En una entrevista amb l'ICHRI, Shahla Sherkat, editora gerent de la publicació, va afirmar que esperava poder convèncer el Tribunal que permetés reprendre les publicacions mensuals de la revista. | In an interview with the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran, the publication’s managing editor Shahla Sherkat said that she hoped to be able to convince the court to allow resumption of the monthly magazine’s publication. |
T’has inventat un germà petit anomenat Ernest, molt útil per poder venir a la ciutat. | You have invented a very useful younger brother called Ernest, in order that you may be able to come up to London as often as you like. |
Esperem poder avisar alguns jedi... abans que s'aboquin a la catàstrofe. | Hopefully we'll be able to intercept a few Jedi... before they walk into this catastrophe. |
«Totes desitjàvem poder passar els dits entre els cabells així, tal i com vèiem a un programa de televisió sud-coreà. | She recalls, “We all wanted to be able to run our fingers through our hair like this. Like we saw in a South Korean TV show. |
Així que l'home em va construir a mi, perquè jo pogués controlar la les màquines i poder construir-ne de noves amb el que heretava totes les responsabilitats de l'home. | So man built me, so that I might control the machines and be able to construct new ones thereby inheriting all of man's abdicated responsibilities. |
En una societat on l'elogi polític gaudeix d'una veu més potent que els Oscars, ningú pot crear un art fabulós. | In a society where political praise sings louder than Oscars, no one is able to create great art. |
Cap dona pot criar nens sola. | No woman is able to raise growing youngsters alone. |
Cada barri és ple d'un esperit competitiu sobre qui pot hissar més amunt la bandera del seu equip. | Every neighbourhood is rife with competitive spirit about who is able to hoist the team flag before others. |
Gràcies a les peticions, el Parlament Europeu ha incidit de manera positiva en la vida quotidiana dels ciutadans i ha pogut intervenir per trobar una solució a casos concrets en què qui estava en causa era la com petència comunitària. Per exemple: | As a result of petitions, the European Parliament has had a positive effect on the daily lives of citizens and has been able to act to find a solution to actual cases involving matters within the Community remit. |
Han pogut confirmar que l'accident el va causar un error humà? | Have you been able to confirm that the accident was human error? |
Haguera pogut escapar--me Si no l'haguera matat? | Would I've been able to escape her had I not? |
M'alegro que la Casa Tyrell ens hagi pogut ajudar en aquest aspecte. | I'm glad House Tyrell has been able to help in this regard. |
l'únic lloc al que he pogut anomenar llar. | "the only place I've ever been able to call home. |
Aprèn els coneixements del costat fosc de la Força... i podràs salvar la teva esposa... d'una mort segura. | Learn to know the dark side of the Force... and you will be able to save your wife... from certain death. |
Per primera vegada, cada Parlament estatal podrà tornar a examinar lespropostes i tindrà la possibilitat d’emetre un dictamen motivat si considera que nos’ha respectat el principi de subsidiarietat. | For the first time, every national parliamentwill be able to re-examine the proposals and issue a reasoned opinion if itconsiders that the principle of subsidiarity has not been respected. |
Qualsevol que hi vulgui jugar, no només a Bolívia, podrà descarregar-lo gratuïtament d'una pàgina web. També es portarà a les escoles, es distribuirà juntament amb altres materials lúdic-educatius de PICA, i es podrà descarregar tant de la PlayStore com de l'AppStore. | Whoever wants to play it will be able to download it from websites in Bolivia and other countries, or find it on Playstore and AppStore.It will also be distributed in schools along with other educational and recreational materials from PICA. |
Cardiff Electric només podrà seguir operativa encara no dos mesos. | Cardiff Electric will be able to maintain operation for a little less than two months. |
Els pacients que pateixen d'epilèpsia, de diabetis, de càncer, d'esclerosi múltiple, de la síndrome de l'intestí irritable i d'altres malalties podran cultivar la seva pròpia medicina. | Patients with epilepsy, diabetes, cancer, multiple sclerosis, irritable bowel syndrome and other conditions will be able to grow their own medicine. |
7.000 persones cada any podran dur a terme activitats educatives a l’estranger. | 7 000 people every year will be able to carry out educational activities abroad. |
Cada any 80.000 persones podran fer pràctiques en empreses i centres formatius d’altres països d’Europa. | Every year 80 000 people will be able to do traineeships in companies and training centres in another European country. |
Segons la mateixa revista digital , "s'estima que la històrica reforma beneficiarà un gran nombre de cubans que, sempre que puguen finançar el viatge i obtinguen el visat del país de destí, podran viatjar amb major facilitat a l'estranger". | According to this digital magazine , "it is estimated that the historical reform will benefit a large number of Cubans who, as long as they can finance their journey and obtain a visa for the destination country, will be able to travel abroad with far greater ease." |
Els gais i les lesbianes podran sortir de I'armari amb orgull per pujar a I'altar i unir-se en matrimoni. | Gay Americans alike will be able to proudly step out of the closet... and on to the alter, to exchange the sacred vows enjoyed by the rest of us. |
Em pregunto si podria fer els mateixos moviments si estigués en el seu lloc. | I wonder if I would be able to make the same moves in their position |
Parlant només en nom propi no sols dubte que pugues enfrontar un sol moment a Grendel dubte que tingues les agalles per a passar la nit en la sala. | Speaking only for myself here, Not only do I doubt that you will be able to stand for a moment against Grendel, I doubt you will even have the belly to stay in the hall all night. |
Parlant només en nom propi... ...no sols dubte que pugues enfrontar un sol moment... ...a Grendel... ...dubte que tingues les agalles per a passar la nit en la sala. | Speaking only for myself here, not only do I doubt that you will be able to stand for a moment against Grendel, I doubt that you will even have the belly to stay in the hall all night. |
Sempre he confiat, i encara confio, que tot es resoldrà per a que puguem tornar a treballar un altre cop", va dir a l'ICHRI. | I have always been hopeful, and I remain hopeful this time that everything will be resolved, so that we are able to resume work again,” she told the Campaign. |