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Apporter (to bring) conjugation

25 examples

Conjugation of apporter

Present tense
I bring
tu apportes
you bring
il/elle/on apporte
he/she/it brings
nous apportons
we bring
vous apportez
you all bring
ils/elles apportent
they bring
Present perfect tense
j’ai apporté
I brought
tu as apporté
you brought
il/elle/on a apporté
he/she/it brought
nous avons apporté
we brought
vous avez apporté
you all brought
ils/elles ont apporté
they brought
Past impf. tense
I was bringing
tu apportais
you were bringing
il/elle/on apportait
he/she/it was bringing
nous apportions
we were bringing
vous apportiez
you all were bringing
ils/elles apportaient
they were bringing
Future tense
I will bring
tu apporteras
you will bring
il/elle/on apportera
he/she/it will bring
nous apporterons
we will bring
vous apporterez
you all will bring
ils/elles apporteront
they will bring
Past perfect tense
j’avais apporté
I had brought
tu avais apporté
you had brought
il/elle/on avait apporté
he/she/it had brought
nous avions apporté
we had brought
vous aviez apporté
you all had brought
ils/elles avaient apporté
they had brought
Past preterite tense
I brought
tu apportas
you brought
il/elle/on apporta
he/she/it brought
nous apportâmes
we brought
vous apportâtes
you all brought
ils/elles apportèrent
they brought
Past anterior tense
j’eus apporté
I had brought
tu eus apporté
you had brought
il/elle/on eut apporté
he/she/it had brought
nous eûmes apporté
we had brought
vous eûtes apporté
you all had brought
ils/elles eurent apporté
they had brought
Future perfect tense
j’aurai apporté
I will have brought
tu auras apporté
you will have brought
il/elle/on aura apporté
he/she/it will have brought
nous aurons apporté
we will have brought
vous aurez apporté
you all will have brought
ils/elles auront apporté
they will have brought
Present subjunctive tense
que j’apporte
that I bring
que tu apportes
that you bring
qu’il/elle/on apporte
that he/she/it bring
que nous apportions
that we bring
que vous apportiez
that you all bring
qu’ils/elles apportent
that they bring
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie apporté
that I have brought
que tu aies apporté
that you have brought
qu’il/elle/on ait apporté
that he/she/it have brought
que nous ayons apporté
that we have brought
que vous ayez apporté
that you all have brought
qu’ils/elles aient apporté
that they have brought
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que j’apportasse
that I would bring
que tu apportasses
that you would bring
qu’il/elle/on apportât
that he/she/it would bring
que nous apportassions
that we would bring
que vous apportassiez
that you all would bring
qu’ils/elles apportassent
that they would bring
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse apporté
that I had brought
que tu eusses apporté
that you had brought
qu’il/elle/on eût apporté
that he/she/it had brought
que nous eussions apporté
that we had brought
que vous eussiez apporté
that you all had brought
qu’ils/elles eussent apporté
that they had brought
Conditional mood
I would bring
tu apporterais
you would bring
il/elle/on apporterait
he/she/it would bring
nous apporterions
we would bring
vous apporteriez
you all would bring
ils/elles apporteraient
they would bring
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais apporté
I would have brought
tu aurais apporté
you would have brought
il/elle/on aurait apporté
he/she/it would have brought
nous aurions apporté
we would have brought
vous auriez apporté
you all would have brought
ils/elles auraient apporté
they would have brought
Imperative mood
let's bring!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie apporté
have brought
ayons apporté
let's have brought
ayez apporté
have brought

Examples of apporter

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
" Premierement vous devriez m'apporter la Toison D'or. ""you must first bring me the Golden Fleece."
"..être en mesure d'apporter une plus-value à votre société!""I feel I can bring real added-value to your company. "
"Assure-toi juste de m'apporter ce renseignement."'Just make sure you bring me that intel.'
"Car la Lune jamais ne luit "sans m'apporter chaque nuit des songes "de la jolie Annabel Lee."For the moon never beams without bringing me dreams of the beautiful Annabel Lee.
"Ce que j'avais souhaité apporter, et ce que j'ai acheté ""What l had wished to bring, and what l have bought"
" J'ai apporté les plans d'un architecte florentin...l brought the plans of a Florentine architect,
"A toi, qui nous a apporté la musique dans nos vies, nous te faisons part de la mort de nôtre fils aimé ""To those who brought music into my life, on the sad occasion of the death of their beloved son
"Bryan Trenberth, je me fiche que tu ne m'apprécies pas. "On n'a pas apporté de goûter parce que ma femme est débordée "et qu'elle a apporté un goûter la semaine dernière.Hi, Bryan Trenberth, I don't care if you like me or not... but we didn't bring a snack this week 'cause my wife is as busy as hell... and she brought a perfectly fine snack last week... and if it's not on your stupid list...
"Devinez ce que j'ai apporté !""Guess what I just brought you!" But we knew it!
"Et le premier jour du tournage, James a apporté des bandes.""Then, the first day at the studio, James brought over some bandages."
"Aucune formule ne garantit le succès, sauf peut-être une acceptation inconditionnelle de la vie et de ce qu'elle apporte.""There is no formula for success "Except perhaps an unconditional acceptance Of life and what it brings."
"Auto Tower vous apporte... la meilleure offre de voitures d'occasion."This is Auto Tower, folks, bringing you the greatest value in used cars.
"Bienvenue, Noël, apporte le bonheur"Welcome, Christmas, bring your cheer
"Cela apporte sophistication et élégance à n'importe quelle fête"."lt brings sophistication and elegance to any party."
"Cette nouvelle nous conte l'histoire d'un cow-boy photographe "qui apporte la lumière dans la vie des femmes qu'il rencontre"."This novel is about a photographer cowboy who is always bringing light into women's lives. "
"Chaque jour, apportez-lui un grand verre de lait frais"... you bring in a fresh quart of milk every day...
"Cible: Prince Saoudien, apportez vos casques."Target, Saudi Prince, bring your helmets."
"En face du lanceur, apportez la batte."You charge the pitcher, bring the bat.
"N'apportez pas de manteau.Don't bring your overcoat.
"Permettez-moi d'inVestir d'abord, et Vous, apportez l'argent.""Let me invest first, you people bring the money."
" Elle viendra apportant le ressort avec elle ""She will come bringing spring with her"
"...une naissance faisait jaillir la lumière dans obscurité, "apportant le mystère et l'espoir, l'inconnu et le désir... brûlant telle une bougie dans la nuit.".. birth sparked a little light into the gloom, bringing mystery and hope, the unknown and the longed for... burning like a candle in the night.
"Ce qui nous ramène à un an en arrière, la veille du jour de l'an," "quand tu es revenu ici, nous apportant tant d'infortune."I will take you to a time a year ago, to last New Year's Eve, when you came to this town, bringing such misfortune in your wake.
"Il monta sur son noble destrier Et détruit le vil insurgé, mettant fin à la rébellion, Et apportant la paix sur le royaume. ""And so he rode upon on his noble steed and cut down the vile insurgent, thus ending the rebellion, and bringing peace to the land."
Ainsi vint notre Sauveur, apportant la paix sur Terre.And so our Saviour came, bringing peace to all the earth.

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