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Sparare (to shoot) conjugation

127 examples
This verb can also mean the following: pipe up, discharge, fire

Conjugation of sparare

Present tense
I shoot
you shoot
he/she/it shoots
we shoot
you all shoot
they shoot
Present perfect tense
ho sparato
I have shot
hai sparato
you have shot
ha sparato
he/she/it has shot
abbiamo sparato
we have shot
avete sparato
you all have shot
hanno sparato
they have shot
Past preterite tense
I shot
you shot
he/she/it shot
we shot
you all shot
they shot
Future tense
I will shoot
you will shoot
he/she/it will shoot
we will shoot
you all will shoot
they will shoot
Conditional mood
I would shoot
you would shoot
he/she/it would shoot
we would shoot
you all would shoot
they would shoot
Past impf. tense
I used to shoot
you used to shoot
he/she/it used to shoot
we used to shoot
you all used to shoot
they used to shoot
Past perfect tense
avevo sparato
I had shot
avevi sparato
you had shot
aveva sparato
he/she/it had shot
avevamo sparato
we had shot
avevate sparato
you all had shot
avevano sparato
they had shot
Future perfect tense
avrò sparato
I will have shot
avrai sparato
you will have shot
avrà sparato
he/she/it will have shot
avremo sparato
we will have shot
avrete sparato
you all will have shot
avranno sparato
they will have shot
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I shoot
(if/so that) you shoot
(if/so that) he/she/it shoot
(if/so that) we shoot
(if/so that) you all shoot
(if/so that) they shoot
Present perf. subjunctive tense
abbia sparato
I have shot
abbia sparato
you have shot
abbia sparato
he/she/it has shot
abbiamo sparato
we have shot
abbiate sparato
you all have shot
abbiano sparato
they have shot
Imperative mood
let's shoot!
Conditional perfect tense
avrei sparato
I would have shot
avresti sparato
you would have shot
avrebbe sparato
he/she/it would have shot
avremmo sparato
we would have shot
avreste sparato
you all would have shot
avrebbero sparato
they would have shot

Examples of sparare

Example in ItalianTranslation in English
! Io... come faccio a sapere a chi sparare?How do I know which one to shoot?
! Mason stava per sparare!Mason was going to shoot!
" Ha continuato a sparare alla macchina straniera del tizio fino a quando Ellen è uscita e ha accettato di tornare a casa con lui."He stayed outside shooting holes in the fella's foreign car until Ellen came out and agreed to come back home with him.
""Vietato cacciare, sparare o entrare"" ."No hunting, shooting or trespassing."
"...non sparare, uomo!""...don't shoot, man!"
"Ehi, falla finita di starmi così addosso, se no ti sparo"."Yo, man. Yeah, you keep thinking you can just take me like that, I'm gonna shoot you."
"Entra di nuovo in casa mia, e ti sparo.""If you come into my home again, I will shoot you."
"Fermo o sparo."Stop or I'll shoot.
"O gli sparo in testa.""or I'll shoot her in the head."
"La prego, non mi spari, domani devo andare a lavorare"."Please, don't shoot me, mister. I got work tomorrow."
"Se lo fa ancora... tolga il cappotto e spari a quello che c'era dentro!""If he does it again remove the coat and shoot the contents!"
# Continua a suonare, prima che gli spari attraverso, Blue #♪ Keep playing 'til I shoot through, Blue
'Perche' quando spari a uno zombie in testa, qualche volta il cervello esce attraverso il buco, quindi bisogna ucciderlo separatamente.'Cause when you shoot a zombie in the head, sometimes the brains sneak out through the hole, and then you have to kill that separately.
(Tv-"La figlia ventenne ha udito gli spari."(Tv) "His 20 year old daughter has heard the shooting."
"Agente spara." Chi è?"Agent shoots." Who is he?
"Chitarrista spara al suo cantante.""Lead guitar player shoots lead singer"
"Pazzoide spara in una macelleria.""Crackpot shoots up butcher shop."
"Vicino spara a un tenore ubriaco per aver cantato La Tosca alle 3.Outraged neighbour shoots tipsy tenor for singing La Tosca at 3 a.m.
"che spara ai ragazzi solo perche' ridono del colore delle sue scarpe.""who shoots kids in the back if they laugh at the colour of his shoes."
"Basta... spariamo un colpo in testa a mamma e papa'."And it made you resentful, angry, and then you decided, "enough. - Let's shoot mommy and daddy in the head."
"Noi spariamo solo ai ragazzi della nostra squadra"."We only shoot guys in our own crew."
(BOETIE) Se scappano. spariamo.We always give them a warning, but if they run away, we have to shoot.
- A cosa spariamo, adesso?What should we shoot next?
- A cosa spariamo?-What're we gonna shoot?
! Ci hanno sparato per colpa vostra, agente.You're the reason we're getting shot at, officer.
! Le hanno sparato, ok?You've been shot, okay?
! Perche' le hanno quasi sparato, e lei e' nell'FBI.Because you almost got shot, and she's the FBI.
" Devo essre cieco ... ho sparato tre colpi e solo due di loro sono caduti."" I have to goin' blind ... fired three shots and only dropped two of 'em."
" No, signore. Io ho sparato all'elefante e devo ricordarmi il motivo di questa guerra" ."No, sir, I shot the elephant and I got to remember what this war was all about."
"Non sparate!""Don't shoot!"
"Non sparate, sommersby"."Don't shoot, Sommersby."
"Non sparate, sommersby.""Don't shoot, Sommersby."
"Non sparate.""Don't shoot.
"Non sparate."Don't shoot.
"Agenti del CBI si sparano a vicenda""CBI agents shoot each other"
"Dom e Brian guidano decappottabili fighissime e sparano con pistole assurde contro questi pazzi tizi giapponesi."Dom and Brian drive sick convertibles "and shoot awesome guns at these crazy Japanese dudes.
"Non sono le pistole che sparano alle persone, sono le persone che sparano alle persone".It's people that shoot people."
"Vieni a casa, qui sparano""Come home, Juditka, there's shooting here. "
# Gli sbirri ci sparano in faccia. Se entriamo con... #Then the cops will shoot us in our face If we go in with-
# Cosi' gli sparai e pugnalandolo # # gli rubai tutto cio' in suo possesso #♪ Then I shot him and stabbed him and stole all his gold ♪
## In un penitenziario del Rahway ## ## sparai ad un uomo che si comportava male con me ## ## perche' non mi faceva bere il the', ## ## e si porto' via i miei biscotti. ##in rahway state penitentiary I shot a man who was mean to me. He wouldn't let me drink my tea and took away my cookies.
..."Devi uccidere a quello", e io lo sparai nel petto.)..."You have to kill that one, and I shot him in the chest.
Ad uno a uno ci sparai. In mezzo agli occhi ci sparai.And I shot them, right between the eyes.
Aiutai i miei colleghi e sparai due colpi.I backed up my colleagues and fired two shots
- Gli sparasti, ricordi?- You shot him, remember?
Aveva moglie e due figli, e gli sparasti senza...This was a man with a wife and two small children, and you shot him without... hesitation, without a conscience
Così, quando venne qui tu corresti in camera di tuo fratello, afferrasti il suo fucile e appena Berton raggiunse la nostra porta, gli sparasti.When Berton left you and came here you rushed to your brother's room, grabbed his rifle and as Berton reached us, you shot him.
Era disarmato e tu gli sparasti.He was unarmed, and you shot him.
Lo picchiasti, gli sparasti e gli desti fuoco.You beat him, shot him... and burned.
- Chi le sparò?- Who shot her?
- E' di quello che mi sparò a Tabletop.That belongs to the man that took that a shot at me on Tabletop.
- Gurreri era uno dei tre che sparò a Galluzzo?He was one of the guys who shot at Galluzzo. Exactly.
- Quello che mi sparò, sì.- I got the one that shot me.
- vengono alle mani per prenderla. - E Mike sparò in testa a Kevin.And Mike shot Kevin in the head.
" e gli sparammo dopo 3 richiami. ""and was shot after 3 summons."
Cosi', la sera dopo, io e un altro uscimmo, trovammo Azar e gli sparammo.So next night, me and this other guy, we went out, we found Azar, and we shot him.
Due famiglie, li facemmo mettere contro la paratia... e gli sparammo.Two families, we put them up against the bulkhead. And we shot them.
Ma un'indiana scoccò una freccia e uccise uno dei nostri, e noi le sparammo.But this squaw, she loosed an arrow and killed one of the fellers, and then we shot her.
Si scopri' che era anche ebreo, e cosi' gli sparammo.Turned out he was also a Jew, so we shot him.
- Prima che tu e i tuoi amici gli sparaste?- Before you and your friends shot him?
- Prima che voi nazisti mi sparaste?Before you nazis shot me?
In realtà... vorrei che mi sparaste..Actually... I would like to be shot.
Se deve essere la mia fine, preferirei che mi sparaste anziche' pugnalarmi.If this is to be my end, I would rather be shot than stabbed.
Sta pianificando un attentato in una grande citta' americana, e mancavano 60 secondi alla sua cattura, prima che mi sparaste con quel bazooka.He's planning to attack a major American city, and he was 60 seconds away from capture before you shot me with that shoulder cannon.
- Come quando a Trevor spararono in Iraq... - Ehi.Like, when Trevor got shot up in Iraq--
- Gli spararono, lo sappiamo.He got shot. We know.
- Infatti gli spararono nella gamba.- In fact he was shot.
- Quando spararono a Reagan nel 1981, le tre reti andarono in diretta. Hanno sparato a Reagan.- When Reagan was shot in '81, the three networks went live.
- Quando spararono ad Elizabeth Gaines.When Elizabeth Gaines was shot.
- E io sparerò a un albatro.And I will shoot and albatross.
- le sparerò!Ma'am, I will shoot you.
Altrimenti io le sparerò, signora Dubois.I think you're going to climb up on that wall, and you're going to jump off it, 'cause if you don't, I will shoot you, Mrs. Dubois.
Butta l'arma dove io possa vederla o ti sparerò!Throw down your weapon where I can see it or I will shoot you!
Chiariamoci, se uno di voi si avvicina al governatore... più di quanto non lo sia adesso, sarò costretto a vederla come minaccia, e sparerò a sangue freddo.Let us agree that if either one of you gets any closer to the governor than you just did, I will be forced to consider that a threat to his person and I will shoot you where you stand.
Conteremo 12 passi e tu sparerai il tuo colpo,... ..ma io non ti pregherb di risparmiarmi.We'll count 12 steps, I'll stay so, before you, and you will shoot. But I,.. I won't beg you to spare me!
Io sparero' a te e poi tu Pam sparerai a me.I will shoot you, and then Pam, you will shoot me.
Promettimi che mi sparerai, se ce ne sarà bisogno.Promise me if there's ever any need that you will shoot me.
Quando non sparerai più, ti colpiranno!If you don't shoot first, they will shoot you.
Tu devi farlo. Prometti che sparerai.Promise that you will shoot.
- Beh, qualche fattore gli sparerà.- Well, then some farmer will shoot them.
Du-Ramin sparerà, ma dal fucile non partirà alcun colpo.Du-Ramin will shoot, but the gun will not fire.
Mailer vi sparerà, qui e ora.Mailer will shoot you, here and now.
Marvin sparerà a tutti e due.Marvin here will shoot us both.
Non importunare quella ragazza, Vern... o suo padre ti sparerà dove fa male.Don't pester that girl, Vern, or her father will shoot you where it hurts.
- E fa' che quelle armi siano pronte. Per una volta non spareremo solo a quei gabbiani.For once we will shoot at something other that seagulls.
- se continui a camminare, ti spareremo.If you keep walking we will shoot you!
Altrimenti, vi spareremo.If not, we will shoot you.
Certo gli spareremo.Surely we will shoot him.
Detective, se fa un passo in avanti le spareremo!Detective, if you take one step forward we will shoot you!
Avrete un solo avvertimento verbale e poi sparerete per uccidere.You will give one verbal warning, and then you will shoot to kill.
- Allora un giorno spareranno.One day they will shoot guns.
- Ci spareranno.They will shoot us.
- Indietreggiate o i miei uomini spareranno!Get back or my men will shoot!
- Non puoi superare i Servizi Segreti, ti spareranno.You try to get by Secret Service without clearance, and they will shoot you.
- Siamo a un matrimonio Sinti, è un posto pericoloso, non ci spareranno.A Sinti wedding is very dangerous in itself, nobody will shoot at us.
Oh mio Dio, mi sparerei.My God, I would shoot myself. I need to be around men.
Perche' io ti sparerei.'Cause I would shoot you.
Sai, ora come ora ti sparerei... ma non ho abbastanza gesso per disegnare la sagoma del tuo cadavere.You know, I would shoot you right now, but I don't have enough chalk to outline your body.
Se avessi una pistola le sparerei.If I had a gun, I would shoot her.
Se avessi una pistola, ti sparerei per il tuo bene.If I had a gun, I would shoot you for your own good.
Mi spareresti?You would shoot me,
Ti spareresti in testa e moriresti. - Ok.You would shoot yourself in the head and be dead.
Beh, gli sparerebbe.Well, he would shoot the human down.
Chi sparerebbe a questo piccolo cane carino?Who would shoot this cute, little dog?
E la tua gente mi sparerebbe seduta stante.They'd smell you on me and your kind would shoot me on the spot.
L'avvocato doppio-giochista non sembra il tipo che sparerebbe a qualcuno.The double-crossing lawyer doesn't seem the type that would shoot somebody.
La signora Carbone si sparerebbe se vi sentisse.Mrs. Carbone would shoot herself if she heard this.
Se lo facessi, ti sparerebbero.If you did, someone would shoot you.
Se tornasse in Russia, gli agenti federali gli sparerebbero a vista.If he went back to Russia, the FSB would shoot him on sight.
Gli sparavo dalla finestra di camera mia finche' la casa di riposo non mi ha tolto i diritti del secondo emendamento.I used to shoot 'em out of my bedroom window till the home took away my second amendment rights.
Io sparavo ai conigli laggiu', a 6 metri di distanza.I used to shoot rabbits down there, 20 feet away.
Ricordi i bei tempi, quando gli sparavamo e basta?Oh, remember the good old days when we just used to shoot 'em?
Basta che non mi spariate.Just don't shoot me.
E che poi mi spariate.And then I want you to shoot your weapon at me.
E potrebbe prevenire che vi spariate... di nuovo.And it may even keep you two from shooting each other.
È già grave che voi vagabondi vi spariate addosso... ...senzaaggiungeregli insulti.It's enough you saddle tramps shoot each other without using bad language too.
- Non voglio che mi sparino.I don't want them shooting me anymore.
- Se vuoi che ti sparino, ti sparo io.If you wanna get shot, I'll shoot you.
-Lo farò pa -Di loro che mi ha morso un serpente prima che ti picchino o ti sparino- Save I'm snake-bit afore they shoot.
A meno che non sparino per primi, nessuno spari.Now unless they start shootin' first, nobody shoot 'em.
Adesso, tutto quello che ti chiedo e' di ottenere per me e Ronnie la protezione di cui abbiamo bisogno, prima di andare a rischiare che ci sparino nel culo.Now, all I'm asking is that Ronnie and I get the protection we need before we put our asses on the shooting range.
"I sicari di Hartwell perlustravano la città sparando ai passanti spargendo il terrore, mentre Williams...""While Hartwell's paid gunmen stalked the city, shooting bystanders spreading terror, Williams lurked..."
"Perche' non sta sparando?"And I say to myself, "Why isn't he shooting?
"Sai, non sono per nulla nervoso, nessuno mi sta sparando""You know, I'm not nervous at all." He says, "Nobody's shooting at me."
"Sai, se ci stanno inseguendo e sparando probabilmente non sono buoni amici" ."You know, if they're chasing and shooting us they're probably not good friends."
"passero' il resto della mia vita sparando nelle stalle e..."I'll spend the rest of my life shooting at the cars and..."
Ho desiderato che ti sparasse.I wish he would have shot you.

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