Ampua (to shoot) conjugation

145 examples
This verb can also mean the following: you kotus type 52/sanoa, mp-mm gradation

Conjugation of ampua

Present tense
I shoot
you shoot
he/she shoots
we shoot
you all shoot
they shoot
is shot
Past tense
I shot
you shot
he/she shot
we shot
you all shot
they shot
was shot
Conditional mood
I would shoot
you would shoot
he/she would shoot
we would shoot
you all would shoot
they would shoot
would be shot
Imperative mood
let's shoot!
be shot!
Potential tense
I probably shoot
you probably shoot
he/she probably shoots
we probably shoot
you all probably shoot
they probably shoot
probably is shot
1st long
2nd inessive
2nd instructive
3nd inessive
3rd elative
3rd illative
3rd adessive
3rd abessive
3rd instructive
4th nominative
4th partitive
to shoot
to shoot
while shooting
while shooting
just about to shoot
Passive infinitives
while not shooting
not shooting
Passive participles
not shot
not shot
Present negative tense
en ammu
I do not shoot
et ammu
you do not shoot
ei ammu
he/she do not shoot
emme ammu
we do not shoot
ette ammu
you all do not shoot
eivät ammu
they do not shoot
ei ammuta
is not shot
Past negative tense
en ampunut
I did not shoot
et ampunut
you did not shoot
ei ampunut
he/she did not shoot
emme ampuneet
we did not shoot
ette ampuneet
you all did not shoot
eivät ampuneet
they did not shoot
oli ammuttu
had been shot
Conditional negative tense
en ampuisi
I would not shoot
et ampuisi
you would not shoot
ei ampuisi
he/she would not shoot
emme ampuisi
we would not shoot
ette ampuisi
you all would not shoot
eivät ampuisi
they would not shoot
Imperative negative mood
älä ammu
do not shoot!
älköön ampuko
let him/her/it not shoot!
älkäämme ampuko
let's not shoot!
älkää ampuko
do not shoot!
älkööt ampuko
do not shoot!
Potential negative tense
en ampune
I probably do not shoot
et ampune
you probably do not shoot
ei ampune
he/she probably does not shoot
emme ampune
we probably do not shoot
ette ampune
you all probably do not shoot
eivät ampune
they probably do not shoot
Present perfect tense
olen ampunut
I have shot
olet ampunut
you have shot
on ampunut
he/she has shot
olemme ampuneet
we have shot
olette ampuneet
you all have shot
ovat ampuneet
they have shot
on ammuttu
has been shot
Past perfect tense
olin ampunut
I had shot
olit ampunut
you had shot
oli ampunut
he/she had shot
olimme ampuneet
we had shot
olitte ampuneet
you all had shot
olivat ampuneet
they had shot
Conditional perfect tense
olisin ampunut
I would have shot
olisit ampunut
you would have shot
olisi ampunut
he/she would have shot
olisimme ampuneet
we would have shot
olisitte ampuneet
you all would have shot
olisivat ampuneet
they would have shot
olisi ammuttu
would has been shot
Imperative perfect tense
ole ampunut
you have shot!
olkoon ampunut
he/she have shot!
olkaamme ampuneet
we have shot!
olkaa ampuneet
you all have shot!
olkoot ampuneet
they have shot!
olkoon ammuttu
has been shot!
Potential perfect tense
lienen ampunut
I probably have shot
lienet ampunut
you probably have shot
lienee ampunut
he/she probably has shot
lienemme ampuneet
we probably have shot
lienette ampuneet
you all probably have shot
lienevät ampuneet
they probably have shot
lienee ammuttu
probably has been shot
Present perfect negative tense
en ole ampunut
I have not shot
et ole ampunut
you have not shot
ei ole ampunut
he/she has not shot
emme ole ampuneet
we have not shot
ette ole ampuneet
you all have not shot
eivät ole ampuneet
they have not shot
Past perfect negative tense
en ollut ampunut
I had not shot
et ollut ampunut
you had not shot
ei ollut ampunut
he/she had not shot
emme olleet ampuneet
we had not shot
ette olleet ampuneet
you all had not shot
eivät olleet ampuneet
they had not shot
Conditional perfect negative tense
en olisi ampunut
I would not have shot
et olisi ampunut
you would not have shot
ei olisi ampunut
he/she would not have shot
emme olisi ampuneet
we would not have shot
ette olisi ampuneet
you all would not have shot
eivät olisi ampuneet
they would not have shot
Imperative perfect negative tense
ole ampunut
you have shot!
olkoon ampunut
he/she have shot!
olkaamme ampuneet
we have shot!
olkaa ampuneet
you all have shot!
olkoot ampuneet
they have shot!
Potential perfect negative tense
en liene ampunut
I probably have not shot
et liene ampunut
you probably have not shot
ei liene ampunut
he/she probably has not shot
emme liene ampuneet
we probably have not shot
ette liene ampuneet
you all probably have not shot
eivät liene ampuneet
they probably have not shot

Examples of ampua

Example in FinnishTranslation in English
"Hirtetään hänet!" Sinut pitäisi ampua."Hang him! Hang him!" I ought to shoot you right now.
"Jos ette syytä heitä, voisimme saman tien ampua heidät kadulle.""If you guys won't prosecute 'em, "maybe we should just shoot 'em in the street"?
"Jotkut pitivät maksamattomuutta" "panttivankina, jonka voi ampua."I think some of our members may have thought the default issue was a hostage you might take a chance at shooting," he said.
"PS. En voi ampua itseäni, minulla ei ole peukaloita.""PS I cannot shoot myself, as I have no opposable thumb."
"Ilmaiskaa henkilöllisyytenne tai minä ammun.""Identify yourself or I`II shoot."
"Ja sitten ammun itseni."And then I shoot myself.
"Jokainen paskiainen, joka alkaa ampumaan minua, minäkin ammun heidät."Any son of a bitch who starts to shoot at me, "I'm going to shoot them, too.
"Jokaisen miehen, jonka näen ulkona, minä ammun."Any man I see outside I'm going to shoot.
"Jos Sonny vielä koskee häneen, ammun Sonnyn."And if Sonny ever touches him again I'm gonna shoot him dead."
"Ammut itseäsi silmään, ammut itseäsi silmään!""You'll shoot your eye out, you'll shoot your eye out!"
"Paholainenko olet, kun niin hyvin ammut?""By my soul," cried Gilbert. "Art thou the devil in blue, to shoot in that wise?"
"Sinä ammut silmääsi, pentu."You'll shoot your eye out, kid.
"Yhtenä kauniina päivänä ammut minut, eikö niin?""One of these days, you're gonna shoot me.
- Ajattele ennen kuin ammut.- Think before you shoot.
"Ammun hänet ennen kuin hän ampuu minut.I must shoot him before he shoots me.
"FBI:n huimapää ampuu salaisen naisystävänsä. ""FBI hothead shoots love-nest girlfriend." -Hey, what you doing?
"Michael Scarn ottaa esiin ysimillisen ja ampuu kakkua."Michael Scarn takes out a 9mm gun and shoots the cake.
- Ei ole kivaa, jos Turtle ampuu kasvoihisi.- It's not gonna be a great story - if Turtle shoots you in the face.
- En. - Hän ampuu sinut muuten.- Sniff it or he shoots you.
"Kysymme, ovatko he vihollisia ja jos he vastaavat "kyllä", ammumme!""Well, we ask people, 'Are you the enemy? ' And whoever says yes, we shoot them."
- Ehdotan, että ammumme takaisin.- I recommend shooting back any time now.
- Jos ammumme sinua, et tunne sitä.- No, I'm not. Maybe, if we shoot you, you won't feel it anyway, witch.
"Jos ammutte, oIette vastuussa syyttömien hengistä.""If you shoot, you'll be responsible for the lives of innocent people.
- Entä jos ammutte minut?what if you shoot me?
- Ette ajattele tai peseydy - ja ammutte ennen kysymyksiä. Muutoin ei mitään.Aside from the unthinking, unwashed, shoot-first-and-don't-bother-to- ask-questions-later part, not much, really.
- Jos ammutte hänet...- You shoot him and I'll...
- Jos ammutte, ammun naisen.- You shoot me, I shoot her.
"Älä rankaise minua, koska en ole yksi niistä kukkaisihmisistä, - "jotka ampuvat tunteensa ulos kuin paloposti kuumana kesäpäivänä."Do not penalize me for not being one of those flowery people... who shoot their feelings in a spray like a fire hydrant on a summer day."
- Ehkä he ampuvat hänet muualla.Perhaps they didn't want to shoot him in front of me.
- En, voisitko ystävällisesti - lähettää partioauton asunnolleni, mieluummin poliisien kanssa, jotka ampuvat tosi hyvin.No sir, now can you please send a squad car to my apartment, preferably with officers that shoot really, really well?
Jos he ovat juutalaisia, lapset ammutaan ensin vanhempien edessä.And if they happen to be Jewish then the children are shot in front of their parents first."
Jotkut puukotetaan, jotkut ammutaan.Some are knifed. some are shot.
Kun nämä isot aseet ammutaan niin savua tulee joka puolelle.When these big guns are shot then you can see smoke everywhere.
Pommeja räjähtelee, ja ihmisiä ammutaan.Any suspicious characters are shot on the spot. My siblings are in Singapore, they told me it's going to the dogs there.
"Kun ammuin sen pojan, se oli elämäni paras osuma - ja rumin temppu, mitä eläissäni olen tehnyt.""When I shot that kid... "it was the best shot I ever made... "and the dirtiest trick I ever did."
"Oi, ammuin itseni.""Oh, I shot myself!
- Anteeksi, että ammuin sinua.I'm sorry I shot you, Moe.
- Daniel... ammuin häntä kaksi kertaa.- Daniel... I shot her twice.
"Hei, veli." Sanoitko "Hei, veli." Miklolle, ennen kuin ammuit hänet?"Hey, homes"? Did you say "Hey, homes" to Miklo, homes, before you shot him?
"Sinä ammuit minua" -tapauksessa sen täytyy tarkoittaa sitä ettei hän ole vihainen.I mean, that's got to be the "you shot me" equivalent of not being mad.
"Voi, Jimmy, ammuit minua.""Oh, wow, Jimmy, you shot me."
- Anna nauha niin unohdamme, että ammuit jotain.Give us the tape, we"ll forget you shot someone.
- David sanoi aina, että ammuit hänet.-David always said you shot her.
"Anteeksi, kumppanini Eric ampui vesisäiliön seulaksi.""Sorry, Freddie. My associate, Eric, shot your water tank full of holes."
"Baarimikko juoksi kadulla alastomana haulikon kanssa" "kompastui ja ampui isovarvastaan.""Bartender ran down the street naked with a shotgun, fell and shot off his big toe."
"Beverly Hills" ampui vaimonsa.- Beverly hills shot his wife,not me!
"Condor ampui meitä kumpaakin.""Condor shot us both."
"Hän ampui ihmelaukauksen 50 metrin päästä." Tässä on kuvakin."including a miraculous shot of fifty yards." There's a picture here.
- Hän ampui, joten mekin ammuimme.-He shot, so we fired.
- Häntä me ammuimme kaulaan.He's the one we shot in the neck.
- Mekin ammuimme aika monta ulkomaalaista.- We shot a lot of foreigners too.
- Becka Wiltshaw. Te ammuitte veljeni.Becka Wilshaw, and you people just shot my brother!
- Jos he luulevat edes, että te ammuitte ekan laukauksen-If they so much as think that you fired the first shot...
- Kun ammuitte neiti Gorenia, hän oli jo kuollut.Well, we know that when you shot Ms Goren with her own gun she'd been dead for a while.
- Meillä on asiaa pennuista, jotka ammuitte avaruuteen.We're here to talk about our pups that you guys shot into space.
- Montako laukausta ammuitte?What were your shot counts?
"Kapinalliset ampuivat häntä niskaan ratsiassa Bagdadin lähellä.""shot in the neck by insurgents during a raid on a house.
"Lainsuojattomat, jotka kutsuvat itseään James-Younger -jengiksi - ampuivat tiensä ulos kaupungista, haavoittaen sheriffiä ja kolmeä asukasta."The outlaws, calling themselves the James-Younger gang... ...shottheirway out ,wounding the sheriff and three townsfolk.
"Ne ampuivat ja ne pommittivat.'They've shot and they've bombed.
- Aivan niin, ampuivat.They shot at him. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Auta, he ampuivat minua.Please help me. Please. They shot me.
"5600 nuolta ammuttiin.""Two hundred and eighty score shafts were shot in all,"
- Ei, sinua ammuttiin ainakin 50 kertaa. 57.No, you were shot like 50 times.
- En voi uskoa, että sinua ammuttiin.I can't believe you were shot.
- Heidät ammuttiin alas.- They were shot down.
-Luuletko, että ampuisin sinut tämän jälkeen?You think I would shoot you after this? Yeah, Johnny, I do.
-Osaman ja Tobyn kanssa, ampuisin Tobya kahdesti.I would shoot toby twice. - No. - No!
Eikö hän muka tiedä, että ampuisin miehen itse?I mean, doesn't he know that I would shoot this guy myself?
Kukaan ei usko, että ampuisin Jonathan Kentin.Nobody will ever believe I would shoot Jonathan Kent.
Luulitko että ampuisin sinut?Did you think I would shoot you?
Mutta jos ampuisit ankan, olisin kiitollinen siitä.But if you would shoot the duck, I'd appreciate it. Yeah, yeah, I got it.
Sinä todella ampuisit ystäväsi alas, vai mitä?You really would shoot your friend down, wouldn't you?
Veljeni sanoivat minua naiiviksi, että ampuisit minut ja ottaisit rahat.My brothers said I was naive. That you would shoot me and just take the money. Yeah.
- Douvier ampuisi minut.Are you kidding? Douvier would shoot me on sight.
- Kuka bussia ampuisi?- Who would shoot at a bus?
- Tuo mies ampuisi sinut.- That man out there would shoot you.
-Ope ampuisi itsensä jos kuulisi.So says you. -Are you guys all illiterate? Mrs. Carbone would shoot herself if she heard this.
30 miljoonaa muuta naista ampuisi itsensä, jos ei saisi.Thirty million women would shoot themselves if they couldn't come.
Jos tulisin ilmoittamatta, ampuisitte minut välittömästi, - ennen kuin pääsisin kahden kilometrin päähän Babylon 5:stä.If I came in unannounced, your people would shoot me down... before I got within two kilometers of Babylon 5.
He ampuisivat kaikkea missä on JR-logo.They would shoot at anything with a JR logo on it.
- Niin. Siviilejä ammuttaisiin kostoksi.Many civilians would be shot in retaliation.
"Ja ammu ipanat kun he hyppivät ulos. ""And shoot the kiddies as they came bouncing out.
- "Jos hän vielä liikkuu, niin ammu hänet.""If he moves again, shoot him."
- "Älä ammu karhua..."- "Don't shoot a bear"...
- Ammu lukko tai ammun sinut, kun pääsen täältä!Just shoot the lock or I will shoot you when I get out of here!
- Booth ampukoon minut myöhemmin.Booth can shoot me later.
- Ja ampukaa Locksley!Much! And shoot Locksley!
- Jos he yrittävät paeta, ampukaa.If they try anything, shoot 'em.
- Jos hän tekee sen, ampukaa hänet.I will draw my weapon. If he draws his weapon, shoot him.
- Jos hän vastustaa, ampukaa hänet!- If he resists, shoot him!
- Jos hän yrittää karata, ampukaa.He tries to escape, shoot him.
En tietenkään usko, että Ben olisi kyllin hullu ampuakseen.'Course, I don't suppose Ben would be fool enough to shoot.
Hän näyttää tarpeeksi hullulta ampuakseen.He looks just crazy enough to shoot me.
Hän oli suuntaamassa Michaelin luokse ampuakseen hänet.Well, he was on his way to Michael's place to shoot him.
Hänen oli täytynyt käyttää Volmien muokkaamaa asetta, ampuakseen betonista läpi.He had to have used a Volm-modified weapon to shoot through the concrete.
- Kaveri oli ampumassa itseään.The guy was shooting himself.
- Näen kaksi transua ampumassa toisiaan.I see two trannies shooting at each other.
- Olen Terencen luona ampumassa.I just had a great day shooting with Terrance.
- Olit ampumassa äitisi kuvia?You were shooting at pictures of your mom? !
- Lakkaa ampumasta minua!Stop shooting me. You are the worst friend.
- Lakkaa ampumasta!-Stop shooting!
- Lopeta ampumasta sitä.- Stop shooting that.
- Mikä sinua estää ampumasta?Diggle: What's stopping you from shooting me right now?
Dina! Lakkaa ampumasta!Dina, stop shooting.
- Brooke, luulen heidän alkavan ampumaan meitä.Brooke, I think these guys are going to start shooting at us.
- Entä jos he alkavat ampumaan?What if they come in shooting?
- He alkoivat ampumaan.-Go! -They started shooting.
- Isä kutsui meidät ampumaan.- Papa's invited us for some shooting.
- Isä vei minut ampumaan kiekkoja pari kertaa.My dad took me skeet shooting a couple times.
- Mutta ei ampumalla konetta alas!- That does not include shooting down my plane. - Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't.
- Valinta tehdään ampumalla toinen.By shooting the one he rejects.
Aiomme aloitella ampumalla sen täyteen reikiä, ja, sitten minä ja pojat aioimme pitää hieman hauskaa sen kanssa.Well, we gonna start by shooting her full of holes, and, uh, then me and the boys are gonna have a little fun with her.
Ehkä vain pahensin asioita, ampumalla pastorin. - Löysin tämän sinulle.Maybe by shooting the rev, I just made things worse.
Ehkä vain pahensin asioita, ampumalla pastorin.Maybe by shooting the Rev, I just made things worse.
- Hän päätti olla ampumatta Lenaa.She was thinking about shooting Lena; But she repented.
En voi edes tulla omille synttäreilleni ampumatta jotakuta.I can't even have a birthday party without shooting someone.
Et voi olla yhtä päivää ampumatta?You went skeet shooting, but you couldn't... Is that our song?
Jos et saa harhaista muinaisjäännettä kiinni- ampumatta tätä, olemme syvissä vaikeuksissa.If you can't bring in one loopy Cold War relic without shooting him, We really are in trouble.
Käskin olla ampumatta.I said, no shooting.
- Aloita ampuminen.- Begin the shooting.
- Auttaako ampuminen siihen?- So shooting it out's gonna do the trick?
- En halua yhdenkään amerikkalaisen joutuvan ristituleen kun ampuminen alkaa.I don't want any Americans caught in the crossfire when Juma starts shooting.
- Entä ampuminen?What about the shooting?
- Kuten koneen ampuminen, vai?Accidents like them shooting down our U-2?
- Ei ampumista, senkin alkueläimet.- Don't know. - No shooting. - No shooting, you polyp.
- Ei, ei ampumista.- No, no! No shooting please.
- Geneviève inhoaa ampumista.l thought Genevieve hates shooting.
- Hienoa ampumista.Nice shooting, people.
- Hoidan Dormerin parin ampumista.I'm covering the shooting of Detective Dormer's partner.
Kolmiulotteinen renderöinti, ampuva pelaaja... Niitä ei ollut vuonna 1987.All of this stuff-- the 3-D rendering,the first person shooting¡ª was barely a glint in a geek's eye in 1987!
Minä olin se ampuva osapuoli.Yeah, but the shooting was gonna be strictly one-way. Well, she wasn't to know.
Olet valehteleva, selkään ampuva, raukkamainen kusipää.You're a lying, back-shooting, cowardly son of a bitch.
"Jollen olisi ampunut häntä, he olisivat unohtaneet, kuka on kapteeni.""well, if I hadn't shot him dead, they'd have forgotten under whom they were serving."
- Eikö hän ampunut Komarovskia?The girl who shot friend Komarovsky, isn't it?
- Eikö hän kuitenkin ampunut sen variksen?He shot that crow, didn't he?
- En ole ampunut aseella ennen- I've never shot a gun before. - There's nothing to it.
45 minuutin kuluttua - kun Grazer on hyvissä ampuma-asemissa - isken Pentagoniin 98% voimalla.In 45 minutes as soon as Grazer 1 is in position for a clear shot I'm going to hit the Pentagon with a 98-percent blast.
Agentti Walkerin ampuma salamurhaaja kuului Fulcrumiin.The assassin Agent Walker shot was a member of Fulcrum.
Kuten siitä, miten ampuma- haava kertoo kaiken luodista - ja aseesta ja sen voimasta.Like why an exit wound says everything about a shot, and about a weapon and its potential.
Se leviää, ja ilman taikaa olen vain isäni ampuma ihminen.It's spreading, and without the magic, I'm just someone who was shot by his dad.
Ainoa jengi, jota ei ammuttu sillä aseella, oli 520 Mafia.Now, of all of these, the only gang that was not shot by that gun was the 520 Mafia.
Ei Jojoa ole ammuttu. Hän sai sydänkohtauksen.Jojo was not shot, he got a heart?
Häntä ei ammuttu, koska huusit hänelle.He was not shot, because you cried for him.
Koiraa ei ole ammuttu.- Yeah. Ah. Dog not shot.
Luulisin, ettei häntä ammuttu täällä.My instinct tells me he was not shot here.

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