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Herbringen (to bring) conjugation

39 examples

Conjugation of herbringen

Present tense
bringe her
I bring
bringst her
you bring
bringt her
he/she/it brings
bringen her
we bring
bringt her
you all bring
bringen her
they bring
Past preterite tense
brachte her
I brought
brachtest her
you brought
brachte her
he/she/it brought
brachten her
we brought
brachtet her
you all brought
brachten her
they brought
Future tense
werde herbringen
I will bring
wirst herbringen
you will bring
wird herbringen
he/she/it will bring
werden herbringen
we will bring
werdet herbringen
you all will bring
werden herbringen
they will bring
Past perfect tense
habe hergebracht
I have brought
hast hergebracht
you have brought
hat hergebracht
he/she/it has brought
haben hergebracht
we have brought
habt hergebracht
you all have brought
haben hergebracht
they have brought
Pluperfect tense
hatte hergebracht
I had brought
hattest hergebracht
you had brought
hatte hergebracht
he/she/it had brought
hatten hergebracht
we had brought
hattet hergebracht
you all had brought
hatten hergebracht
they had brought
Future perf.
werde hergebracht haben
I will have brought
wirst hergebracht haben
you will have brought
wird hergebracht haben
he/she/it will have brought
werden hergebracht haben
we will have brought
werdet hergebracht haben
you all will have brought
werden hergebracht haben
they will have brought
Subjunctive II preterite tense
brächte her
(so that I) would bring
brächtest her
(so that you) would bring
brächte her
(so that he/she) would bring
brächten her
(so that we) would bring
brächtet her
(so that you all) would bring
brächten her
(so that they) would bring
Subjunctive II future tense
würde herbringen
I would bring
würdest herbringen
you would bring
würde herbringen
he/she/it would bring
würden herbringen
we would bring
würdet herbringen
you all would bring
würden herbringen
they would bring
Subjunctive II future perfect tense
würde hergebracht haben
I would have brought
würdest hergebracht haben
you would have brought
würde hergebracht haben
he/she/it would have brought
würden hergebracht haben
we would have brought
würdet hergebracht haben
you all would have brought
würden hergebracht haben
they would have brought
Subjunctive I present tense
bringe her
(so that I) bring
bringest her
(so that you) bring
bringe her
(so that he/she) bring
bringen her
(so that we) bring
bringet her
(so that you all) bring
bringen her
(so that they) bring
Subjunctive I present perfect tense
habe hergebracht
(so that I) have brought
habest hergebracht
(so that you) have brought
habe hergebracht
(so that he/she) has brought
haben hergebracht
(so that we) have brought
habet hergebracht
(so that you all) have brought
haben hergebracht
(so that they) have brought
Subjunctive I future tense
werde herbringen
(so that I) will bring
werdest herbringen
(so that you) will bring
werde herbringen
(so that he/she) will bring
werden herbringen
(so that we) will bring
werdet herbringen
(so that you all) will bring
werden herbringen
(so that they) will bring
Subjunctive I pluperfect tense
hätte hergebracht
(so that I) would have brought
hättest hergebracht
(so that you) would have brought
hätte hergebracht
(so that he/she) would have brought
hätten hergebracht
(so that we) would have brought
hättet hergebracht
(so that you all) would have brought
hätten hergebracht
(so that they) would have brought
Subjunctive I future perfect tense
werde hergebracht haben
(so that I) will have brought
werdest hergebracht haben
(so that you) will have brought
werde hergebracht haben
(so that he/she) will have brought
werden hergebracht haben
(so that we) will have brought
werdet hergebracht haben
(so that you all) will have brought
werden hergebracht haben
(so that they) will have brought
Present Nebensatz tense
I bring
you bring
he/she/it brings
we bring
you all bring
they bring
Preterite past Nebensatz tense
I brought
you brought
he/she/it brought
we brought
you all brought
they brought
Present subjunctive Nebensatz tense
(so that I) bring
(so that you) bring
(so that he/she) bring
(so that we) bring
(so that you all) bring
(so that they) bring
Preterite subjunctive Nebensatz tense
(so that I) would bring
(so that you) would bring
(so that he/she) would bring
(so that we) would bring
(so that you all) would bring
(so that they) would bring
Imperative mood
bring her
bringt her

Examples of herbringen

Example in GermanTranslation in English
"Da du nicht ohne sie sein kannst, sollten wir sie herbringen!""Since you can't stay without her, we shall bring her here!"
"Ich sollte deine Schwester herbringen, damit sie dich schlägt.""I should bring your sister up here to beat you."
- Darf ich ihn herbringen?- May I bring him over to your table?
- Doch, ich weiß es noch. Das hier sind die Instrumente, die du für mich herbringen mußt.These are the instruments that I need you to bring back.
- Du solltest ihn doch nicht herbringen.- I told you not to bring that pup in here.
'Zuerst meine Liste der Forderungen. ' 1. Ich will, dass meine Dienstmarke hergebracht wird.One: I want my badge brought down here.
- Barney hat dich hergebracht.What do you mean? Barney brought you.
- Bist du derjenige, der mich hergebracht hat?Are you the one that brought me here? Affirmative.
- Der Gelbe hat uns gefangen und hergebracht.Caught by the Yellow Robe Man and brought here.
- Deshalb habe ich Sie hergebracht.- Yeah. That's why I brought you here.
Aber bevor ich meine Leute hier herbringe, will ich es genau wissen.But before l bring my people down, l want proof it's harmless.
Es war wichtig, dass ich Sie unterhalb des Radars herbringe.I apologize for last night. It was important I bring you in under the radar.
Ich dachte, indem ich dich herbringe, würde ich... aber ich habe alles zerstört!I thought by bringing you here, I would... But I have destroyed everything.
Ich habe doch versprochen, daß ich ihn herbringe.I told you that I'd bring him here. And that's what I've done.
Ihr Versprechen, dass meine Beziehung mit Charlene nicht endet, wenn ich sie herbringe.Your word that my involvement with this child Charlene will not end when I bring her here.
- Es ist an der Zeit, dass du Camille herbringst.It is time you bring Camille in.
- Wenn du so ein Mädchen herbringst...It's none of my business, but when you bring a girl like that--
Aber wenn du Kam nicht herbringst, geht Tiger ins Gefängnis.Alright, alright! But you'd better bring that criminal back with you or you'll be sharing his cell!
Elijah wird bald aufwachen, denkend, dass er seine Menschlichkeit nur retten kann, indem er sich wieder unserer Familie anschließt, weswegen es nun an der Zeit ist, dass du Cami herbringst.Elijah will wake from his slumber believing the only way to salvage his humanity is to rejoin our family, which is why it is time you bring Camile in.
Es ist echt nett, dass du sie die ganze Zeit herbringst.You're well good bringing her here all the time.
Die Mädchen, die er herbringt, haben keine Verwandten.The girls he brings into the country have no next of kin.
Erzählen Sie uns, was Sie herbringt.Tell us what brings you here.
Ich denke, dass Francine sie herbringt, um mich zu foltern.I think that Francine brings her in to torture me.
Und das ist das Flugzeug, das deine Schwester herbringt.And this is the plane that brings your sister.
- Weil ich dich herbrachte.Because I brought you here.
Also wenn sie ihn fragen, was ihn heute herbrachte, wird er Ihnen sagen: "Atemnot".So if you ask him what brought him in today, he's just gonna tell you "Shortness of breath."
Auf dem Boot, das dich beim ersten Mal herbrachte.On the boat that brought you here the first time?
Bis Ihr Stellvertreter kam und mich herbrachte.Right up until your Deputy came and brought me here.
Dann packen wir es weg, mit dem Gold, das ich herbrachte.Then it gets booked, along with this gold that I brought in.
Also hast du den Becher für den Notfall behalten, nachdem du ihn das zweite mal herbrachtest.So, after the second time you brought him in, you kept that mug just in case.
Die Sache ist, sie fing an Fragen zu stellen über die Nacht, an der du sie herbrachtest.The thing is, she started to ask about the night you brought her over.
Ehe du mein Schiff herbrachtest, gab es andere? Ja.Before you brought my ship, there were others?
Es ist eine schöne Garage, Tom, aber ich verstehe nicht, warum du mich herbrachtest.It's a lovely garage, Tom, but l still don't understand why you brought me here.
So war ich auch, als du mich das erstemal herbrachtest.So was I when you first brought me here.
- Durch die Tunnel, die uns herbrachten.- The tunnels that brought us here.
- Ich möchte mir die Leiche ansehen, die Sie heute Morgen herbrachten.I want to take a look at the body they brought in this morning. Sure.
- Ich war bewußtlos, als sie mich herbrachten.I was out cold when they brought me in.
- Ja, eine Uhr. Ich habe sie von den Leuten, die euren Sohn für Pan herbrachten.I got it from the people who brought your son here for Pan.
- Wenn ich ... die Ereignisse ändere, die dich herbrachten, wirst du nie herkommen und mich bitten, die Ereignisse zu ändern.If I... change the events that brought you here, you will never come here and ask me to change those events.

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