- Kas lasen selle puhul kümme aupauku? Ei. | - Shall I fire off a ceremonial ten-gun salute? |
- Mul ükskõik! Ma lasen sellel mooril pea otsast kui sa relva käest ei pane! | I'm gonna blow this bag's head off if you don't put down your gun! |
- Visake relvad maha, muidu lasen ma tal ajud välja! | Drop your guns, or I'll spray her brains all over the room! |
Aga, kui te ei taha koostööd teha... siis lasen su kohe praegu nii auklikuks... et terve su jõuk näeb, mida hommikuks sõid. | But if you don't wanna cooperate... ... I 'llopenyouuprightnow with this shotgun so wide... ...yourwholecrew'sgonnasee what you had for breakfast. |
- Sa lased minu paadis relvast! | ! - You're shooting a gun on my boat! |
- Sa lased õhutõrjekahurit? | - You firing the 'aack- ack' gun? |
...ning muudab selle perversse süsteemi, mis laseb relvi kooli tuua, ning keelab meil seal palvetada. | ...and change a perverted system that lets us carry guns to school, but forbids us to pray there. |
Igaüks teist võtab oma relvavöö lahti, laseb selle põrandale ja astub sammu tagasi. | All right, now one by one, start with you, unbuckle your guns drop them and step back. |
Mu oma isa laseb mind, kui looma. | My own father guns me down like an animal. |
See mänguasi laseb 200 lasku korraga. | This toy is worth 150 guns. |
Hea küll, laseme relvad alla... ühel ajal. | All right, come on, put the gun down... same time. |
Kui me ta ära laseme, oleme kõigest ilma. | If we miss her, we got nothing. I'll leave you the gun. |
Kui vaja, siis laseme nad kahuriga tükkideks. | if necessary, we will use the big gun and blow them to pieces. |
Me põgeneme, sest te lasete mind maha ja panete pärast relva kätte. | We run because you shoot me, then put a gun in my hand. Shut up. |
On ehk mingi võimalus, ostate meie raha eest paar püssi juurde ning lasete meil teid abistada? | Any chance you'd be willing to buy a couple extra guns with our share of the watch money and let us help out? |
Te kõik lasete oma relvad alla. | You're gonna put your guns down. |
Ei, sest vahel, kui rahvas purju jääb, võtavad nad oma relva ja lasevad oma kaaslastele kuuli keradesse. | No. Because sometimes when people get drunk, they grab a gun and shoot their boyfriends in the testicles. |
Firmad soovivad suurendada töötajate ühtekuuluvust, niisiis jooksevad nad relvadega ringi ja lasevad üksteist värviga, lasevad veidi auru välja... | Companies wanna promote team building so they run around with guns and shoot each other with paint, blow off a little steam... |
Kui me proovime nende relvadest mööduda, lasevad nad meid õhku. | If we tried to pass their guns, they'd blow us up. |
Sa varitsesid teda, lasksid ta maha ja võtsid kaardi. | You bushwhacked him, gunned him down, and took his map. |
Boliivia armee laskis nad maha. | They were gunned down. |
Keegi laskis Geigeri maha. | Somebody gunned Geiger. |
Raske uskuda, et tea laskis ma ta enda partner. | It's hard to believe that she was gunned down by her own partner. |
Või laskis Geiger kellegi maha ja põgenes minema. | Or somebody got gunned by Geiger who ran away. |
- Ei ole. Mina lihtsalt inimese pihta ei lase. | I can't discharge a gun at a human being. |
- Ei, lase käia. | Because they pulled a gun in my face... |
- Ei-ei, lase käia. Võta. | - I don't need a gun. |
- Miks ma kuuli pähe ei lase? | Why don't I just eat a gun? |
- Aga sa pead oma relva mulle loovutama ja laskma ennast arreteerida. - Ei. | But you're gonna have to give me the gun and let me arrest you. |
Aga sa pead mulle relva andma ja laskma end vahistada | I'm not mad at you, but you have to give me the gun... and let me arrest you. |
Aga sa pead relva mulle andma ja laskma end arreteerida. | I'm not mad at you, but you have to give me the gun... and let me arrest you. |
Arthur, sina pead sellest relvast laskma. | Arthur, you must fire the gun. |
"Pead tooma õiged püssid, et lasta püsti karu sussid." | "Gotta bring enough gun to get the job done." |
- Oskad sa lasta, Selzman? - Oskan. | - Can you fire a gun, Selzman? |
- Sa ei tohi lasta tal kohvrit võtta! | Drop the gun! You can't let him take the case! |
Aga kui Costeli kontakt avastati, see oli üks omadest, lasi ta selle maha. | But when Costel's contact was discovered, to be one of your own, he gunned him down. |
Ben Wade lasi maha mu venna, kes oli veel laps. Minu silme all. Kuue aasta eest Abeline'is. | Ben Wade gunned down my kid brother in front of me six years ago in Abilene. |
Ben Wade lasi maha mu venna, kes oli veel laps. Minu silme all. Kuue aasta eest Abeline'is. | Ben Wade gunned down my kid brother in front of me six years ago in Abilene. |
Enne seda jooksis ta majja ja lasi magamise pealt maha oma kaks poega. | Before he did, he ran into the house, and you shotgunned your two boys as they slept in their beds. |
...tegeledesomaasjadega ja nad lasid ta maha. | ...mindinghisown business, they gunned him down. |
Föderaalagendid jälgisid neid ja lasid maha varitsusel. | Federal agents tracked them and gunned them down in an ambush. |
HaIIoweeni õhtu, istus taga. . . . . .tegeledes oma asjadega ja nad lasid ta maha. | Halloween night, sitting in back. . . . . .minding his own business, they gunned him down. |
Kolmas palat? Täna lasid valvurid maha kolm uut tulijat. | Today, three of the newcomers were gunned down by the guards. |
Teie lasite nad maha, nüüd on nad kõigi probleem. | Of course, you gunned them down, so now they're everyone's problem. |