! - Nende tunnete eemal hoidmine tapab mu, sest ma tahan vaid, et kõik teaksid kui õnnelik ma olen. | Keeping these feelings aside is-is killing me, 'cause all I wanna do is tell everybody how happy I am. |
! Ma olen seaduslik Rooma konsul. | I am lawful consul of rome. |
! Kus sa oled? | Where are you? |
! Sitka, kus sa oled? | Sitka, where are you? |
! Ära ütle, mida sa teed... Sa oled kutsikas! | Do not tell me what it is you will do... you are just a pup! |
" Haru, sa oled tõeline nannipunn." | "Haru, you are such a ninny." |
! - Jah. Kuld on üks raskemaid metalle. | Gold is a very heavy metal. |
! - Kas sa tead, mis koht see on? | You know what this place is? |
! - Ma ei tea... Kus ta on? | I don't know... where is he? |
! - Me oleme Sveitšist. | - We are from Switzerland. |
! Kus me oleme? Kus mu riided on? | Where are... where are my clothes? |
" Me oleme algelised inimesed, | "We are the hollow men, |
! Kes kurat te olete? | Who the hell are you people? |
! Kes te olete? | Who are you people? |
"Andke andeks, et ma ei ole teiega sel hommikul... kuid arvestades asjaolusid, mu pere ja mina oleme otsustanud olla omaette. | "I'm sorry for not bein' with you this morning, "but under the circumstances my family and I have chosen to be alone. |
"Andke andeks, et ma ei ole teiega sel hommikul..." kuid arvestades asjaolusid, mu pere ja mina oleme otsustanud olla omaette. | "I'm sorry for not being with you this morning, "but under the circumstances my family and I have chosen to be alone. |
"Jumal" ei ole vist see õige sõna selle jaoks. | "God" might not be the appropriate word for it, actually. |
"Jumal" ei ole võibolla see õige sõna selle jaoks. | "God" might not be the appropriate word for it, actually. |
"'Ja, seal on öeldud Imetlema." "'Kui olin laps, siis aitasin oma vanamehel veiseid üle ajada."' kuuled mind, Adrian? | "'Oh, yes, there is' said Marvel." "'When I was a kid, I helped my old man trail some cattle up from the border."' Can you hear me, Adrian? |
"'Kui olin laps, siis aitasin oma vanamehel veiseid üle ajada."' kuuled mind, Adrian? | "'When I was a kid, I helped my old man trail some cattle up from the border."' Can you hear me, Adrian? |
"...ei suuda ma tõesti uskuda, et see olen mina ise." "Kui veel noor olin, arvasin, et olen kuidagi eriline..." "...et kuidagi pidi minust saama tähtis mees." | When I was a kid, I used to think that maybe I was special that somehow destiny had tapped me to be a great man. |
"Aga tea, et ma olin alati seal..." | "But please know I was always there... |
" Sa olid mu kaaslane. "Mu semu. | "'You were my companion. "'My pal. |
" Sa olid mu kaaslane. | " You were my companion. |
! - Ta oli mu patsient 15 aastat... | He was my patient for fifteen years ... |
! Jah, see raamat oli valgusaastaid oma ajast ees. | This book was light years ahead of its time. |
! Kus oli Gon-? | Where was Gon...? |
! Me olime vaid läbisõidul! | We were only passing through! |
"Chandler, kuigi me olime sõbrad, soovis üks osa minust midagi enamat." | "Chandler, even though we were friends there was a part of me that always knew I wanted more." |
"Me ei saanud sellest aru, kuna olime liiga kaugel... ega mäletanud midagi, sest seilasime öö aegade alguses. | "We could not understand because we were too far... "and could not renenber... "because we were traveling in the night of first ages... |
"Kus teie siis olite, kui nad planeedi üle võtsid?" | "Where were you when they took over the planet?" |
"... oleksin huvitatud sinuga kohtumisest ja tutvumisest. " | "...would be very interested in meeting up and talking it over." |
"Kui aktsepteeritud Juilliard... oleksin..." | "if accepted at juilliard... I would be... " |
"....oleksid suured avapealkirjad kõigis lehtedes. | "There would be headlines in the papers. |
"Ilma sinuta, tänased tunded... "oleksid kui mineviku jäänused" | "Without you, today's emotions would be the scurf of yesterday's." |
"Kui kõik oleksid üel meeIeI, oIeks ka igavene armoonia. Aga mis lastel selIega pistmist?" | "If everybody should be atoned, so the eternal harmony would be received, then what do children have to do with it? |
- Kogu austuse juures, kolonel, ma mõistan. Ning kui te saaksite neid meile lihtsalt kirjeldada, me oleksime ülimalt tänulikud. Näidake pilte. | With all respect, Colonel, if you we spent the pictures, we would be grateful. |
- Sa ei anna kunagi alla, Leo. Kui me peaksime koos olema, siis me oleksime koos. | No, if we were meant to be together, we would be together. |
Aga küsige endalt... ...kui oleksime lugenud 22 novembril, 1963... ...et Venemaa Esimene on maha lastud ühelt Moskva katuselt... ...üksiku kapitalismi pooldaja poolt... ...kes oleks 48 tunni jooksul maha lastud patrioodist moskvalase poolt... ...olles ometi samal ajal ümbritsetud relvastatud politsei poolt. Minu arvates oleks igaühele selge... ...et äsja on toimunud riigipööre ja võimuvahetus. | But ask yourself: ...if we had learned on November 22nd, 1963... ...that the Premier of Russia had been shot from... ...a Moscow office building by a lonely capitalist sympathizer who... ...himself, was then liquidated by a patriotic Muscovite within 48 hours... ...while surrounded by armed police... ...l think it would be pretty apparent to any free thinking person... ...that a coup d'etat or a transfer of power... ...had just taken place in the Soviet Union. |
Aga nad ei tapa ehtsat võmmi, muidu oleksime neil kõik kaelas. | But not a real cop, or the whole force would be on them. |
- Jah. Kui oleksite teadnud, mida otsite, siis oleksite selle leidnud mu ühikaaknalt. | That would be impressive, except if you had known what you were looking for, you would have seen it written on my dorm room window. |
- Kas on mingisugust võimalust, et oleksite nõus tema koeraga jalutama? | Uh, would there be any way... that you would be willing to walk his dog for him? |
- Et ma ei oleks kõige nõrgem: piinatud, püksid prakku ja viha alune. | - So I would not be viewed as the weakest, thus tormented, wedgied, and hate-crimed. |
Aga ma just alustasin siin Akadeemias ja see ei oleks õiglane minu kadettide suhtes ega ka õiglane minu uue pere suhtes, keda tegelikul on arvuliselt rohkem kui kadette. | But I've just started here at the Academy... and it would not be fair to my cadets... nor would it be fair to my new family... who just about outnumber the cadets. |
Aga see ei oleks viimane kord mil masinad seal sõna võtaksid. | But it would not be the last time the machines would take the floor there. |
! Eleanor, ära ole endast väljas. | Now, Eleanor, don't be upset. |
" Kui sa elad linna korteris jõe kõrval aga sa ei ole pime..." | "If you live in a council flat beside a river but are not blind..." |
" Minu taevariik on Issandalt, mis tegi taeva ja Maa. " Ta ei kannata sinu jalg ei ole eemaldatud: ta hoidis sind, et sa ei uinuks. " Vaata, ta hoidis lsraeli kuniks ka ei uin ega maga. | "My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth. "He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber. "Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. |
"olgem sõbrad" lõksu. | "let's be friends" trap. |
- Ei, olgem realistlikud. | - No, let's be realistic. |
- Nagu ma ütlesin, ta on kohtunik ja juuraprofessor ja olgem ausad, sina ei käi boulingus. | - Why? - Well, as I said she's a judge and a law professor. And, let's be honest, you don't bowl. |
" Patareid kontrolli enne, kui kaabli ühendate, olge kindlad... " | "Battery check before-- To put cable on, be sure--" |
"Kuulake minu sõnu ja olge mu vandetõotuse tunnistajaks." | "Hear my words and bear witness to my vow..." |
Ja mida iganes sa teed ära ole sina ise. | ( anxious sighing ) And whatever you do, do not be yourself. |
Jumal, ära ole jobu. | God, do not be a jerk. |
Palun ärge olge punased sipelgad. | There are ants! Please do not be. |
! Aah, asi peab olema selles et... | Aah, it must be... |
! Need peaksid olema juba sadamas, kui te poleks nii lohakad ja saamatud! | They should be already in port if you had not been so remiss and neglectful in your duties! |
! Olen kindel, et seal peab olema keegi. | I'm sure there must have been someone. |
! Mis võiks olla veel hullem, kui oodata siin mõrvamist, mingite kamba kriminaalideist uskumatute kõrilõikajate poolt. | What can be worse than waiting here to be murdered by these lawless, godless thugs? |
! See võiks olla vastus välismaalased ootavad! | That could be a response the aliens are waiting for! |
! Võib-olla pole sa tema arust Alexi maitse. | Maybe he just thinks you're not Alex's type. |
" , mis võiks olla tema . " | "that could be her." |
! - See pole kunagi kerge olnud! | It's never been easy! |
"Ja olen seda olen olnud juba enne sündi | "And have been since before I was born |
"Ma olen olnud..." | "l have been...." |
"Sa oled olnud, mina olen olnud..." | "You had have been, l had have been...." |
- Ramada, kuidas sa oled olnud nii pime? | Oh, Ramada, how could you have been so bhimd> |
- Sa oled olnud ulakas, ulakas plika. | You have been a naughty, naughty girl. |
"Kogu mu elu on olnud üks nali." | "My whole life has been a joke." |
"Lennujaam," see tähendab mina, "on olnud lumekoristusel ebatõhus." | "The airport," meaning me, "has been inefficient in snow clearance." |
- Me oleme olnud kümme päeva. | - We have been for ten days. |
Aga Lucy ja mina oleme olnud sõbrad juba lapseeast peale... ...ja tal pole kunagi midagi selle vastu olnud, et mina olen vaid koolis õpetajanna. | But Lucy and I have been friends since we were children... ...and she has never minded that I am only a schoolmistress. |
Aga Nino ja mina oleme olnud koos juba kolm aastat! | But Nino and I have been together 3 years! |
Aga me oleme olnud parimad sõbrad, sellest ajast kui ma midagi mäletan ja ma arvasin... | but we have been best friends Since before I can remember, and I thought... |
- Te olete olnud "belieber"? | - You have been a ' belieber '? |
Dan, te olete olnud head sõbrad, kuid sa pead siin tagasi tõmbuma. | Dan, you guys have been close, but you need to take a step back here. |
- Mul ei ole olnud mingeid probleeme. | It has not been a problem. - |
Aastad, mis sa oled ära olnud ei ole olnud mulle just kerged. | The years you've been gone have not been kind to me, Gum. |
Inimesete maailm oli muutunud sel ajal kui ma ära olin olnud. | The human world had changed in the time I had been gone. |
Ja koju ma sattusin, vennad, saamata aru, mis olukorras ma olin, ja millises ma varem olin olnud. | And it was home I came to, brothers... ...not realizing, in the state I was in... ...where I was, and had been before. |
Johnny enesetapukatse oli alles see, mis mulle näitas, kui isekas olin olnud ja et tegelikult tahtsin vaid oma enesetunnet parandada Johnny nimekirjast kustutamisega. | It took Johnny trying to commit suicide for me to see how selfish I had been, and how I was really only trying to make me feel better by crossing Johnny off the list. |
Aga jumalad olid olnud hooletud. | But the gods had been careless. |
Inimesed avastasid endal võimed, mis seni olid olnud uinunud olekus ja seda ilma igasuguste kõrvaltoimeteta. | People discovered abilities that up until now had been only in an embryonic stage... and without any side effects. |
Inimeste vaimud, kes olid olnud osake Wisteria Lane'ist, jälgisid teda, kui ta lahkus. | The ghosts of people who had been a part of Wisteria Lane were gazing upon her as she passed. |
- Ja ta oli olnud vees... ...kuskil 4 tundi. Ta purjetas koos ühe oma professoriga, Gerald Sloanega. | And she had been sailing with one of her professors, Gerald Sloane. |
...mis oli olnud meie sünagoogis sellest ajast saati, kui esimene rabi selle siia tõi, 300 aastat tagasi. | ...that had been in our synagogue since the first rabbi brought it here 300 years before. |
Bob oli olnud professionaalne kulturist. | Bob had been a champion bodybuilder. |
Ja me olime olnud üleval umbes 36 tundi | Sitting ducks. And we had been up for 36 hours. |
Mul oli teiste emadega tüli ja sellest oli kahju... olime olnud nii head sõbrad. | The moms and I had a falling out, which was a shame-- we had been such good friends. |
Aasta tagasi oleksin olnud esimene... aga nüüd... | A year ago, I would have been first... but now... |
Kui mina oleksin olnud seal autos, oleks mu elu hoopis teine olnud. | If I'd gotten into that car that day, my life would have been a different thing. |
Kui sa poleks mind peatanud, oleksin olnud seal, kui raadio plahvatas. | If you hadn't have stopped me, I would have been there when that radio blew. |
- Sa oleksid olnud siin kui sa oleksid saanud. | --You would have been here if you could. |
Kui Sa oleksid olnud kohe minuga aus, siis ma ei peaks Sind esindama. | If you would have been honest with me in the 1st place, I would never have represented you. |
Kui ma oleks sind tappa tahtnud, oleksin su vangi jätnud kus meil on sõpru, ja viisil mida ma võin kirjeldada ainult sügavalt pornograafilisena, aga sa oleksid olnud tapetud. | If I wanted to kill you, I would have left you in jail where we have friends, and in some way that I can only describe as deeply pornographic, you would have been killed. |
Oleks olnud toredam, kui oleksime olnud teineteisega ausamad. | It would have been nice if we were more honest with each other. |
Kuid ma arvan, et te oleksite olnud väga head sõbrad. | But I think you guys would have been great friends. |
Ilma sinu tingimusteta armastuse ja toetuse, ja ilma sinuta, lõpuks tutvustades mind ühe oma tuttavaga, ma ei suuda uskuda, et sundisid, mind nii kaua ootama, mitte miski sellest ei oleks olnud võimalik. | Without your love unconditional love and support, and if you do not know me tended with one of your friends, I can not believe you've done I'm waiting so long, none of these I would not have been possible. |
Schmidt su elu ei oleks olnud parem, kui sa oleks olnud Romney. | Schmidt, your life would not have been better if you were a Romney. |
! Ja mis see on, mida ma olevat teile saatnud? | And what is it that I'm meant to have sent? |
"(Selles, mille sa leidsid olevat liiga läbipaistev)." | In brackets--"the one you think is too transparent." |
"Aga Mooses, ta teab, et tema varbad pole roosid nagu Mooses arvab varbaid olevat." | But Moses, he knowses his toeses aren't roses... as Moses supposes his toeses to be. |
(Ohkab) See on tore, ei olevat saavad lõpuks üks neist. | (Sighs) It's nice not to be at the receiving end of one of those. |
- Sa ei olevat ju enne hääletanud. | I thought you never hitchhiked before. |
Magnetväli paistab olevat olnud üleval sajandeid. | It's definitely the Em field has been online for centuries. |
-...olles ise gei. | -...while being gay yourself. |
Igal aastal pidin taluma peas peomütsikest, olles sunnitud olema ülerahvastatud, higises täispuhutavas lossis. | Year after year, I had to endure wearing conical hats... ...while being forced into the crowded, sweaty hell of bouncy castles. |
Aga ei ole olemas maagilisi sündmus, mis tooks peresid kokku, et nautida üksteise ja olla tänulik selle eest, mis neil on vastupidiselt sellele, mida neil ei ole. | But there is no magical event which brings families together to enjoy one another while being thankful for what they do have as opposed to what they do not. |
'Kuna me oleme väsinud olemast järelkõndivad ahvid! | 'Cause we're tired of being your trail donkeys! |
15 punkti mulle olemast piisavalt helde, et andsin sulle need 10 punkti. Aga point on, Ted | 15 points to me for being gracious enough to give you those ten points. |
-...ilma alasti olemata? | -...without being naked? |
Kas ma ei või lihtsalt küsida, olemata huvitatud? | Can't I just ask without being interested? |
"Eksortsist" oleks olnud 2. klassist. | "The Exorcist" would have been a class 2. |
! Ma tean, et tavaliselt oleks see väga naljakas, aga ta on olnud seal liiga kaua, et anda mõistlikku seletust sellele. | Look, I know that normally this would be very funny but he's been under there too long for reasonable explanation. |
'Ed oleks võinud vana värdjat selle eest suudelda. 'Kui ta oleks öelnud, et kogub raha ise, 'siis see olnuks vale.' | 'Ed would hate to admit it, but he could've kissed the old bastard for that.' 'lf he said he wanted to settle the debt on his own,' 'it would have been a lie.' |
Asjad pole olnud kerged, mu poja surm ja sõda. | Things have not been easy, what with my... The death of my son and the war. |
" Ülesanne pole lihtne, ahvid pidurdavad rühma." | "This will not be an easy mission... monkeys slow the expedition." |
- See poleks olnud auväärne. | It would not have been honorable. |
Lühidalt öeldes - olukord polnud olnud selline, nagu arvasin selle olevat. | The situation, in short, had not been what I thought it was. |
Ka Alexanderi isiklik elu polnud avalikkusele teada. | The life of Alexander did not bear much scrutiny. |
"Kas, sa oleks võitnud Kodusõja varem, kui sul oleks olnud surematute armee?" | "Do you think the Revolutionary War would have been won sooner if you had an army of the undead?" |
"Kauemaks siia jäämine ei oleks olnud otstarbekas. | "To stay any longer would have been useless. |
'Kui ta oleks öelnud, et kogub raha ise, 'siis see olnuks vale. ' | If he said he wanted to settle the debt on his own, it would have been a lie. |
'siis see olnuks vale. ' | 'it would have been a lie. ' |
'siis see olnuks vale.' | 'it would have been a lie.' |
- Oleksin pidanud kellelegi teisele minema! See olnuks hea partii. | I should have married a man other than Ceasar, That would have been a good mariage. |
Juba on nad talvest võitu saamas ning nende pingutused pole olnud asjata. | Their victory over winter has begun. Their efforts have not been in vain. |
"Hea" pole õige sõna. | "Sweet" may not be the word. |
Et ta ohverdus poleks olnud asjatu. | So, his sacrifice for us would not have been in vain. Hallelujah! |