Zergatik ez duzu ekarri? | Why don't you bring her? |
- Pakaren terako hau ekarri dut. | - Got this for Dad's tea. - Lovely. |
Zerk ekarri zintuen Casablancara? | What brought you to Casablanca? |
Pentsatu dut eskatuko zidatela, eta ona ekarri dut... eta edalontzi ona. | I thought you'd ask me, so I brought the good brandy... ...and the dress glass. |
- Dirua ekarri dut. | - I brought the money. |
Zorigaitza ekartzen diozu. | You're bad luck to him. |
Softwarea ekartzen baduzu ikastetxera, "Oh, ez. | If you bring some software to school, "Oh! |
Nola jendeak filmak ekartzen dizkizunak suposatuko dut nire betaurrekoengaitik ordaintzea? osasun asegurua lortu? eta nire ikas maileguak ordaindu? | How are the people who bring you the movies supposed to pay for my glasses? get health insurance? and pay off my student loans? |
"Ruth eta nik etorkizuna itxaroten dugu, ekartzen diguna axolagabe. Amaiera." | "Ruth and I look forward to the future, whatever it may hold." |
Eduki hor autoa ekartzen duten arte. | Now you keep him there till you bring the car. |
- Baina ekarriko duzu hona. | - But you'll bring her back here. |
Zuetako batek nigana ekarriko du. | One of you will bring that back to me. |
Honek ez dizkizu arazoak besterik ekarriko. | Ain't nothing but trouble for you here. |
Laszlo kafetegi batean izateak erakustaldi hau eragiten badu... zer gehiago ekarriko du bere hemen egoteak? | See? If Laszlo's presence in a café can inspire this demonstration... ...what more will his presence here bring on? |
Nik neurea ekarriko dut. | I'll get mine. |
Ideiak ekar ditzazuela nahi dut. | I want ideas from you. |
Nahi dut Buciumas ekar dezazula hona, ekarri dezala bere autoa eta ireki sarrera. | I want you to bring Buciumas over here, get your car here and open the gates. |
Zure ama ekar nezan nahi zenuen, eta egin dut. Hori da dena! | You wanted me to get your mother here, I did, That's it! |
Nire osabak bizigaiak ekar diezagun. | So my uncle can bring us food. |
Ba, mundu honetan aurkitzen duzuna edozer izanda ere... otoitz egiten dut pakea ekar diezazun. | Well, whatever one you find in this world, |