Medir (to measure) conjugation

94 examples

Conjugation of medir

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I measure
you measure
he/she/it measures
we measure
you all measure
they measure
Present perfect tense
he medido
I have measured
has medido
you have measured
ha medido
he/she/it has measured
hemos medido
we have measured
habéis medido
you all have measured
han medido
they have measured
Past preterite tense
I measured
you measured
he/she/it measured
we measured
you all measured
they measured
Future tense
I will measure
you will measure
he/she/it will measure
we will measure
you all will measure
they will measure
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would measure
you would measure
he/she/it would measure
we would measure
you all would measure
they would measure
Past imperfect tense
I used to measure
you used to measure
he/she/it used to measure
we used to measure
you all used to measure
they used to measure
Past perfect tense
había medido
I had measured
habías medido
you had measured
había medido
he/she/it had measured
habíamos medido
we had measured
habíais medido
you all had measured
habían medido
they had measured
Future perfect tense
habré medido
I will have measured
habrás medido
you will have measured
habrá medido
he/she/it will have measured
habremos medido
we will have measured
habréis medido
you all will have measured
habrán medido
they will have measured
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I measure
(if/so that) you measure
(if/so that) he/she/it measure
(if/so that) we measure
(if/so that) you all measure
(if/so that) they measure
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya medido
I have measured
hayas medido
you have measured
haya medido
he/she/it has measured
hayamos medido
we have measured
hayáis medido
you all have measured
hayan medido
they have measured
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have measured
(if/so that) you have measured
(if/so that) he/she/it have measured
(if/so that) we have measured
(if/so that) you all have measured
(if/so that) they have measured
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have measured
(if/so that) you have measured
(if/so that) he/she/it have measured
(if/so that) we have measured
(if/so that) you all have measured
(if/so that) they have measured
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera medido
I had measured
hubieras medido
you had measured
hubiera medido
he/she/it had measured
hubiéramos medido
we had measured
hubierais medido
you all had measured
hubieran medido
they had measured
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese medido
I had measured
hubieses medido
you had measured
hubiese medido
he/she/it had measured
hubiésemos medido
we had measured
hubieseis medido
you all had measured
hubiesen medido
they had measured
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have measured
(if/so that) you will have measured
(if/so that) he/she/it will have measured
(if/so that) we will have measured
(if/so that) you all will have measured
(if/so that) they will have measured
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere medido
I will have measured
hubieres medido
you will have measured
hubiere medido
he/she/it will have measured
hubiéremos medido
we will have measured
hubiereis medido
you all will have measured
hubieren medido
they will have measured
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's measure!
Imperative negative mood
no midas
do not measure!
no mida
let him/her/it measure!
no midamos
let us not measure!
no midáis
do not measure!
no midan
do not measure!

Examples of medir

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Por desgracia, nuestro dolor es difícil de medir""Alack, our sorrow, it is so hard to measure.
"Tanto la Venera 14 como la Venera 13 Llevaban un dispositivo especial para medir las propiedades eléctricas y mecánicas de la superficie.'In Venera 14 as in Venera 13,' they had a special device to measure electric and mechanical properties of the surface.
'He aprendido a medir y a ver y a trazar las lineas generales, etc, 'de modo que lo que antes me parecía desesperadamente imposible, ahora poco a poco,'I've learned to measure and to see and to attempt the broad outlines, etc, 'so that what used to seem to me to be desperately impossible is now gradually
(*Trinitrotolueno, utilizado para medir la potencia de las bombas)(*trinitrotoluene, used to measure the strength of bombs)
*Pyeong: unidad para medir tierra*Pyeong: a unit to measure land
- La mido... - Estupendo.- And then I have to measure how long it is.
- medirte la pierna intentas, eh, tocar, eh... no intento nada, sólo te mido la pierna- l measure your leg. You try to, er, touch, er... l don't try to do anything. All l do is measure your leg.
- y te mido la...- And then l measure your...
-te mido el aceite bien profundo?.. -want me to measure your oil really deep?" talk!
A primera vista, parece una figura realmente compleja, pero si mido las dimensiones de las cámaras un claro patrón comienza a emerger.Now, at first sight, this looks like a really complex shape, but if I measure the dimensions of these chambers a clear pattern begins to emerge.
- Y los mides así: a ojo.- And how do you measure: by eye.
- ¿Y cuanto mides?- And how you measure?
-¿Y cómo la mides?- And how do you measure that?
Bueno, 17 es como lo mides en años.Well, 17 how you'd measure in years.
Bueno, Brandon, detrás tuyo, tienes unas mediciones, y apenas mides 1,77 m.Well, Brandon, uh, those marks behind you are measurements, and you're barely 5'10".
"en los momentos críticos en que el hombre se mide consigo mismo"."in critical moments that man measures man."
- Esto mide el nivel de saturación de oxígenoWhat's that? This measures your sats.
- Esto simplemente mide su tensión.This simply measures your blood pressure...
Ajustas la posición, el arma mide el cambio de ángulo en función de la lectura original láser.You adjust your position, the gun measures the change of angle based on the original laser reading.
Al final del día, la riqueza del Vaticano no se mide en dinero, sinó que en almas.Ultimately, measures the Vatican's wealth not in money but in souls.
- Nima es un defensor de esta idea de que las leyes físicas son diferentes en diferentes partes de este multiverso; de que lo que medimos en los experimentos no son profundos misterios de la naturaleza, sino accidentes aleatorios que han tenido lugar en nuestro universo;Nima is now an advocate for this idea that the laws of physics are different in different parts of this multiverse, that what we measure in experiments are not deep mysteries of nature, but they're just random accidents in our universe,
- Pero... si medimos la distancia de sus pupilas, que en este caso es de 63,2 milímetros, y lo combinamos con los demás rasgos, el cerco se estrecha considerablemente.But... if we measure Pupillary distance, which in this case is 63.2 millimeters, and we combine it with all of the other traits, it narrows the field considerably.
Apilamos de a 10 centavos, lo medimos, ¿sí?We stack the pennies ten pennies high, we measure that, okay?
Así medimos la actividad eléctrica o se estimulan sensaciones o pensamientos con electricidad.You can measure electrical activity, or, with a minute amount of current, you can stimulate a feeling or... or a thought.
Así que medimos el arroz. Taza por taza, por taza...So we measured out the rice, cup by cup by cup by cup.
Los ancianos no tenéis en cuenta la fogosidad de la juventud medís nuestros ardores con la aspereza de vuestra piel.You, that are old consider not the capacities of us thou measure thy ardousness against the roughness of thy skin.
Y con la medida con que medís, os será medido.And with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
"Las olas no se miden en incrementos métricos, sino en incrementos de temor."waves are not measured in increments of feet, they're measured in increments of fear.
- En realidad lo miden.- They actually measure.
- Quiero que entiendas bien esos palillos no miden a un hombre.- I just want to be real clear that chopsticks is not the measure of a man.
- Quiero saber cuánto miden ustedes.- I want to see how you two measure up.
- Ya saben, miden vibraciones.You know, they measure vibrations.
- Sí, lo medí.- Yes, I measured it.
- Yo medí desde la parte superior de la frente.- I measured it from the top of my forehead.
- Yo medí- I measured it
Apliqué estimulación eléctrica en varias partes del cerebro y medí cada respuesta psíquica.I applied electrical stimuli to various parts of the brain and measured each psychic response.
Bueno, Jay no sabe esto, pero mientras estaba haciéndole las pruebas de ritmo cardíaco, presión sanguínea y respuesta motora, también medí sus reacciones autónomas mientras hablábamos.Well, Jay doesn't know this, but while I was testing his heart rate, blood pressure, and motor responses, I also measured his autonomic reactions while we were talking.
- ¿Realmente lo mediste?Have you actually measured this out? A bit.
-Te lo mediste alguna vez?-Ever measured yours?
La mediste, ¿no?You measured it, right?
Lo mediste para ponerlo en el informe.You measured it for your incident report.
Tú mediste los días, nada yace ante ti.You measured the days, nothing lies before You.
"Vargas gritó su última orden." "El matón midió mentalmente a Peterson para un ataúd.""As Vargas shouted his final command... the Thin Man's eyes measured Peterson for a coffin.
- Te hizo solicitarlas todas? Y midió mi cabeza para una toca.And measured my head for a wimple.
Basándose en la velocidad de expansión que midió Hubble pudo calcular la edad del Universo.Based on the speed of expansion that Hubble measured He could calculate the age of the Universe.
Como todos sabemos, nuestro eminente colega, el señor Hampton, midió la elevación del Nilo en Gondonkoro en 2,169 pies.As we all know our eminent colleague Mr.Hantton measured the elevation of the Nile as 2169 ft.
Cuando introdujo una muestra de ADN en el interior del tubo de vacío y midió de nuevo su dispersión se encontró que los fotones se sumaban a lo largo del eje de la cadena de ADN posteriormente, a medida que eliminaba la muestra de ADN los fotones se mantenían alineados según la misma forma del ADN.A sample of DNA was then entered into the vacuum tube and they measured the photons again. They found that the particles of light align themselves along the axis of the DNA. Then as they removed the DNA sample, the photons remained aligned to the same form of the DNA, even though, no DNA was present.
El problema es, cuando los astrónomos midieron la cantidad de energía que hay allí en realidad, la cantidad de energía requerida para obligar a las galaxias a separarse al ritmo acelerado que se ha observado, han obtenido un número como este:The problem is, when astronomers measured the amount of energy that's actually out there, the amount of energy required to force the galaxies apart at the accelerating rate that's observed, they get a number like this: a decimal point followed by 1 22 zeroes, and then a one.
En 1992, midieron esta cantidad de derretimiento en Groenlandia.In 1992, they measured this amount of melting in Greenland.
Estaban buscando objetos que creían que eran galaxias, y utilizando el espectrógrafo, midieron la velocidad a que esas galaxias se acercaban o alejaban de nosotros.They were hunting for objects which they now believed to be galaxies, and using the spectrograph, they measured the speed at which those galaxies were either coming towards or away from us.
La midieron. 100% grasa corporal.They measured. It's 100% body fat.
La verdadera prueba vino cuando los satélites midieron con precisión la temperatura real del CMB.The real test came when satellites accurately measured the actual temperature of the CMB.
Ahora lo que van a ver es una carrera típica de la exposición que medirá el rendimiento decreciente del sujeto después de un impacto de radiación ionizante.Now what you're going to see is a typical exposure run which will measure the performance decrement to the subject after an ionizing radiation insult.
Diré palabras y la computadora medirá cuán ofendidos están.I'm going to say words, and the computer will measure how offended you are.
El cual medirá el ruido que emiten sus autos a través de la cabeza de Lionel Richie en los 80s (NT: cantante norteamericano)This will measure how loud your car is through Lionel Richie's head in the 1980s.
El estudio medirá el tiempo en que tarda en viajar este impulso eléctrico por tus nervios.The test will measure the time it'll take this electrical impulse to travel along your nerves.
Eso medirá su fuerza.- It will measure your strength.
Luego mediremos la presión.Then we will measure pressure.
Con eso en mente, ustedes estarán sometidas a una serie de pruebas que medirán su fuerza física, disposición psiquiátrica, y fortaleza emocional.With that in mind, you finalists will be subjected to a battery of tests that will measure your physical, psychiatric, and emotional strength.
Estos electrodos medirán tu presión sanguínea, ritmo de respiración, y temperatura corporal.These electrodes will measure your blood pressure, breathing rate, and body temp. Oh.
Las cámaras de reconocimiento facial del banco, medirán mi estructura ósea.The bank's facial recognition cameras will measure my underlying bone structure.
Mis instrumentos medirán las emisiones de la Piedra y quizá nos den una idea mejor de cómo funciona.My instruments will measure the Touchstone's emissions... ..and give us an idea of how it works.
¿Así que medirán sus huesos y verán si era muy alto?So you will measure his bones and see whether he really was long and tall?
Esa es la potencia nominal del motor original de 375cc... Medido en la forma en la que uno mediría la potencia de un motor a vaporIt's the nominal output of the original 375cc engine, measured in the way that you would measure the output of a steam engine.
...un sensor en cada rueda mida la velocidad de rotación de las ruedas......a sensor on each wheel measures the rotation speed of the wheel...
A un ritmo que no se mida por las veces en que la Tierra gira alrededor del sol.A pace that can't be measured by the number of times the earth circles the sun.
Bohr o Einstein, está en que Einstein dice que una partícula tiene un espín definido antes de que se mida.Bohr or Einstein, is that Einstein is saying a particle, say, has a definite spin before you measure it.
Declaramos una nueva era en esta universidad, en la cual el valor del alumno ya no se mida por su nivel de alcohol en sangre, sino por su promedio académico.We are declaring a new age at this university. An age in which a student's worth is no longer measured by his blood alcohol level, but rather, his GPA.
El fondo debe ser lo bastante grande para que la estrella mida 8 cms. de punta a punta.The background must be sufficiently large... for the star to measure eight centimeters from point to point.
"Queremos que midas, este monumento.""We want you to measure this monument, this building."
- No los midas.- Fine. - Don't measure.
- más vale que te midas la sombra.- you'd better measure your shadow.
Ahora no te midas desde aquí hasta el suelo.Now don't measure yourself from here to the floor.
El Manchester-Reid Bancorp es el octavo o noveno banco más grande de Wall Street, dependiendo de cómo lo midas.Manchester-Reid Bancorp is the eighth or ninth biggest bank on Wall Street, depending on how you measure.
De acuerdo, muchachos, midamos los puntos ciegos.Okay, guys, let's measure the blind spots.
Salgamos de dudas y midamos esos.Let's file out and measure that.
¡Bien, midamos el camión y subámoslo a la báscula!Okay, let's measure the rig and get it up on the scale!
'Dad y se os dará. Porque con la medida con que midáis, se os volverá a medir"'.'Give and it shall be given to you... for whatever measure you use, it shall be measured back to you in equal... "'
Medida buena, apretada, remecida y rebosante vaciarán en nuestro regazo. Con la medida con que midáis, se os volverá a medir...Good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over... will be poured into your lap... for with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."
"quiero que me midan el aceite y que sea bien profundo.."I want you to measure my oil.. deeply ..
- "... deja que los otros midan. " - Eso mismo."Let other measure."
- Que la midan cada hora.- Have them measure it hour by hour.
Ahí donde sea muy profundo, deja que los otros midan."And where is very deep, let others measure. "
Asegúrate de que cuando lo niños se paren, todos midan lo mismo...Make sure that when you stand children, all measure the same...
"El terreno puede ser medido."Land can be measured.
- Aún no. ¿Seguro de que has medido la caída?Not yet. Are you sure you measured the plummet true?
- Creí que lo había medido bien.- I thought I had it measured right.
- Cronometrado, medido y todo.Timed, measured up and all that.
- Dr. Clifford Sterling de los Laboratorios Sterling ... - Lo que sí sabemos es que un bebé ... por el nombre de Adán Szalinski de alguna manera ha medido más de 100 pies de altura.- What we do know is that a baby... by the name of Adam Szalinski has somehow measured over 100 feet tall.
"En la habitación de los niños... donde Mary está midiendo a los niños con una cinta métrica,"Upstairs in the nursery, "where Mary is measuring up the children "with a long row of tape measure,
"midiendo, de oído, notas idénticas.""measuring by ear identical notes."
- Estoy midiendo la alfombra.- I'm measuring the carpet.
- Está midiendo árboles.- He's measuring trees.
- Que no estamos midiendo el riesgo con información suficiente.- Which means what? - We're not measuring the risk with enough information.

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