... que fueron imposibles de rehabilitar. | - Who proved impossible to rehabilitate. |
Además de que necesito este arresto para rehabilitar mi carrera. | Also that I needed this arrest to rehabilitate my career. |
Agradezco que, después de cinco agotadores meses, al fin puedo asegurar al personal su seguridad, y cumplir mi promesa de rehabilitar no solo a nuestras prisioneras, sino cómo trabajamos aquí en Wentworth. | 'I am grateful that, after a gruelling five months, 'I can confidently reassure my staff of their safety, 'and deliver on my promise to you to rehabilitate 'not only our prisoners, but the way that we work here at Wentworth. |
Ahora, si tu intención es rehabilitar la imagen de Grayson Global, te animaría a que no siguieras con esta adquisición. | Now if your intention is to rehabilitate Grayson Global's image, I would encourage you to not go through with this acquisition. |
Así que me he encargado de rehabilitar a Dave para ver si quizá Kurt puede considerar volver y ayudarnos a ganar las Nacionales. | So I've taken it upon myself to try to rehabilitate Dave to see if maybe Kurt would consider coming back and help us win nationals. |
Digamos que esta terapia sale bien... y cambia mi vida y me rehabilito. | Say this therapy goes well and it changes my life and I rehabilitate. |
Hoy, ella es una psicóloga que rehabilita adultos jóvenes, con similares cicatrices por su estricta educación religiosa. | Today she's a psychologist who rehabilitates young adults similarly scarred by their narrow religious upbringing. |
Porque ira a un lugar que ni trata, ni enseña, ni rehabilita. | 'Cause he'll go to a place that neither treats, nor trains, nor rehabilitates. |
¿Encuentra que rehabilita al prisionero? | Do you find that it rehabilitates the prisoner? |
Le enviamos aquí y rehabilitamos que para que no hacerlo de nuevo. | We send you here and we rehabilitate you so you won't do it again. |
Pienso que nos rehabilitamos nosotros mismos. | I think we rehabilitate ourselves. |
Me rehabilité a través de la moda. | I rehabilitated myself with fashion. |
Mira, Rita tenía sus problemas... amistades dudosas, hurtos en tiendas... pero la rehabilité. | Look, Rita had her problems-- iffy friends, shoplifting-- but I rehabilitated her. |
Pero ya que mi condición es el resultado de un encuentro de Sumo, sabiamente me llevó a un gimnasio de Sumo, donde me rehabilité gracias a un programa de antiguos Remedios Homeopáticos de Sumo, | But since my condition resulted from a Sumo Situation, she wisely took me to a Sumo Gym, where I was rehabilitated thanks to a program of ancient Sumo Homeopatic Remedies, |
Le mostrará que te rehabilitaste. | It'd show you'd rehabilitated yourself. |
Tu hermana me dice que te rehabilitaste. | Your sister says you've rehabilitated yourself. |
Y parece que Vick se rehabilitó. | And it looks like Vick has been rehabilitated. |
En el 55 reapareció en Hungría. Lo liberaron, lo rehabilitaron. | He reappeared in Hungary in 1955, released and rehabilitated. |
Sí que te cambiaron el color cuando te rehabilitaron en Sing Sing. | They sure changed your color when they rehabilitated you at Sing Sing. |
Sin embargo, tengo un plan que nos rehabilitará a ambos. | However, I've got a plan that will rehabilitate both of us. |
- Me rehabilite sin ayuda. | - I'll rehabilitate myself. |
Con ustedes teniendo tanta voluntad en inscribirla en nuestro programa, hay mucha esperanza para que ella se rehabilite. | You know, with you all being so willing to enroll her in our program, there's plenty of hope for her to be rehabilitated. |
El director cree que es hora de dejar que se rehabilite - Alternando con los demás. | The warden thinks it's time... to give him a chance to rehabilitate himself... by socializing with the other prisoners. |
Hemos encontrado un bonito sitio para que Frank se rehabilite. | We actually found a nice place for Frank to rehabilitate. |
Para que te rehabilites yo haré cualquier cosa. | For you to rehabilitate yourself... - I'll do anything. |
Pero donde intervengo en tu vida es en asegurarme de que permanezcas aquí de que te rehabilites y te conviertas en un preso modelo en un ser humano mejor. | But where I play a part in your life is to make sure that you stay here. That you rehabilitate yourself become a model prisoner a better human being. |
- ¿Se siente rehabilitado? | -You feel you've been rehabilitated? |
-Él no puede ser rehabilitado. | He can't be rehabilitated. |
A menos que quieras ser rehabilitado. | Unless you wanna be rehabilitated yourself. |
Absolutamente rehabilitado. | Absolutely rehabilitated. |
Ahora estoy rehabilitado. | I'm rehabilitated now. |
Has hecho un gran trabajo rehabilitando la imagen de mi nieto. | You've done a fine job rehabilitating my grandson's image. |
Lo que están haciendo... rehabilitando la ciudad, restaurando el orgullo cívico. | What they're doing-- rehabilitating the city, restoring civic pride... |
No estás rehabilitando personas, Ezra, las estás torturando! | You're not rehabilitating people, Ezra. You're torturing them. |
Parece que lo estás rehabilitando también. | Looks like you're rehabilitating him also. |
Pero ha cambiado, lo estoy rehabilitando. | But he's changed, I'm rehabilitating him. |