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Disparar (to shoot) conjugation

146 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: go up, rise, to rise, to be suddenly jolted into action

Conjugation of disparar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I shoot
you shoot
he/she/it shoots
we shoot
you all shoot
they shoot
Present perfect tense
he disparado
I have shot
has disparado
you have shot
ha disparado
he/she/it has shot
hemos disparado
we have shot
habéis disparado
you all have shot
han disparado
they have shot
Past preterite tense
I shot
you shot
he/she/it shot
we shot
you all shot
they shot
Future tense
I will shoot
you will shoot
he/she/it will shoot
we will shoot
you all will shoot
they will shoot
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would shoot
you would shoot
he/she/it would shoot
we would shoot
you all would shoot
they would shoot
Past imperfect tense
I used to shoot
you used to shoot
he/she/it used to shoot
we used to shoot
you all used to shoot
they used to shoot
Past perfect tense
había disparado
I had shot
habías disparado
you had shot
había disparado
he/she/it had shot
habíamos disparado
we had shot
habíais disparado
you all had shot
habían disparado
they had shot
Future perfect tense
habré disparado
I will have shot
habrás disparado
you will have shot
habrá disparado
he/she/it will have shot
habremos disparado
we will have shot
habréis disparado
you all will have shot
habrán disparado
they will have shot
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I shoot
(if/so that) you shoot
(if/so that) he/she/it shoot
(if/so that) we shoot
(if/so that) you all shoot
(if/so that) they shoot
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya disparado
I have shot
hayas disparado
you have shot
haya disparado
he/she/it has shot
hayamos disparado
we have shot
hayáis disparado
you all have shot
hayan disparado
they have shot
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have shot
(if/so that) you have shot
(if/so that) he/she/it have shot
(if/so that) we have shot
(if/so that) you all have shot
(if/so that) they have shot
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have shot
(if/so that) you have shot
(if/so that) he/she/it have shot
(if/so that) we have shot
(if/so that) you all have shot
(if/so that) they have shot
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera disparado
I had shot
hubieras disparado
you had shot
hubiera disparado
he/she/it had shot
hubiéramos disparado
we had shot
hubierais disparado
you all had shot
hubieran disparado
they had shot
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese disparado
I had shot
hubieses disparado
you had shot
hubiese disparado
he/she/it had shot
hubiésemos disparado
we had shot
hubieseis disparado
you all had shot
hubiesen disparado
they had shot
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have shot
(if/so that) you will have shot
(if/so that) he/she/it will have shot
(if/so that) we will have shot
(if/so that) you all will have shot
(if/so that) they will have shot
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere disparado
I will have shot
hubieres disparado
you will have shot
hubiere disparado
he/she/it will have shot
hubiéremos disparado
we will have shot
hubiereis disparado
you all will have shot
hubieren disparado
they will have shot
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's shoot!
Imperative negative mood
no dispares
do not shoot!
no dispare
let him/her/it shoot!
no disparemos
let us not shoot!
no disparéis
do not shoot!
no disparen
do not shoot!

Examples of disparar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
! ¡Te voy a disparar!You are going to shoot!
" Sacamos nuestros pesados revólveres y amenazamos con disparar, pero todo fue en vano. ""put out our heavy revolvers and threatened to shoot, but all in vain."
" Siento que me gustaría poder disparar a un yankee,"i feel that i would like to shoot a yankee,
"Así que la forma más segura para evitar ser pecador cuando alguien vaya a tirar a los patos, no tienes que disparar a nada en absoluto"."without transgressing some of the fool don'ts. "So the safest way to avoid being a sinner "when a fella goes duck shooting', is not to shoot anything at all".
"Bueno, te vamos a disparar"and they were like, "Well, we're going to shoot you,"
! Buen disparo, vaquero!Nice shootin', Tex!
" disparo como un francotirador ""And shoot like a sniper."
"Bien, rata de laboratorio, le disparas a ella o yo les disparo a los dos"."you shoot her or I'll shoot you both.
"Buen disparo!"Great shooting!
"Cry Out to Jesus", una canción muy apropiada para el montaje que viene ahora que muestra a distintos personajes enfrentados al sufrimiento y la tristeza emocional que experimentan después de que Blake reciba el disparo."Cry Out to Jesus," which was a very appropriate song for the montage sequence coming up. Showing the different characters dealing with the suffering and the emotional grief that they're experiencing with Blake's-- The follow-up to Blake's shooting.
! Me disparas! !Then shoot me!
"Bien, rata de laboratorio, le disparas a ella o yo les disparo a los dos"."you shoot her or I'll shoot you both.
"Cuando salga del autobús, tú disparas.""When he leaves the bus, you shoot."
"Tu no disparas en todo el año ¿no?"'You don't shoot all year, do you? '
"¿Cuántas veces le disparas? ¿Con qué vas armado?How many times do you shoot him.
"...que te dispara por la espalda si te ríes del color de sus zapatos.""who shoots kids in the back if they laugh at the colour of his shoes."
"El guitarrista principal dispara al cantante principal""Lead guitar player shoots lead singer"
"Inmediatamente después, Daniel dispara en la nuca a Martine..."Daniel immediately shoots Martine coldly in the neck
"Nadie le dispara a Santa Claus"."No one shoots at Santa Claus."
"Oh mamá, ella me dispara""O Mama, she shoots at me"
"Ynosotros no disparamos a nadie que sepa pescar. ""And we don 't shoot nobody who's got a knack for fish. "
, ¿no disparamos?, Did we shoot out?
- Alto o disparamos.- Stop or we'll shoot.
- Alto o disparamos- Whoa, whoa! - Stop, we'll shoot!
- Aunque nunca le disparamos a nada, practicábamos con latas...- Although never shoot anything, we practiced with cans ...
- Si disparáis más, la heriréis.Any more shooting'll hit her. Get up.
- Si disparáis, le mato.Shoot me, i shoot him.
- Sí, bueno, en la marcha de Sherman hacia el mar, le dijo a sus hombres, fijo, "Si os cruzáis con algún sabueso, le disparáis", ¿vale?- Yeah, well, On Sherman's march to the sea, he told his men, he said, "You come across any bloodhounds, you shoot 'em", Right?
- ¿disparáis a los perros?- You shoot dogs? Do you?
- ¿por qué los disparáis?- Why do you shoot them?
! ¿Acaso importa si los que nos disparan e inician una guerra son humanos o no?Does it matter if the ones who shoot us and start a war with us are human or not human?
"Ataque fascista - Los SA disparan a los trabajadores desarmados ""Fascists attack – SA shoots at unarmed workers"
"Crecer, inflar, se disparan" - no lo que significan estos días"Grow up, puff up, shoot up" - not what they mean these days.
"Disparen mal nacidos, ¿por qué no disparan?".Shouting "damn your bloods! Why don't you shoot fire?"
"Las carabinas sólo se disparan cuando ven infantería acercarse "."The carbines only shoot when they see infantry getting close."
"Debes matar a aquel, y yo le disparé en el pecho."..."You have to kill that one, and I shot him in the chest.
"Estaba más débil debido al arpón que le disparé"."He was weaker due to the harpoon I shot him with."
"Le disparé a Kent esa noche""I shot Kent that night.
"Y en ese momento fugaz de locura le disparé""And In that fleetIng moment of madness l shot her"
"Yo le disparé y nadie me quitará el mérito.""I shot him, an' nobody else is goin' to get the credit for it."
""Cuando viste a Lambert, él personificó... todas las limosnas y consejos y, furioso, le disparaste"."You made him the personification... of every handout, every word of advice, and in a rage you shot him."
"Bueno, si tu le disparaste al tipo y el los estaba molestando todo el tiempo, bueno, la cosa es, todos los días el cubo pasara a ser un pozo, un día el fondo deberá darse de baja.""Well, if you shot the guy and he's been bothering you all this time, well, the thing is, every day the bucket a go a well, one day the bottom must drop out."
"Le disparaste a un hombre en Vermont, solo para verlo morir".'You shot a man in Vermont, hey, just to watch him die.'
"Llegó allí" cuando le disparaste a tu esposa en la cabeza despues de haberla envuelto en una manta, y la tiraste en las montañas!It "got there" when you shot your wife in the head before you wrapped her in a blanket and you dumped her in the mountains!
"Me disparaste de nuevo"."Ow, you shot me again."
" pero Ajay les disparó en defensa propia. ''And Ajay shot at them in seIf-defence. '
"... Que disparó un chorro de perfume verde en el aire ..."...that shot a spray of green perfume into the air...
"Barman corrió por la calle desnudo con una escopeta se cayó y se disparó en el dedo gordo del pie"."Bartender ran down the street naked with a shotgun, fell and shot off his big toe."
"El Comisionado Gordon le disparó y mató a un Mutante de 17 años de edad. ""Commissioner Gordon has shot and killed a 1 7-year-old-mutant."
"Frank Wild disparó al último de nuestros fieles perros, de los cuales mantenemos a 5 cachorros para comer.Frank Wild shot the last of our faithful dogs of which we kept the five young ones for food.
- ¿Y le disparasteis?- And you shot him?
El tipo al que disparasteis era policía.The guy you shot was a cop.
Entonces, ¿fuisteis personalmente a la ciudad y disparasteis flechas de fuego?So, you both personally rushed to the city and shot the fire arrows?
Me disparasteis lo cual explica mi actual cautelaYou shot me, which might explain my being cautious.
No disparasteis ni un tiro.Didn't fire a shot.
! No estabas al otro lado de la calle corriendo cuando te dispararon.You weren't across the street running when you got shot.
! ¡Le dispararon al viejo!They shot the old man!
"A las mujeres que trataban de huir con sus bebés, les dispararon."The women, as they were fleeing with their babies, were killed together shot right through.
"Apresurémonos al hospital, que te dispararon.""Let's rush to the hospital, because you're shot."
"Dos tipos dispararon."Two guys shot some guns.
! ¡Le dispararé en el ojo!I will shoot her in the eye!
"Si vuelves a entrar en mi casa otra vez, te dispararé.""If you come into my home again, I will shoot you."
"te dispararé""I will shoot you."
"y dispararé por la puerta"."and I will shoot for the door."
, si esto es fatal, les dispararé a ustedes dos.I will shoot both of you.
Que si que no entiendo me dispararás.That if I don't understand you will shoot me.
Tu me dispararás.You will shoot at me.
Yo te disparo, y luego Pam, tú me dispararás a mí.I will shoot you, and then Pam, you will shoot me.
¿Les dispararás por la espalda?You will shoot him in the back?
- Me dispararáHe will shoot me.
- Nadie nos disparará.-Nobody will shoot at us.
Abad disparará una flecha... no por puntos.Abbot will shoot one arrow-- not for points.
Algún día, alguien le disparará un tiro.Someday, someone will shoot him. No.
Bueno, creo que con "entrar" se refiere a que... disparará a quien pase por esa puerta.Well, I think what he means by "come on in" is he will shoot whoever walks through that door.
Encontraremos el Charger que está conduciendo. Y una vez que lo encontremos, dispararemos a matar.We are going to find the Charger that he's driving and when we find him, you will shoot to kill.
Le dispararemos algunas flechas.We will shoot some arrows into this white man.
Le dispararemos... a él, si empieza a disparar, mátalo en donde esta parado.We will shoot at it if it starts shooting and kill it where it stands.
No lo hagas, Derrick, Te dispararemos.Don't do it, Derrick; we will shoot you.
No se mueva, o dispararemos.Don't move, or we will shoot.
- Estamos en una boda Sinti, es un lugar peligroso, no dispararán.A Sinti wedding is very dangerous in itself, nobody will shoot at us.
- Libérala o mis hombres dispararán.Release her. My men will shoot.
- Si, pero mata... porque cuando llegue el momento... los fuertes dispararán y los débiles perecerán.- Yeah, but she does kill, because when the time comes, the strong will shoot, and the weak will perish.
Ahora los rusos nos dispararán todavía más.The Russians will shoot us even more frequently now.
Amy, te dispararán.Amy, they will shoot you.
- Explica porque alguien Blake se dispararía solo- Explains why somebody would shoot Blake over it.
- Me dispararía donde me encontrara.-You would shoot me where I stand.
- Nadie nos dispararía con el bebé.- Nobody would shoot us with the baby.
Agente Devane, ¿tiene alguna idea de por qué le dispararía?Agent Devane, you have any idea why he would shoot at you?
Así que creo que dispararía... desde aquí arriba.So I think he would shoot... from up here.
Dijiste que me dispararías si no te ayudaba.You said you would shoot me if I didn't help you.
Dijiste que me dispararías.You said you would shoot me.
Me dispararías ahora mismo si tuvieses ocasión.You would shoot me right now if you had the chance.
¿Me dispararías a un amigo tan querido que llegas a llamarle hermano?You would shoot me, A friend so dear that you call me brother?
Vamos, pensé que si entraba aquí con él, me dispararíais, ¿verdad?Come on, I figured I walked in here with it, you guys would shoot me, right?
- Y sus hombres te dispararían si lo hicieras.- And his men would shoot you if you did.
Ahora, Catherine... es una pregunta para las páginas de pantalla... escritas por amigos quienes raramente se parecen a mí... pero quieren verme correr, saltar, disparar... pero no les importa verme besar a una mujer con mi color de piel... y me dispararían si estuviera besando a una mujer de su color.Now, that, Catherine, is a question for the screen pages, written by folks who rarely look like me, but want to see me run and jump and shoot, but don't care to see me kiss a woman with my skin tone, and would shoot me if I were kissing a woman of their hue,
Entonces le dispararían rápido. Y no sufriría mucho.Then they would shoot you quickly and you mustn't suffer much.
Hay algunos explosivos convencionales aquí en este extremo que dispararían el material nuclear a través... de un tubo con el material nuclear en el otro extremo, lo que causaría una...There are some conventional explosives here at this end that would shoot nuclear material through... a tube into nuclear material at the other end, thus creating a...
Hubo un número de informes de grandes pájaros al que los vaqueros les dispararían o los perseguían por grandes distancias.There were a number of reports of big birds that cowboys would shoot at or chase for great distances
"Cuando le dispare a uno de nosotros,""When he shoots one of us,"
"Duerme y no dolerá cuando dispare.""Go to sleep so it won't hurt when I shoot. "
"No dispare, somos el equipo nacional húngaro."Don't shoot, we're the Hungarian national team.
"Por favor, no me dispare, señor."Please, don't shoot me, mister.
"Si sale alguno, que dispare Paco."If a rabbit comes out, I'll let Paco shoot.
! No le dispares!Don't shoot him!
"Frankie te ruego que no me dispares# Frankie, I beg you, don't shoot me
"Frankie, te Io ruego, no me dispares# Frankie, I beg you, don't shoot me
"Jeffrey, no me dispares".Jeffrey, don't shoot me.
"No dispares hasta que veas el blanco de sus ojos""Don't shoot until you see the whites of their eyes"?
- Dice que por favor, no disparemos.-Sir, he says, "Please don't shoot."
- Es bueno que no disparemos a nadie.- It's good we don't shoot anybody.
- ¿Quieres que le disparemos- - ¡Al auto!- You want us to shoot the-- - the car!
- ¿Se supone que le disparemos a las aves ahora?Are we supposed to shoot birds now?
Ahora no. Yo digo que le disparemos en la cabeza, nos deshagamos del cuerpo y sigamos adelante con esto.I say we just shoot him in the head and dump the body and get on with this.
- Escuchad... no disparéis.Don't shoot. Listen to me.
- No disparéis, no.- Don't shoot. No.
- No disparéis, soy Milt.- Don't shoot, it's Milt.
- No disparéis. - Sí.- Don't shoot.
- No disparéis.- Don't shoot!
! - ¡No disparen!- Don't shoot!
! No disparen!Don't shoot him, man!
"Cómo se dice "No disparen, nos rendimos"?""How do you say "don't shoot, we surrender"?"
"Deténganles si les encuentran y si se resisten, disparen"."Seize them if you fin them, shoot them if they resist".
Bueno, estos falsificadores en particular puede que dispararan a Tom Burke y mataran a uno de sus empleados que robaba los diseños para ellos.Well, these particular counterfeiters may have shot Tom Burke and killed one of his employees who was stealing designs for them.
El Escrutador solía decir si yo fuera un caballo, haria que me dispararan después de la sexta.It was 12. The Returning Officer used to say if I was a horse, they would have shot me after the sixth.
Trent McNamara era incapaz de apretar el gatillo con el dedo lo que significa que no pudo disparase.Trent McNamara was incapable of bending his trigger finger, which means he could not have shot himself.
A la menor vista de los Prometeos, disparad a matar.Any sign of Prometheans, shoot to kill.
Adelante, disparad.Come on, shoot.
Allí está, ¡disparad!There he is, shoot him!
Ante la duda disparad primero.Any doubt, shoot first.
Arqueros, ¡disparad a ese hombre!Archers, shoot that man!
! Le han disparado!He's been shot!
! Oh, tu dices además de que me haya disparado un fenomeno de trasero grande?Oh, you mean besides being shot at by a bottom-heavy freak?
! ¡Pude haberte disparado!I could have shot you!
"Ah, hola, soy la compañera de cuarto de su hija y es mi culpa que le hayan disparado"?"Oh, hey, I'm your daughter's roommate, and it's my fault that she got shot"?
"Alguien ha disparado a Jessica".'Somebody shot Jessica.'
! ¡Sabemos que queréis salvarla! ¡Si seguís disparando, podríais hacerle daño!I understand you want to save her, but if you keep shooting, she might get...
"Ahí va Max el loco disparando algo""Oh, there's crazy Max again, shooting something off.
"Eso no pudo ser alguien disparando"."That couldn't be somebody shooting."
"Nos están disparando."They're shooting at us.
"Si nos están disparando no han de ser buenos amigos"."You know, if they're chasing and shooting us they're probably not good friends."
Ahí está, dispará ahora.That's it, shoot now.
Lister te pillará haciendo el amor a Kochanski y te dispará en la cabeza con un arpón ballenero.Lister catches you making love to Kochanski and shoots you through the head with a harpoon gun.
¡Dale, dispará!Okay, shoot!
¡Si no disparás, morirás!If you don't shoot, you'll die!
¡No disparés!Do not shoot!

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