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Traer (to bring) conjugation

149 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to wear, to draw, to persuade, to cause, persuade, to have, to have in a certain condition, to advance, to make, attract, to compel, wear, to include, to oblige, to carry, include, to pull, to occasion, make, to attract, to adduce, cause, to cause to be, have

Conjugation of traer

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I bring
you bring
he/she/it brings
we bring
you all bring
they bring
Present perfect tense
he traído
I have brought
has traído
you have brought
ha traído
he/she/it has brought
hemos traído
we have brought
habéis traído
you all have brought
han traído
they have brought
Past preterite tense
I brought
you brought
he/she/it brought
we brought
you all brought
they brought
Future tense
I will bring
you will bring
he/she/it will bring
we will bring
you all will bring
they will bring
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would bring
you would bring
he/she/it would bring
we would bring
you all would bring
they would bring
Past imperfect tense
I used to bring
you used to bring
he/she/it used to bring
we used to bring
you all used to bring
they used to bring
Past perfect tense
había traído
I had brought
habías traído
you had brought
había traído
he/she/it had brought
habíamos traído
we had brought
habíais traído
you all had brought
habían traído
they had brought
Future perfect tense
habré traído
I will have brought
habrás traído
you will have brought
habrá traído
he/she/it will have brought
habremos traído
we will have brought
habréis traído
you all will have brought
habrán traído
they will have brought
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I bring
(if/so that) you bring
(if/so that) he/she/it bring
(if/so that) we bring
(if/so that) you all bring
(if/so that) they bring
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya traído
I have brought
hayas traído
you have brought
haya traído
he/she/it has brought
hayamos traído
we have brought
hayáis traído
you all have brought
hayan traído
they have brought
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have brought
(if/so that) you have brought
(if/so that) he/she/it have brought
(if/so that) we have brought
(if/so that) you all have brought
(if/so that) they have brought
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have brought
(if/so that) you have brought
(if/so that) he/she/it have brought
(if/so that) we have brought
(if/so that) you all have brought
(if/so that) they have brought
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera traído
I had brought
hubieras traído
you had brought
hubiera traído
he/she/it had brought
hubiéramos traído
we had brought
hubierais traído
you all had brought
hubieran traído
they had brought
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese traído
I had brought
hubieses traído
you had brought
hubiese traído
he/she/it had brought
hubiésemos traído
we had brought
hubieseis traído
you all had brought
hubiesen traído
they had brought
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have brought
(if/so that) you will have brought
(if/so that) he/she/it will have brought
(if/so that) we will have brought
(if/so that) you all will have brought
(if/so that) they will have brought
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere traído
I will have brought
hubieres traído
you will have brought
hubiere traído
he/she/it will have brought
hubiéremos traído
we will have brought
hubiereis traído
you all will have brought
hubieren traído
they will have brought
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's bring!
Imperative negative mood
no traigas
do not bring!
no traiga
let him/her/it bring!
no traigamos
let us not bring!
no traigáis
do not bring!
no traigan
do not bring!

Examples of traer

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
" nunca es bueno traer malas noticias. ""it is never good to bring bad news."
"'también esperamos traer a un nuevo miembro del reparto,- Yea! "'We're also hoping to bring our newest cast member,
"Cada día", decía, "cambiamos el mundo", lo cual es algo lindo para pensar hasta que pienso cuántos días y vidas necesitaría traer zapatillas llenas de arena hasta que no haya playa hasta que haga alguna diferencia para alguien."Every day," he said, "we change the world," which is a nice thought until I think about how many days and lifetimes I would need to bring a shoe full of sand home until there is no beach, until it made a difference to anyone.
"Entonces dime. ¿Qué debo traer?""tell me what things have I to bring then?"
" Bien, ya lo traigo. " Y me fui a la marcha."Fine, l'll bring them soon." And l went to the march.
"Estoy recibiendo cartas en casa, ¿si las traigo, las contestarás?""I'm getting letters to my house, and if I bring them in, will you do them?"
"He aquí, traigo noticias y gran gozo.""Behold, I bring tidings and great joy."
"Mamá, papá, ¿si traigo un buen informe escolar..."Mom, Dad, if I bring you a good report card,
"Abel, si no traes a Jaime antes de 24 horas, iré a la policía.""Abel, if you don't bring Jaime within 24 hours I'll go to the police".
"Hola, hijo, ¿por qué no vienes y traes a tus amigos para que trabajen aquí?""Hey, son, why don't you come and bring your friends, they can work here, too."
"La próxima vez te traes a tu amigo Pisapia, que me gusta a rabiar"..."Next time bring that friend of yours Pisapia, I like him too much".
"Los colores que tu traes""The colors that you bring"
! ¿Qué te trae?What brings you?
" Empezar trae mala fortuna."Starting brings misfortune.
""Lo que se rompe y arregla trae música a la vida""What breaks and then joins again brings music into one's life
""Y Ia diversión trae consigo Arrepentimiento y dolor como castigo"""And pleasure brings as surely in her train Remorse and sorrow and vindictive pain"
"Con la fe puesta en Cristo, traemos reverentemente el cuerpo de este niño a enterrarlo en su humana imperfección.""With faith in Jesus Christ, we reverently bring the body of this child... "...to be buried in its human imperfection."
"Te traemos dinero, pero droga no."We'll bring you money, but no drugs. "
# Escucha, señora, escucha qué tristes nuevas traemos, # qué tristes nuevas traemos porque mataron a un santo. #¤ Listen, lady, listen to the sad news we bring, ¤ the sad news we bring, is that they killed a saint.
# Escucha, señora, escucha qué tristes nuevas traemos, # qué tristes nuevas traemos, porque mataron a un santo.¤ Listen, lady, listen to the sad news we bring,... ¤ the sad news that we bring, is that they killed a saint.
$200 cada uno si las traemos vivas.$ 200 each if we bring them in alive.
! Os pido una daga y me traéis una cinta!I asked for a dagger, you bring me a tape.
- No, si lo traéis ahora, - sabrá que vamos tras él.- No, you bring him in now, he'll know we're on to him.
Belén, campanas de Belén que los ángeles tocan que nueva nos traéisBethlehem, Bethlehem bells that angels play what new you bring us
Buenos d`ias, criaturas del bosque, ? qué nuevas me traéis?Good day, forest creatures, what news do you bring?
Buenos días, señor chino, estoy enojado por las noticias que nos traéis de don Rodrigo.Good day, master. I am sorry to hear the news that you bring from Don Rodrigo.
"Aquellos que traen alegría al corazón de otros, la tienen también para ellos. ""Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves".
"El latido del corazón de la cultura artística de la ciudad de Nueva York se basa en las nuevas experiencias que los inmigrantes traen "."The heartbeat of New York City's artistic culture relies on the new experiences which immigrants bring."
"Es la ducha que las nubes traen a la tierra .. ""The shower that clouds bring to the earth.."
"Las dos enfermeras ceñudas, la pobreza y la enfermedad traen a estos niños ante usted y preceden sus nacimientos golpean sus cunas miserables, clavan sus pequeños ataúdes amontonan la tierra sobre sus tumbas."The two grim nurses, poverty and sickness, "bring these children before you and preside over their births, "rock their wretched cradles, nail down their little coffins,
! mira lo que te traje!Look at what I brought for you!
".. La vergüenza que traje a mi oficina, a mi familia,"..the shame I brought to my office, to my family,
"Así que la traje aquí." So I brought her here.
"Cariño, te traje un regalo de Navidad estupendo."Honey, I brought you the coolest Christmas present.
"ISLANDIA" Te traje un libro.I brought you a book.
"Bobby, ¿qué me trajiste?""Bobby, what have you brought me?"
"Creí que querías pedir mi mano, por eso me trajiste aquí."l thought ya wanted to propose to me. That's why ya brought me here.
"María, mira, trajiste a un amigo de tu escuela, ""Mary, look, you brought a friend from school,"
"Me trajiste un mundo nuevo"You brought a new world to me
"Por eso me trajiste aquí, ¿no? Para que durmiera una siesta.""That's what you brought me here for, wasn't it, so l could take a nap?"
! Comienzo a pensar que no fue solo una maldición lo que la trajo a Storybrooke.I'm starting to think maybe it wasn't just some curse that brought her to Storybrooke.
! Mire la vela que trajo Steve!Will you look at the candle that Steve brought?
"Aquí no hay nada más que magras sobras... "y ella trajo algunas de esas manzanas.There are but meager pickings here and she brought some of those apples.
"Corrimos todo el día. Desarrollamos un impulso trajimos y acuñamos moco con gato y corre como..."Boy, I tell you, we run pretty good all day long and developed a bit of a push and brought her in, booger-jacked some wedge in her and she run like a spotted....
"En un intento por civilizar al hombre bestia, lo trajimos al pueblo."In an effort to civilize this beast man, "we brought him back to the city.
"Nada trajimos al mundo..."We brought nothing into this world...
"No trajimos nada a este mundo y ciertamente no nos llevaremos nada. El Señor da y el Señor quita."We brought nothing into this world, and it's certain we carry nothing out.
"No trajimos nada a este mundo y ciertamente no nos llevaremos nada."We brought nothing into this world, and it's certain we carry nothing out.
- Vosotros lo trajisteis.- You brought him in here.
- ¿Así que ese es el motivo por el que me lo trajisteis?- So that's why you brought it to me?
- ¿Me trajisteis flores? - Sí.You brought me flowers?
A la izquierda está la sangre humana que trajisteis con vosotros.The one on the left, is the human blood you brought with you.
Así que trajisteis al viejo para protegerlo.So you just brought the old chap... out of the crowd for his own good, eh?
! Me trajeron aquí para salvar su vida y sacarlo!I was brought here to save this man's life and to bring him out!
! Te lo dije - me trajeron como tirador.I told you-- I was brought in as a shooter.
"Cuando me lo trajeron y lo pusieron en mis brazos el doctor me dijo deja de preocuparte , tienes suerte, no tiene el Sindrome...And when the nurse brought him in... and gave him to me... the doctor said... 'you can stop worrying'... 'you've been lucky'... 'he's not a Mongol'.
"El candidato y su tripulación de partidarios desvergonzados... trajeron su extraño acto a Wisconsin anoche... repartiendo dosis gratuitas de ácido negro a quien sacara la lengua"."The candidate, and his crew of shameless enforcers, "brought their weird act to Wisconsin, "passing out free hits of black acid to anyone who could stick out his tongue."
"... Y para que no se aburran les traeré una pequeña orquesta.""and to not bore you, I will bring forth a little orchestra."
"Y os traeré a vuestra propia tierra"."and will bring you into your own land."
# Les traeré rosas para anotar #♪ I will bring you roses by the score ♪
- Entonces la traeré aquí.Then I will bring her here.
- Los traerás...- You will bring them...
- Tú lo traerás a mí ...- You will bring him to me...
- ¿Y la traerás de vuelta?- And you will bring it back?
A cambio de la infinita sabiduría que nos traerás... te ofrecemos estos obsequios.In exchange for the infinite wisdom you will bring to us we offer you these gifts.
"'el señor le traerá hoy."'the lord will bring you today.
"Algún día, traerá el amor""someday, she will bring love"
"El próximo temporal que viene desde el norte... traerá a nuestro oídos el estruendo...""The next gale that sweeps from the north... will bring to our ears the clash... "
"El viajero traerá grandes cambios a la tierra"."The traveler will bring great change to the earth."
"Esta vez mi papá traerá la piel de nutria.""This time, my dad will bring otter's fur."
- Nosotros le traeremos alimentos.- We will bring you food.
Ahora traeremos a Aras de la Isla del Exilio.We will bring now Aras returning from exile.
Ahora traeremos al primer miembro de nuestro jurado.Now we will bring the first member of the jury.
Ahora, traeremos agua para cultivar aliento para los defensores de Madrid.Now, we will bring water to it, to raise food for the defenders of Madrid.
De dios, de lo que dicen de que no sé cómo la cruz y tú traeréis el Apocalipsis.Of god, of what they say, That somehow you and the cross will bring the apocalypse.
Entonces me traeréis vuestro antiguo líder.Then you will bring me your former leader.
Pero si resistís al noble Sultán, traeréis sobre vosotros, sobre vuestras mujeres y niños su poderosa ira.but if you resist the noble SuItan, you will bring down upon yourselves, on your wives and your children, his almighty wrath.
Pero si vuelves a las minas y si permites que Nova se convierta en el hada que debe ser, los dos traeréis una alegría inmensa al mundo.But if you return to the mines and if you allow Nova to become the fairy that she was meant to be, the two of you will bring untold joy to the world.
Tú y tus siete hermanos traeréis alegría a vosotros mismos y a todo el mundo.You and your seven brethren will bring joy to yourselves and to everyone.
"Cuando se levante, sólo tosa... y traerán el agua para lavarse la cara".When you wake up in the morning, just cough. Then they will bring water to wash your face.
"¡Eh, la teconología y la ingeniería traerán los cambios necesarios!""Technology and ingenuity will bring out all these changes."
# A mi cariño, le cantaré una canción de amor # # mi luna # # mantente brillando en junio # # tus rayos plateados traerán sueños de amor # # muy pronto estaremos abrazados #¶ To my honey I'll croon love's tune ¶ keep a-shining in June ¶ your silvery beams will bring love dreams
*Yo traigo a las chicas* *tú trae la cerveza* *y las tropas traerán la libertad** I'll bring the girls * * you bring the beer * * and the troops will bring the freedom *
- Cuando lo encuentren, lo traerán aquí.When they find it, they will bring it here. - All right.
"Creo que el joven Anakin tiene el pañal lleno de midiclorianos, R-2", dijo C-3PO mientras alimentaba al joven Jedi que traería equilibro a la fuerza..."'I think young Anakin "has a diaper full of midichlorians, R-2,' "said C-3PO as he bottle-fed space formula to the infant Jedi who would bring balance to the Force."
"Que pronto me traería"% That soon he would bring%
"traería un tarro de mayonesa medio lleno a una reunión pública?""...would bring a half-eaten jar of mayonnaise to a public meeting?"
# La profecía fue clara El viento te traería #The prophecy was clear The wind would bring you here
- Le pedí reunirme con ella porque pensé que conocer a mi hija me traería algo de paz.-I asked to meet with her, because I thought getting to know my daughter would bring me some peace.
- Acordamos que lo traerías.We agreed you would bring him.
Así nos traerías aquí.Then you would bring us here.
Dijiste que ahora que eres un brujo de nuevo traerías a Bonnie desde el otro lado.You said that now you're a witch again you would bring Bonnie back from the other side.
Dijiste que lo traerías a nosotros lado, pero estáis más separados de lo que jamás habéis estado.You said that you would bring him around to our way of thinking, but you two are farther apart than you've ever been.
Le he dicho que traeríamos agua para que la distribuya en la mezquita.l told him we would bring water down to distribute from the mosque.
Queríamos decidir cuándo, cómo y de qué forma los traeríamos para rodar espectáculo.We wanted to decide when, how, and which ways we would bring them to film entertainment.
Te vas a reír, pero soñábamos que algún día nos traeríamos una tía que nos gustara de verdad y nos lo montaríamos ahí, en medio del mar.You'll laugh, but we dreamed that someday we would bring a girl that we would really like and we would hook up there, in the middle of the sea.
- Me prometieron que la traerían - ¡Lo siento!- They promised that would bring. - Sorry!
Bien, entonces esto.. esto no es sobre fertilidad, pero la experiencia que estos hombres traerían como padres.Ok, so this-- this isn't about fertility, but the experience these men would bring as fathers.
Dijeron que traerían paz y orden, pero como nos cuenta el libro de la Furia, salieron mentiras de sus bocas.They said they would bring peace and order, but as the book of rage tells us, lies tumbled from their mouths.
Dijo que una vez que estuviéramos ahí, las propiedades regenerativas que la mantenían con vida que te mantienen con vida traerían a James de regreso.She said once we were in there the restorative properties that kept her alive, that kept you alive, would bring James back.
"'Guardia, corra y traiga a ese tipo'# "Guard, run and bring in the bloke" #
"Acoge lo desconocido y todo lo que te traiga el destino"."Accept the unknown and all that fate brings."
"Dile que traiga todas las preguntas, porque después de esto, no deseo contestar más preguntas"."Tell him to bring all further questions, because after this I do not wish to answer any more questions."
"Dígale a Paloma que me traiga el filete más jugoso de Dreamland.""Tell Paloma to bring me the juiciest steak in Dreamland."
"Espero que me traiga la licencia por la mañana."I expect you to bring me the license in the morning.
! No traigas porquerías!Don't bring your crap here!
"Ella te dice que le traigas las estrellas. "♪She tells you to bring her the stars.♪
"No traigas eso"."Do not bring that."
"No traigas una nube para que llueva sobre mi desfile""Don't bring around a cloud to rain on my parade"
# Seguro la pongamos cuando unas tetas traigamos #♪ And we'll surely be hit when we're bringing back some tits ♪
- Creo que es momento de que lo traigamos, Ángel.I think it's time we bring him into this, Angel.
- Ninguno. Sólo me alegro de que no traigamos esos chicos con arneses de nuevo a la 2da Mass.Just glad we're not bringing these harnessed kids back to the 2nd Mass.
- No traigamos nada.- Let's not bring anything.
- Lo que pasara, no quiero que traigáis esa mierda a mi casa, ¿de acuerdo?Whatever happened, I don't want you bringing that crap to my house, all right?
Anslo Garrick ha conseguido que me traigáis aquí para poder atacar estas instalaciones.Anslo Garrick got you to bring me here so that he could attack this facility.
Aquí hay cincuenta mil libras, habrá la misma cantidad cuando me lo traigáis.There's 50 grand there, there'll be the same again when you bring him to me.
Dice que la traigáis al campo de batalla y que nosotros os la quitaremos.He says bring it with you to the battlefield and we'll take it away from you.
El Sr. Deucalion... perdón, solo Deucalion... exige que traigáis a la mujer que se hace llamarMr. Deucalion... excuse me, just Deucalion... Requests you bring the woman calling herself
"Dile a los israelitas que traigan una novilla roja sin ningún defecto o imperfección que nunca haya estado bajo el yugo"."Tell the Israelites to bring a red heifer "without defect or blemish that has never been under yoke."
"No permitas a nadie que rece oraciones por mi alma, pero, papito, envía ahora mismo a alguien al seminario de Kiev, para que traigan a Thomas Bruto."Let no one say prayers for me, father, but send men at once to Kiev Seminary and tell them to bring here seminarian Khoma Brutus.
"Objetivo, el príncipe saudí, traigan sus cascos."Target, Saudi Prince, bring your helmets."
"Pero las notas no son dulces hasta que me traigan a mi amor"."But the notes are not sweet Till they bring me my love"
No tiene sentido que trajera a Hotch a la sala de emergencias.It doesn't make sense for him to have brought Hotch to the ER.
Señor ¿quién soy yo para que me trajeras a esta bella ciudad y esta hermosa casa?Lord who am I that you have brought me to this beautiful city and this beautiful house?
Sé qué visiones las trajeron aquí y me alegra que las trajeran a nuestra puerta pero ahí es donde deben dejarlas.I know what visions have brought you here, and I'm happy they've carried you to our door, but that's where you leave them.
Hubiera sido conveniente que lo trajeses de fuera.It would have been best for you to have brought one in from outside.
"Si este es mi cadáver, traed los pajaritos en cuanto se admita que dije el nombre."If this is my corpse, bring the little birds so it's admitted I said the name.
"Traed la mejor túnica y ponédsela. Poned un anillo en su mano y sandalias en sus pies, y traed un becerro bien cebado y matadlo, y comamos y alegrémonos.'Bring forth quickly the first robe and put it on him and put a ring on his hand and shoes on his feet and bring hither the fatted calf, and kill it, and let us eat and make merry.
- Y traed oro. Mucho oro.- And bring gold.
- ¡Por favor, traed medicina!Please bring medicine!
- ¡Rápido traed eso aquí!- Hurry up and bring it!
! ¿¡Qué demonios haces trayendo algo de ese tamaño! ?What the hell is he doing bringing something that size!
- Jorge, traé la camioneta.- Jorge, bring the truck.
Astorga, ¿me traés un poco de agua con limón?Astorga, can you bring some water with lemon.
! Ellos me han traído.They brought me here.
" Ahora el Sr. Dev, nos digas el nombre de la chica ..." que está trayendo la alegría en su vida?Now Mr Dev, won't you tell us the name of the girl who is bringing the joy into your life?
"Ella vendrá trayendo la primavera con ella""She will come bringing spring with her"
"Estoy trayendo beicon a casa, baby."We're bringing home the bacon, baby.
Bueno, ponelo en la tarjeta de crédito y traé nuestros almuerzos.Well, put it on the credit card and bring our lunches.
Entonces traé un porrón.Then, bring us a beer.
Naevia traé más.Naevia brings more.
Regresa pronto... y traé a mi hermano de vuelta a salvo.Come back soon. And bring my brother back safely.
Bueno, no importa. Cuando os cobres, cambiás el cheque y me traés a plata a mí.It's ok, though, Once you collect, you'll cash the checks and bring me the money,
Cualquier cosa, después me traés dos aspirinas.In any case, later you bring me two aspirin.
Mañana te traés una pollera y seguimos.Tomorrow, you bring a skirt, and we can go on.
! ¡Pero si hasta le he traído un regalo!I even brought you a nice present.
"Además de la importante repercusión en la prensa y el renovado interés de Wall Street la unión de estas dos agencias ya nos ha traído una victoria."In addition to the dynamic press reception... and renewed interest from Wall Street... the union of these two agencies has already brought us victory.
"Antes de abandonar la aeronave, por favor compruebe los alrededores de su zona de acomodo... " "Para ver si olvida alguna pertenencia personal que pueda haber traído a bordo"Before leaving the aircraft, please check around your immediate seating area for any personal belongings you might have brought on board.
"Cerca de 20 miembros de la Asociación de pastores afganos del sur habían traído sus perros para alinearlos en la ruta y había afganos de todos los colores y tamaños.MARCHING BAND PLAYS 'About 20 members of the Southern Afghan Hound Society 'had brought their dogs along to line the route 'and there were Afghans of all colours and sizes.'

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