Destruir (to destroy) conjugation

53 examples

Conjugation of destruir

Present tense
I destroy
you destroy
he/she destroys
we destroy
you all destroy
they destroy
Present perfect tense
he destruït
I have destroyed
has destruït
you have destroyed
ha destruït
he/she has destroyed
hem destruït
we have destroyed
heu destruït
you all have destroyed
han destruït
they have destroyed
Future tense
I will destroy
you will destroy
he/she will destroy
we will destroy
you all will destroy
they will destroy
Conditional mood
I would destroy
you would destroy
he/she would destroy
we would destroy
you all would destroy
they would destroy
Past perfect tense
havia destruït
I had destroyed
havies destruït
you had destroyed
havia destruït
he/she had destroyed
havíem destruït
we had destroyed
havíeu destruït
you all had destroyed
havien destruït
they had destroyed
Past impf. tense
I was destroying
you were destroying
he/she was destroying
we were destroying
you all were destroying
they were destroying
Imperative mood
let him/her destroy!
let's destroy!
let them destroy!
Imperative negative mood
no destrueixis
don't destroy!
no destrueixi
don't let him/her destroy!
no destruïm
let's not destroy!
no destruïu
don't destroy!
no destrueixin
don't let them destroy!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria destruït
I would have destroyed
hauries destruït
you would have destroyed
hauria destruït
he/she would have destroyed
hauríem destruït
we would have destroyed
hauríeu destruït
you all would have destroyed
haurien destruït
they would have destroyed
Future perfect tense
hauré destruït
I will have destroyed
hauràs destruït
you will have destroyed
haurà destruït
he/she will have destroyed
haurem destruït
we will have destroyed
haureu destruït
you all will have destroyed
hauren destruït
they will have destroyed
Preterite past tense
I destroyed
you destroyed
he/she destroyed
we destroyed
you all destroyed
they destroyed
Past anterior tense
haguí destruït
I had destroyed
hagueres destruït
you had destroyed
hagué destruït
he/she had destroyed
haguérem destruït
we had destroyed
haguéreu destruït
you all had destroyed
haguéren destruït
they had destroyed
Subjunctive of present tense
(so that I) destroy
(so that you) destroy
(so that he/she) destroys
(so that we) destroy
(so that you all) destroy
(so that they) destroy
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
(so that I) was destroying
(so that you) were destroying
(so that he/she) was destroying
(so that we) were destroying
(so that you all) were destroying
(so that they) were destroying
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi destruït
(so that I) have destroyed
hagis destruït
(so that you) have destroyed
hagi destruït
(so that he/she) has destroyed
hàgim destruït
(so that we) have destroyed
hàgiu destruït
(so that you all) have destroyed
hagin destruït
(so that they) have destroyed
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués destruït
(so that I) had destroyed
haguessis destruït
(so that you) had destroyed
hagués destruït
(so that he/she) had destroyed
haguéssim destruït
(so that we) had destroyed
haguéssiu destruït
(so that you all) had destroyed
haguessin destruït
(so that they) had destroyed
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi destruir
(so that I) destroyed
vagis destruir
(so that you) destroyed
vagi destruir
(so that he/she) destroyed
vàgim destruir
(so that we) destroyed
vàgiu destruir
(so that you all) destroyed
vagin destruir
(so that they) destroyed
Periphastic past tense
vaig destruir
I destroyed
vas destruir
you destroyed
va destruir
he/she destroyed
vam destruir
we destroyed
vau destruir
you all destroyed
van destruir
they destroyed
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver destruït
I had destroyed
vas haver destruït
you had destroyed
va haver destruït
he/she had destroyed
vam haver destruït
we had destroyed
vau haver destruït
you all had destroyed
van haver destruït
they had destroyed

Examples of destruir

Example in CatalanTranslation in English
A Svishtov, una gran ciutat búlgara de la zona situada a catorze quilòmetres del lloc de construcció, hi van morir cent vint persones; el terratrèmol del 1977 també va destruir edificis de la ciutat de Belene, tan sols a tres quilòmetres de l'indret on es volia construir la central nuclear.In Svishtov, a major Bulgarian city in the area, located 14 km away from the construction site, 120 people were killed back then; the 1977 earthquake also destroyed buildings in the city of Belene, just 3 km from the NPP site.
Com marquen encara els rellotges de moltes esglésies i campanars del centre de l'Aquila, el 6 d'abril de 2009 a les 3.32 de la matinada un terratrèmol de sis graus a l'escala de Richter va trencar el silenci i va destruir la vida d'una ciutat sencera.As still marked by many church clocks and bell towers at the center of L'Aquila , at 3:32 am of April 6, 2009, a 6.3 magnitude earthquake broke the silence of the sleeping town and destroyed the lives of many of its inhabitants.
Sis mesos i les milícies d'Assad van utilitzar explosius i míssils per destruir els barris assetjats d'Homs.Six months and Assad militia used all kinds of explosives and missiles to destroy the besieged neighborhoods of Homs.
No haurien de desfer-se'n o destruir aquests monuments.These monuments should not be disposed of or destroyed.
L'Honorable Ministra de medi ambient i boscos, la senyoreta Jayanthi Natarajan, va intervenir personalment, i tant el departament de boscos de l'Índia com l'administració del districte van actuar ràpidament per tal de destruir les xarxes i alliberar alguns falcons que encara hi restaven atrapats.The Honourable Minister (for environment and forests), Miss Jayanthi Natarajan personally intervened and The Indian Forest Department and District Administration also acted fast to destroy nets and release several still-captive falcons.
Ara, destrueixo els meus textos incompetents.Now I destroy my inept writings.
O destrueixo la meva gent o deixo que l'univers cremi.Either I destroy my own people or let the universe burn.
Tu tornes aquí i simplement ho destrueixes tot!You come back here and you just destroy everything!
Si compromets la nostra seguretat, destrueixes la nostra comunitat.Compromise our safety, destroy our community,
Són en el que et convertiràs si destrueixes Gallifrey.They're what you become if you destroy Gallifrey.
I sé que vols venjança. Però si destrueixes el vaixell de l'Ivo, la Shado haurà mort en va.But if you destroy Ivo's freighter... then Shado will have died for nothing.
Aquesta política destrueix la vida de molts estrangers que s'han establert a França i que durant anys han construït les seves vides aquí.This policy destroys the lives of many foreigners who have been settled in France and have built their lives here for years.
Ens consumeix vius. Ens destrueix els codis genètics i les estructures cel·lulars.It consumes our bodies destroys our genetic codes and cellular structures.
L'amor ens fa emmalaltir, persegueix als nostres somnis, destrueix els nostres dies.Love makes us sick, haunts our dreams, destroys our days.
Per un altre banda, hi ha un déu que destrueix els planetes i la vidaOn the other hand, there is also a god who destroys stars and life.
Com ja he dit abans, destruïm la Terra i anem cap a casa!I said it before! We're destroying Earth and going home!
Només unes quantes setmanes abans, una sèrie d'intensos incendis havien destruït les pistes forestals i era especialment difícil transitar-hi.Just a few weeks prior to that, fierce wildfires had destroyed forest paths and it was particularly difficult to navigate.
Un sistema polític i econòmic sencer - que tracta una meitat de la humanitat com a animals - ha de ser destruït juntament amb les altres formes, més evidents, de tiranies que ofeguen el futur de la regió.An entire political and economic system - one that treats half of humanity like animals - must be destroyed along with the other more obvious tyrannies choking off the region from its future.
20 minuts que han destruït el poc que restava de la democràcia ucraïnesa.20 minutes that destroyed the remnants of Ukrainian democracy
Vostè podria haver destruït el seu únic mitjà d'ajuda.You could have destroyed your only means of help.
Amb tot aquest poder, el planeta Terra serà destruït!With all that power, the planet Earth will be destroyed!
Trobeu-los i destruïu-los!Find them and destroy them!
Perseguiu aquesta tal Germandat i destruïu-la.Track down this brotherhood and destroy them.
* Enderrocar tots els que roben al poble, destrueixen les seues cases, salut i entorn* To overthrow all those who steal from people, destroy their homes, health and environment
Si esteu a favor d'una votació justa, ajudeu els que lluiten per ella, i no els que la destrueixen.If you are for fair elections - help those who are fighting for them, don’t help those who destroy elections.
A més de provocar un gran sofriment entre la població, aquests atacs destrueixen el patrimoni cultural únic del Iemen, que és el repositori de la identitat, història i memòria del poble i un testimoni excepcional de les fites de la civilització islàmica. Faig una crida a totes les parts perquè s'abstinguin de fer servir militarment els llocs i monuments del patrimoni cultural o que els incloguin entre els seus objectius durant els atacs i que respectin així les seves obligacions segons els tractats internacionals.In addition to causing terrible human suffering, these attacks are destroying Yemen’s unique cultural heritage, which is the repository of people’s identity, history and memory and an exceptional testimony to the achievements of the Islamic Civilization...I call on all parties to refrain from any military use or targeting of cultural heritage sites and monuments, in respect of their obligations under international treaties
Tot i així, costa més veure com es destrueixen edificis que recordes, carrers pels que has caminat i paisatges que t'estimaves. És clar, les vides dels milers de persones mortes a la guerra del Iemen són més importants.Yet, when the places destroyed are buildings you remember, streets you walked down and sights you loved, the pill is harder to swallow...Of course, the lives of the thousands killed in Yemen's war are more important.
Si et costa entendre què represent el casc antic de Sanà pels iemenites, imagina que es destrueixen les piràmides d'#Egipte. #Iemen — Ali Almurtada (@AliAlmurtada), 13 de juny de 2015.If you find it hard to understand what Old Sanaa represents to Yemenis, imagine the pyramids in #Egypt being destroyed. #Yemen — Ali Almurtada (@AliAlmurtada) June 13, 2015
Us destruiré.I will destroy you.
Un dispositiu que destruirà... tota vida humana i animal sobre la Terra. Tota vida humana i animal?A device which will destroy all human and animal life on earth.
Perque cresi que la dròga nos destruirà totes dins un brieu.Because I believe this drug business will destroy us in the years to come.
Si aquesta bateria es trenca, l' àcid destruirà el seu vestit espacial.If that battery breaks, the acid will destroy your spacesuit.
La lluita és a prop, Sydney... si els vietnamesos entren l'Angka ho destruirà tot... i els vietnamesos només trobaran cendra.The fighting is close by, Sydney. If the Vietnamese get here... ...Angka will destroy everything... ...and the Vietnamese, they will find only ashes.
Què és això? Un dispositiu que destruirà... tota vida humana i animal sobre la Terra.A device which will destroy all human and animal life on Earth.
L'envairem i la destruirem, i amb les seves extremitats lligades a quatre cavalls, el seu cos serà esquinçat.We will invade and we will destroy her, and her limbs being fastened to four horses, her body will be torn apart.
Sisè: un estudi oficiós que vam fer d'una eventualitat com aquesta... va indicar que destruiríem el 90% de la seva capacitat nuclear.Six: An unofficial study, which we undertook of this eventuality, - - indicated that we would destroy 90% of their nuclear capabilities.
un estudi oficiós que vam fer d'una eventualitat com aquesta... va indicar que destruiríem el 90% de la seva capacitat nuclear.An unofficial study which we undertook of this eventuality... indicated that we would destroy 90% of their nuclear capabilities.
L’any 2004, destruïren a la Costa d’Ivori la petita força aèria ivoriana després que les forces governamentals bombardegessin una base francesa.In 2004 in Côte-d’Ivoire, France destroyed the small Ivorian airforce after government forces bombed a French base.
El govern de Namíbia té intenció de construir-hi una central hidroelèctrica per regular el cabal del riu, però els ecologistes temen que aquest projecte destrueixi part de la fauna i la flora del delta.The Namibian government has plans to build a hydropower station which would regulate the Okavango's flow, but environmentalists fear that this project could destroy most of the fauna and flora in the Delta.
I no deixaré que ho destrueixi.And I'll not let you destroy that.
Digues a la teva senyora que el destrueixi quan ho llegeixi.Tell your mistress to destroy it the moment she's read it.
Un cop destrueixi l'esperit de la màgia en aquesta ciutat, la maledicció de les bruixes finalment estarà trencada.Once we destroy the spirit magic in this town, the witches' curse will finally be broken.
No et permetre que ho destrueixis tot!I won't let you continue to destroy and destroy!
Continua sent un misteri, però no destrueixis la Terra.That's still a mystery, but don't destroy this planet.
Que ho destrueixin tot i matin els nostres fills, però mai podran matar la nostra voluntat ni els nostres somnis.Let them destroy everything and kill our children but they will never be able to kill our will and our dreams.
Si els militars reben aquesta emissió, que destrueixin l'edifici immediatament, abans que en surtin aquests animals.If the military is listening to this broadcast... they have to destroy this building immediately... before these creatures can escape.
He entrat al sistema del banc de proves i he ordenat que destrueixin la mostra.I just hacked the crime lab and ordered the sample destroyed. Oops.
No podem ser les persones que destrueixin l'oportunitat de la humanitat...We can't be the people that destroys humanity's chance at life.
Una de les moltes mesquites que el règim d'Al-Àssad està destruint durant el ramadà.One of many Mosques the Assad regime is destroying in Ramadan.
La guerra està destruint els principis de la República.I think this war is destroying the principles of the Republic.
Però això és un racó, d'una ciutat, d'un continent, en un planeta que és un racó de la galàxia, que és un racó d'un univers que sempre està creixent i encongint i creant i destruint, i mai es manté igual ni per un sol milisegon.I'm not running away. This is one corner of one country, in one continent on one planet that's a corner of a galaxy, that's a corner of a universe that is forever growing and shrinking and creating and destroying and never remaining the same for a single millisecond and there is so much, so much, to see, Amy.
Ara estàs destruint molts somnis.You are destroying a lot of dreams right now.
La industria de la gamba tigre està destruint el manglars.Tiger shrimp's industry is destroying mangroves.

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