melhor, aqui?How many hundreds of thousands of lives have you changed for the better here?
Tu mudastes de ideias.You've changed your tune.
"Ai os meus motivos mudaram."And my motivation changed.
"E, décadas depois as coisas realmente mudaram."And decades later things have changed indeed
"Elas mudaram mesmo""They have changed, all right"
"Estamos nos divertindo tanto, as coisas mudaram tanto""We're having so much of fun, things have changed so much"
"Foram nos primeiros dias de viagem... que eu me lembrei de como as coisas mudaram."In the first days of the trip... I sensed how things had changed.
- Talvez mudes de ideias. - Não mudarei.Perhaps you will change your mind l won't
Eu mudarei a minha vida...I will change my life...
Eu mudarei isso.I will change that.
Eu mudarei quando toda a gente menos o esperar.I will change when everybody expects it the least.
Juro pela vida do meu neto que mudarei, se assim o desejares.I will swear on the life of my daughter's son. I will change, if you would have it so.
E bem... mudarás.And well... you will change.
E quando o fizeres, mudarás o mundo.you will change the world.
Ou então tu mudarás.Or maybe you will change.
Quando a lua cheia surgir amanhã à noite tu mudarás, matarás e te alimentarás.When the full moon rises tomorrow you will change, you will kill, and you will feed.
Tu mudarás.You will change.
"Esta estação mudará"This season will change
"Pois, esta estação mudará"For, this season will change"
- Isso mudará totalmente o enfoque do meu trabalho aqui.- This will change completely anfoque My work here.
- Nada do que escrevas mudará isso!- Nothing you write will change that!
- Se o remédio não resultar... - Se não resultar, você mudará.-lf the medicine doesn't work-- -lf it doesn't work, you will change.
Estamos só à espera da aprovação da FDA e mudaremos a face da cirurgia cosmética.It's very cutting edge. We're just waiting for FDA approval, and we will change the face of cosmetic surgery.
Eu e tu mudaremos tudo!You and me will change everything.
Junte-se a nós e juntos mudaremos o mundo.Join us and together we will change the world.
Por amor de Deus, mudaremos a linhagem das células antes dos testes clínicos.For Christ's sake, we will change the cell line before clinical trials.
É a minha convicção... que neste ano mudaremos a vida de cada Atriano para melhor.It is my belief that this year will change every Atrian's life for the better.
- As coisas mudarão algum dia.- Things will change some day.
Acreditem-me... as coisas mudarão radicalmente, em breve.Believe me... Things will change radically soon.
Agora que é a patroa, de certeza que as coisas mudarão para melhor.Now that she's the boss, I'm sure things will change for the better.
Antes de acabar, mudarão muitas coisas.Before it is over, many things will change.
As decisões que tomares agora mudarão tudo o que está para vir. - O que queres dizer com isso?The decisions you make now will change the shape of everything that is to come.
"Esse dia foi o dia a partir do qual toda a criação mudaria para sempre."'This day 'was the day upon which the whole of creation would change forever.'
"Se pudermos ver o milagre de uma única flor claramente..." "A nossa vida toda mudaria.""If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly... our whole life would change."
- E achei que ele mudaria.- And I thought he would change.
- Eu mudaria o título.I would change the title.
- Eu também mudaria- When you do, I would change
Com a maldição quebrada, pensei que tu... mudarias de ideias.I thought maybe you would change your mind.
Dissemos que mudaríamos o mundo.We said we would change the world.
E apercebi-me que quando terminássemos as aulas de natação nos mudaríamos um em frente ao outro....and I realized that when we finished swimming lessons we would change in front of each other.
Meus amigos, há um tempo atrás, eu prometi à todos... que nós mudaríamos o mundo.My friends, a little while ago I promised you all... that we would change the world.
Nós mudaríamos para melhor.We would change for the better.
Prometeste que mudaríamos o mundo juntos.You... You promised that we would change the world together.
"E não sabia se seria melhor ou pior, mas para alguns as coisas mudariam."Sam's voice: "And it didn't know if they would be better or worse, but for certain things would change."
Acharam que se me mostrassem a corda, mudariam minha ideia.The idea of ? a rope to the coup I would change my mind.
Achaste que umas palavrinhas inspiradoras e um pouco de carvão mudariam esta gente?You thought a few inspirational words and some coal would change these people?
Acho que temia que, se contasse a verdade, os teus sentimentos por mim mudariam.I guess... I was afraid that if I told you the truth, that it would change the way you felt about me.
Bem, esperava que interessasse... e que quando para aqui viesse, as coisas mudariam.Well, I'd hoped that it did matter... that when you came here, things would change.
A minha vida mudara e eu sabia-o.Life had changed as I knew it.
A urbanização de Vitória mudara.Vitória urbanism had changed.
Acabei por ter coragem e perguntei à minha mãe por que Deus mudara, por que estava tão zangado com os seus filhos.I finally got up the courage to ask my mother why God had changed why he was so mad at his children.
Algo mudara dentro dele.Something had changed inside him.
Alguma coisa mudara.Something had changed.
"A menos que mude de ideias, não o levarei".[Imitates] Because unless you change your mind, I'm not taking you back. Me, me, me.
"Mude a forma como pensas, mude a tua via"."Change how you think, change your life."
"Padre, despache-se antes que ele mude de ideias.""Oh, preacher, hurry up before he changes his mind."
"ainda que a terra se mude..."...though the Earth should change...
* Tentam que mude de hábitos alimentares *♪ Try to make me change my eats. ♪
"... não mudes de opinião se vires algumas daquelas pessoas...""you don't change your mind if you see some of those people"
"Life Cereal, não mudes nada.""Life Cereal, do not change a thing."
"Nunca mudes." Mas sabes que mais?"Don't ever change." But you know what?
"Nunca, nunca mudes."Never, never change.
"Não mudes a nossa gerência."Don't change our management.
- Está bem. Vamos por outras estradas, estaremos umas horas atrás, então deixem os rádios ligados caso mudemos os planos.We'll be taking back roads, so we'll be like an hour or two behind you, so just keep the channels open in case we need to change the script.
- Não podem. A não ser que mudemos as nossas histórias.Not unless we change our stories.
A Presidente quer que mudemos a nosa rota para Mayport.President wants us to change course for Mayport.
A menos que mudemos isso, perdes a tua oportunidade de ter um lugar ao lado do Daniel.Unless we change that, you lose your shot at a seat next to Daniel.
A não ser que mudemos drasticamente o ambiente e retiremos esses males, nunca conseguiremos proteger as nossas crianças.Unless we dramatically change the environment, take away all these cues, we're never gonna be able to protect our kids.
Certo, bem... que mudei de idéias em relação a isso. que mudeis de idéias em relação a isso.Well, what would you say if I were to tell you that I've changed my mind about that?
Espero que mudeis de opinião em relação a isso.I do hope you change your mind about that.
Nunca mudeis.Don't ever change.
"Não o sei, mas farei que caminhem num círculo e mudem gorras" ."I don't know, but I'll have them walk in a circle and change hats."
"Ponto, linha e costura, mudem de azul para vermelho."Ok. Stitch, thread, and seam, change from blue to red.
"Por mais que as coisas mudem, mais elas continuam as mesmas"?"The more things change, the more they stay the same"?
# A que sejam os que mudem o mundo # # são imunes A teus desejos ## As they try to change their worlds # Are immune to your consultations
"Eu quero mudar e continuar mudando"I wanna change and keep changing I wanna change and keep changing I wanna change and keep changing
"que Ihe tiremos energia artificialmente "mudando os pólos de positivo para negativo.""unless its energies are drained off artificially... by changing the poles from plus to minus".
- Admita, George. O mundo está mudando, temos que mudar.Face it, George, the world is changing, you got to change with it.
- O mundo está mudando, papai!- The world is changing.
- Sei. - Estão mudando sem controle...People are changing in uncontrolled environments ...
"Aligator", já vi pessoas mudarem depois de estar na prisão. Mas acho que não é o teu caso.Alligator, I see some people change in prison, but I don't think you do.
*Quando abres a mente* *podes surpreender-te* *e as coisas mudarem*When you open your mind, you can surprise yourself, and things change.
- Bem, ainda não, mas se não mudarem o modo de lidar com a agricultura, não levará muito tempo até que as pessoas fiquem com fome.If they don't change their approach to agriculture it won't be long before their people go hungry.
- Cabe-vos a vocês mudarem isso.- It's up to you to change that.
- E se as condições do paciente mudarem?- And if the patient's condition changes?
"Há que mudares a tua vida"."You must change your life."
- Até mudares?Until you changed?
- Avisa, se mudares de ideias.- Let me know if you change your mind.
- Avisa-me se mudares de ideia.Okay, let me know if you change your mind.
- Becca, última oportunidade para mudares de ideias, vá lá.Becca, this is your last chance to change your mind.
- Até nos permitirmos ir mais longe e mudarmos como vivemos, é uma perda de tempo.- Until we allow this to go through us and change how we live, it's a waste of time.
- Então se mudarmos a dieta dele...So if we change his diet...
- Está na hora de mudarmos de estação.Think it's time we change the station. What?
- Pois. - Que dizes a mudarmos as regras do jogo?What do you say we change the rules of the game?
- Professor de Ecologia de Conservação, Universidade de Duke Se não mudarmos o que estamos a fazer, enfrentamos a perda, talvez, de um terço ou de metade de todas as formas de vida na Terra.If we don't change what we're doing we are facing losing perhaps a third, maybe a half, of all the variety of life on Earth.
Talvez mudasse de conversa por não querer problemas consigo.Well, maybe she was changing her tune because she didn't want to get in trouble with you.

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