Kai kuriais atvejais gali būti parametrų sąveika, dėl to gali pakisti teršalų išmetimas. | In some cases there may be interaction between parameters, which may cause emissions to change. |
Jeigu nuo to sandorio dienos sąlygos pasikeitė (pvz., pakito nerizikinė palūkanų norma dėl naujausio korporacijos obligacijų kainų kotiravimo), tikroji vertė turi atspindėti sąlygų pokyčius, tinkamai atsižvelgiant į dabartines panašių finansinių priemonių kainas arba normas. | If conditions have changed since the time of the transaction (eg a change in the risk-free interest rate following the most recent price quote for a corporate bond), the fair value reflects the change in conditions by reference to current prices or rates for similar financial instruments, as appropriate. |
Prekybos modelis, teigiama, pakito dėl KLR kilmės kumarino gabenimo per Indiją ir Tailandą. | This change in the pattern of trade was alleged to stem from the transhipment of coumarin originating in the PRC via India and Thailand. |
Kaip jau minėta, prekybos modelis tariamai pakito dėl prekių gabenimo per Indiją ir Tailandą. | As stated above, the change in the pattern of the trade was alleged to stem from transhipment via India and Thailand. |
Kalbant apie importą iš Tailando, kadangi nebuvo bendradarbiauta ir nėra prieštaraujančių įrodymų, galima teigti, kad atsižvelgiant į tai, kad importas prasidėjo praėjus keletui mėnesių nuo ankstesnio tyrimo pradžios, turbūt belaukiant atnaujintų antidempingo priemonių taikymo, prekybos modelis pakito dėl esamų antidempingo priemonių, o ne dėl kurios nors kitos pagrįstos priežasties arba ekonominio sumetimo, kaip apibrėžta pagrindinio reglamento 13 straipsnio 1 dalyje. | As to imports from Thailand, in the absence of cooperation and of any contrary evidence, it is concluded that, given that the imports started some months after the initiation of the previous investigation, probably in anticipation of a renewed imposition of the existing anti-dumping measures, the change in the pattern of trade stemmed from the existence of the anti-dumping measures rather than from any other sufficient due cause or economic justification within the meaning of Article 13(1) of the basic Regulation. |
Prekybos modelis pakito perkraunant ir (arba) surenkant tam tikrų žiedinių segtuvų mechanizmus, kurių kilmės šalis yra Kinijos Liaudies Respublika, Laoso Liaudies Demokratinėje Respublikoje. | This change in the pattern of trade appears to stem from a transhipment of certain ring binder mechanisms originating in the People's Republic of China via Lao People’s Democratic Republic and/or the assembly of certain ring binder mechanisms in Lao People’s Democratic Republic. |
Todėl grįžęs pakišau kambaryje unciją heroino ir pasodinau tėvą nuo septynerių iki devynerių metų. | So I went back out there, I put an ounce of heroin on the living room floor, and I sent the father on a ride, seven to nine. |
- Ar aš tave pakišau? | - Did I set you up? |
- Tu pakišai! - Taip, pakišau. | Yeah, I planted it. |
Tu mus pakišai! | You set us up! |
Na tu pakišai mane dėl vagystės. jie norėjo mane nužudyti. | Uh, well, you framed me for the theft, so they would execute me. |
Tu tai Meri ir Kasandrai pakišai, kad jos būtu išmestos. | You planted that paint on Cassandra and Mary to get them kicked out of school. |
Tu mane pakišai. | You set me up. |
Tu mane pakišai! | You set me up! |
Papasakosi tiesą, kad viską suorganizavai, kad pakišai įkalčius, ir aš išvyksiu namo. | And you will tell the truth that you planted this and you set this up, and I'm gonna go home. |
Tu ką tik man pakišai mintį. | You just gave me an idea, man. |
Tu pakišai tą istoriją su višta! | You planted that story about the chicken! |
Gavau teisės praktikos licenziją 20-čiai mėnesių. Galėčiau priversti juos manyti, kad tu pakišai istoriją su višta. | I've been licensed to practice law for all of 20 months, and I could get a jury to believe that you planted the story about Eduardo and the chicken. |
Tu ką, pakišai Domą man, o paskui tiesiog mes išsiskirstom? | You put Dom and I in a room together and then we just wipe each other out? |
Tu pakišai mane. | You set me up. |
Tu mane pakišai? | You set me up? |
- Ar tu mane pakišai? | - Did you set me up? |
- Tu mane pakišai. | - You framed me with this... |
Labai tau ačiū, kad pakišai mane prie kasos. | Ugh, thanks a lot for selling me out back there. |
Pašnekovo nuomone, koją pakišo tai, kad ji buvo neprivaloma. | Its voluntary character is to blame, he added. |
Taigi jis mums pakišo idėją meluotii farams. | So he put the idea in our heads to tip off the cops. |
Taip. - Kad jį pakišo. | That he was set up. |
Gudriai sugalvojai, Kalai. Roza, man jį pakišo. | Rose, they put it in my pocket. |
Čia buvo tavo idėja ar Kameronas tau ją pakišo? | Was that your idea or did Cameron put you up to that? |
Jis pakišo kraujo likučių įkalčius nusikaltimų vietose. | He planted blood evidence. |
Phillip'ai, mus pakišo! | Phillip, we've been ambushed! |
Ar specialiai pakišo. | Or planted it there. |
-Mus pakišo. | - We were framed. |
Panašu, kad mus specialiai pakišo. | -They won't die. |
Džonsonas pakišo man kažkokį beprotį. | Johnson had me on some nutty skunk. |
Jis mane pakišo...! | He set me up...! |
Manau mane pakišo... | I think I'm being set up... |
Ar ji patikėjo, kad Breselis ją pakišo? | Did anyone else see it? Did she know about the work I was doing? |
Kas galvoji nutko? Mane pakišo. | Okay, you're on Interpol's most wanted list. |
Bagwell Mane pakišo! | Bagwell set me up! |
Bagwell mane pakišo. | - Bagwell set me up. |
Žinau, kad kartą jis pakišo įkaltį. | - I know he planted evidence once. |
Tai pačiai vyriausybei, kuri mane pakišo? | The same government that set me up? ! |
Moteris, kuri mane pakišo... mane ir paleis. | The woman that set me up... is going to set me free. |
Aš čia turiu vyruką, jo vardas Maiklas Skofildas, ir jis paliudys, kad mane pakišo, kad įdėjo narkotikus į jachtą. | I've got a guy in,in here,his name is Michael Scofield and, and he will testify that he set me up and that he put the drugs on the boat. |
Manai Gretšen mus pakišo? | You think gretchen set us up? |
Mus pakišo. | We were set up. |
Maiklai, nesu vienintėlė kuri tave pakišo. | I'm not the one who set you up, michael. |
Tėvynės apsauga žino kad Selfas mus pakišo. | Homeland knows self screwed us. |
Ar Lorensas pakišo šitą sąskaitą? | Did Lawrence in accounting put you up to this? |
Jie pakišo šnipą, kurio vardą pasakys vėliau. | Come on, Zohan, you have to like that deal. |
Selfas pakišo mus. | Self pulled the plug on us. |
Tiems patiems žmonėms kurie mane pakišo dėl nužudimo. | The same people that set me up for murder. |
Taigi, du metus. Kažkas iš jusu pažistamu pakišo man vaistus Bostone. Ar ne taip? | So for the past two years you've had somebody slipping me drugs in Boston. |
Kažkas pakišo kokaino į kambarį. | Somebody sent the coke in there, because it got in there. |
Specialiai pakišo jį jam. | She planted it on him. |
Kažkas mane pakišo. | Somebody is setting me up! |
-Manai, kad jį pakišo? | - You think they set him up? |
Padariau klaidą su ta moterimi, ir ji mane pakišo. | I made a mistake with that woman, and she was setting me up. |
Ir paskutinis įvykis kurį mačiau, tai, kad ji mane pakišo. | - And that's when I saw she'd set me up. - Set it up how? |
Tuo vyruku rūpinausi dešimtį metų, ir jis mane pakišo. | This is a different knife. I've been taking care of this guy for 10 years, and he set me up. |
Farai viską pakišo, norėjo, kad mes manytume, kad jie nieko neturi. Kai iš tiesų jie turi pakankamai įkalčių įkišti tave už grotų 20-čiai metų. | The cops used it to set us up, to make us think they didn't have anything, when, in fact, they've got enough to put your golf-playing ass away for 20 years, big boy. |
Na ir kaip tavo manymu turėčiau įrodyti, kad ji tave pakišo? | You tell me, how the hell am I supposed to make that look like she set you up? |
Mane pakišo. | It was a set-up.. . |
Kas pakišo tokią nesąmoningą mintį? | Where did you get such an insane notion? |
Karak jį pakišo. | Carrack played him. |
Jie mane pakišo. | Those guys set me up. |
David'as Englander'eris pakišo mane. | David Englander set me up. |
Jis tvirtina, kad jį pakišo. | He claims he was set up. |
Jis nugarą pakišo. | Hit it. He's giving you his back. |
Valgėme spageti restorane ir padavėjas mums pakišo šią mintį. | We were at this spaghetti place, and we had this waiter and he said he did it. |
Kalbu apie tavo draugelį beždžionę, kuris man pakišo koją. | I'm talking about your pet ape just tripped me. |
Tas, kas jį pakišo, žinojo apie įvykį Bagdade. Apie tai jis galėjo sužinoti iš vienintelio žmogaus - paties Baro. | Whoever chose him knew about Baghdad and the only one who could have told him about Baghdad was Barr himself. |
Jūsų vyras mane pakišo. | But your husband set me up. |
Kažkas jį pakišo. | Someone used him. |
Jie man pakišo stiklą apačioj. | They put glass down for me. They got me. |
Bet mano kelias buvo man parinktas mano priešo kuris pakišo mane dėl mokytojo nužudymo. | But my path was chosen for me by my enemy who framed me for killing the Hard Master. |
Kaip ir tie, kurie tave pakišo. | They're the ones that set you up. |
Aš manau, kad vyras buvo neblogas vyrukas. Ričis Crenna. Po to ji pakišo jį. | but I actually thought was quite nice, as played by Richard Crenna, and then she set him up for the murder. |
Mus pakišo, vyruti. | It's a set-up, man. |
Taigi mes galime tai sužinoti iš pirmųjų rankų, ką jis jaučia, kad mes asilai jį pakišome? | So we could find out first-hand, what it feels like to have our asses kicked? |
Jūs pakišote mus! | You set us up! |